
Chapter 27. A Strangers Womb

People, plenty people of all color and sizes litter the floor each on there own little section and they appear to be sleeping except one. Her section is in the middle of the cave, she sits on a thrown and her eyes flutter open revealing crystal blue middles. She looks around for a few seconds before realization visibly settles within her.

Though they have all had to be here since half a hundred years ago or more, they all have steady breathes and this one is up from her thrown showing that she is very well alive. “Finally.” She mutters, her voice smooth like velvet but raspy like it hasn’t been used and I’m sure it hasn’t.

Analexania has a wide grin on her face as she floats in the air, circling the woman. “Queen.” She says, confusing me and everyone else as well. “How was your slumber?” The woman’s eyes snap up to take in Analexania.

“Who are you?” She asks. “You look familiar.” I’m just noticing it but Analexania does look familiar, other than her resemblance to Daelortoze she looks like I’ve seen her somewhere before, way before I got to Ecladias.

“Why I’m you maker darling, and I have just set you free.” Analexania boats, taking all the credit but I don’t object as my eyes rapidly scan all the people lying on the floor in a sleeping like state.

“Oh my.” The woman says, causing my attention to turn to her to see what she’s so shocked about, she should be asking how she’s been alive all this time. Satchel looks at her with wide eyes and realization as she looks at me with the same.

“Who are you? Why are all these people here?” I walk to one of them, a girl, I stoop down and check her pulse and its steady, they are alive.

“Darling.” Her voice shakes and I turn to her again to see her blue eyes welling up with tears. “Its been an half a rein, you are grown up now.”

“Are you crazy?” My anger threatens to bubble back up and I don’t know why, there’s just something about this place.

“Serenity you do well not to speak to me that way.” My name sounds foreign coming from her mouth, I stand and look her up and down, from her crown to her heels and back to her face.

“How do you know my name?” I back away a little and she only smirks.

“A woman would know the name of her only child, I did name you after all.” I start to shake at her words and at this point I don’t know what kind of anger this even is.

“Yes, your crazy.” I stumble back only to have Libra balance me off with his hands. “Libra she’s crazy, there’s nothing we need here lets just wake the people and leave.” A loud laugh escapes her and Analexania does that sickening giggle along with her.

“Queen Emilia.” Satchel mutters in disbelief. “You preserved yourself in this cave, and every morpher as well. This takes chanting that no pixel can do.” He looks around at the many bodies that litter the floor and I let his words sink in. This woman, is Emilia, and the prize possession is the entire morpher species, my species. Aisha gasps at this new information and I have to stop myself from doing the same, this is where all the morphers went, my entire kingdom is in this cave.

“Yes, it was a brilliant idea was it not?” Emilia replies. “Can everyone leave for a second, I’d like to speak to my daughter.” I back away even more so now my back is touching Libra’s chest. She’s crazy, I keep repeating that over and over in my head to override her words and it must be true, she has to be crazy to preserve herself and an entire species in a cave for half a century. Satchel said she was nuts, so that’s all, she’s nuts and doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

“Emilia?” I try the name out on my tongue. “If you can just tell us how to wake all these people, we can be on our way really.” I grip Libra’s hand like my life depends on it.

“Calm down love, you need to be calm.” He whispers in my ear and he’s right, if I get too worked up I can set free a small little creature who can do god knows what to Ecladias.

“Serenity Ann Jenifer Watson, I am the reason you are breathing.” She spits my full name with ease and I wish I could back up more, I wish I could turn the volume down so that I wouldn’t have to hear this nonsense. Analexania seems to be enjoying it as she floats with a smirk on her face. “Show some respect, now everyone give us a moment of privacy.” Her voice is harsher now, not soft like it was at first.

“Go you pathetic souls, its mother daughter time.” Analexania demands. “We’ll give you both twenty minutes, how’s that queen?” Her voice beams with excitement as I shake my head.

“That’s splendid.” Emilia says blankly.

“She’s a liar.” I shake my head more and turn abruptly, throwing my face in Libra’s chest. “Take me home, please.” I wrap my arms around him and he returns my gesture, rubbing my head before letting out a deep sigh.

“You need to talk to her Serenity.” I know he means every word because he says my real name, and I push him away confused.

“Why would I? I don’t know her she is a liar!” I speak of her in third person and anger flows through my veins like blood, the fire is begging to be let out. Libra’s face twists, like he’s having a mental battle with himself but when Aisha speaks his face turns red from pure anger.

“She’s not a liar your highness, everything she says of you is true.” Aisha simply says. “Someone had to tell you, you’ve already ended our friendship so it may as well b me.”

“Are you mad?!” Libra snaps at Aisha, Emilia only laughs at the scene before her. “General that was not your place.”

“As her support system it was your place, with all respect my lord.” Aisha’s voice never wavers and I look between the two, Emilia speaks again.

“I am queen, and you are my heir silly child.” Her voice booms through the cave and I know what she’s going to say before she says it. “How can you be my heir, if you are not my child? Do you actually think the dreadful human your father picked up from a trash stop is your mother? I, am your mother, don’t be so stupid.” Her voice is laced with disgust and anger and I can’t deny her words to be true.

Its odd, I’ve never thought of it that way, I’ve never questioned how I can be queen of the morphers when I come from Earth. If only I would have questioned it, I would have added this all up myself, I can’t be queen without my mother or father being ruler first and I mentally curse myself for not realizing it. All the times people of the manor have stuttered or changed the subject in my presence when the topic of Emilia or the topic of my mother were discussed make since now, all the times they sugar coated things concerning her or just flat out tried not to talk about her make since and most of all, “the story a womb never told” is out in the open.

This is the story a womb never told, I didn’t come from the womb I thought I came from, I didn’t come from the addict that I took care of on many occasions. The woman I would cover up while ignoring the fact that I was cold and my father knew this entire time, Aisha knew, Libra knew, I back away from Libra now, not wanting to be anywhere near him. Yes, I was stupid for not adding it up sooner but I was just stuck in the moments I had no time to think it through, Libra has always been honest with me I expected more from him, I expected him to take me out of the dark and be my light.

His eyes grow wide with terror as I back away, stumbling but this time I hit the floor- pushing him away when he reaches for me. His touch isn’t comforting anymore, it burns with betrayal now and I can’t stand it for even a second. “You need to stay away from me.” I shake my head once more, as if to rid myself of this horrid reality. Emilia tells Libra how pathetic he is and Analexania agrees with her, all the while I just sit there on the floor in a mess I call life.

Soon, two arms wrap around me, stopping my shaking. “Sometimes its hard.” Blaze’s breath fans my face as he speaks, I want to hug him back but I can’t, I’m in shock. “And anyone can be queen, but to be a good queen you have to get up when its hard.” He pets my head and that warmth spreads through me so now at least the cold winds do nothing to me as I sit there. “When you fall, those are the times your leadership is being tested, I haven’t known you for long but from what I’ve seen so far you’re a great ruler.” His words soothe me in a way but anger fights with that soothing feeling. Anger wants to take over, and I want to let it.

“Show everyone that you can lead, stand up gorgeous.” He stands with me in his arms and I hug him tighter than ever before letting go. Its a silent thank you and as he smiles faintly I see he acknowledges it, he does’t know how much I needed that. Satchel is at my side in seconds, and I fall into his embrace as well. I’m hesitant because at this point I don’t know who are what to trust, I can’t even trust my own father but I need this.

“I’ve seen you at work Serenity, this won’t stop you.” He says, and I believe him. “You are a true queen, and queens have personal problems too this is just one of those. I can’t help but blame myself for this- but you can overcome this.”

“Its not your fault, I helped.” I shake my head, letting him go. “I got this.” I lie, I feel it, anger, and I love it, I don’t have this at all.

“Emilia, come with me outside.” I walk past Libra with my nose turned up, I can’t fathom to look him in the eye and I don’t bother to see if she’s following me as the click of her heels confirm it.

“What do you want from me?” I get to the point immediately. She chuckles looking at me with a face that asks if I’m serious, and I’m beyond serious.

“Nothing. You set me free and I thank you but I will not beg you to accept me as your mother.” Her voice is cold as ice and her face as well. “You look so much like him, its disgusting.“A tear so light that I almost miss it rolls down her cheek.

“Why did you have yourself preserved? How?” Questions, questions and more questions it seems my brain is only good for them now.

“Honey with all disrespect that does not concern you, I’m the mother here.” I hear a hint of myself in her tone and nearly gag, I don’t want to be anything like a woman who would abandon her child to save herself.

“You abandoned me, how can you call yourself my mother?” Anger, it replaces my calm state again.

“Abandoned you?” She laughs in disbelief. “Your father abandoned me for some ratchet human!” Her voice is loud now and laced with hatred, and I know the human is the woman I thought was my mother. “But that’s my fault isn’t it? That’s a mistake I made, by being with a human. By falling for one of the disgusting creatures, he tore my soul in two and you came out the spitting image of him.” I see her flinch slightly on the topic and I see its a painful one for her, I see that its why she is the way she is. “A human, an addict, he chose over me.” Her voice is pained and her eyes as well, I have an urge to comfort her as there is this explainable bond between her, me and this woman I’ve never met.

“Love doesn’t always go how we plan, but does that mean we have to sacrifice our children?” She looks stunned by my words. “I was a child, innocent, raising a grown woman who took my innocence away from me and I saw her in my nightmares for half my life. I longed for her approval, her appreciation, her acknowledgement I longed for her love like she owed it to me because I though she was my mother. And now I see she didn’t owe me anything.” Anger, its wavering on and off like a flickering light switch and I’m afraid soon I won’t be able to stop the bulb from igniting.

Emilia goes to speak but I cut her off, stepping toward her daringly. “And you can fix your mouth to say you were abandoned? I never had a mother, you can wake from the dead as many times that is convenient for you but you are nothing to me.”

“Girl you will not speak to me this way.” Her voice shakes.

“How about I don’t talk to you at all? You should be dead anyways, it wouldn’t be a big deal to pretend.” Breath, breath an the roar inside you will calm, you have to breath and focus on breathing. “Wake all my people, and as I said, I’ll be on my way.”

Emilia cackles a loud laugh. “Your people?” She shakes her head laughing again. “Serenity darling your not too bright, must be your fathers side. You see, I preserved them, they are my people, from my rein, and I plan to make this my rein as well.”

“Are you nuts?” Yes, she is. “This rein belongs to me, you can’t just have my rein. Wake them.”

“They are already awake honey, at my beck and call because I offered them life past our rein. And yes I can just take this rein.” With that she walks away, as plenty of people begin to swarm out of the cave like flies. They look around in confusion only stopping when their eyes settle on Emilia, they bow to her and she smirks in satisfaction.“Subjects, welcome to the sixtieth rein.”

They down’t get off their knees as they bow to their queen, the others come out soon after with wide eyes and Analexania of course has the biggest of smirks on her face.

Daelortoze was right, I wasn’t ready for the contents of the cave. The thought of my real mother being inside with our entire species ready to steal my rein from me never crossed my mind. How could something so bizarre even happen? I'm coming to see that even pigs can fly in Ecladias.

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