
Chapter 8. Light

The light grows brighter the closer I get, its almost like a depth but the opposite of it. Like if a depth was light. I’m drawn to it, like some kind of magnetic pull, even when I try to command my mind to turn back around, to stop its curiosity, it can not.

I need to see what’s inside the light, to just touch it and if I can do just that then I’ll turn around. Its so bright now that I’m right in front of it that it hurts my eyes. But I can’t look away.

The voice does not speak but I swear I hear something loud as day in my mind. Mumbling, talking, like an entire room of people. My hand, that’s what I put in the light first, it tingles giving me a warm and fuzzy feeling. Something touches my hand I leap to retract it, only to find that I can not.

The mumbles grow louder, making their way up to coherent words. “The sixtieth rein has begun.” I hear, its the only words I can make out as the curious part of my mind waddles my entire body subconsciously into the light.

Every voice that was incoherent bursts into my head, my eyes squeeze shut as I slap my hands over my ears. It does no good, the voices are in my head and clawing at my ears are only leaving me with a stinging pain on the sides of my face.

I can’t make out one good sentence as all the voices mix together creating a mucus like none other. I open my eyes only to be blinded by the light that has since multiplied, I shut them again. Tapping, no banging on the sides of my head in attempt to shut out the voices as they bicker and banter about god knows what, some even seem to be having a debate.

“Shut up! Shut up!” I yell, still hitting my head.

“The queen, its the queen!” That sentence, that voice, is the only one that actually hits my ears, and it results in gasps and and loads of questions from the others, and there are a lot of others from what I can hear. “Bow!” The same voice commands. “Dim the light for the queen! Shut your traps as she demanded!” That’s the last thing I hear before my head goes silent and I can no longer see the brightness of the light through my closed eyelids.

I open my eyes slowly, astounded by what I see.

Its beautiful, there is flowers of every shape and color everywhere. Sticks crunch under my feet, even the sticks are astonishing, there the prettiest chocolate color. The scenery is nothing compared to the sight seen when I look up.

At least one hundred dwarf like creatures kneel before me in a circle formation. Each one has their head down, they are all one one knee and not one makes a sound. “Where am I?” I ask, looking around, drinking in the deep green of the trees, trees that cover what I’m guessing is the sky, the bright red flowers that flow off them, and the fruit that litter the ground, mixing with many other things. Birds fly over head, bright blue birds, they make no sound as they begin to swarm around me.

One, only one of the dwarf creatures raise their heads. He’s beautiful as well, a head full of dark hair flowing from his bright blue hat and bright blue eyes to match it, a smooth face that holds a huge smile almost bigger than himself. “I am Delaware, my queen.” He bows. “Ruler of the Animations, we have awaited you for a long while.” Each, animation stands now.

They are all beautiful, all with dark hair and bright eyes that match their hats, and all with a humble smile. “You have found the Animation forest your highness, you have found the light.” He continues, answering my question but leaving me more confused then I started out as.

“I’m no ones queen.” It sounds like more of a question as my feet begin to jello under me. “I’m Serenity, just, Serenity.” I say it slowly as if to embed it into their tiny brains.

“Excuse my words my queen, but you are very mistaken, you are Queen Serenity of the Morphers and Animations.” Delaware’s voice is the only one that rings through the forest as all the others stay quiet. I wish they were all speaking at once again, all creating a cloud of voices, so that the strong sense of nothingness I feel now would be no more.

How to feel, that’s something I don’t know at the moment. I don’t know how to feel or how I should feel as I take in this new information, as I replay the animation’s words over and over. The queen, the queen of the morphers and these tiny beautiful creatures. But surely this one must have it all wrong, surely he must have the entire thing wrong. “Close you mouth your highness, many flutters are here and would just love to fly into it.”

My mouth closes but my thoughts are still open. “Um, this queen? Is she suppose to be from this world or?” Its the only question I can form, if he says no then I can tell him he’s wrong and get out of here.

He laughs, the others try to stifle there’s in and i can tell by the redness of their faces. “You,” he starts, further reminding me I am this, queen, “have not been hear for half a rein. But of course you are of this world.” He explains.

“Why aren’t the others talking?” I ask, ignoring his confirmation, I have so many questions my brain is five more questions away from an overload.

“They follow their queen, only she can give them their voice.” He says, stepping away so that I can examine the others. They smile up at me, each face equally as beautiful as the next, the voices. Only one touched my ears and now I see that it was the voice of Delaware, the ruler, the others were chatting up a storm in my head.

I guess the confusion shows on my face, because their ruler continues to explain. “Since you commanded us hush up I’m sure you heard the lot in your head, only you can hear them. Only you can give them their r=true voice for others to hear.”

“How do I do that?” Suddenly I have craving to hear their actual voice, like a void I’ve never payed attention to before beginning to be filled.

“All you have to do, is call them by name. You may think you don’t know their names, but you do. They don’t even know their names yet, only you.”

Over a hundred creatures, I’d have to give over a hundred creatures names that I’m positive I don’t even know. Sounds like the easiest thing to be asked of me since I got here. “Create a line.” I command them, gulping nervously.

On an instant the circle turns into a line. I call the first one to come forth, she does. Her hat is violet and her eyes as well. She’s plump and a dress made of flowers covers her small body. “Hello.” I giggle, she’s cute.

“Your highness.” Her voice rings in my head as she smiles at me. “It is very nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you as well Abby.” I say. The name comes out like it was there all along and her smile brightens more so.

“Thank you your highness.” Abby bows, this time however, her voice hits my ears. My smile is as bright as hers I’m sure, she goes to the back of the line and the next animation comes forth, he’s thin with a green hat and piercing green eyes.

His name was Daniel, and then came Wannel, Sarah, Julie, Julian, Fargo, and so on and so forth for what felt like hours. As each animation’s smile brightened and their voices came out as I named them all, a piece of the void got filled.

Now they all chatter around me, the noise is bearable now, nice even. Abby places a crown she made herself atop my head, she is quite the designer. The crown is made from the creamy brown sticks that cover the ground, and a gorgeous flower found in in one of the many bushes in the forest.

“Our queen has found us.” She says in her sweet velvety voice.

“Our queen has found us.” The others say in unison, they all kneel before me, in that same circle formation they were in when I first entered. Delaware walks and kneels directly in front of me.

I pat his head, he’s the only one without a hat, only a head full of long bright hair. He seems out of place actually, the only one with light hair. A hat appears as I finish patting his head, its mixed with many colors, and I feel his smile. “You have completed us all your highness.” He says.

“You all have completed me.” I respond truthfully. They have filled a void I didn’t know I had until horrid chatter filled my head, horrid chatter that soon turned lovely.

For what seems like hours more, I play and learn new things in the animation forest. It isn’t until I yawn that I realize I need to leave, in the mansion they’re probably worried about where their precious morpher has gone. My thoughts go south yet again, they are all a lie, they lied to me about who I am.

But they are the only solid thing in this world at the moment, so I need to go back, go back and figure this all out.

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