My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 17: Vampires

Vampires requires blood in order to stay alive but can also eat regular food as well. Contrary to human beliefs food is also a source of nourishment but not nearly enough and seen more as junk food. Without eating human food, a vampire would need to drink at least ones or twice a day to sustain a healthy body. With food it's enough to drink every two to three days. Newly turned need to drink regularly in the beginning and can't eat human food at all. Staying off blood causes one to look sickly pale, cold and the body slowly shuts down until finally going into a hibernating state. Humans was once the main source of food but over time some started to search for alternative ways of getting blood. From there “vegetarians’ were born, meaning they only drink the blood from an animal. Naturally that was frowned upon by some and seen as unnatural, disgusting and shameful. Vampires are a proud race reeking of beauty, old money and power. From that covens were started. Jaze continues to explain that when the blood bag came, many rich covens started their own donor facilities. Some humans actually volunteered to donate after accidentally stumbling upon the truth. Those get the title Pet and are often looked after by the coven owning the facility. There are humans out there owned by specific vampires as well and they only answers to their master until the day they die or in rare case gets turned. Only purebloods can create others as they see fit since they are seen as Originals and after them comes the nobility who can choose to create two without asking for permission from an Original. All vampires need to be registered so a maker needs to be present during a turning who later reports it higher up. Lower ranks never turn another person or has any real voice in a clan and is often seen as slaves but treated well. Mostly. Childbirths are rare but occurs. During his 500 years he has come across two naturally born vampires at two different occasions. One was born from two Originals mating, accidental pregnancy but loved none the less, and the other came from a human mating while being turned.

Sun doesn't turn one into a pile of ashes like humans often writes in books. It can make the skin sore or even get slightly red and temporarily agitated if exposed for a long period of time. Water does nothing whether it be ordinary drinking water or blessed. Garlic is often avoided due to its strong smell but often seen as some sort of repellent vampire's fear greatly. In that way humans really are dumb. A turned person goes through some physical changes such as more prominent facial and body structure with perfect skin. Eye and hair colors intensifies but doesn't flash red when hungry or angry. Vampires are a lot like sirens, both pray on others and uses their looks to get what they want. Simple way to explain why all vampires have good looks. Enhanced strength, speed and agility is very much true. Also, better eyesight, hearing and sense of smell too. With age comes more power but a vampire can never exceed the strength of their maker.

Going full out vampire means changing form into what humans refers to as demons, that's why books and movies often describes vampires as descendant of Satan himself, which is very wrong. Lucifer is a fallen angel and is far from evil. Fallen or not he's still an angel who has his own kingdom after not agreeing with some of the rules decided in heaven and therefore got banned. In vampire form one can have wings, horns and tail or just one of them. There are some who gets scale like skin or even hooves. Sharper, longer, teeth. This is also the only time the eyes changes colors, not necessarily, but often. The very lucky ones get to keep most of their human beauty but with demonic traits that only makes them even more exotic and of course highly sought after. They are what vampires call true descendants to Lucifer who is also our king.

"So, Lucifer is real?” Lyra breathes out in astonishment.

"Indeed, he is and some say he is beyond perfect appearance wise with beautiful wings to match. Fair ruler with the heart at the right place.”

"Thank you for sharing.”

"Only for you."

"How do you drink?"

"During feeding we use fangs to penetrate the skin and artery then suck the blood out gently. Same principal when drinking from a bag.”

"Can I see?” she asks excitedly.

"My my, aren't you a brave little mouse today." Jaze teases with a laugh, happy she’s not afraid of him despite after everything she's heard. Placing Lyra so she's straddling him Jaze holds his arms loosely around her. Hands locked together on her lower back. Curling his upper lip as if hissing he elongates his fangs to their full length which reaches close to his lower lip. He could hear her gasp in surprise but not fear.

"Can I touch them?"

Nodding Jaze remains still only watching her as she leans closer, hands gently cupping his cheeks as she tilts his head to get a better angle. Slowly she uses her pointy finger to carefully stroke one of the fangs causing him to shiver.

"Did I hurt you?" she asks withdrawing her finger as if burned.

"Not used to anyone touching them and they are sensitive.”

"I find them to be amazing and beautiful. Does it hurt to be bitten?"

"Wanna find out?” wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

To his utter surprise she nods her head in a yes kind if way with wide, sparkling, eyes. She sits completely still in his lap without shying under his gaze. He was only playing around when asking and never thought it would end up with her wanting it. "Are you sure?"


Nodding he leans closer nuzzling her throat and at the same time make her tilt to the side for easier access to drink. Finding the preferred spot, he slowly sinks into her soft skin and into the rich vein. Boy, does she taste good. Not sugary sweet, fruitier and lighter yet has a rich aroma. Not wanting to take too much he removes his fangs after only two or three small swallows and licks the puncture wounds to stop the bleeding and speed up the healing process.

"Amazing..." she whispers in awe. " I only felt a slight pinch and then a soft humming. How is that possible?”

Even Jaze was puzzled by that. Sure, he was gentle but even then, she should have felt more. Retracting his fangs, he decides to ask Lydoran about it later.

"Can I ask you one last question?"

Nodding he gestures for her to ask away.

"Who is your maker?"

This time a huge Cheshire grin spreads on his face. "Lydoran.”

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