Moonlit Fur Chronicles: Rising Moon

Chapter 17 Wings In The Dark

The sun was low in the sky when I lifted myself off of Quinn. She groaned and tried to pull me back in. “I need to introduce Peyton to Goliath and the gargoyles,” I urged her. “Nope, She can meet them the same way you met them, by surprise. I want to keep you here with me.” I grinned and shook my head, “I’ll be right back. You don’t even have to get dressed. Just wait right here for me.” She groaned, “Reese, Come on.” I kissed her passionately and purred, “I’ll be right back.” I dragged my hand down her chest and stomach as I left. “You better come back, you can’t do that to me and not come back,” she moaned. I smiled and winked at her. I slipped an oversize hoodie over my head and sports shorts up on my hips.

“Hurry back,” Quinn called as I left the room and closed the door behind me. I retrieved my favorite mug and filled it with coffee. I motioned to Peyton and Sawyer to join me out on the back patio. I plopped down on a deck lounger and they followed suit. “Those are some epic statues,” Sawyer complimented, “Where did you get them? I laughed and replied, “That is an interesting story. You’ll hear it in a few minutes.” They looked at me confused. “Be patient, trust me, it’s worth it.” The statues began to tremble and quake, Peyton and Sawyer’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. Chunks of rock and dust fell from Goliath, Lilith, Cordelia, and Simeon as they stretched and growled back to life.

“Good evening Goliath, everyone,” I stood up and greeted the gargoyles. They greeted me in kind and sauntered over to me. “These are my new friends, Peyton and Sawyer.” Peyton and Sawyer were flabbergasted although Peyton recovered first. “Are you gargoyles?” She asked, astonished. Goliath nodded his huge head, “I am Goliath. Lilith, my mate, stands beside me. Behind her are Cordelia and Simeon.” Each gargoyle waved as Goliath introduced them. “You’re…You’re real,” Sawyer stammered. “Yes, we are very real,” Goliath grinned. The gargoyles were used to this reaction, they had received it many times over the years. “Goliath, would you like to share the tale of how we became friends and allies,” I asked. “I will,” Cordelia stepped forward. “Cordelia is a better storyteller than I,” Goliath responded, “And she has more details.”

Cordelia wove the incredible tale of how I had found their clan and helped rescue Lilith who in turn helped save Quinn. Peyton and Sawyer were fascinated by Cordelia and her storyteller abilities. I bet she shared some of her memories with Peyton and Sawyer as she spoke, she was a telepath. All the gargoyles had special abilities. Sawyer peppered Cordelia with questions, “Can you fly? How strong is a gargoyle? What do you eat? I’ve heard of gargoyles in stories and myth but I never imagined you would be real!” Cordelia patiently answered all his questions, “Yes we can fly. I have lifted Reese in her wolf form before. We prefer meat but we can survive on berries and nuts.”

“You picked up Reese? She’s not very big,” Peyton commented. Cordelia let out a deep primal laugh, “You have not seen her when she is shaped like a wolf then have you?” “Shaped like a wolf? Oh no, we haven’t.” While they were engrossed in conversation with Cordelia, I quietly slipped out of my clothes and knelt on the ground. I succumbed to the wolf and my bones broke. Fur rippled across my body, a long powerful snout grew in the center of my face. The tops of my shoulders and spine were five feet from the ground. I crept up behind Peyton and Sawyer and huffed.

They almost jumped out of their skin, Sawyer was so surprised he tumbled into the pool. Peyton giggled and fished him from the water. “You are so much bigger, why are you so much bigger,” Sawyer gasped once he was back on the patio. I grinned at them and Cordelia spoke for me, “That is because she is the Alpha.” I made a chuckle sound in the back of my throat. The back door slammed open and Quinn sprang out. She phased into her wolf form in mid air and tackled me. She landed on my back and I rolled under her. She tumbled to the ground and playfully charged me again.

I dodged her charge and pounced on and snapped at her. I let her wriggle out from under me and she dashed off into the tree. I gave a quizzical gaze to Cordelia who nodded. A happy bark filled the air as I raced after Quinn. I caught up with her easily and pounced on her. She sidestepped at the last second and snapped at me. I lunged at her. We had a blast as we chased each other and wrestled for several hours. The dark sky turned a shade of gray, Quinn and I went home. We transformed and I gathered my clothes. We darted through the house, with clothes in hand. We ducked into our room. Quinn pushed me onto the bed and kissed me up and down. I moaned as she had her way with me. Afterwards, I curled up in Quinn’s arms and we fell asleep.

I woke up before Quinn as usual and hauled myself to the shower. It had been too long since my last one and I needed one. The hot water cascaded down my body and caressed my curves. I felt so relaxed and calm, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth and quiet. My stomach gurgled, I soaped up and rinsed off. I pulled a dark colored sundress over my head and padded into the kitchen to make food. I was pleasantly surprised to see Dylan at the kitchen island. He had been beaten nearly to death by Artemis the hateful alpha. He had been on bed rest on the basement couch for weeks.

“Hey stranger,” he joked as he saw me. “Dylan! Damn it’s good to see you up and about,” I exclaimed. “It’s good to be up here out of the dark,” he replied, “So tell me everything I missed!” I grinned, “Well realistically, you haven’t missed too much. Have you met Peyton and Sawyer?” He nodded, “Yeah but I haven’t had a chance to say more than hi.” I lifted my eyebrows and pointed with my chin, “Looks like your chance is here.” Dylan turned around on the stool and greeted Peyton and Sawyer. They greeted him and me as well. “I still can’t believe you know gargoyles,” Sawyer told me.

“What? Gargoyles? Reese, what is he talking about?” I looked at Dylan confused, “Have you not met them?” He shook his head vigorously. “Oops, my bad. I’m sorry. You’ll have to wait till tonight when they are awake.” Peyton poured herself and Sawyer some water, “Maybe you’d like to talk to us in the meantime?” Dylan smiled and replied, “Absolutely!” Peyton asked him how long he had been part of the pack and he answered that he had only been here for a few weeks but he had known me back in highschool. Peyton’s eyes widened, “Do tell! What was Reese like back then?” I rolled my eyes and started to make chocolate chip pancakes. Dylan entertained her and Sawyer with stories from long ago, most of them he used to embarass me.

Dylan shared with them how he lost track of me and found me again out in the middle of the woods. Recognition dawned on Peyton, “Oh my gosh! I know you! I saw you at my father’s house the day he left on the hunting trip!” “Chance is your father? It’s a smaller world than I thought.” He continued and told Peyton and Sawyer how Quinn and I scared the crap out of him, I laughed at that story. Dylan told of how he was kidnapped and beaten by Artemis and how I had turned him to save his life. I was still frustrated that Artemis had stolen his choice, but Dylan seemed to be okay with how things turned out.

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