Moonlit Fur Chronicles: Lucid Fur

Chapter 22 Rise of the Sire

The pack and clan enjoyed each other’s company long into the night. The sky turned a light shade of gray and the gargoyles scrambled to their positions. Goliath and Lilith posted themselves by the back door. Cordelia and Simeon picked opposite corners of the pool. They all positioned themselves in bold or aggressive poses. Phoenix and I sat on a lounge chair beside the pool and watched the sun come up. It was rather nice to sit and relax in each other’s arms. I briefly mentioned the desire to do something human as a group activity for the pack. Phoenix liked the idea. She and I brainstormed outings and activities.

A rustling sound echoed faintly from the forest. Normally I would disregard it, but the forest was unnaturally quiet. My ears perked up as I listened intently. A twig snapped, Phoenix and I jumped to our feet. We scanned the treeline. A woman dressed in leather and furs emerged. A leather strap braided with leaves rested above her brow. She looked like a forest goddess. Her skin was smooth and lightly bronzed. She looked about as old as we were but in her eyes, I saw wisdom and power. This was not someone to be underestimated or taken lightly. Two large werewolves paced beside her. I recognized the wolves from the day before. I felt my nails sharpen to claws and my teeth grow into fangs.

The forest goddess slowly approached. She strode toward us with a slow yet intent purpose. I could tell she had a flair for the dramatic. I rolled my eyes as she continued her regal walk. This girl was going to cause me a ton of trouble, I felt it in my bones. “I have searched for you for many months. I have found you at last! Oh joyous day!” She called out to me, her voice was melodious and sweet yet hinted at condescension. “What do you want, ya weirdo,” my tone was curt. “Simply put, I want you! You are my progeny and I will have you at my side.” “Someone has watched too much tv,” Phoenix hissed. The forest goddess girl’s laugh was musical but her voice was full of spite. “Your lineage is full of weak immature dogs which had no ambition, no goals, and that only for violence. You are not a favorable choice,” she glared at Phoenix. The two wolves beside the forest goddess made a cackling sound.

“All right, Tree Hugger, if I’m so important, what is my name,” I asked the leather clad lady. She turned her face to me, “You are Selene, it means ‘One With The Moon’ in the old language. Why you parade around as Reese, I’d rather not know. Come, I will give you a glorious life!” I looked her up and down, “No, I have a wonderful life already. There is one tiny little detail I would change though…you in my yard. Get lost!” The two wolves beside her growled angrily. The forest goddess put her hands on their heads to calm them. “Peace, she is your sister. I will not allow fighting in our family.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Don’t worry. She will come around,” the forest goddess coed to her wolves. They turned around and disappeared into the woods.

I hated the fact this weirdo knew where I lived. I hated the fact she believed she was my superior. I never knew my sire, the wolf who had infected me. I had a vague memory of a giant wolf on top of me as it ripped through my shoulder in the middle of the night. A dark shadow yanked the wolf off of me and both disappeared into the night. Thus my illustrious career as a werewolf began. I yearned to go back in time when it was just Casey, River, Quinn and I, werewolves in college. It was a simpler time back then, before fiends like Chad and Isadora invaded my life. Unfortunately, it was only a dream. I had a good life with Quinn, Phoenix, Drew, and the rest of my pack.

I took Phoenix’s hand and we walked into the house. I ambled straight to the kitchen and grabbed the pot of coffee. I poured a cup for Phoenix and myself. I held the mug with both hands, the warmth soaked into my palms. The warmth soothed my addled nerves. I looked into Phoenix’s eyes, she smiled back at me. I was so grateful to have her in my life. Kai’s laugh was loud and joyous. She, Drew and Quinn chatted gleefully on the couch in the living room. Quinn and I locked eyes for a second. She grinned and winked flirtatiously. I blew her a kiss, she kinda made my day. I turned to Phoenix and asked, “Would you please track down Ash and Ellis. I’ll find Casey and River. Everyone needs to know what the tree hugger said.” Phoenix took a half step closer to me and kissed me, a shiver ran down my spine. She began to step away but I pulled her in again for another kiss.

Phoenix giggled and kissed me back. Her kisses were fantastic. She stepped back and headed to the basement to find Ellis. I needed a minute to remember how to breathe. Quinn smiled mischievously and licked her lips. I raised my eyebrow and bit my lower lip. Quinn’s eyes went as wide as her smile. I walked away and added a little extra hip swing in my step. I felt her gaze follow me. I heard her groan quietly to herself. I arrived at the front door, turned to face her, and winked at Quinn before I slipped through the door. She would make me pay for teasing her so much, but it would be absolutely worth it. Casey and River had sat themselves in lawn chairs in front of their RV. I remembered they told me they wanted to get out for a weekend trip.

My heart tore for them. I decided I’d tell them to get on the road after the pack discussed the leather clad weirdo from this morning. River noticed me and lifted her face to me, Casey followed suit. I offered them an apologetic half smile, “Would you two please join us? There’s been a new development in our great werewolf drama.” They pulled themselves from their seats and trailed behind me as I led the way back into the house. Ash, Ellis, and Phoenix had perched themselves on various seats in the living room. Robin sat beside Kai and Drew in her human form, which was a welcome surprise. Robin cocked her head to the side and looked at me. She gave me a look like she had something to tell me. I acknowledged her nonverbal request with a nod. Casey and River found seats and Robin stood up, took my hand, and led me to my room.

She sat down directly in the middle of my werewolf skin rug that used to be my nemesis. Robin pet the head of the rug as if it was a long lost pet. She lifted her face to me, her eyes pierced my soul. “The one who dresses as beast and tree, her claims are deception free. Just as skins and furs, she girds herself in darkness, trust in her and pain is yours.” Robin’s eyes rolled back into her head and she fell backward. Seconds later her wolf emerged in a puff of fur. She meandered past me and laid at Kai and Drew’s feet. “Well shit,” I exclaimed. I followed Robin back into the living room and sat between Quinn and Phoenix. I thanked everyone for their time and attention. I told them about the early morning visitor and what she claimed. Quinn was visibly upset, she was angry this she-wolf had encroached on our territory. Casey inquired if I thought this she-wolf was dangerous and a threat.

I shrugged my shoulders, “Robin seems to think she is honest. Robin’s visions have been right so far. She sent me on the quest to heal Quinn. Quinn is better and we have four new friends as well.” There were nods around the room. Robin licked her nose and listened to the conversation. She understood things, even in wolf form, better than most of us in human form. The pack began to debate the validity of the she-wolf’s claims and questioned her motives. Kai played devil’s advocate, I got a sinking feeling in my gut. Kai typically took my side in everything. I wasn’t against her having her own opinions and thoughts, this particular situation just felt off. “Maybe we should seek her out and interrogate her. Figure out what she is up to.” Kai offered the group. “It is clear what she wants,” River provided. “She wants to take our Alpha away.” Voices of agreement rose in support. “Am I the only one feeling weird about Kai’s support of this intruder,” Phoenix whispered in my ear. I shook my head, “I am a little concerned. I want to see how it pans out though.” Phoenix scowled.

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