My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 8


“So you take me to an amusement park two hours away?” I questioned.

“Well, it does seem like you need some fun.” He chuckled.

“Yeah, I guess so. My life is pretty sad right now.” I agreed.

“It will get better.” He promised.

“Will it?” It was a question more for myself.

Rem was right, I definitely needed some fun, and I had an amazing time with him. It really helped me feel happy again. We went on rides and played games. He even won a big pink teddy bear for me. This was the first time I have had genuine fun since I met Alec. When we got hungry he bought these huge potatoes buckets loaded with toppings. It was the first time that I felt free since I’ve been kidnapped. However, like all days, they must come to an end.

“So you know I could just escape,” I told him after we got off our last ride. I didn’t say that to ruin the mood. I only wanted to know why he trusted me enough to take me to a place like this.

“Honestly,” He paused for a moment. He turned to look at me. “I couldn’t blame you.” We walked toward the exit since the place was about to close soon.

“You know what, it’s not going to get easier. It never will be easy with Alec. But I’m going to let you make a decision. I’m going to use the bathroom.” He pointed to toward the exit.

“There is your freedom. I’m not going to be mad at your decision, not after what he did. The choice is yours.” He said and went to use the restroom.

I was astounded at his words and as I stared at the exit I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I should leave. He threatened my family, choked me, verbally hurt me at every chance he got, and he almost tried to kill me. But if I left Rem would probably get killed for letting me leave, or he could declare war on my old pack. The moon goddess paired us together for a reason, my wolf chimed in. I always wanted a mate to love and cherish. However, he didn’t love me back. I don’t know what made me stay, but no one was born a monster, they were only created. I wanted to help him in so many ways that I couldn’t. I keep thinking maybe things could be different if he had his eyesight.

My final decision was to stay. I would try and help once more because I believe everyone needs a second chance. Besides, as long as my family stayed out of this I would be fine. That would be my breaking point- if my family or pack was ever hurt.

“Your still here.” Rem said.

“Foolishly yes,” I said and we walked to the car.

When we got home I was greeted by Alice. “Here your brother has been waiting to talk to you.” She handed me my phone. “Hey,” I said into the phone and started to go upstairs.

“Leah, is this you?” I gulped in pain when I heard Blake’s voice. I missed him dearly

“Yes, it’s me,” I replied. He started bawling, “I missed you yesterday.” He said while crying.

“I know baby I’m sorry. Happy late birthday. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you.” A couple of tears flowed down my cheek.

“Are you coming home? Where are you?” He asked.

“I’m with my mate. Are mom and dad there? I need to talk to them.” I asked.

“Dad is here. Love you, Leah.” He said.

“Love you more,” I told him.

“Hello?” A gruffer voice was heard.

“Daddy!” I exclaimed excitedly.

“My baby girl! I missed you so much. Where are you? Are you hurt?” He sounded worried.

“No I’m fine, I found my mate.” I ensured him.

“Who? Why didn’t you come back to the house at least to get your things?” He asked. I ignored the first question.

“He was very persistent that I go with him. He had pack duties, and I’m sorry but I didn’t have my phone.” I tried to sound happy with my situation to ensure him I was alright. There was a long pause.

“He is an Alpha? Who is he?” He asked again. I gulped “His name is Alec Knine.” I waited for his reply.

“Are you fucking serious. Has he hurt you?” He asked. I heard a loud banging on the other line.

“I’m perfectly fine. He is not as bad as everyone says. He would never hurt his own mate.” I told him.

“I hope you are alright.” He was so insistent on my safety.

“I am. I have to go now. Alec needs me.” I lied.

“Be safe sweetheart.” He still sounded worried. That was the end of our conversation.

Alice, Rem and I had a short conversation in the living room. I handed my phone to Alice before going our separate ways. I went up to my room and quickly fell asleep because of was exhausted from today’s events.

Please! I beg of you! Please heal her.” He begged like there was no tomorrow. “You know the consequences of that.” A powerful feminine voice boomed. “I understand. Please, she has my pups. I want her to live.” He held his deathly sick mate in his arms. She was covered in so much blood, and no werewolf would survive these serious injuries, especially with her special illness.

“I’ll do anything for her. She is my life.” He pleaded.

The witch stood in the shadows emotionless. “Don’t do this...” The pregnant she-wolf tried to beg her mate, but she couldn’t say anything else as her life was slowly draining. “I know the consequences. Please!” He begged once more.

“As you wish.” The witch walk toward them.


I woke up with sweat covering my face. Trying to recall my dream, “There is a way to save him.” I said to myself.

“There’s a way to save him!” I jumped up so excitedly. Of all the people I’ve helped in my life, I can finally help my mate.

I put on summer dress clothes and was prepared to walk to Rem’s house. However, he was in the living room sleeping on the couch. “Rem.” I shook him awake.

“Yeah?” He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked at the clock.

“What do need at two in the morning.” He questioned. “When is Alec going to be home from the business trip?”

“I think in two days, why?” He was curious.

“No reason just wondering,” I said and went back up to my room.

There was an old tale and I wanted to see if it was true or not. I didn’t want to get Alec’s hopes up for nothing, so I wanted to do some research until he came back. I was planning to ask Rem, in the morning, if I could go to the library. I changed out of my dress and fell asleep in my bed.

The next morning came quick. “Rem would you be able to take me to the library,” I asked after I finished making breakfast for the both of us. Rem has not let me out of his sight since Alec has left. I assume Alec told him to watch over me.

“Of course, our library is one of the hot spots in our pack’s complex.” He beamed with pride. We both made the walk there in the warm weather. The library was huge, outside and inside, and I’m positive they had twice as many books then my old pack did.

“Can I help you look for something.” He asked as I looked throughout all the bookcases.

“Ugh. There’s no need.” I said.

“Okay well, I’ll be over by the fantasy section.” He said and left me to do my research. It took me two hours to find the book I was looking for because the library was so huge.

The tale of Selena and Marcos

It explained the tragic accident of what happened to them. Rouge’s had come on to their territory and had almost killed Selena, also she had a rare illness due to radiation. She would have died if it wasn’t for Marcos. Back in medieval times when witches needed protection from humans, they stayed in packs with werewolves. Now in days, they have moved all across the earth in little groups.

Anyway, Marcos talked to a powerful witch, and she healed his mate. Everyone says it was a fairytale, however, some witches are very powerful and can heal others. I wondered if one was powerful enough to heal or restore a sense, like eyesight. I read the book to gain more information about what happened. I put the book in the case and sat there for a while taking in all the information. I rubbed my throbbing temples. I found some surprising information that I had not expected.

“You alright?” Rem said.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I want to talk to Alice.” I said.

“Of course. She is back at the house.” He agreed and we began to walk back to the house. “Mrs. Jerry you can open the library now.” Rem said on the way out. We took the back door since I haven’t been officially introduced to the pack yet.

“Hey! Where have you guys been?” Alice greeted us excitedly as we walked through the door.

“At the library.” Rem answered. “Can I borrow my phone for a minute please?” I asked Alice.

“Of course.” She said and pulled it out of her purse. I went upstairs and turned on the phone. I dialed my mother’s number by heart and waited for her to answer. I had a couple of questions to ask her

I finished my call with my mother, and I had all the answer I needed. Now all I had to do was wait till Alec arrived so I can talk to him. I went downstairs and handed my phone back to Alice.

“Alec just called. He is on his way home. The pack investment went great.” Alice said.

“Investment for what?” I asked. “To expand the pack. One smaller pack has requested to join ours.” She explained.

I went into the kitchen to make some food. When I shut the fridge I screamed because Rem was standing there watching me. “What are you up to?” He asked.

“Don’t scare me like that! And what do you mean?” I questioned innocently.

“You’ve been acting strangely.” He said.

“Well, what is normal when you have a mate like Alec and you’re in a new pack with strange people.” My aggravation was starting to show a little.

“I didn’t mean it like that.” I apologized when I saw him looking down.

“No need. I cannot blame you. I just wish there was more I could do to help.” He tried to smile.

“I’m making food.” We both cheered up at the mention of food.

Later that day Alec had arrived. I saved him some Papanasi, a famous Romanian dish. I figured that is how I would start my conversation with him. I let him have an hour to himself before I went upstairs to find him. He was taking a shower in his room. I had the food in my hands and waited on his bed for him to come out. Hopefully, this plan wouldn’t backfire.

“What do you want?” He asked when he first came out with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I eyed his torso, not only was his muscular abdomen visible but some more the scars on his chest and arms.

“I made you food, and I want to talk with you,” I explained. He sat near to me on his bed. Perhaps the closest he has gotten to me with hurting me.

“Here.” I handed him the warm plate with food on it.

“I also wanted to make it very clear to you that I am sorry for what I said when I told you that you were blind and couldn’t see. That wasn’t me because I was angry at the time.” I apologized again thinking that would be a good way to start the conversation. Even though I feel like I should not be the one apologizing I figured that would at least make him happy.

“What if I told you I could help you get your eyesight back,” I told him.

He laughed, “That’s not possible.” He said.

“It can be. You know the tale of Selena and Marcos right?” I continued with our conversation.

“No.” He was getting aggravated talking.

“Hey, just listen to be okay.” I pleaded, “Some witches can heal people. Okay, and I know a witch that could possibly help you get your eyesight back.” It was really quiet for a while. He finished eating his food and sat there.

“I’ll let you think about it for a while okay.” I went to leave.

“Wait.” He said and I paused. “Where are the witches then?” He asked.

“It’s a long trip,” I said.

“But where?” He asked again.

“We would have to go to Mount Everest,” I said. “That’s not that bad.” He was thinking about it. I smiled thinking there was hope for him. I only wanted his happiness.


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