Chapter SIX

Rosa woke up on Saturday morning and remembered what had happened yesterday when she went exploring and found she had found. She had found her family's gravesites. It was a complete and total shock to her. All this time, she thought that they were buried in Italy; they were resting in peace here instead, and she didn't even know how that came to be because no one else had told her anything after the car accident. She did not remember what had happened to them after that fatal night. She had been exhausted when she got home after what had happened last night and had gone straight to bed. Rosa decided to go and explore more for a bit before spending more time at her family's gravesites. She went to shower, dressed, had breakfast, took her tablet and got ready to go out again. This time, she picked out the light green ribbons from her backpack and wrote about them in her notebook like before. She had forgotten to write about it the last two times in the notebook. Rosa remembered this morning to write them down so she would remember how to get there and back again in the notebook so that she could come and visit them whenever she wanted to. After getting her backpack ready, she went out the back door like usual instead of going out the front. Clutching onto the green ribbons, she repeated her previous day's activities. As Rosa was walking, she suddenly noticed that everything around her had gone relatively too quietly, she thought. Rosa then realised she had gone a bit further than she intended. She went to turn around to go back, but she was stopped by a large, growling black wolf with pitch-black eyes. Rosa's eyes went wide with fear when even more wolves of various colours and the same pitch-black eyes joined in and surrounded her. Rosa stood there frozen in fear. She was shaking so much that she didn't see the black wolf approaching her. By the time she did, it was too late. The black wolf took the initiative and attacked her. Rosa screamed as loud as she could, but nothing worked. Her screams had made the wolf even angrier. She wasn't strong enough as the wolf started biting and scratching her on her arms and legs, ripping and tearing at her clothes. Luckily, her back was protected from getting hurt worse than she had already because of her backpack. Just as quickly as the attack started, the next minute, it was all over. Then she realised the wolves had left her lying on the ground, hurt and in extreme pain. They had left her there to die alone. Moaning, trembling and crying in pain, she wondered where they went, hopefully far away from her. Rosa also wondered why this had happened to her as she lay there; where were they, who generally followed her in the shadows? What happened to them? I hope that they are okay, she thought and prayed to herself. Freezing after hearing other noises from several different ways as the forest became alive again, she listened to a long, loud howl followed by more howling. The howls were getting closer and closer to where she lay on the ground, Rosa thought to herself. Suddenly, a big brown wolf burst through the bushes and started to bark loudly; as the wolf was doing this, two more wolves arrived. One of the wolves came out in front of the others. This wolf's fur was a mixture of black and brown fur. Its ears were pricked forward, and its beautiful and long feathered tail was hanging behind it. The wolf slowly and quietly laid down on the ground and began to crawl towards her, whining. Rosa managed to look up but didn't recognise the eyes watching her. They weren't the gold eyes from the first night she came outside her house. This wolf has brown eyes. Scared, she looked and pleaded to the wolf as if it could understand her. "Please, help me?" she asked, grimacing in pain. But what was strange was that the wolf did understand her as she lost consciousness, she could have sworn that the wolf had turned into a man with black hair and brown eyes, everything went blank after that, but before that happened, the man said to her "Hold on Miss Romano, help is coming. My name is Giovanni Conte" he told her. He turned and said to Lorenzo and Tommaso, who had shifted back into their human forms, "Go and get the pack doctors as quickly as possible and bring them back here. She's in no condition to be moved at the moment." Both of them replied, "Yes, Sir!" They both shifted back into their wolf forms and ran back to the pack's hospital, linking with the pack's doctors about the situation with the Luna as they ran. In the meantime, Giovanni stayed with Rosa and kept talking and comforting her, saying everything would be alright. He's going to be devastated when he hears about this. He sadly informs his Alpha of what has happened to his mate, our precious Luna. "Alpha!" Giovanni yelled through the link. Luca's head immediately shoots straight up from the paperwork he was currently going over, "Yes, Giovanni, what's wrong?" he asks, sounding worried. "I'm so sorry to tell you this, but the Luna has been attacked by wild wolves just now; I'm with her, but I've sent Lorenzo and Tommaso back to get the pack doctors. It isn't good, Alpha. She has a lot of bites and scratches on her arms and legs, and she's bleeding and unconscious at the moment," he replies with shock in his voice, sounding upset and angry as he's saying. Luca thanks him while he rushes out of the packhouse, saying, "I will be there as soon as l can", while yelling out for his brother, Constantino and Stefano as he tells them what happened while still in shock himself. The looks from his brother and his best friend at the news about his mate, all of them then shifted into their wolf forms, ripping their clothes off and rushing to where Giovanni and his mate were waiting for help to come. Luca and his wolf Diego were beside themselves, worrying about how bad their mate was. When they get there, the sight of seeing his mate and the condition that he finds her in is heartbreaking and terrifying, to say the very least. He shifted back into his human form, not even worried about being in his skin form with no clothes on around the others. Not even noticing that Rosa had come to for a few minutes as he was shifting back. Rosa just managed to glimpse this wolf's eyes before returning unconscious. His eyes were gold. This was the same wolf at her place the first night she came outside her house. Those gold eyes belonged to him. The pulling sensation is not correct; it's the compulsion calling to her as she felt it. Rosa recognised it before going under again; the feeling had stopped when this wolf arrived on the scene as if he meant something to her. Rosa had come to for a few minutes. What she witnessed was unbelievable but true. Like the other man, this one had just turned from being a dark brown wolf into a man with dark brown hair and eyes, trying not to notice that he had no clothes on and didn't seem to care. Rosa just managed to glimpse this wolf's eyes before he shifted back into his human form. She recognised those gold eyes. They were the gold eyes she had seen the first night she came outside her house. Those gold eyes belonged to him. The pulling sensation is not correct; it's the compulsion calling to her as she felt it. Rosa could recognise it before going back under again; the feeling had stopped when this particular wolf had arrived on the scene as if they meant something to her. Rosa slipped back under into unconsciousness from the pain, wondering why it had stopped. She would have to ask him when or if she would wake up ever again. Rosa was willing to fight and win the battle. She was going to make sure that she did everything to win it. So, she could ask him the millions of questions in her head that she needed to ask him and wanted the answers to. He was the only one who could, and she was not going to back down until she got the answers to those questions from him, she thought to herself as she went back under into unconsciousness. Luca and the two others had broken through the trees, and seeing his mate and the condition that he had found her was heartbreaking and terrifying. He asks Giovanni in a frightened voice, nearly breaking down at the sight of his mate when they had reached them, saying to him, "What the hell happened, and how did it happen?" Luca growled. "I'm not sure what happened, Alpha", Giovanni replied. "We were waiting for her out the back like normal, but she didn't come out the back like normal; she went out the front door instead", he explained. "By the time we realised this and arrived as quickly as possible, they had already attacked her and left. As soon as l saw her, l told Lorenzo and Tommaso to go and get the pack doctors, and then l linked you straight away. I'm so sorry, Alpha," he says sadly, visibly upset with himself. "It's alright, Giovanni; I'm not blaming you", Luca replies as he comforts the upset Head Warrior. "Why would she go out the front door instead of the back door?" Luca wondered. Giovanni answers, "Well, l did notice green ribbons marking how she went. It looks like she went too far than she thought. She had realised it and tried to turn back but was attacked before she could. But the only person who knows anything is your mate, and she's in no condition to talk to for the moment." Giovanni answered while they were talking and discussing the situation and keeping their eyes on her. Lorenzo and Tommaso just entered the area where they were waiting and had arrived with the doctors in tow. "Alpha, the doctors are here," says Lorenzo. Luca replied, "Thanks for getting back here so quick, " clearly upset. "No worries, Alpha", replied Lorenzo and Tommaso. One of the doctors carefully approached the upset Alpha. "Alpha, my name is Doctor Cristian Mancini, and this is my partner and mate, Doctor Arianna Greco-Mancini. I'm so sorry that we are meeting up this way, but we will do everything we can to help her get stabilised enough first so she can be moved and taken to the pack hospital," he said. Luca replies to them both, "Thank you for your kind words. Please help her?" replied near, ly in tears. "We will, Alpha", both of them said to him. "How bad are her injuries?" Doctor Mancini inquires. Luca answers, "She has bites, scratches and blood all over her arms and legs; she is currently unconscious because of the pain," he said, sounding worried. Doctor Mancini tells him, "Alright, all we can do for now is treat and dress her wounds as much as we can before moving her." Luca replies, "Okay." Both the doctors started their treatment, but before they did, they had to remove the backpack still on her back. They then decided to sedate her so they could remove it and were able to treat her without hurting her even more. As soon as they were able to do what they could, Doctor Greco-Mancini asked, "Where is the stretcher we brought with us?" she inquires. "It's here, Doc", replies Tommaso for the first time since returning. Setting up the stretcher next to their patient, Rosa was very carefully lifted by them all and onto the stretcher. They returned to the pack hospital for further treatment while Giovanni carried the backpack. Forty-five minutes later, they arrived at the pack hospital, where a private room had been set up for her. The doctors were in attendance, setting up the heart monitor and an intravenous drip for fluids and medication to help keep her hydrated and out of pain and to give her antibiotics to help fight against infections. Luca sat quietly in the waiting room while the doctors did their jobs. It was agony just waiting for any news about his mate. Finally, what had felt like hours but was only thirty minutes later at most, the doctors came out of the room and said to him, "She okay, that's all we can do for now. She needs to rest and time to heal. It will take a bit longer because she is human. She's comfortable for the moment. I gave her more pain medication; she would be out for a few hours. We will check back on her later. In the meantime, why don't you go and get something to eat and shower in the bathroom through there?" pointing to the other side of the hospital bed. "There's nothing more to do but wait", said Doctor Mancini. Luca replies, "Okay, l will try to." Before leaving the room, Doctor Greco-Mancini asks him, "Do you know if she takes any medicines or medications?" Luca replies, "No, not that we are aware of. Why?" he asked. "We need to know if she is not allergic to anything, and also, someone needs to go to her place to check it out and bring them here. Plus, it might be good for one of the mated females to get some clothes and toiletries here. She might be more comfortable in her clothes instead of the hospital gown, wouldn't you agree?" Luca replies, "Yes, we do, and l will get right on to it" he answers her back. "Okay, we will be back later to check up on her. Until then, make sure that they bring everything here," she instructed. Luca tips his head in acknowledgement towards the doctor's suggestions.

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