Moonlit Fur Chronicles: Torn Fur

Chapter 5 New Allies and Enemies

I slipped back into my clothes. I opened my phone, Sloan complained of boredom. I told him to do his homework, he called me a nerd. Casey and River returned. They sat on the ground in front of the rock I was resting on. Casey put their hands together deep in thought, River leaned gently against them. “Reese, what did you feel that night when we met?” I hugged my knees tighter, “I knew I had to protect Sloan at all costs. I couldn’t let him get hurt.” Casey listened intently. “I was not going to let you hurt him. I realize now you weren’t a threat, but then and there, I didn’t know what you might do.” Casey thought for a moment before speaking, “It’s clear you are a protector, a guardian. You care deeply for the ones you are close with and you will defend them with your life.” Casey took a deep breath, “If I understand correctly, that was the first time and only time you shifted on your own terms.” I nodded in agreement. “So you clearly have the ability to shift at will, it’s simply a matter of finding your trigger.” The wolf inside me perked up a little, it was excited at the prospect of being let out more often.

Suddenly a terrible scream pierced the silence of the woods. Casey and River jumped up and raced off in the direction of the scream. I quickly followed. The scream cut off and I could hear a woman sobbing. I could smell fresh blood, my wolf was awake and very hungry. We sprinted hard but it felt like hours. My heart sank as I skidded to a stop at the scene. Quinn writhed in pain on the ground, a bite was taken out of her side. There was so much blood, Quinn was crying. I could feel my blood start to boil. My inner wolf was about to go on a rampage. I vaguely heard Casey shouting for me to help them. River was trying to staunch the flow of blood. There was a loud buzz in my ears. Quinn’s body shook violently and twisted. Her spine arched awkwardly and her hands clawed at the ground. I had a flashback to when I experienced this very thing.

Quinn’s body erupted into fur and fangs. She was a new wolf. I felt my wolf slamming against my rib cage. It was going to escape! I barely had a chance to slip out of my shorts and top before I turned into a wolf. Casey and River held onto Quinn in an attempt to keep her away from people. Quinn was too fast and too strong. She bolted deep into the woods. I let loose a howl and raced after her. She stopped and whipped her head around to look at me. I could see recognition in her eyes. How her wolf recognized my wolf was anyone’s guess. The recognition in her eye was brief. Quinn ran off into the woods and I sped after her. I could hear children’s shouts and laughter. We were much too close to the lake. It was a popular hang out spot for the college students. Quinn was about to eat them if I didn’t stop her. I could tell Quinn had the same mindset. I ran as fast as I could and slammed my body into Quinn. Luckily I caught her attention. We rolled down a hill away from the lake.

I was able to bite down on her tail and she roared in pain. I attempted to not hurt Quinn, clearly she felt no such reservations. She narrowly missed my neck and latched onto my ear. I twisted my head around and pulled free from her grasp. It didn’t take long for Quinn to lunge at me again, jaws open wide. I ducked and ran away a few paces and looked over my shoulder at her and challenged her. Quinn bared her fangs and growled at me. I barked at her and dipped behind a tree. I could hear Quinn racing after me. I fled from the humans and Quinn stayed on my tail. I let her get close enough to give her false hope and bolted just out of reach. I heard a howl, the voice was unfamiliar. There had to be another wolf nearby, possibly the one who bit and turned Quinn. She stopped running, listened and smelled the air. She caught the other wolf’s scent. She turned and followed her nose, trying to find this new wolf. I whipped and sprinted after her. I bowled into her like a freight train. Once again, she was angry and pursued me.

Quinn chased me for hours, I hoped she would wear out soon. It was well past dark and she seemed to be at full strength. Every time she would get distracted, I would get her attention rather painfully more often than not. Dawn was just about to break before she finally fell to the ground. Her body twisted and broke into a human. Quinn was unconscious. Still in wolf form, I lay down beside to help keep her warm. I knew how cold she was going to be without me. I heard footsteps coming toward us, I lifted my head and pulled my lips back and showed my fangs in a silent snarl. River jogged out of the trees and pulled a blanket and two sets of baggy sweat suits from her back pack. I got to my feet and stepped away from Quinn as River dropped the blanket over her. I laid back down beside Quinn on top of the blanket and snuggled in close to keep her warm. River sat on a log and waited, “You kept up with her all night?” I blinked my eyes to indicate yes. “You kept her from everyone?” Again I blinked. “Casey was right, you are a guardian.” I dropped my chin between my paws and sighed. What were we going to do now? What was Quinn going to do? Her life had been completely up-ended in a few short hours. River seemed to understand what I was feeling, “We will take care of her. Be there for her. All three of us.”

Quinn groaned in her sleep, “Nala, you’re a good puppy girl!” River gave me a look and tried to suppress her smile. Quinn ran her hand down my back. “Wait… you’re not Nala! Nala is much smaller!” I whined softly. Quinn startled awake and tightened her grasp on the blanket. “What’s going on!?” River stood up and spoke quietly, “Your name is Quinn, right? We are your classmates from college. You recognize me, right? My name is River and I’m new.” Quinn was panicking, “We? We who?”

Casey stepped into the clearing, “She means me. Listen, I’ll explain everything. Please put on some clothes and warm up.”

Casey tossed Quinn a bundle of sweat suits and turned around. River draped the second sweat suit on my back. I sauntered off into the woods, reclaimed my human shape, dressed, and returned to the clearing. Casey was busy setting up a camp stove and River was prepping eggs and bacon. “Breakfast and trauma bonding,” I muttered under my breath. I spoke out loud, “Quinn are you okay?” Quinn snapped out of her blank stare and looked at me, “Reese? Where did you come from? What’s going on?” I’m so confused and scared!” “Oh, trust me, I am too,” I scowled. Casey finished cooking and distributed the food. I was half starved and I guessed Quinn was too by the way she scarfed down her breakfast. “So, Quinn,” began Casey. “What do you know about werewolves?” Quinn’s eyebrows scrunched, “Like in movies?” Casey grinned his signature charming smile, “Not quite. Hollywood is pretty wrong when it comes to us.” Quinn’s eyes narrowed, “‘Us’? Who are ‘Us’? Are you saying you’re a werewolf? Cause that’s insane! Reese, can you believe this guy?” I frowned and replied, “I wish I didn’t have to.”

A howl echoed throughout the woods, the sound of dozens of paws coursed the air. I whipped my head around and saw six or eight furry blurs as they ran in circles around the clearing. The biggest meanest dirtiest wolf casually walked up to us. It sniffed the air and howled. It was still for a moment before its body twisted and bent in painful shapes. Seconds later, a mountain of a man stood before us, unashamed, letting everything hang loose. He was larger than Casey, “I am Chad! I am the Alpha! I claim this territory for my pack! This is your only chance to join us! If you don’t, we will run you off our land or kill you. You have twenty four hours to consider your options! I know one of you will join us, I made you last night.” Chad unceremoniously knelt and exploded into a whirl of fur and fangs. As quickly as they had come, they were gone.

Casey and River didn’t seem phased. I was angry at this arrogant meat slab; poor Quinn was so overwhelmed. It was clear Casey and River experienced something similar. Casey and River packed up breakfast quickly. I tried to help Quinn into her sweat suit. “How the hell does he think he can come here and make demands of us! Who does he think he is?” “This Chad guy apparently is the alpha of that pack. He claims to be Quinn’s sire, the one who turned her,” Casey remarked off handedly. “Reese, we have to be very careful. Things are about to get nasty.” “About to get nasty? ABOUT to get nasty?!” Quinn had found her voice. “Are you freaking for real right now? Things ARE nasty. Things are terrible! And werewolves are real? And you all are werewolves? And I’m one too?” Quinns breath was short and heavy. “This Chad has declared he is our Alpha? Oh hell no! We gotta show this punk that he can’t walk all over people!” “Quinn!” Casey shouted. Everyone became instantly still. Casey never raised their voice. They quietly whispered,” We are not alone out here.”

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