Moonlit Fur Chronicles: Rising Moon

Chapter 3 Night To Remember

Peyton was awake. She knew she should be asleep but Sawyer’s question, before he ravaged her, played on repeat in her mind. She had been much more forceful than she had ever been. She was normally laid back, almost reserved. Last night she had instigated their amorous activities. His voice echoed in her mind, “What changed?” Peyton was worried, had this wolf in her changed her? If it had, how much had it changed her? The answer to this question scared her. She tried to calm down, after all change couldn’t be all that bad. Sawyer had said he liked that she went after what she wanted. Her skin itched and crawled. She couldn’t stay in that bed a minute longer.

Peyton grabbed an oversize hoodie and slipped it over her head and shoulders. The hem of the hoodie fell to the middle of her thighs. She liked that it fit more like a dress than a hoodie. She picked a couple cookies from a jar in the kitchen and stepped outside into the moonlit backyard. The wolf in her chest stirred and sat up. It felt the bright, beautiful moon as it shone on Peyton. Her skin itched more and more. She felt like an army of ants marched all over her body. Her wolf was excited, it knew a dark secret that Peyton didn’t. She was nauseated, her stomach churned. The memory of her first transformation roared to her mind. “No! No! Not again please!” She ripped the hoodie from her body and fell off the patio.

Peyton writhed in agony, she barely contained her screams. Her body painfully convulsed into the large wolf. She shook off the last remnants of her human form and sniffed deeply of all the new smells that hung in the air. She leapt over the porch and landed expertly in the grass. Most of the scents which intrigued her came from the forest. So many animals, both awake and asleep, each with their own unique scent. She stealthily stalked into the trees, full of curiosity. The woods were curiously silent, not even insects buzzed or flew around. As a nature enthusiast, this deeply concerned Peyton. She padded farther into the woods. Peyton trod for maybe twenty minutes before sound finally reached her ears. They were violent and aggressive sounds.

She investigated the source of the dangerous sounds. She tiptoed to the edge of a clearing where two huge wolves flung themselves at each other. They each had a red stripe down their backs. They were identical. Peyton crouched low to the ground. She wanted to howl and join them but she held her breath and stayed silent. She tried to keep track of which wolf was which but she got dizzy. She watched the wolves dance around each other, bite at each other, and pounce after each other. They clearly had no intent on harming each other. They play-fought each other for well over an hour before they wandered off into the woods together.

Peyton didn’t have anything better to do so she followed them at a distance silent as the grave. She followed the red striped wolves to a huge house about a half mile from the where they had played. The wolves came to a stop at the back door of the mansion. They cried in pain as their bodies tore and broke. Peyton watched in wonder as the wolves transformed into humans. One was a boy and the other was a girl. The boy had short cropped hair and the girl had gorgeous long red hair that flowed over her shoulders like a ruby waterfall. A twinge of desire churned in Peyton’s gut.

The twins donned clothes and quietly entered the back door. Peyton was ecstatic! She was not alone, other werewolves were nearby! Before she could stop herself, she lifted her face and howled gleefully at the moon. The back door slammed open and the twins raced out. Peyton turned tail and disappeared into the woods. The twins looked at each other in confusion. Peyton dashed around trees and sped over hills. She ran hard. She found her house easily enough.

She ducked through the back door she had mistakenly left open. She nudged it with her nose and the door swung shut quietly. She padded quietly through the house and climbed into bed. Sawyer was in the middle of a wonderful dream when he felt the bed give way. He thought it was just Peyton wiggle to get comfortable. She always moved a lot in her sleep. He wrapped his arms around her and went back to sleep. His eyes opened instantly. Peyton wasn’t in his arms. Something very big and very fuzzy was encircled in his arms. He bolted out of bed and screamed in terror.

The huge fuzzy thing sleepily lifted its head and stared at him, it whimpered softly. It caught a glimpse of itself in the mirror and sighed heavily. The fuzzy creature twisted and shook. Sawyer heard bones break and flesh rip. The transformation was over just as quickly as it started. Peyton was there on the bed naked and rosy pink, “Babe, what are you doing over there? Come back to bed and cuddle!” “What?” Sawyer was half asleep and didn’t remember that his girlfriend was a werewolf. “Peyton? What happened? What? You? Huh?” Peyton rolled her eyes, “Shush! Come cuddle me to sleep.” Sawyer finally caught his breath enough to think straight. He remembered everything.

He crawled into bed beside Peyton and snuggled close to her. She wiggled closer to him and fell asleep right away. It took Sawyer longer to fall asleep on account of the scare Peyton inadvertently gave him. He took several deep breaths and tried to calm his heart rate. His mind drifted as he thought about Peyton’s life now that she was ‘extra fuzzy’. He wondered what it meant for him, he would always love her with his whole heart. He would just need some time to get used to her new shape and abilities. He looked at her curves pressed tight against his body and felt himself grow hard.

Peyton awoke early that morning and got ready for the long day of school and work. She brewed a pot of coffee and impatiently waited for Sawyer to wake up. She had exciting news for him. The smell of fresh coffee usually got him up in the morning. She packed a lunch while Sawyer stumbled down the stairs and started on breakfast. “Did you sleep okay,” he asked her groggily. She was hyper and bounced on the balls of her feet, “Yeah I slept okay. Oh my Gosh I’m so excited! You’ll never believe it! I found more wolves last night!” The word ’wolves’ perked Sawyer up more than anything else in her sentence. Sawyer studied her face, “Peyton, I’ve got something I want to ask you, but tell me what happened last night first.”

Peyton gleefully launched into her story of how she couldn’t sleep so she went outside for fresh air. She told him how the full moon changed her and she went exploring as a wolf. She shared how she found new wolves and how they may possibly be friendly. Peyton told him all the details, the red stripe down each of their backs, how they wrestled and chased each other. Sawyer noticed how she could barely contain her excitement. He wanted her to calm down a little and think about the situation. Everything he had learned about wolves led him to believe that wolves were highly territorial.

“Peyton, baby, I’m worried about you. How do we know these wolves aren’t dangerous? Wolves are extremely territorial, ya know. Please promise me you will be careful?” She promised of course and he continued, “Do you remember anything else that happened last night? Something weird?” Peyton couldn’t think of anything. “So you don’t remember getting into bed as a wolf, in wolf form, and scaring the shit out of me?” She took a few seconds to think. Her eyes widened, “That actually happened? I could’ve sworn it was a nightmare…” Sawyer wished it had been a nightmare.

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