Moonbloods Season 1

Chapter Visitation

Before either of us could speak again, the door behind me opened and servants flooded in, bringing in food and more wine.

The whole time, Emris never took his eyes off of me. We sat in silence as the staff hustled about and the swiftly left the room. I looked down at my plate.

There was a creamy, golden color soup along with a few rolls. "I asked the kitchen to make you something to warm you. I know the cold must me overwhelming for you."

I looked up at him and frowned.

He was confusing me. Had he not just voiced his distaste for this arrangement? Yet here he was, trying to offer me comfort. "I'm actually enjoying the cold for change," I admitted.

Emris nodded and cut into whatever meat was in his plate. "There will be rules for you to follow. You are now responsible for the Ladies of the Court. These houses-"

I shook my head, my face crumbling in confusion. "Responsible how?" I asked him.

Emris frowned. "Do you know nothing of Court life?" he asked me.

I lowered my gaze. "Respectfully, Your Majesty, I was not often permitted to attend Court under my Uncles rule."

Emris lowered his gaze, looking down at his wine as he sipped it. "Because he beat you?" Emris asked me in a low voice. I felt my body lock into place, my blood run cold. "What makes you think-"

Emris' gaze turned cold. "Don't lie!" he snapped. "I see your face. I know what he did."

I couldn't bring myself to look up at him. "I angered him-"

Emris scoffed at me. "Is that supposed to be a reason?" he asked me. "Perhaps the same reason why he refused me three times before I decided to have you brought to Vendara by force."

I shook my head. I hadn't known Emris had sent for me sooner. But he couldn't possibly know that Hiram had his way with me... could he? And if he did, did that mean... did that mean that he believed the rumors that were spreading about me? That Hiram had been seen after hours, late into the night, coming out of my room by Manor staff? I risked a glance up at him. He was staring at me, his green eyes hard and cold, his face agony, almost angry. His lips tightened every now and then, as if he were refrainin from speaking.

"If you have a question, I'd rather you just ask it, your Majesty."

Annoyance creased his face. "What did Hiram do to you?" he asked bluntly. "Tell me now. It's my right to know."

I scowled at him now. He knew very well what Hiram did. Why would he insist on me spelling it out for him m. However, he had a point. I was to be his wife.

"Hiram started coming to my rooms when I turned twelve." I told him. I peaked up at his face but his expression hadn't changed. "I'm sure you can fill in the blanks."

Emris shook his head. "I need to hear you say it," he insisted.

I shook my head. "Is it not enough-"

Emris shook his head. "No, it's not!" he insisted. "I need a reason."

I sighed. "With all due respect, your Majesty, but what difference does it make? I am a woman. My Uncle is a Lord and my ward. I did as I was told, no questions asked. Besides, other then a child, what use do you possibly have for me?"

I watched his face turn angry.

I was tired and I knew I was speaking out of turn. "Your uncle is a very disturbed man, My Lady," he said in a low, gruff voice. It almost sounded like he was trying not to yell. Emris reached for his wine again, jerking the cup to his lips.

I lowered my gaze and stared down at my soup. It was no longer steaming. "Nalia."

His voice wrapped around my name like velvet. I risked a glance up at him and found him still looking at me. Only now his face was more frustrated and curious. "You need never fear him again."

I could hear the promise , the double meaning, the truth of his unspoken threat in his voice. What was I supposed to say? Thank you? I didn't want anyone's blood on my hands. Not as someone as vile as Hiram.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Emris smirked at me. "Would it really be to much to call me by my name?" he asked me.

I looked down at my hands once more. I didn't feel comfortable calling him by his name. It was to intimate, to personal. But perhaps that what he was going for?

In truth I was having a hard time figuring him out. I didn't understand where his mind set was at.


His name left my lips in a small voice and I watched as he leaned forward, his hands sliding forward now just an outstretched finger away from my hand. Before either of could speak, the door opened and the servants returned to clear away our plates and bring in the next course.

Mine was a hearty stew with bite size chucks of meat, potatoes and carrots. I dipped some bread into the thick gravy like sauce and took a bite. The flavor exploded in my mouth, attacking my tastes buds. It was the most delicious thing I'd ever had. Emris cleared his throat.

"Your new cloths should be here as soon as tomorrow. I also arranged for Niko to take you into town, if you like."

I smiled and nodded. "That would be great!" I would have Hali come with us. She may be a servant but I trusted her somewhat. She had shown great courage when she faced the guards in my behalf. Instill needed to thank her for that.

"As soon as you return, you should ready yourself. Our ship leaves by night fall."

I felt my heart sink. "Back out to sea?" I asked him, dismayed.

Emris pursed his lips. "It is the fastest way," he reasoned.

I set my spoon down, suddenly no longer hungry. The thought of getting back on that boat filled me with nausea. "If you would rather ride... we would be on the road for weeks."

I shook my head. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. And I didn't have much time to decide. "We should ride." Who knew? Perhaps I could find a way to slip away at night.

Emris smirked at me. "Are you sure about that?" he asked me. "It's a long time on the road, Nalia."

I looked down when I noticed his finger brush mine as he set his wine down. I pulled my hand away, jerker it out from under his touch and picked up my own wine to try and cover my sudden movement.

Emris sighed and I looked up to see him offering me a small smile.

"Whatever you wish, we will do," he said and smiled at me. I shook my head. I didn't understand. I was not yet his wife, he had no real responsibility to at all.

"We should ride," I told him.

Emris nodded. "We can make stops along the way to Starhill. If we wait two days we run the risk of meeting your uncle on the road. I know you want to see your brother so I am leaving it to you."

I sighed. Wasn't sure why he wanted my opinion on any these thing. It's not like I would be around long enough for it to make a difference. Emris knew of Hiram's thirst for power. And I doubted he would stop until he had everything he wanted. Hiram wasn't a man to stop when he had more then enough. His greed ran deep.

"Hiram will be seriously offended that you purposely avoided him," I reminded Emris.

I watched him smirk. "I'm counting on that," he laughed at me.

"If we are riding we should leave at first light. I will have the necessary preparations made."

I nodded, trying to think. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be sea sick or saddle sore. "We will ride," I decided. Emris nodded and stood to his feet, taking his wine with him.

"So many things to do until tomorrow. The feast is in a few hours and Lady Yesmina awaits you in the hallway."

I glanced over my shoulder through the open doorway. Yesmina, dressed in riding gear bowed her head at me. I sighed and got to my feet. Emris walked slowly forward and stopped before me.

"I will send for you later when it is time to leave," he said in a low voice. "Make sure you are ready."

I nodded and bowed my head.

"Yes, your Majesty."

Emris smirked and then swept from room. I didn't miss the scowl he threw at Yesmina who then followed him down the hall. "My father is looking for you," I herd her say.

I sighed and looked over at Hali and Niko who were standing against the wall.

"I'm going to the stables," I said.

Niko raised an eyebrow. "You should be packing," he reminded me. I shrugged. "I have nothing to pack, Sir, and I'd like to see more of Vendara. I have time yet and Emris said you were to escorte me to the market anyway. Hali too."

Niko nodded and glanced out the window. "I suppose," he mused. "We have time yet."

I smiled as Hali handed me my cloak. Slipping it on, I walked through the halls of Vendara Hall, marveling at the beautifully carved stones that made up the very walls of this Keep. "How long has Vandera Hall stood?" I asked Niko.

He shrugged. "Just over five-hundred years, Princess?" he mused. "I'd have to ask a scholar to be sure."

I nodded. "No need," I assured. "The artwork and stone etchings are amazing."

Niko nodded. "Drydalien hand art at its finest. Prince Emris had this made when he was crowned Prince of Azga."

I felt my heart sink and shock settle my features. Niko had said five hundred years. How old was Emris? I knew he was immortal but up until now I had really given it ouch thought. He looked young and deadly attractive, enough to melt anyone's heart. "Once you are married, you will be named Princess-"

I scoffed. "Yes but for how long?" I asked him. Niko knew what I was taking about. "I'm not stupid. I know how the law works. Once Emris has a son he will kill me."

Niko nodded. "Yes, he will."

I nodded and sighed. "We could get you out before that," she said.

I shook my head. "He will kill you too!" I reminded them.

Niko nodded. "Yes," he said in a mild voice. I looked up at him.

"You seem so ok with it," I noted.

Niko shrugged. "I am Skavi. My life only has purpose if I serve my Prince. Or King. I was born into the Skavi. I have known nothing else all my life. Unlike Hali. She was stripped of her titles and demoted to Skavi."

I felt my heart sink. "Hali is of noble birth?" I asked in a low voice.

Niko nodded. "Yes, but don't mention anything to her. It's not something she likes to speak of. As I'm sure you can understand."

I nodded, stopping by my bedroom door, staring at the mirror hanging across the hall from my door.

"He said we were leaving at first light." I stared at myself in the mirror. "Perhaps I should go into town myself. Pick up some things I may need."

Niko nodded. "I'm sure that can be arranged." He bowed and the vanished down the hallway.

My mind was still spinning when Niko left me in my room. I sat at my vanity table and stared at my reflection. I reached up and twirled a black strand of hair between my fingers. Before I realized what happening , a Maid had appeared and started to fix my hair. I watched as she braided and folded my hair into the same style as every other woman here. I felt my heart swell with relief. Perhaps this would stop everyone from staring at me. When Hali returned she had a Maid with her who had a dress draped over her arm.

"Prince Emris requests your presents in the throne room. It's a matter regarding brother, Princess."

I felt my heart drop.


Could it be? But if Jon was here, that mean Hiram was too. But how had they have arrived so soon? The Maid held up the dress but I shook my head, grabbing up my cloak and pulling it on. I didn't have time to dress up and be presentable. If Jon was here I needed to see him. It had been years. I was only seven the last time I had seen him. My twin. I froze, one arm halfway through the sleeve of my cloak. Would Emris have let Hiram into the Manor? He said he would not be permitted to be anywhere near me.

"Where is Prince Emris now?" I asked as I hitched the cloak up and bent to lace up my boots.

"Behind you," Hali said and I spun around to face Emris. He was dressed in riding gear as well, his eyes fixed on my face.

"Your brother and uncle seemed to have arrived ahead of schedule," he said as he walked forward.

I watched as he reached up and touch the collar of my dress, folding it outward. His lips curled into a smile as his eyes traces over my exposed skin closely followed by a frown. "If you'd rather stay here or out of sight I understand."

I glanced down the hall at Niko.

"Niko will wait with me," I assured him. "I have a job for Hali that she needs to get on right away."

Emris nodded, his hand falling away from my shoulder. "Very well."

Without another word, Emris turned and walked down the hall.

With one last gulp of air I followed him. I thought I would never see Hiram again. Not even a week away from him and he was already back to torment me. I felt my feet drag to a stop and Emris turned to look at me. "Nalia."

I looked up at him. He was watching me closely. "Do not fear him," he told me. "You are Vendarien now. We don't show fear."

I stared up at him, convinced he was messing with my mind somehow. Why did I feel this overwhelming sense of trust whenever I looked at him. Emris had done nothing to impress me or even get me to think of him as any other way as my potential killer. Me? I was just means to an end. A woman. Someone to give him a child.

"I'm fine," I assured him, not wanting to drag this out any more then I had to. "I can do this."

Emris lifted a finger and caught one of my braids, playing with a feather.

"You look beautiful."

Before I could think of what to say, Emris scooped up my arm and folded it under his, pulling me down the hall and toward a brightly lit room. "Follow Hali and Niko, they know where to take you."

Emris' fingers traced around the small of my back as he moved forward to speak to Niko. I tuned them out, the focus on Emris' hand on my back was freaking me out. I did my best not to slap his hand away so I just simply and smoothly eased from his hold on me.

As soon as I moved, Emris dropped his hand and folded his hands behind his back, a frown on his face. "Do not let anyone inside this room. Hiram is no friend to this Court or any other one in my fathers Kingdom, is that understood?"

Niko nodded. "I will protect the Princess with my life, your Majesty."

Emris nodded. "Good man. Now wait outside the door."

I turned to watch Hali and Niko leave the room, pulling the door closed behind them.

Emris turned to face me once more.

"I will keep this short," he told me in a low voice. "After we will go into town together."

I nodded and looked up at him when he didn't move away. There was some kind of conflicted emotion on his face that seemed out of place. "One day I will make you smile..." his voice trailed off as he raised his hand and trailed a finger down the side of my neck. I couldn't contain myself anymore. I shuddered hard and shrank away from his touch, distain and self loathing washing through me. A small gasp reached passed my lips and I turned away quickly.

"Thank you, Prince Emris," I said stiffly and walked to the edge of the balcony and looked down.

Hiram Crast was standing in the middle of the room, irons having been placed on his hands and feet. A tall, dark haired man stood beside him, a bow and quiver strapped to his back.

"Your brother is welcome to remain at Court if he swears himself to you and breaks all ties with the Crast name."

I shook my head. "I am still a Crast!" I reminded him.

Emris nodded. "In name yes," he agreed. "However, since you are to be mine, you will be presented as such. Tonight, before dinner, you will be presented as her Royal Highness Princess Nalia Halcro."

I felt the color drain from my face a little. "That sounds very public," I noted. Emris smiled.

"It's nothing compared to the reception you will receive at the Capital."

I forced a smiled in my face. "That's really not necessary-"

Emris raised a hand, his face Turing soft, almost as if he couldn't help himself. "Of course it is, Nalia."

Emris turned me to face the balcony. There was a velvet sofa in the middle of the small room, over looking the throne room.

"This balcony is protected by magic I cast myself. No one can see or hear you up here. If one looks up here they see nothing but a balcony, dark and empty. My brow furrowed. Emris had every thing he needed right now to end the Crast line. Since there would no longer be a Crast bloodline, a new, prominent family would inherit Summer Crest and become the new Lord and Lady of Summer Crest. I didn't want to die... I didn't want anyone to die. Not even Hiram. I didn't want his blood on my hands. I shuddered. Emris' hand found my shoulder gently, making me face him.

"You are mine now," he said as if to remind me. "You belong to me. And I protect what is mine."

I lowered my head. Even though I loathed the idea of him, I did own him. He was protecting me from the person who was supposed to have protected me and failed. Miserably.

"Are you sure you don't want to join me?" he checked.

I shook my head. "I can't... I will die a happy girl if I never have to set eyes on him... he scares me."

Emris nodded. "You will never fear him again! I can't make you the promises I know you want but I can promise you that he will never see or touch you again."

We stared at each other, a silent understanding. Emris had every intention of taking me as his wife. But he also understood that as soon as I became Pregnant, he would have to kill me. Mortals didn't survive the birth of a Hybrid Demon. Half Mortal, half Demon.

When childbirth didn't kill me, it would become clear that I was part Drex. That I was immortal.

"You can trust me." he assured me.

And then he dropped his hand and walked away, motioning for Hali and Niko to rejoin me inside the booth. I sat down, looking down at the full Court. Hiram was looking around. "He is looking for you," he noted. I sighed and nodded.

Hiram, his dark hair and blue eyes scanned the room.

A rather well dressed Skavi stepped forward as the double doors to the left of the room opened. "His Royal Highness, Prince Emris Halcro, Prince of Azga and Lord of Vandera."

Emris walked passed Hiram and Jon and took his seat on his throne.

"We weren't supposed to see you until tomorrow, my Lords."

Hiram held up his hands and frowned l. "Would you like to explain this?" he asked me.

Emris laughed. "You are now an enemy of this Court, Lord Crast. This is how enemies are recognized in my Court."

Hiram shook his head, his face aghast. "I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way, My Prince-"

Emris leaned forward. "Princess Nalia told me what you did," he said in a low voice. "Actually no, that's not true. I could see it, what you did to her." Hiram scoffed.

"The ill ramblings of a mindless child-"

Emris growled- actually growled at him and stood to his feet. "That is my wife you speak of, My Lord, remember yourself in this Court!"

I hadn't realized that I was on my feet until Niko appeared at my side.

"Emris has a temper, Princess. He is not the forgiving type. I'd he feels offended by anything or anyone he will let them know."

I watched as Emris leaned back on his throne. "Princess Nalia is no longer-"

Hiram shook his head. "At the risk of angering you further, my Prince, the Lady Crast-"

Emris held up his hand. "You will address her as Princess, not more, not less."

I watched shock cover Hiram's face. "You have already wed?" he demanded outraged. "Without my knowledge-"

Emris' voice echoed off the sine walls. "You no longer have a say in any of her affairs-"

Hiram bowed before him. "My niece is all I have, along with my nephew- Lord Crast."

Emris narrowed his eyes at him. "Speak out of turn again, and I will have you tongue."

Hiram clamped his lips shut, glaring at the ground. "Forgive me, your Majesty."

Emris nodded to Jon,

acknowledging him for the first time. "Lord Crast, are you willing to take over your uncles holdings and titles?" Emris wanted to know.

There was a moments silence. Emris was willing to strip Hiram of his titles? That would mean that Summer Creat would pass to Jon, my brother. I leaned forward, waiting for my brothers answer.

"Say yes, you fool!" I hiss.

Jon bowed his head respectfully. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but I must refuse your offer."

Emris scoffed surprised. "What?" he demanded. "Don't be a fool, Jon, take the offer. There is no one else to look after Summer Crest."

Jon glanced around the room once, his eyes scanning the hall. I sighed and turned for the door.

"Come with me."

Hali and Niko both flanked me on either side, Niko to my right, Hali to my left. "Tell me who else in in that Hall," I pleaded as we walked down the beaten stone steps. "I don't want any surprises."

Niko shrugged. "The Lords and Ladies have all returned to their summer homes for the season, Princess. Since you leave for Starhill tomorrow, everyone has returned home."

I nodded. It was bad enough that I would be presented before the whole of Azga in a few days. The thought of having people stare at me filled me with anxiety. Yet I had to make sure my brother understood that if he didn't take Summer Crest it would pass out of the Crast family name. As I rounded the corner Niko waved for the guard to open the door.

As soon as the doors opened the well dressed Skavi stepped forward once more.

"Her Royal Highness, Princess Nalia Halcro of Azga, Lady of Vendara."

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