
Chapter 28. Tested

No one gets up and Emilia finds pleasure in this, I however spite it. That’s not how this is suppose to go, she doesn’t gt to have my rein and hers too all because she’s heartbroken. But maybe this is for the best, I never really wanted to be queen anyways, I never had a choice and now she’s giving me one. In a way she’s saving me, helping me, she’s giving me another option when that’s all I ever wanted.

I push these thoughts from my head, no, all I ever wanted was a mothers love. She never gave me that, she never cared about me all she cares about it ruling and she won’t get that. “Stand up.” I command them all, they don’t move a muscle at the sound of my voice and Emilia seems amused. “This is the sixtieth rein, welcome like Emilia said but this is not the rein of Emilia. She is not queen here.” Finally they look up and Emilia scowls at them in disapproval.

“You all know our plan, this is my rein, our rein.” They bow their heads again and I see I’ll need backup.

“Delaware, here.” A ball of light appears and out walks Delaware, his eyes widen in shock and horror when he sees Emilia.

“My queen, what is this?” He asks, his gasping.

“Hello Delaware, you look well.” Emilia says, Delaware begins gasping more and I realize he’s gasping for breath.

“Queen, two can not rule.” He gasps more. “I can’t be here, call me off.” It seems that he’s suffocating and I snap him away on an instant, confused more so.

“Child, you know nothing. The Delaware can not breath the air of two queens, since I never handed my crown over I’m still queen. Awesome right?”

“You will hand it over.” Libra’s voice stands out from the crowd, it makes me uneasy, it makes me angry. “Reins are meant to be passed on, you can’t hold on to one. And your not more powerful than Serenity in any aspects. Your only a dusty fifty-ninth rein queen clinging to the hopes of a lost love-”

“Silence!” Anger blazes in her eyes and Libra smirks, I put my feelings aside and instead let him go one seeing a trick up his sleeves.

“You can not command me you pathetic woman, I am not of your species. You can’t rule this world only these bimbos,” he motions to the litter of at least one hundred morphers who kneel before her, “who do you think will welcome you here, or anywhere? Your daughter doesn’t want you, your a liar. Her father left you, your not good enough.” I see the anger swirling in her eyes, brewing like a windstorm and her hand begins to shake. “Did you hear me Millie?” Libra chuckles. “I said, your not good-”

She launches herself at him but he pushes her away with ease, she falls to the ground with a loud thud, her dress rumbling under her, every morpher stands to their feet and face Libra. “I’m not a threat idiots.” He smirks. “You know what that means.” He bends over and gives Emilia a push, sending her to land on her face. Analexania giggles again, clapping and exclaiming how ‘great the show is’.

“Blaze, burn her.” Libra’s voice is ice and his command final, I’ve never seen Blaze before, I don’t think he’s of the depth lands so I’m sure he doesn’t have to listen to Libra’s commands so he looks to me for assurance and I think it over slightly before nodding. I’ll stop him if it gets too out of hand, I don’t want her dead just want to teach her a lesson. Blaze speeds to her and wastes no time to let fire flow from his throat and onto her face. She screams and moves around. “General call the Capren we need to leave here, Satchel chant up something that’ll hold these morphers.” The leader in Libra comes out as he gives demands.

After a few seconds of letting Blaze burn my mothers face to a crisp I yell for him to stop. “Satchel, detain her first.” I yell to him. He says nothing, he’s already chanting and has his full attention on the other morphers, they can’t do anything so they do nothing, just sit there as a cage forms around them.

“He can’t do both love, they have power overloads too.” Libra calls. I ignore the pet name and focus on the task needed, if he can’t do both how can we get rid of this bat. “I know its risky but she’s a threat to your kingdom, you have to detain her.” Threat, she’s a threat. If I detain her however, I’ll set free another corner, is the thrown really worth it?

“You pitiful girl!′ She winces, trying to stand despite the burns covering her face. “I’m more powerful than you will ever be.” Her eyes focus on Libra and in seconds he starts screaming and clawing at his eyes. His scream is one of pure agony and when his palms lift from his eyes I see his depths trying to unattach themselves, she’s trying to remove his depths. “These are no use are they darling?” Emilia says trying to smirk but failing miserably due to burns around her mouth. “I mastered the skill of being able to morph anything, threat or not. See you are no match.” Libra continues to scream as his depths become 3D, as they leave his eye sockets.

“Stop it!” I yell. “Stop this now!” Emilia only laughs, she doesn’t let up, an arrow comes flying at her back and though it pierces her skin she doesn’t stop. She simply turns toward Aisha and with a twist of her hand, snaps her neck. “I also can multi-task, must I go on?” Libra falls to the ground and puts his head down as he claws at his eyes.

“Aisha.” I whisper, I want to run to her but I can’t, Libra’s eyes are about to be pulled from his scull. I pull all the anger I have off the shelf, and with it fire floats in mid air. Analexania watches with gleaming and excited eyes and I realize this was her goal all along, she wanted me to set another one of her siblings free and knew what was in the cave, knew that the contents of the cave would force me into it. Satchel rushes over to Aisha and begins chanting, I’m worried for him as well because Libra said he can have a power overload as well and he has already opened an ancient cave and trapped about one hundred morphers in the past three hours.

I hold my hand in the air and feel all my anger being released as I morph the fire, mold it into a cage and drop it over my mother. It’s a long shot because I’m not sure if this will stop her magic, but it does and I’m happy for it. Libra continues to scream as Emilia gasps in shock, his depths are still stuck out and he’s showing how unbearable the pain is. “Oh my god, corners.” Emilia says, and immediately after she begins banging on the cage of fire but gives up once she sees it does no good.

I let a corner free, I let an unknown threat out and I trapped my mother while doing so, and Aisha lies dead on the ground but none of this matters as Libra’s pained screams continue to hit my ears. Analexania leaves with a slight trail of smoke trailing behind her now that she’s satisfied. I rush to Libra’s side, forgetting how he betrayed me, forgetting how much it hurt- still hurts only able to focus on how bad it hurts to see him in pain instead.

“I need you to calm down okay? Look at me.” I tell him softly, Blaze stands next to me looking own at him worriedly, I wave him away silently asking for a moment alone with Libra and he makes way to Aisha instead.

A loud grunt escapes his lips. “And here I though I loved pain.” He tries to joke but fails as another loud yell roars from him.

“Look at me Libra I wont ask again.” I demand lightly, he raises his head up as much as he can and stares up at me with the black orbs that poke out of his head. “How do I fix this?”

“Push them back in, ahhh.” His voice is even pained. “Please, push them in.”

I lay my hand over his eyes. “I’ve got you, don’t move.” He shakes his head, whimpering and groaning, I push at his eyes and he screams loudly. “I’ve got you.” I say again, pushing again, and again.

“Love.” He groans. “This hurts like bloody hell-” His words are silenced as I push again, a scream louder than any he’s let out so far crackles through the air with a shaky sigh following idly behind it. I take my hand off his eyes and bring it to his chin, tilting it up to meet my gaze. The depths I’m so familiar with are only present for a few seconds before bright green eyes stare back at me and I’m captivated by them. I see him swallow and I drop my hand from his chin. “Thank you, Serenity.” I furrow my brows before throwing my arms around him and hugging him tightly, despite the betrayal he just scared me a lot. He hugs me back, sighing.

“I can’t bring her back.” Satchel calls. “She’s gone.” We push away from each other at his words, both standing up and running over to Aisha. I kneel to her level and feel her neck for a pulse, there is none.

A lone tear rolls down my cheek as I battle with myself to end the monster that is my mother right now. Aisha and I had a friendship that went south but I still cared for her, she was still one of the only friends and one of the first friends I made at the manor. Its my fault that she’s dead, its my fault if I hadn’t have been born, if I hadn’t have come here. A sob escapes my lips, “I thought we couldn’t-”

“Kill?” Emilia finishes my sentence with mock empathy. “My naive Serenity, we can do anything.” She cackles and I have the urge to rip her apart. “Let these people go and join me, together we can rule all of Ecladias.”

“You psycho.” I spit. “Everyone load up, we’re leaving.” My command is final and Satchel and Blaze pick Aisha’s lifeless body up and carry her to the Capren.

I pass my mother’s cage right up, she belongs there, she’s an animal. The morphers look up at me with curious eyes when I stop at their cage. “You all are in the wrong rein.” I say coldly. “Emilia has no power here whether she handed some crown down or not, either you understand that I am your queen, or you stay here and die with this evil that sits in that cage.”

“We can’t betray our queen, she holds the crown.” One says, its the girl I first felt for a pulse.

“I am the queen of morphers, the sixtieth rein belongs to me. I’ll have you all cloaked until I come back tomorrow, either you bow to me, you bow to no one, or you stay here until you die. Bowing to Emilia is not an option.” I don’t recognize my own voice as I bark around options, but I’m fed up. Fed up with the lies, the betrayal, betrayal from my own mother before I even met her. Betrayal from my father, from whatever Libra is.

The betrayal doesn’t stop for me, I’m all I have and I can’t betray myself. Blaze told me right, falling is only my leadership being tested, I have to get up. I will get up.

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