Moonbloods Season 1

Chapter The New Lord of Summer Crest

"Her Royal Highness, Princess Nalia Halcro of Azga, Lady of Vendara."

Emris immediately stood to his feet, the look on his face was almost... proud? I couldn't be sure. He smirked at me. Was he taunting me? Had he wanted me to stay out of sight? I didn't slow my step as I walked down the isle, my gaze never leaving Emris. If I looked at Hiram now, I would lose my carful constructed resolve.

"Ah, there you are," Hiram said. "Come now, my dear, tell them the truth."

Jon, clearly confused, glanced between us. Emris motioned for me to join him on the podium. It was slight, subtle. A small nod of his head to the side. His silver eyes flashed at me, like something flickering from within. A feeling of calm washed over me.


His voice echoed around inside my mind, almost as if he were standing behind me, whispering in my hear. I shuddered. I wasn't sure what it was, if he was doing it or if I was just losing my mind.

I ignored Hiram and walked passed him and stopped beside my brother. We stared at each other for a long second before I turned away and joined Emris on the podium. I wasn't sure what to say right now.

"Nalia?" Jon stepped forward. "Is that really you?"

Hiram pulled him back. "Remember your place, boy!" he hissed at him.

I figured Hiram was just a monster when it came to coming for me... had he been treating Jon the same way? Hiram had split time between Mosswood, where my brother had been sent away for training with the Drydales and Summer Crest.

"Hiram Crast, you are here by stripped of your title and holdings-"

Hiram gasped aloud, the utter shock and dismay clear on his face.

"Do you know what you signed up for, Prince Emris?"

I raised an eyebrow, confused. I watched as people in the Court shuffled around a little, looking between Hiram and me, whispering.

"What are you on about?" Emris asked him, his tone bored. I felt my heart sink. The only thing that Hiram could use to ruin me, the only thing he could say-

"She is a Moonblood, your Majesty," Hiram announced. "She is a slut Moonblood- a Monster-"

Hiram's words cut off as soon as Emris moved, raising his hand and standing to his feet.

I watched in amazement as Hiram's feet left the floor, his hands going to his neck, gasping for air.

"Have you lost your mind, you fool?" Emris asked in a low voice as he walked forward. Raising his left hand, a wave of blackness washed up and tossed Jon aside, his feet leaning the floor. I watched him flail for a moment before he landed hard on his back, snapping his bow in half that was still strapped to his back. "How dare you speak of my Wife in such a foul manor?"

Hiram gasped for air now, his face turning red. "P-please, your Majesty!" he gurgled, clawing at his neck, trying to pry away the smoke-like vice around his neck.

"Why should I grant you the mercy you denied Nalia?" Emris demanded.

I stared up at Emris, to shocked by his words and actions to form any of my own. "S-she Spelled me, My Prince!"

I felt my heart sink again. What was he doing now? A last ditch effort to turn Emris against me? Emris however, did not seemed fooled.

"That will not save you now," Emris assured him. "You are stripped of your titles and holdings and will be transported to first Skavi ship back to the Summer islands where you will serve under your nephew."

I felt my jaw drop and a shocked gasp left my lips. This was worse then a slap to the face. Hiram was now Skavi , by decree of Prince Emris himself.

Emris dropped his hand and turned to face me, offering me a small smile. I watched as Hiram dropped to the hard stone floor and guards stepped forward to pick him up. "I gave that bitch everything!"he screamed. "And this is how I am repaid?"

The smile on his face faded and I watched Emris turn and stalk back toward Hiram.

My mind didn't understand what I was seeing. I couldn't make sense of how his hand extended, abnormally long, turning and morphing into something abnormal. I watched as his finger pointed into a sharp, talon like knife and swiftly and smoothly slid it across his neck. The blade slid into his flesh like a knife into soft butter; easy and with no resistance. Blood splattered across the floor and Hiram fell to his knees, a surprised look on his face as blood gushed down his front and he fell to his knees.

Emris rolled his shoulder, flexing his fingers back to normal. "Nalia, please go to the stables with Jon and Niko. They will be taking you into town to shop before we ride out tomorrow. I will see you for dinner."

Emris did not turn to face me. I watched as he stalked from the room, followed by Lord Melbourne and Summer, a trail of blood following him. I sighed and descended the steps toward my brother.

I slowly walked forward, trying to see my brother in this tall, dark haired stranger before me. Jon seemed to be doing the same thing as I slowly approached him. "Nalia?" I stopped. His voice was deep, unfamiliar. "I can't believe it."

I shook my head. "H-Hiram said you were dead!" I gasped, the shock of it all suddenly catching up with me. Hiram had told me, four years ago that Jon had died in a training accident.

As my words registered, Jon shook his head in confusion. "That's nonsense," he argued. "Iv been splitting time between Mosswood and Hardstone."

I felt my heart sink. Hiram lied to me this whole time. I turned to look at his body, lying cold on the stone floor. A Skavi was already cleaning the blood from the floor. My stomach heaved and I turned away. I nodded to Niko. "Let's go into town. We don't have much time."

Niko nodded and walked ahead of us to the stables leaving me with Jon and Hali.

"Hali, please return to my rooms and begin packing any cloths that may have been delivered. We will return shortly."

I nodded for Jon to follow me, a guard falling into step behind us.

We didn't speak much as we walked. Mostly because I didn't know what to say. I didn't know where to begin. Hiram had led me to believe my brother dead this whole time.

"This is kinda weird, right?" he asked me after a long moment of silence. I breathed out a relived half sigh, half laugh. "I thought it was just me," I assured him.

Jon shook his head, waiting as we stopped for a Maid to hand me a long, fur hooded cloak.

"How are you adjusting to all of this?" he asked me. "I only just found out that you had left for Vendara when I arrived in Summer Crest. Just hours after you cast off. I could still see your ship sailing away in the distance."

I stopped, halfway down the beaten path to the stables. Niko was waiting there with three horses. Jon took the grey one and I saddled up on my own. No one really spoke as we headed through the gate, my heart thumping uncontrollably as I thought of all of the things that could go wrong... what if Hiram had people out there? And why was Emris so quick to defend me? He didn't want this marriage and could have sold me back to Hiram if he wanted to. But he had killed Hiram. Right in front of me.

What if I angered him? Would I meet such a fate? If so, I could only hope it would be quick.

Once we reached town, Niko guided us through the square and to a stable. "We can go on foot from here," Niko said. I dismounted and waited by the door of the stables. As Niko and Jon joined me, I noticed how many of the citizens stared at me. We had been walking the streets for a few minutes when I stopped at a jewelry stall.

There were jewels of rubies, emeralds and diamonds, rings, bracelets and necklaces. "You may have anything you like," Niko said and then added; "Prince Emris insists."

I nodded, feeling a little awkward. I had never really used money before. And it seemed I never would have to. I nodded to a bright pink stone set in gold that dangled on a chain. "I will take this one," I said, pointing to the one I wanted.

The vendor smiled and handed it to me in a small leather bag.

"It was a pleasure, Princess," she told me. "Please, come back any time."

I smiled at the woman and watched as Jon stepped forward and placed more silver in her hand then I was able to count. And it was at least five times the price or worth of the necklace. "Thank you, and blessed be."

The woman shook her head. "I can not take this, My Lord!" she protested. I smiled at her. "Consider it a donation."

Before the woman could protest again, Jon smiled and waved for us to be on our way. I offered the woman one more smile as we walked away, hoping we had just made her life a little easier. However the look on Niko's face threw me off. "What is it, Niko?" I asked him and stopped at the next stall. Flowers, mostly dried petals and ground herbs were here.

"It is not custom for royals to donate their money. The reasons the Lords and Ladies of Azga are in the position they are in is because they employ these people. Giving them money could upset them."

I glanced around and noticed for the first time, that most of the people behind the Market stalls were Skavi. Slaves.

"I didn't realize-"

Niko shook his head. "I know, Princess. No one faults you."

I nodded and looked back down at the herb poultice and grabbed up a green wrapped one.

"That one is good for cuts and burns, Princess," the vendor said. "The blue one is for bruises and the yellow his for fever and infection."

I touched the pink one. "And this one?" I asked her.

The woman smiled. "Fertility, Your Majesty," she said. I felt myself blush and I jerked my hand away.

"Ah, well... interesting."

Jon pursed his lips.

"I take it the engagement with the Prince isn't going so well?" he mused.

I shook my head. "I don't really know," I admitted. "We only just met. And he frightens me."

Jon laughed. "Frightens you how?"

I laughed and glanced over at him. Jon was finely dressed. A silk shirt under his leather vest and a finely hand stitched cloak. His dark curly hair was long, covering the tops of his ears and hanging in his eyes.

"He is very intimidating."

It was more then just that. He seemed to have little interest in me or anything to do with me. Why hadn't he questioned Jon more? And he had been quick to kill Hiram in my defense. What was that about? Jon stopped by another stall and picked up some fruit.

"He can be," he said. "I have never seen him act out like he did today."

I raised an eyebrow. "You mean killing Hiram was out of character for him?" I asked confused.

"No." Niko answered.

Jon nodded and I stopped to look at Niko. "He's done this kind of thing before?"

Niko and Jon glanced at each other. "He is a demon, Nalia," Jon reminded me. "Human emotions are not known to them. Or at least not well."

I sighed. That explained a lot about Emris. As we walked I realized that everything I thought I knew about Emris- and that hadn't been much to begin with- was wrong. His gesture with the dinner? What had that been about? "Why didn't Prince Emris choose another wife?" I asked curiously. "Why the need for a mortal wife?" Not that I was Mortal. I was a Moonblood. A Witch. And when Emris found that out, I would burn. Perhaps that was my fate. Perhaps this is what was supposed to happen.

"No particular need. Prince Emris was in Summer Creat one summer when you were five or so?"

I stopped, turning to face him. "He saw you... and decided to make the proposal just a few moments after seeing you... Something about a promise he made to your father."

I felt my heart sink.

"What promise?" I asked in a low voice. "Why didn't know any of this?"

Niko shook his head and looked at Jon who shrugged. "First I'v ever herd of. I suppose it's up to me now anyway."

I raised an eyebrow. "How do you mean?" I asked confused.

Jon shrugged. "Hiram is dead, our father passed long ago... I am the only remaining Male of our House, Nalia. It's only logical that I arrange your engagement negotiations."

I looked at Niko who had an uncomfortable look in his face. "If you are done, Princess, we should return to the Hall."

I looked up at him. "We only just arrived!" I protested.

Jon shrugged. "We can stay a while longer," he reasoned. Niko frowned at him. "Remember you place, Skavi!" my brother warned him. "You speak to your superior and not some commoner-"

I shook my head and stepped between them. "Jon, really it's fine!" I assured him. "Let's finished shopping Niko and then return to the Hall. I'm sure there is still plenty to do before tomorrow."

Niko and Jon stared at each other.

"Leave us!" Jon instructed.

I raised an eyebrow at them. "I can't do that!" Niko reminded him.

"I am your Lord and I command you to leave," Jon said calmly. "I'd like time alone with my sister."

Niko shook his head. "I am about to leave the Princess's side unless instructed by His Majesty, Prince Emris."

Jon sighed. "I haven't seen her in years!" Jon reasoned.

Niko nodded. "I understand that, My Lord, and I'm sorry for that, however I have my orders."

Jon sighed angrily. "Perhaps I should just ask the Prince myself!"

Niko laughed. "Perhaps you should." He nodded to a group of guards standing by a tavern door.

"He is in town, gather last second supplies for the trip in the morning."

Jon nodded. "Perhaps I may do that. Excuse me."

I watched Jon walk away, toward the group of men and then into the tavern. "Was there anything else you would like to get, Princess?" Niko asked me.

I looked down at the necklace and shook my head. "No, we can go. I'd like to ride a little around the Manor grounds before dinner."

Niko nodded and we headed back the way we had come. As we walked, a woman sitting in a small tent was offering hand readings and fortune telling. I stopped, wondering. I'd never really had an opinion about Seers. I'd also never met one.

The woman, a dark haired brown eyed and middle aged, she dressed in a worn, moth eaten floral prayer and a purple and dress. "Looking to have your fortune told, Princess?" the woman asked me.

I smiled. "That's all just superstition, right?" I asked with a disbelieving laugh. The woman shrugged.

"Is it?" she asked amused. "Like the magic in you, Princess?"

I shook my head. "I don't know what you are talking about." I wasn't about to tell anyone who or what I was. It would surely get me killed. Not that I wasn't ready to die. I was. I had come to terms with death long ago. Perhaps when I turned twelve...

"You are a smart girl, Princess," the Woman said. "The Prince will be delighted when he finds out about your true power."

I shook my head. "True Power?" I asked her. Before the woman could answer, Thunder rolled across the sky, rumbling deep and low.


Awareness spread through me, goosebumps rippling overlong my chilled skin. His voice was deep and husky when he spoke my name. I turned to look at him.

Emris stools beside my brother, accompanied by a slew of guards. He was dressed in a deep green and gold riding cloak and simple shirt and trousers.

"The day grows late. We should return to the Castle. We have a long day tomorrow."

How much had he herd before? "Yes, your Majesty."

He sighed and turned away, hitching himself up into his massive horse. "Lord Crast, I had the documents drawn up for you. You are now the new Lord of Summer Crest. You should hurry home and set your affairs as soon as possible."

I shook my head. "What of Aunt Gracie?" I asked.

Emris sighed. "Send her on the first ship to the Capitol. My father will deal with her." He nodded to Niko. "Send a message."

Niko nodded and turned to hurry down the street. "What will happen to her?" I asked him.

Emris looked down at me. "She hurt you," he reminded me.

I shook my head. "She never-"

"Did she know what her husband was doing?" he asked me in a low voice. I felt my face go blank. I opened my mouth to speak but I words came out. Of course she had known. How could she not? I lowered my gaze, refusing to answer. "She must pay for her crimes."

I pressed my lips together. I couldn't bring myself to defend her. The thought of seeing her punished filled me with an odd feeling I'd never felt before.


When we returned to the castle, Emris and I were greeted by Lord Melbourneajd Yesmina. "We received word from Negera. Lady Drodic has requested her husband return home at once."

Emris shook his head. "Lord Drodic returned home a fortnight ago," said Lord Melbourne answered.

Yesmina shook her head. "Would he have stopped anywhere? There were Yehins on the road around the time he left," she mused.

"Yehins?" I asked.

Emris looked down at me, a small smile on his face. "Giants, Love," he said. I felt myself blush at the attempt at a pet name. What was this feeling... I frowned, leaning away from him. "Where is my horse?" I asked.

Emris nodded to Jon who I dropped my gaze to my brother who was staring at us. He didn't seem happy.

"I will get her," he said.

Before anyone could say Andy thing, I slid to the ground and joined my brother. "I will go with you. I will go straight to the castle!" I promised and followed Jon through the crowed, not giving him a chance to protest. Emris, glowered after me and I sighed in relief when I was far enough away.

"What's wrong?" My twin wanted know. I shook my head. "You have to take the position, Jon!" I insisted. He frowned. "Why?" he demanded. "Hiram was nothing to me. Had I known how bad the situation with him was I would have come for. Taken you to a Emris sooner-"

I shook my head. "He was at war, Jon," I reminded him. "And besides, you really thing Hiram would have let you take me anywhere?"

Jon sighed. "True," he admitted.

"I will lead the search myself," Emris said. He nodded at me, moving to help me down from his horse once more.

"I may not return till morning," he told me. "Make sure you are ready. We leave at dawn."

I shook my head. "Won't you need rest?" I asked him.

Emris laughed. "No," he assured me. "Be ready." Without another word, Emris kicked his horse into motion, followed by his slew of guards. Jon reminded beside me, his hands folded before him, reins in hand. "It grows cold, sister," he said. "And I leave at first light."

I turned away to see him walking away from a docksmen.

"You are leaving tomorrow?" I asked him.

Jon nodded. "It is for the best," he reminded me. "Emris is right. As Lord I have responsibilities."

I felt a small smile form on my lips. "So that means you will take it?" I asked him. Jon nodded. "I am head of our family now... to bad it turned out this way. I would have insisted on being more involved in your engagement. Emris would not be taking you to the Capital if I had any say."

I smiled again. "Unfortunately you don't, I'm assuming?"

Jon nodded. "You both out rank me. Nothing I can do about it."

I wasn't surprised. Emris was smart. So I wondered what his take on this whole arrangement was. He hadn't really said. He had only ever reffed to my feelings about the situation. I chewed my lip.

It didn't take us long before we reached the main gate of the castle and passed under the gate. Heading for the stables, I noted that there were already several Skavi were still outside, lighting lamps and fire pits.

"I should head back into town. Gather some supplies for the journey home."

"I hate that you can't come with us tomorrow."

Jon nodded. "I will be in the Caption in a few days. Even the Royal family can't put a wedding together that fast."

I laughed nervously. "Yeah... millions of people looking at me."

"They will love you."

I resisted the urge to scoff at him. How could they love me? I wouldn't be around long enough to find out.

"We both know that's the dream, Jon," I said.

He looked at me, confused. "You are safe because you are Male. Since I am able to give Emris a son..."

Jon shook his head. "But you are not going to die like you should."

I shook my head. "You don't know that!" I assured him. "Woman die in child birth all the time."

Jon sighed and dismounted his horse, turning to help me down from mine. Handing the horses off to the stable hands , we entered the Castle.

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