
Chapter 9. All Hail

The mansion is quiet enough to hear the beating of my heart, and the beating of another’s as well. Libra. He’s the last person I expected to be waiting for me, but he’s the first, and only person I see when I walk again.

He tells me everyone else’s out, looking for me. I laugh in his busted and bruised face. Clutching my side, slapping the wall laughter, genuine laughter and he looks at me like I’ve lost it. Maybe I have, you fight a Trilan, move to another world and find out your some long lost morphing queen and tell me how you do.

“So my long lost love didn’t even spare the time to look for me? If I was lost to begin with, I would be heartbroken.” I spit at him, my voice filled with malice.

“Don’t call me-” I cut off his growl with more laughter.

“Don’t worry love, I don’t want a violent, irrational, fool for a boyfriend, or a friend.” I smile sarcastically at him. “I made enough of those in the animation forest today. You know, they’re about yay high, voiceless, cute as button. I walked in and they were just chatting up a storm that only I could hear, poor things were just waiting for their queen!” His eyes go wide as golf balls, I love the sight.

Completely stunned that I know this, he stands before me without words. “Its okay really, I forgive you all for lying to me. Of course it wasn’t important to tell me I’m queen to an entire species, or two.”

“Its not like that, Gemini only wanted to protect you. I agreed with him that way, knowing who you are will get dangerous.” His voice is calm and I hate it. I want to be yelled at and jumped on, I want the Libra who tried to yank all my hair from my scull with no remorse. Misery needs company, well so does anger.

“Oh so now you can care about something that’s not yourself? I swear you people are out of your minds, especially if you all think, I’ll continue staying here without knowing anything.” I pace the floor, shaking my head.

“You people? We are species of this world and so are you, you’re one of us.” He says, my laughter is through the roof now. I can’t breath.

“One of you? If lying, pretending and killing to solve problems is part of being, ‘one of you’ I’m fine with being a ‘human minded morpher’. I will never, be one of you.”

His eyes gleam with that anger I’m so familiar with. “If selfishness, is part of it, I don’t want it.” I spit. A low growl escapes him, its like music to my ears.

“Mind your tongue love, I planned to apologize.”

“Sad that you think I’d want to hear an apology, you sadistic, idiotic, selfish-”

He pins me to the wall and I’m glad he acted so soon, I had ran out of insults. His hands burn my wrists as he stares at me, his face scratched and cut. “Do you want your tongue? You speak as if its no value to you love” He threatens, his face only inches from mine.

I don’t speak, my comeback has escaped me, he’s too close and his breath has became in sync with mine. “Get off me.” I need to be able to think straight. Even with his gorgeous face littered with deformities I caused, its still gorgeous.

His hands tighten around my wrists, slamming them against the wall. “I thought you liked to play rough.” He growls, slamming my hands again when I try and push his off. “Not so tough now?”

“Get. Off. Me.” I say lowly.

“Fight me love, get out of my hold if you can and stomp me like earlier. I wanted to kill you all the more after, because I loved to see you so angry. It drove me ma-

I push again, harder this time, very hard and he goes flying back, a smirk on his face. “If I can’t kill you it would at least be fun to try.” Libra hops over the sofa, walking toward me as I walk toward him. I want to slap him, slap him and feel my anger leave me but the door slings open and in walks Gemini, the lying General behind him.

“I told you stay away from her.” He snaps to his brother.

“You told me stay and wait for her, I did. Now, to the good stuff shall we.” Libra claps his hands together. “All hail, Queen Serenity, of the Morphers and keeper of the Animations.” Gemini and Aisha’s eyes nearly pop out of their sockets, I smirk up at Libra, silently thanking him for sputtering his thoughts so carelessly, just this once.

Gemini laughs nervously. “Now that we’ve got our morpher back, General, you can guard her tonight until I figure something out.” He says, and I laugh, for what seems like the millionth time today.

“Oh god.” I gasp, wiping the sides of my eyes dramatically. “What makes you think I don’t have plan? I don’t want a sneaky, backstabbing little butterfly to stay with me half the night. I’d rather sleep with the devil himself.” I say, motioning to Libra.

Aisha gasps. “No, I did no such thing I-”

“You couldn’t tell me, its dangerous, I’m a queen, you are all liars, you are all manipulators, yada yada yada!” I yell, everyone visibly flinches. “As I said, the devil himself, and if he kills me in my sleep, so be it.”

I turn and grab Libra’s wrist harshly. He chuckles to himself as I stomp down the halls with him dragging behind me. “Easy love, you won’t got to bed with me just yet, or ever for that matter.”

“Goodbye.” I mutter, pushing him away in disgust. He shrugs as we part ways. Half way to my room tiny voices hit my ears soothing my every stress.

“Goodnight your Majesty.” They say.

“Goodnight everyone.”


Each and every hit Aisha takes at me I dodge, my anger is through the roof so my defense is on point. Her blade makes no contact with my skin as I flip away, something I’m getting good at. She strikes again, and again, I dodge her.

“Good, use your anger it does well.” She praises, her brow sweating. I ignore her praises, flipping forward and pointing my blade to her chest, she freezes. Most likely contemplating what to do next. I pull the blade from her chest and point it to her chest instead, she smiles at my success, little does she know, I’d slice her open right here right now without a hint of remorse.

Anger, anger like I’ve never known has been clawing at me for days now and where it has came from is beyond me. It tempts me, as the blade runs across her pale skin, I’m tempted to poke and drop just a drop if blood.

I zone out, her voice pulls me from the darkness trying to take over my mind. “Serenity.” She says, its the third time shes said it but the first time I’ve acknowledged her. I retract the blade. “That’s enough for today.” Aisha said, wiping her sweat coated face.

Though I don’t want to stop, I do, I leave the room and make way to the living room. This anger is becoming unbearable, sooner or later I’ll need an outlet, and hopefully the animations will help delay that.

Libra is there, he’s standing next to the couch and his eyes rake over my body before landing on my face. “Your no leaving.” He says plainly. I scowl at him, walking straight past him and commanding the door to open once I’m at it.

It swings open, the light floods into the room and Libra jumps to my side as if to challenge me. “I said, your not leaving.” He repeats.

“What is this then?” I ask, stepping out of the house. He follows behind me as I march to the place I last saw the animations, when I see they aren’t there I huff in annoyance.

“Looking for someone love? If you are leaving I’m coming with.”

I ignore the pest once more, calling for Delaware. In an instant a ball of light appears, Libra cowards away. He covers his eyes and winces in pain, the light doesn’t hurt me, after seeing it the first time it comes as nothing to me. He mutters curses under his breath, yelling at me to dim the light.

I’m very confused, until I realize that he can’t look into the light, knowing not what to do, I call out to Delaware to dim it, and he does. I walk through, and Libra follows me, his eyes still half closed.

He opens them once we get inside, and the light turns into the forest. Animations fill every corner, they rejoice and bow when they see me. Abby runs up to me, I have a bond with her that is indescribable. I just feel closer to her, she was the first one I named.

“Hello your highness, didn’t expect to see you today.” She smiles brightly, fixing her hat.

“Hello Abby, how are you today?” I stoop down to her level, and pat her head, returning her smile.

“Great, the book club gathered today. And you?”

“I could be better.” I answer truthfully, standing back up to examine Libra. He looks around in pure disgust, moving every time an animation passes by him. He looks at them like them their the grime of this world. I full on laugh when he examines Jared carefully as he speaks to him.

“Are you, okay with this?” He asks quietly.

“With what dark lord?” Jared asks in a tiny and confused voice.

“With all these nauseating colors.” Libra’s face twists as he looks over the forest. “This is disgusting.”

I can’t help the laugh that erupts from me, the look of pure shock on Jared’s face as he looks around the forest, shaking his head rapidly. “So its true about Depths then, your souls are dead? That’s why you hate these gorgeous colors?” He asks.

Libra scoffs. “I hate them because they are gross.” He defends himself. I watch in amusement.

“Our queen loves the colors.” Jared says proudly. “She says their exquisite, and her soul isn’t dark, so why would she bring a dead soul with her?” The animation questions, his tiny brows furrowing. I giggle, trying to hold it in with my hand as someone else speaks to me and I speak back.

“There’s just something about my dark soul.” Libra smirks, stooping down and tapping Jared’s head. Jared smiles, and skips away looking to be in deep thought.

Libra catches my stare and holds it, walking toward me. “Eavesdropper?” His lips quirk up.

“At times.” I shrug, my mood lifted. “Your horrible.” I push his arm and we walk to Delaware.

“Your majesty.” He bows.

“Keeper.” I smile, he looks satisfied at the nickname I’ve given him.

“I only told the little fellow the truth, these colors are-”

My hand clamps over his mouth as a group of animations pass by. “Let me show you what I see in the colors.” I smile.

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