Moonlit Fur Chronicles: Torn Fur

Chapter 6 Rebellion

Two identical forms with bright red hair emerged from the woods. I knew they were wolves by their distinct scent. Casey stepped in front of River instinctively just as I stepped in front of Quinn. The newcomers were a guy and girl, twins. “Sorry to intrude,” the guy said. “I am Ellis and this is my twin sister Kai.” The girl waved meekly. “We want to apologize for our part in Chad’s display. We have hoped for an opportunity like this for a while now.” I growled, “What opportunity? Speak plainly!” Kai spoke this time, “We hate Chad. As you saw, he is a terrible person and even worse leader. He tortures people for fun. He is the biggest and strongest werewolf. He has killed or maimed everyone who opposes him. We lost our best friend to his anger. We want him stopped!” “I want him dead,” Ellis interjected. Kai gave Ellis a serious look, “No we don’t” Casey raised an eyebrow, “And what is it that you think we can do to help?” Ellis and Kai stepped closer so they wouldn’t have to be so loud, “We aren’t the only ones in the pack sick of Chad. I can get two others to join your pack. The eight of us should be strong enough to run off Chad and his brown-nosers.” I narrowed my eyes, “What makes you think we are a pack?” Kai’s voice raised in pitch, “We are the scouts of the pack. Whenever our pack gets close to another pack, we are sent to discern their threat level.”

“You have taken care of each other, especially a stranger.” “Quinn is not a stranger, she’s my friend!” I hissed. I could almost feel the warmth emanating from Quinn behind me. “Yes, of course. The point is that you take care of each other. That’s what we want. We want to be part of your pack.” Casey scratched his head, “I hate to break it to you, but we aren’t exactly a pack. We kind of stumbled upon each other. I mean we don’t know who would even lead. Two of us are new wolves, still figuring it out.” The twins’ faces grew frowns. “Please,” whispered Kai, “We need to get away from Chad. We will do anything.” River implored Casey with her eyes. “Why can’t you just disappear, leave the pack?” Kai dropped her eyes to the ground and Ellis answered softly, “That’s what happened to our friend. He left but Chad tracked him down and killed him for his ‘treachery’.” River gripped Casey’s arm tightly. She seemed to sympathize with the twins. Casey sighed heavily. “Quinn, Reese, what say you?” I could feel a deep rumbling in Quinn’s chest. “Fuck Chad!” She spat.

I looked at the twins, then at River and Casey. I turned around and looked Quinn in her eyes. She was seething with anger, transforming to a wolf would be a breeze for her. My heart did a flip-flop when I looked at her beautiful face. I felt lightheaded, I reached down and took her hand, “Fuck Chad.” The twins looked as if the weight of the world had been lifted from their shoulders. “We will go talk to the others. When Chad comes for your answer this time tomorrow, we will leave him and join you.” They melted into the trees.

Quinn looked at me, and I looked at her, “Just couldn’t wait to hold my hand huh?” I blushed so hard and tried to drop her hand. “Not a chance. You’re too cute to let go.” I thought I would die of embarrassment but loved every second. “You two make a cute couple,” River remarked and Casey flashed his signature charming smile. “How long have you known?” I whispered to Quinn. “Oh it wasn’t hard to figure out. The way you blushed so red when I asked you who you had a crush on. And how fast you ran out of there.” I couldn’t stop grinning, I must’ve looked so dumb.

Casey clapped and rubbed their hands together, “We have lots to do if we are going to help Ellis and Kai. River if you would please take the gear back to camp. Quinn and Reese, We will find a quiet place and talk about wolf lore.” I held the blanket up for Quinn’s privacy as she slipped in her sweat suit. I was so tempted to let my eyes drink in her beauty, but somehow I managed to refrain. We followed Casey and they began to paint a word picture of wolves and forests. They told us about the ability to shift, diets, safety, the necessity to leave no trace so the humans wouldn’t catch on to our existence. They spoke about the advantages, disadvantages, and pack social structure. It was definitely a lot to take in, Quinn seemed to absorb it pretty well, especially since her whole life had been turned upside down. Casey told us how they had been in a pack before they went out on their own, met and educated River and soon after fell in love with her. Quinn, held my hand the entire time, gave my hand a flirty squeeze. I squeezed back and smiled. A dream developed in my mind, a place where we could go and live in peace, plant gardens and live off the land. I wondered if I could ever make it a reality.

It was an hour or two before sundown. River had rejoined us at some point during the day, I was too focused on Quinn and Casey to notice exactly when. All four of us started the long trek back to school. As the sun sank behind the trees and hills, the sky became a gorgeous pink and orange hue. We stop briefly to drink in the beauty of nature. I breathed deeply, the woodsy scents tantalized my nose. Quinn, she smelled like home. I was surprisingly happy in the short and sacred moment. I wished it could last forever.

We finally reached the campus and the four of us separated to our different dorms. As soon as Quinn and I were in our room, she closed the door behind us, pushed me firmly against the door. Before I could move, she gently pressed her lips on mine. I melted at her touch, my breath caught in my throat. A soft moan escaped me. Quinn pulled back and looked at me, she smiled. I was light headed and out of breath. “Wow’” I managed. She giggled. That was my first real kiss and it was absolutely perfect. “Come on,” Quinn whispered. I nodded. She took my hand and led me to her bed.

The sun had already risen and the birds were singing happily in the trees. I sighed contentedly and snuggled closer to Quinn. She was still asleep, her arms tightened around me. It was everything I ever dreamed, everything I had hoped for, but even better. I was happy for the first time in a long while. Quinn’s eyes slowly and lazily opened, “Hey Beautiful,” her voice was soft and deep from sleep. I felt my heart beat quicken. “Hi,” I breathed softly. “You sleep okay?” Quinn nodded happily. I made a move to get up. “Nope! You get to stay here with me!” Quinn whispered. I smiled, “Coffee?” I asked her. Quinn groaned softly, “Coffee later, cuddles now.” Her grip on me tightened ever so softly and gently. I couldn’t help but smile. It was so perfect and amazing. Quinn’s body pressed against mine felt so right, so complete. “Reese,” she whispered in my ear. Oh I so enjoyed my name on her lips. “Did yesterday really happen? Am I a werewolf?” There was a slight tremor in her voice. I felt bad for her, she never asked for this. It was forced on her. I was angry it happened to her. I felt bad for myself. It was a terrible thing that happened to us. I took a deep breath before saying anything. “Yes, it’s true. And it messed everything up.” I rotated myself so I could look at her.

“Yesterday brought you to me. Before yesterday I felt so alone. Now I have you. I’m….I’m actually happy. I haven’t been happy in soo painfully long.” I could feel a tear forming in my eye. “You. Last night. Everything is so nice. It’s perfect.” I felt my words tumbling out all over each other. I felt like I wasn’t saying it properly. Quinn gently pressed her lips into mine. Instantly all doubts were gone. It was just her and me, everything was right. I kissed her harder. She moaned and tightened her arms around me. Then the worst thing happened, there was a knock on our door.

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