My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 30

"Careful, Thompson" Craig said and I nodded slightly, then buckling the seat-belt and I placed my hands on the steering wheel that was covered in leather.

I took a deep breath, and drove up to the starting line, where I saw Blake pull up besides me and a smirk grew on his face "Game on, Thompson"! He called over. People chanted the countdown and I turned my attention towards the road, and focused ahead and thought about the road, I had to take.

"1! GO!"

I slammed my foot on the gas pedal and took off and I kept my hand on the gear stick as, I changed gears to automatic, and I quickly switched on my pedals.

Blake and I took the lead and we were right beside each other as we came into town, and I looked over and he looked at me with a glare.

I turned back to the road and clutched the steering wheel and put my head back against the seat and straightened up, and the guys started talking through the radio communicator thing. "Rain! He's right behind you! Watch it"! Reece exclaimed and I quickly changed gears and pressed around on buttons, and pulled ahead of Blake.

It was dark out and there were street lights to keep the roads lit. I saw that we were headed towards the city and my eyes grew wide.

The City....

I sped through the streets as I tried not to look over at Blake and I tapped my index finger on the steering wheel and kept a foot down on the gas, and I ran through a red light.

Cars cleared the road, so they wouldn't get hit and I kept my eyes fixated on ahead.

I sped down the highway and Blake pulled ahead of me and my eyes narrowed.

Think Rain! Think!

I then switched my gears and hit a bunch of buttons on the system and revved the engine, then taking off as I passed cars.

I looked back and saw there were no other people to be seen racing, and they were to far back. I turned back to the road.

I sped up and my foot was full-force on the pedal, and I drove in and out of lanes and through cars, that were just driving casually.

I came to Blake and he looked over me with a shocked look through his window and I smirked, and he turned back to the road and shifted in his seat.

We were driving right beside each other and speeding way past the speeding limit.

We were almost through the whole track, and almost back to the meeting place.

I heard a noise, I did not want to hear.....

Cop Sirens.

I sighed and placed my head back-up against the seat and continued to drive.

Great! Now what am I suppose to do?!

Blake didn't seem phased by it and continued to drive. I bit my lip and tensed up, and I looked in my rear-view mirror to see the cops still chasing us and their sirens and lights were going off. I sped down the highway, and Blake was right beside me.

"Goddammit!" I muttered and I continued to glance at my rear-view mirrors to see the cops right behind me.

"Good-luck, Sweetheart"! Blake called over to me, and I glared at him and he took off.

"Game on, Monroe. Game on" I said and changed my gears and switched pedals and stepped on accelerator.

If you want to know how to piss cops off....Well this is how.

I picked my phone up and quickly called Craig, and he answered.

"I have cops chasing me" I said and he muttered curse words under his breath.

"Okay, who are you by"? He asked with a it of frustration in his voice. "Blake is ahead of me" I answered.

"Get close by, and pull ahead of him. Just get back here, NOW"! He ordered, and I hung up then throwing my phone on the passenger seat and stepping on the gas full-force.

I was probable doing triple the speed limit, and trying to get the cops to stop flagging me down, which wasn't working.

I saw the yellow Lamborghini ahead, and I sped up to Blake.

I clasped my hands around the steering-wheel and sat up straight and took a deep breath, as what I was about too.

I pulled ahead of Blake and then made sure cars were not in the area, or I'd be sued 25 times....

I slammed on my breaks, and dead-stopped in the middle of the highway; causing the cops and Blake to stomp on their breaks.

"I'm gonna be in so much trouble" I mumbled to myself then grabbing the steering wheel tightly and drifting in a circle around the cops and Blake.

The tires shrieked against the road and left black tracks, and the rubber burned off the tires.

I drifted in a circle around them, then taking off and speeding down the highway, and away from the cops.

I came back and I lost Blake behind me and the cops; which was good...maybe.

People cleared the way and hollered and cheered. I parked and swung my legs out and climbed out through the window.

Ryker grabbed my by my one wrist and pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly "You scared the shit out of me".

I took in his scent of peppermint and cologne, and hugged him back and he ran his fingers through my hair.

I pulled out of Ryker's grip, and Craig clenched his jaw "Where's Blake"?

"I don't know...I lost him, when I was on route 22" I shrugged, and then I heard a cop car come in and Blake and all the other cars follow in behind.

I sighed and people scattered out and ran out of the place and got into there cars a drove away.

"Great" Neil muttered and rolled his eyes.

The cop got out and shut his door and he looked up and my eyes widened.

"Rain Eliza, what the hell do you think you're doing"!? He yelled.

They all gave me confused looks, and I swallowed hard "Um.....Uncle Kian...".

My Uncle Kian is my dad's brother, and is a cop too. I don't see him much, because we don't get along well.

"Your Uncle"!? Peter exclaimed in a whisper.

Blake was standing behind him with his arms crossed and a cocky smirk tugging at his lips that stretched across his face. "Let's go, you're going downtown" He ordered and pointed to the cop car.

"But I wasn't the only one street racing"! I defended and he sent me a warning look "Don't make me call your father".

I groaned, and Ryker whispered in my ear "Just go, will go down to get you out". I nodded slightly and pecked his lips then walking over and my Uncle opened the door and I got in then he slammed it shut, and got in.

I sat on the bench of the holding cell and the green florescent light that was flickering on the ceiling.

The cement gray floors were dirty, and the brick white walls were smudged with all types of materials; that I don't even want to know what they are.

I waited for my dad to come down, because my Uncle called him and I don't even want to see how mad he's going to be.

They banned the gang from coming down because they're not my 'guardian', and I'm stuck a jail 3 a.m.....

I let out a sigh and pressed my lips in a thin line, and was bored out of my mind.

How does Ryker do this?! I'd get so bored in Jail...

My Uncle Kian came up and he put a key in the lock and started to fidget with it. I stood up and walked towards the bars.

"You're father is here" He said with no emotion in his voice and he unlocked the lock and I walked out, and ran a hand under my hair.

There was sure to be bags under my eyes, and I looked like a mess and have gotten hit by a truck that was carrying 30,000 pounds of bananas.

I walked down the hall of the jail; and since I'm 18 now, they could have trialed or charged me as an adult.

I walked to the waiting room; where parents usually wait in anger as their hearts break from their precious little angle not getting into a law-school and getting into a jail cell instead.

I bit my lip and fidgeted with my fingers as I was nervous, on how my dad was going to act, and I knew it wasn't going to be good.

"Let's go" He gritted, and I blinked slowly and tensed up. I followed him out of the jail center and we got in one of his many cars.

I stayed silent and he was silent too, but I could see he was mad by the way he gripped the steering wheel and his knuckles started to turn pale white and his jaw was clenched.

"Look Dad, I'm-" I started and he snapped "Do you know how humiliating that is?! To have your daughter arrested for Drag racing when your the sheriff"!

I pressed my lips together in a thin line, and closed my eyes shut for a second then re-opening them and staring out the window.

"That was fucking out of line! You need to stop this bitchy attitude you have going on, or I'm sending you to an all-girls private school!"

I have 2 months of school left...

"I'm done Rain! I'm done!" He yelled and slammed his hands onto the steering wheel "I'm so fucking done with you! You're a little bitchy brat accident that wasn't suppose to happen! Your mother should have taken you"!

My heart shattered at those words, and he came to a red-light. "No wonder mom left you! You're an asshole and I'm ashamed to call you my 'father!"

He slapped me with full-force across my face and my cheek stung, and my head banged against the window and I banged it hard enough for it to start to bleed.

We were still at the red-light in the middle of a 4 way street and there were no cars on the road, and street lights were the only thing giving the dark sky light.

I un-buckled my seat-belt and opened the door and got out of he car. I slammed the door shut and my dad yelled "Rain! Rain Eliza get your ass back in this car, immediately"!

I ignored him and walked down the sidewalk and shivered from the cold air, and I tried to hold back the tears that had been forming in my eyes, and ignore the permanent pang in my chest.

"Rain! Rain!" He yelled as he drove slowly on the road beside me, and I stopped and looked at him and snapped "Just fucking leave me alone! I hate you, I hate you so much!"

"You little bitch" He gritted. We were in a poor-neighborhood and there were townhouses right beside each other and graffiti everywhere.

I saw a metal baseball bat standing up against the porch of the one house and I grabbed it, and my dad's eyes went dark "Don't you even fucking try"!

I raised the bat and swung it right into the windows and the glass all shattered everywhere, and I dropped the bat and realized what I just did...

I felt my head still bleeding and my face still stung in pain, and his eyes went dark as he looked at me and he looked madder then ever.

I quickly took off and ran down the streets and started turning down streets as he got back in the car and tried to chase me.

I ran as fast my feet could carry me, and I swallowed hard and I saw my breath form in the cold air, and goosebumps were covering my skin.

I ran till I was out of breath, and even when I was out of breath I still ran.

"Ryker! Ryker! Ryker!" I begged as I pounded on the door repeatably, and kept looking back to make sure my dad didn't follow me into the building.

I ran probably about 6 miles for full-speed as my dad chased me.

"Ryker"! I yelled and the door opened moments later to Reece and his eyes widened and he yelled "Ryker!"

Reece quickly pulled me into the apartment without any questions and shut the door and locked it. He then ran to Ryker's room and I stood there uncomfortably. Moments later Ryker and Reece came back out, and Ryker eye's widened and you could tell that he knew what happened "No" he said as if he didn't believe it.

He walked up to me and examined over my face "Rain..." He sighed, and Faith and Zoe came out.

Faith's eyes widened and she gasped as Zoe gave a very concerned look for me.

"Reece call the police" Ryker ordered in anger, as he searched for something and I stopped Reece "No, don't call".

"Reece, call!" Ryker yelled, and I grabbed his hand and stopped him "Ryk...please..." I pleaded.

"Rain! I'm not going to have you just get hit by your dad all the time!" He exclaimed in anger, and I sighed "Ryker..if the police find out they'll put me in some foster home, and I don't want to do that.." Ryker tensed up and he looked between me and Reece and Reece nodded slightly which obviously coded something.

"Fine" Ryker muttered, making me sigh in relief at his words.

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