Chapter SEVEN

In the meantime, Luca quickly goes through the mated females of his pack members in his mind. He chose Emma Moretti, a blonde-haired, green-eyed she-wolf. He links up with her, saying, "Emma, it's Alpha Luca here. Are you busy?" She replies, "No, Alpha, I'm not busy; how can I help you, Alpha?" He replies, "Could you and Antonio please go to my mate's house and grab whatever clothes and toiletries for a couple of weeks and if there are any medicines or medications there are and bring it all over to the hospital, the doctors need to know if she's on anything. Could you and Antonio do that for me, please? I would appreciate it very much," he asks her.

Emma replies, "Yes, of course, we can, Alpha. It will be our pleasure to help," Luca says to her. "Thanks, Emma; I will seek you at the hospital. I will be in my mate's room, which will also double as my office for now," he said. Emma replies, "Yes, Alpha, l will be there as soon as l can be. May l ask how the Luna is?" she asks him. Luca informs her, "She has bites, cuts and scratches on her arms and legs; she has been given pain medication and is now resting because she has been sedated. It's just a waiting game now, and she will take longer to heal because she's human. Doc said it would help her if I'm with her because the mate bond will help out, too," he tells her. Emma answers him back, "Oh my gosh, she was fortunate it wasn't worse, and yes, the mate bond will help. We are heading over to her place now, Alpha. We will be at the hospital ASAP and praying hard for Luna to get better soon," she said. Luca replied, "Thanks, Emma, that means a lot," he said. "You're welcome, Alpha; we will see you soon," she said back to him. Luca replies, "Okay, thanks again for your help, and l will see you both soon," he said. Emma returned, "No worries, Alpha." They both broke off the link.

Luca then links with Stefano next "Stefano, how is everything going at the packhouse?" he asks. His Beta answered him, "Everything is fine, Alpha. You concentrate on your mate for now. Constantino, the pack and l will do the rest," Stefano tells him. He replies, "Okay, thanks, buddy. I linked Emma and Antonio Moretti to her place to bring her stuff and any medication she might have to the packed hospital so the doctors can see what it is. Do you know where her backpack went to?" He remembered that she had it on her back when she was attacked.

Stefano replied, "Giovanni had it last; he was carrying it to the hospital for Luna when she was brought there. He must still have it; why?" he asked. Luca replied, "Just needed to see inside in case there was something important," he said. "Oh, okay, how is she?" he inquires. Luca replied, "She has been sedated and given pain medication for the pain by an intravenous drip, and her wounds have been treated properly; it's now just a waiting game. She will take a bit longer to heal being human. It's going to be a long wait," he said back. Stefano tells Luca, "Yeah, l know, don't worry, she will make it. She's a tough cookie, and please don't forget that we haven't heard from Elder Gabriel yet. Wait and see what he says about what he has found out. Has he found anything? It's only been two days since you talked to him. In the meantime, being with her and the mate's bond will strengthen because l can tell she felt it by how she looked at you the first night we went to check her out. What do you think about that?" Stefano said to him.

Luca replied, "Sounds good to me. I will have to ask the doctors if l can set up a temporary office in her room first," he said. "And if the doctors say yes?" Stefano asked him. Luca replies, "Then I will do it and let you know if there are any updates on how she's going, okay?" Stefano says to Luca, "Yeah, okay, I will talk to you soon" Luca answers, "Yes, for sure." They both break off the link.

Luca then goes to find one of the doctors. He sees Doctor Mancini and asks, "Doctor Mancini, would it be alright if l could set up an area for a small temporary office in her room to do work and be near her so that the mate bond will get stronger too? Doctor Mancini replies, "Yes, Luca, that's fine with me, but no phones. We need to keep it quiet for the other patients here, and we can organise a bed; please call me Cristian", he replies. Luca replies to him, saying, "That's fine with me. I understand about the phones. Thanks, Cristian; l appreciate it." Cristian answers him with, "No worries, and you're welcome, Luca; l will see you both later when l come and check up on her", he said. Luca replies, "Sure, Cristian, see you soon." Cristian returns to do his hospital rounds while Luca returns to Rosa's room.

He links Stefano back to tell him the news. "Stefano, the doctor, said yes to the small temporary office but no phones so that we don't disturb the other patients that are here, so if anyone needs me, they need to do it via the link", Luca tells him. Stefano replied, "Okay, I will get everything organised for you. Which paperwork do you need the most?" he asked. Luca replies, "Just what's already on my desk. For now, l can come back and get more if l need it, too," he informs him. Stefano tells Luca, "Okay, I will bring everything over as quickly as possible", he replied. Luca said, "Thanks, and please get someone to help you," he said to him. Stefano told Luca, "Yes, I will; see you soon", he answered. Luca replies, "Okay, let me know when you get here, and I will come and help you, but we have to be quiet because of the other patients that are here", he said. Stefano replies, "Yes, I will make sure that they are as quiet as they can be; l will see you soon," he tells him. Luca replies, "Okay, see you soon," Stefano says to Luca, and they break off the link.

Luca then links up with Giovanni, asking him, "Giovanni, it's Luca. Do you know what happened to my mate's backpack?" he inquired. Giovanni answers, "Yes, Alpha, l do; I left it at the Reception Desk with the Head Nurse, Elena Ricci; why?" he asks. Luca says, "I just wanted to see if there was anything important in it, that's all," he tells him. Giovanni informs Luca of the backpack's contents. "No, there were only bottles of water, energy bars and the coloured ribbons that she used for marking her way around, plus her house keys, and that was it, Alpha", he replied. Luca replies, "Okay, thanks for letting me know. I just wanted to tell you that Dr Mancini is letting me set up a small temporary office in her room to work from and be near Rosa to strengthen the mate bond. Stefano is organising all of that and bringing it all here with some help, hopefully," he tells him.

Giovanni asks Luca," Okay, Alpha, is there anything else you need?" he asks him. Luca replies, "No, not for the moment. Training is the same as usual. Oh, there is just one thing that needs doing. I need someone to go to where we found her and put something together to cut the area off so that those wolves will hurt no one else," he said to him. "Oh, Lorenzo, Tommaso and I will be able to do that, Alpha. We have some special tape that should do the trick because it is a reflective yellow so that we can see it in the dark. We will go and do that now and let you know when we are done and when we find out why they attacked our Luna," he replied. Luca answers, "Okay, and can you thank Giovanni and the others for me, please?" he asks. Giovanni says to him, "No worries, Alpha, and l will", he replies. They both break off the link.

In the meantime, Luca sat in the chair beside her bed and waited. An hour later, there was a soft knock on the door. Stefano sticks his head in through the door and tells Luca, "We brought everything. Where would you like the table and the chair?" he asks. Luca replies, "Over near the window, please. There's plenty of light to work in," he said. Stefano replies, "Okay, Constantino is with me, too," he said.

Luca replied, "Alright, l will open the door for you guys. Did anyone else come with you?" Stefano said to him, "Yes, there's Giovanni, Angelo and Emma Moretti. Both of them just got here and brought everything that she might need", replied. Luca asks him, "Did she find any medicines or medications?" he inquired. Stefano replied," Yes, Alpha, she did," and gave it to Dr Mancini immediately. Rosa has medication. Emma says your mate is taking the tablet daily based on what's on the label; why, we don't know yet," he replies. "But here's the weird thing: Emma also found four sealed envelopes, one addressed to your Father or an Elder Gabriel Lombardi, one is for you, one is addressed to her and her mate and the last one is addressed to her", as he waited for Luca's reaction. Luca replies, "What! Where did she find them?" he asked, confused at this information.

Stefano replies, "She found them in a box with some other items that Emma thought she might want with her", he explained. "Alright, where are they now?" Luca asks him. Stefano says while his hand goes to the back pocket of his jeans. "I've got all of them. Emma gave them to me to give to you", he said while handing the letters over to him while Luca thanked him. Hearing someone coming through the door, Luca sees his brother Constantino and Giovanni bringing the table in, with Angelo Moretti carrying the chair behind them. Emma is next to come in with a box in her arms. Luca tells the guys to place the table and chairs near the window. So, they do what he asks. Emma places the box on top of the table, and Luca says thank you to all of them. He notices that they are looking at his mate. He says to them, "She's been put under sedation for the pain but also to help her with the healing" he explained to them. "Other than that, it's a wait-and-see how she goes day by day," he said. His brother replies to him, saying, "Luca, she will make it. The Moon Goddess won't take her away from you now that you have found her" he says as he comforts and encourages his brother, "We are all praying to the Moon Goddess, for her to get better. We can't wait to meet her" he said to him. Luca replies, "Thanks, brother, and to everyone. I have the greatest pack that's very supportive. I appreciate it, and so will Rosa, hopefully, when, and l mean when, she wakes up. Until then, l will spend as much time as l can with her," he said.

Then Giovanni replied this time," We understand, Alpha; ask us for help whenever you need it, and we will be there"," he said to Luca. "Thanks, Giovanni. I will. I appreciate your help with this as well. In the meantime, it is time for me to catch up on some work before dinner," he told them. They all said, "Okay, see you later," and left the room to return to their duties before dinner.

No sooner than when Luca sat down at the table and started to do some work, there was a light knock on the door. Dr. Greco-Mancini walked into the room after Luca said to enter and informed him that the bed was there for him. "Where would you like the bed to go?" she asks him as two orderlies enter the room carrying the bed. "Um, on the other side of the table, please, guys and thanks," he said to them. "Yes, Alpha and you are welcome; anything for our Luna," they said to him. They placed the bed where he wanted it to go while the Doctor checked on Rosa, and then the three left the room. Before she left, Luca asked her, "How is she?" he inquired. Dr Greco- Mancini replied, "She's doing well, but we will take it one day at a time for now," she said to him. Luca replies, "Okay, what about the medication that Emma found at her house?"

Dr Greco-Mancini replies, "Well, apparently, whatever she is taking is in tablet form, and she takes it every morning. She will need one tomorrow morning. But there is something I would like to have the tablet tested before I give it to her tomorrow morning. If that is okay with you? It's just a theory at this stage, but when you said you could not scent her when you first met, is that right?" Luca replies, "Yes, that's right. Why, what are you thinking?" Dr Greco- Mancini replied, "I'm thinking, and this is only in theory at this moment, but I think that the medication that she's been taking might be a scent blocker" As she was explaining her theory to him as she continued, As l understand it, there is a letter addressed to you? Maybe you should read it first. It could explain Everything we are looking for," she said to him. Luca looks at the Doctor and says, "You think that could be causing it, and by her family, why would they do that?"

The Doctor replied, "Who knows? Her parents must have had a good reason for giving them to her then. Maybe the letter could explain it better, so read it and let me know as soon as possible. Could it please be helpful to treat her more, okay?" Luca replied, "Yes, okay, I will read it. I had better make up my bed before dinner so l can read it", he said to her. Dr Greco- Mancini replies, "Yes, that's fine. I will see you later. Please call me, Arianna. It will be less confusing", she said to him. "Okay," he replied as Arianna started to walk out of the room to look at her other patients. Luca starts to make up the bed before it is time for dinner. When he has done it, he returns to the work he began to do before he was interrupted. He was done an hour later.

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