Moonlit Fur Chronicles: Torn Fur

Chapter 18 Drawing Plans

Quinn kissed the top of my head. I groaned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Every muscle in my body ached. The events from the previous night slowly came to the forefront of my mind. I had hurt Quinn, the only good thing about my miserable life. “Good morning,” she murmured softly. I struggled to understand why she was being so nice to me. “Come on,” Let’s go find some coffee.” I needed a shower, I needed time to process. I wobbled to the bathroom on sleepy legs. My hand turned the shower on as hot as it would go. My body seemed to wake up a little as the steam filled the room. I stepped gingerly into the hot water. My muscles seemed to relax some and the pain slowly ebbed away.

When I returned from my shower, Quinn had cleaned up the remnants of last night’s drama. My heart twisted as I watched her spin effortlessly around the room, broom in hand. It was a relatively small dorm room so it didn’t take long to clean. A deep sense of self-hatred filled my gut like acid. I couldn’t bear to look her in the eye. She obviously picked up on this tension, she delicately moved close to me. “Reese, it was an accident. I know you didn’t mean to.” My head hung in shame. She gently lifted my chin and made eye contact. “Look at me, Reese. There’s no marks, no wounds, nothing. It’s time to forgive yourself and move forward…with me.” I blinked sadly, “I don’t know how to forgive myself. I can’t. I hurt you.” Quinn shook her head, “Then I’m going to teach you. Now, kiss me.”

I slowly and gently pecked her on the cheek. She asked me, “What the heck was that?” I dropped my gaze and muttered, “I don’t want to hurt you. Never again.” Her eyes narrowed, “Kiss me Dammit! Like you used to!” I mustered everything I had in me. I slid my hand behind her neck and pulled her close. I tenderly pressed my lips on her. She tasted so delicious. Fireworks went off in my mind. My breath caught in my chest. Quinn moaned, “That’s what I’m talking about!” I stepped back a half step to catch my breath. “Do that again,” she begged. I happily obeyed. I felt a tremor course through my body, that was a great kiss.

“Good girl,” Quinn cooed. Warmth spread quickly through my body, I grinned shyly. “Feeling better?” I nodded. “Good, now put this on and let’s go get coffee.” She handed me an oversized black hoodie and navy capris. She picked dark shorts and a tee shirt that depicted her favorite band. Quinn was gorgeous. The way her eyes sparkled, the curve of her smile. My heart skipped a beat. She took my hand and led me down the stairs out of the building and into the woods. The short walk to town was romantic. Quinn led me to the coffee shop and we ordered our drinks. We sat down in a booth and she reminded me of what her father had said early this morning. I was glad we had found a place to house my wolves, it was so far away though.

“We can get everyone on the plane, Reese,” Quinn mentioned. Somehow I had forgotten Quinn had her family plane at her disposal. “I don’t know how I feel about living there long term.” My night terror bubbled to the forefront of my mind. I couldn’t have been a random dream, could it have been something real? “What are you thinking, babe. Talk to me,” Quinn requested. I chose my words carefully, “It’s probably just a bad feeling, left over from last night.” She scanned my face. “I kinda want my own place. Designed and built just for us.” She nodded, “that would be nice.” I began picturing it in my mind. “A large ranch style home with plenty of rooms for my pack, with lots of land so we can run around and play.” Quinn smiled, she pictured it too.

“Let’s go tell the pack the good news,” I began. It’ll be nice to get them out of the elements.” We placed our empty mugs in the wash bin by the door and set out for the RV. The sun shone brightly and the birds sang sweetly. It was a beautiful day and I got to walk with the prettiest girl in the world. I stole glances at her, she caught my gaze. My heart fluttered. Everything was right in the world again. Everything except a sense of eminent doom that nagged me. Something big was about to happen. I didn’t know what or when, but it was on its way. And it would be a hell of a ride.

Quinn and I reached the campsite and greeted everyone. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jules duck behind a tree and disappear into the underbrush. Phoenix sauntered up to me and we began to talk. I asked her how often Jules disappeared. She answered that it started recently. She thought he was restless. Kai approached and joined the conversation added that historically, they were usually on the move most of the time, to find new packs to torture and absorb. I knew my wolves were all restless. My own wolf inside me itched for action. I needed to find them an outlet for their pent up energies.

I had an idea, I needed to talk to Ash. I found him off to the side of the camp, he expertly carved a piece of wood. The wood in his hand took on a familiar shape as he carefully maneuvered the sharp blade over the soft wood. He heard my approach. He slid the knife into a sheath in his hip. He showed me the chunk of wood. The craft was about half complete, a wolf seemed to be pouncing out of the wood. “Ash, you have a background in construction. I have some questions I’d like to ask you.” He smiled and nodded, “Bring them on.” I shared with him my dream to design and build a home for us wolves. He loved the idea. I motioned to Quinn to come over and listen. Ash gave us a ballpark figure on expenses, the time frame required to build such a large building, all the basic nuts and bolts. Quinn’s eyes lit up, a plan formed.

I gathered everyone around the campfire, Jules had yet to return from his walk. Phoenix would fill him in on what he had missed. “We have found a place for us to live temporarily. We are still looking for a permanent place. Quinn’s family has graciously extended their home to us. In the meantime, I will continue searching for a place of our own.” I took a breath, thinking of all the questions my pack would ask. “We will pack up and head to the airport next weekend. We’ll board a plane and fly there. Travel will last most of the day.” Casey raised a hand. “I see you Casey, please wait a moment.” I took a breath before continuing. “Ash has agreed to spearhead a project to build a home for us. Quinn and I will design it to fit our needs as a pack. We will purchase enough land for us to run around and exercise. It is going to be perfect!”

I took a deep breath, “Casey, if you’re agreeable, I’d like you to stay here and use your RV as a base of operations with Ash. I will take the rest of the pack to the short term living space Quinn set up. Those who wish are welcome to stay and help Ash build. Alternatively those who want to get out of the rain and muck are welcome to come to the short term living space. Quinn and I will get you settled but we will have to return during the week for classes. We will make a return trip on the weekends to address any complications that arise that can’t be solved over the phone. Does anyone have questions?” My eyes scanned my wolves’ faces. They all were excited to get out of tents and into proper beds.

No one had questions, so Quinn and I set off to the RV to design our new dream home. On the way, I overheard Max ask Ash if he wanted to move to his own tent, there would be enough for him to have his own once most of the pack went off to Quinn’s place. “Why would I want that?” Ash inquired. “ I just thought you might like your own tent,” Max muttered miserably. “Are you trying to kick me out of our tent,” Ash playfully demanded. Max was dumbfounded, “What?” Ash grinned, “I know I’m just a country boy, but I do know what I want. And I want to be close to you.” Max’s face turned red, “You know? How do you know? Did Reese tell you?” Ash shook his head, “No. You keep making googoo eyes at me, kinda figured you were interested in me.” Max’s face was the brightest shade of red. “Yes City Boy, I like you too.”

My heart melted, I was so happy for Ash and Max. Quinn wore a bright smile as well, she had heard everything too. Casey met us at the RV and supplied us with paper and pencils. We started to draw basic layouts for houses. Ash joined us after a little while. “Congratulations Ash,” Quinn and I greeted him. “Thank you,” he replied. “Now, let’s get down to business. How are we financing this project? It’s going to be quite expensive.” Quinn answered, “I will take care of that. Get me a list and I’ll make sure ya get it.” Ash nodded, “I see you’ve started drawing basic blueprints. That’s good. Let’s refine these rough drafts and I’ll get them to my contacts.”

Quinn and I poured our hearts and souls into this house. It was to be our home and it needed to be sufficient to care for our pack. I was excited. We worked for hours and made sure to get the details right. I needed a break. I stretched and ambled out of the RV. Phoenix scurried rapidly towards me. “I’m starting to worry. Jules hasn’t come back yet,” she exclaimed. I frowned, this was getting bad. “You mentioned he was more irritable and frustrated,” I started. “Has he gotten worse or stayed the same?” I could see the worry in her eyes, “It’s getting worse. Sometimes he gets this look, it scares me. Like he is about to do something dangerous.”

As she finished, leaves and underbrush rustled. Jules stomped clear of the woods. Phoenix ran to him, “Jules, where were you? I was worried about you!” Jules’ deep voice rumbled, “I’m fine.” He made the briefest of eye contact with me. His eyes darted away. “Leave me alone Phe.” Phoenix stopped abruptly, her mouth fell open in surprise. Jules stomped off to the tent he and Phoenix shared. I heard a short growl in Quinn’s throat. “I don’t know what to do? Did I do something to upset him?” Phoenix’s voice was low and fearful. Quinn’s face wore a serious look, she marched toward Jules.

“Quinn, wait,” I called to her. Her head spun around. “How is this okay behavior?” She snapped. I held eye contact with her, “It is not okay. We have not been asked to intervene.” She retorted, “This is going to keep getting worse until it is resolved. We need to settle this!” She quickly crossed the space between her and Jules. “Hey Jules. What the fuck is wrong with you?” He froze, his hand grasped the tent flap he held. An angry growl erupted from his chest. “I don’t answer to you Dyke! I don’t answer to any woman!” He spit his words hatefully. Now I had to intervene. “Enough!” I roared, “We are family, we will not treat each other like this!” Both Quinn and Jules flinched.

“Quinn, go catch your breath! Jules, come with me!” I marched Jules around the backside of the Rv. I glared at him, “What changed? You are different than before. Phoenix and I are very worried. Whatever your romantic status with Phoenix is, you will not treat members of my pack that way again. Do I make myself crystal clear?!” Jules’ body shivered. He stiffly dropped his chin but his eyes burned with anger and spite. “You do not have to tell me what’s going on if you don’t want to. I would certainly like to hear it!” His body language softened just a little, “I am angry, Alpha. I’m tired of sleeping in a tent! I’m sick of the constant cold and hunger. I can’t see an end to it and it makes me furious!”

I tempered my voice to be as soothing as I could make it. “Thank you for sharing with me. I wish you came to me before this got so out of hand. I found a place for us to stay for the short term until Ash builds us a proper home. We leave Friday afternoon. Just a few more days of this. There’ll be beds and hot showers and plenty of food. I told everyone of this plan this morning after you went on your walk. I’ve been working on it for several days. Now I need you to control yourself, can you do this or do you need assistance?” Jules nodded slowly, “I can handle myself.” I continued, “Good. Now may I suggest you patch things up with Phoenix. You mean a great deal to her.” “Phe,” he whispered. “I’m sorry. I need to talk to Phe.” “Yes you do,” I dismissed him with a wave.

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