Moonlit Betrayal (Alpha Rick)

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 

Alone in the dimly lit confines of his office, Rick’s mind spiraled into darkness as he confronted the harsh reality of his- role in my death. It looked like that guilt gnawed at his soul like a ravenous beast, consuming him from the inside 


After all, he had not only failed and betrayed me, but also his Pack. He was the one who opened the door for them to infiltrate the Pack. So, at that time, he was left to bear the weight of his sins alone. 

With trembling hands, Rick reached for his phone, his heart pounding in his chest as he played the voicemail from me. My voice, so full of love and longing, echoed in his ears, a haunting reminder of the life he had destroyed. 

As he listened to my final words, Rick felt the full weight of his failure crash down upon him like a tidal wave. After all, I had reached out to him in my darkest hour, seeking his help and his protection. But he had turned his back on me, choosing his own selfish desires over my safety. 

Overcome with remorse, tears streaming down his face. He had been too blind to see the truth, too consumed by his own desires to see the danger that lurked in the shadows. 

In a moment of desperation, Rick reached for the bottle of pills that lay on his desk. It was his sleep pills that he took regularly, but that time, he took out all of them. His fingers trembled as he contemplated ending his own life by drinking all of them, while I just watched it silently since there was nothing I could do. 

But before he could act, the door burst open and Xavier rushed into the room, his expression one of alarm and 


“Rick, no!” Xavier cried, rushing to his side and prying the pills from his grasp. “You can’t do this. Daisy wouldn’t want this for you.” 

But Rick could only shake his head in despair, his resolve crumbling beneath the weight of his guilt. 

“I’ve failed her, Xavier. I’ve failed her and the Pack, I don’t deserve to be an Alpha,“he whispered hoarsely, his voice barely audible above the roar of his own despair. 

But Xavier refused to let him give up. With the help of the medical staff, he restrained Rick and administered the necessary treatment to stabilize his condition. 

Chapter 13 

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