My Alpha Within Book 1

Chapter Ch 16 Understanding My Choices

Kim's POV

This whole series of events has me dumbfounded, I never thought I would meet Max's sister and her mate within 30 mins of each other. Even though I already met him at the pack meeting it's still kinda crazy to think about, life moves fast. Don't be to slow to catch it.

"We need to talk," Max spoke after a while.

"I'll meet you in the room" I responded to him suddenly now alert. He brought me out of my head, now I wanted to know how he felt about this situation. This was a lot fast, and I needed to know how he was coping.

We walked inside his room, I never been inside his room now that I think about it. I mean it's only been a week yet it feels like I've been here in this pack, In his life for about a year at least.

It could be from the imprint but I don't care. I could be with him from now till the end of time, our lives holds no age. It didn't matter we would grow old together. I sit on his bed and pat the space beside me.

"I want to know, what should we do if one of us doesn't want to go thru with this" he said with confidence as if it wasn't bothering him while not sitting down, ultimately irritating me.

"I-I don't know what you expect, even though this is new. I don't plan on leaving or not accepting the imprint." I said quietly, I didn't expect him to call me out as soon as we get to talking.

"I have no reason to, I been waiting for you my whole life Papa." I whisper like spoke, hoping he didn't hear that last part.

"What do you mean Angel?" He asked, while pushing my face up with one finger so we could make eye contact slowly.

"Waiting your whole life, I'm clearly not that important you just met me." He chuckles, "If anything this is more like a job relationship than a real one. Don't you wanna be here just because you're up next for Luna ?"

"WHAT?" I started to get loud, "Did you say, the reason I'm here, In your house is because I wanna be Luna?"

"Yes why else would you be here, YOU don't even know me!" He said mock angry, I don't know why but he was starting to push me away.

" I know your so used to these gold digging, superficial women but I'm here for you. No what you can do for me or what level In the pack you could take me to."

"You must be smoking dope if you think I'm here for All of that, regardless on how your speaking to me and trying to make me feel, my wolf told me to give yours a chance asshole."

"I think that's only fair, I don't care about what petty squabbles you have within your pack-OUR pack. The moral of the story is your wolf needs me and mine as bad as you do, you shouldn't play down your feelings because they feel forced."

"I've waiting all this time to meet you, yeah your an asshole, kinda misogynistic, superficial etc

But you know why I stay?" I finally yell out now out of breath,

"I stay because if I don't I'll always say what if"

He stayed quiet for a while, I assumed coming up with a dumb ass rebuttal saying why I should leave and Etc. He tried to speak.

"I thi-"

"If you think I'm leaving I'm not, your gonna have to reject me, SIMPLE" I said cutting him off.

"Swift and clean if you want me gone, you gotta cut the head off swift and clean, Like some livestock."

Oh moon goddess he muttered, under his breath while chuckling, I could tell I was winning this argument and that's something I like to do.


"What I'm trying to say is, don't let the bond force you to stay when you don't even really want to stay foreal"

"Don't speak for me, I said what I said. So do what you will with the information" I said still kinda irritated on how's he acting.

Going about with this big ass hissy fit, he keep insinuating that I don't know him and I don't want him. Is it because he doesn't want me ? Whatever I'm not leaving and that's final.

"You win my love, but can we talk about my sister now" he questioned now serous, more than he was a second ago when talking about our relationship or future relationship so to speak.

"Sure," I said patting down for him to finally sit down beside me, after he sits he speaks with confidence.

"She's trying to save herself, she's doing the exact same thing I was trying to do." He explained,

"So what are you saying, she's doing this on purpose because she doesn't want to feel forced?" I asked now wondering why would she not try whatsoever. It was dumb on her end.

"Yes , she's choosing not to mate, till she feels like he can be a suitable mate. It could be from the Alpha blood, makes her do and act a certain way"

"Oh like how it does to you ?" I said while giggling, trying ti make light of the situation. He was trying to do the same to me.

"Yeah yeah so funny, it makes us act irrationally sometimes. It's like a pride thing, our wolfs are just built different. I guess you can say entitled" he said while chuckling slightly, he seemed embarrassed by being so honest with Me. I liked it.

"So what's the best way to make this work, I don't want her to keep on going on the road of giving up." I told him starting to feel for the whole pack, as a Luna I have to care about every member at all times, If not why did i deserve the job.

"We have to talk to my dad, Together once she wakes up. We need to clear this problem we have within the family, then she can clear it up with her mate."

"The next Błood moon is the perfect time to mate, with that much power in he air even if she refused her wolf would overtake her body and make the choice for her." I gave him a look of horror,

"They can mark each other now though if they choose to, so basically the longer you procrastinate about your choice without making one truly, pushes your wolf into a corner and they make the choice for you." He said sounding like he knew it was all up to the wolfs now.

Honestly though all I could think about was how was she Going to make a choice, she started to reject him but I'm not a dummy. If she doesn't formally reject him it won't count just make her hurt more than she needs to about it.

We need to save Maxine, for the packs sake or for Max it doesn't matter they need us..............


T with the double upload again 🤣

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