My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 18: Age Sixteen

"So, you think you are the one calling the shots around here, hmm? You think you have some kind of say in things?!" Elmir paced back and forth without taking those dull, watery pale, blue eyes away from Lyra. There was no mistaking the high level of rage burning within them. "Allow me to educate that little useless brain of yours by teaching you to never disobey me, or those I invite into my home, ever again.” Elmir speaks with a voice oozing raw malice.

"P-pleas-e...I.I-m s-sor-ry..."

"You better be for wasting time on things you already know. MY TIME! Makes me wonder if you secretly like being punished since you keep on repeating yourself." Taking a fist full of her hair he continues with a sneer. "Let's find out exactly how much shall we."


Without warning his fist connects with her stomach repeatedly before releasing the grip on her hair. Shoving her down on the floor he starts kicking instead on punching, savoring every scream, pleading, whimper and tears that comes from her.

"Moan for me." he says straddling her with a predatory gleam in his eyes. Roughly he begins to remove her clothes then positions himself with force between her legs. Quickly unbuttoning his pants, he pulls them down and aligns himself at her entrance and slams balls deep into her. Grabbing hold of her wrists he holds her in place while ramming her in a fast pace.

"Damn you are nice and tight. Makes me wonder how fucking your ass would feel like."

Weak, hurting and afraid she lies still underneath him hating every moment of it. Her body screams out in pain with each violent thrust making her moan out loudly. To her utter despair he takes it as a sign of pleasure.

"Such a good little whore." He grunts out in satisfaction. "Time to try that ass now.”

Feeling pure panic kick in from those words she bites his arm and uses what little strength she can muster in order to get away. Boosted with adrenaline she slaps him in the face hard, leaving scratch marks behind.

"FUCKING CUNT!" EImir roars more pissed than ever. "You will forever regret doing that.”

For the first time since Lyra got here, one year ago, she truly fears for her life. Seeing his jaw muscles twitch in agitation only fuels that fear. Wanting some distance, she tries to move further backwards but end up being held firmly in place.

"I'll fucking show you marks, bitch!"

Gripping her hair once again he drags her from the living room, through a long hallway, passing their bedroom, then stopping outside a door she never entered before. Unlocking the door, he more or less throws her inside. The room is windowless with a dark red wall-to-wall carpet. Wallpapers the same shade of red as the carpet. On one of four walls she notices several different kinds of whips, paddles, ropes and cuffs hanging on full display in a neat row side by side by side. On the opposite wall stands a saint Andrews cross with several leather

bindings attached to it and next to that a rather large dresser. In the middle stands a fourOposter bed complete with metal rings in each pole. Two different kinds of cages are placed on

the wall right across the door. Big hooks, in pairs, are placed in the ceiling right above the bed. Upon seeing this room Lyra wishes she never saw this room

"Shall we continue where we left off."

Going over to the saint Andrew's cross Elmir ties her up, backside towards him and eyes facing the wall. There are three bindings for each arm, one around her waist and three for each leg. "Welcome to your own personal hell. Please do enjoy yourself. I know I will." he whispers in her ear slamming his cock inside her anal. "Fuck!" he moans out pounding feverishly.

Lyra screams out loudly due to the sudden intrusion and pain, nearly choking on her own tears. Blood drips down her legs from the violation. Soon he lets out loud moan like grunts as he shoots his load with a few more sloppy thrusts. Feeling him walk away she tries her best to get her breathing under control before passing out.

"Scream for me whore."

A swooshing sound is all she manages to register before an excruciating pain hits her lower back.

"Such beautiful sound, let's create more."

Lash after lash lands on her entire back side. Tears streaming down freely and her screams echoes around the room drowning out the whipping sound. This, she never could have imagined, not even in her wildest nightmares.

"Count" He demands harshly.




"Will you look at that haha, the whore knows her numbers.”

He continues to hand out lashes until she feels on the verge of fainting. Body numb and hurting at the same time.


"Think I got a little too carried away there but oh well." Sounding all too happy about it he drops the whip to the floor. “Hope you feel educated enough.”

Blood and sweat coats her now trembling body. There is not one part free from pain. Her eyes all blood shot and swollen from crying. Throat sore and hoarse after screaming. Lyra sags down on the floor after being unstrapped.

"Time to see the doctor for a little patch up.”

Elmir lifts her up without even caring if he hurts her or not and carries Lyra towards their bedroom where he uncaringly drops her down on the bed and proceeds to get dressed before making a call to his friend who also happens to be a doctor. Lyra has met the doctor before and knows Elmir will use her body as a payment after being treated. She wonders how high the price will be this time.

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