Monster Slayers MC Book 7

Chapter 9- The week before Christmas

Amber’s POV

After Dixie left us alone, Dawn helped me get changed into something a little more comfortable to sleep in. I was rather surprised that my hands hurt so bad even trying to do simple things like pulling up my jeans and pushing them down hurt just as bad. Moving my legs apart felt like someone was stabbing me in my groin with a railroad spike.

Dawn helped me get them off and I asked her, “So what do you think of this place?”

“I think we lucked out finding people like Rooster and his club. Can you just imagine where we would be if they hadn’t come to help us? From what I’ve seen so far, there are some really hot guys running around here. Kevin is so sweet and definitely easy on the eyes.” Dawn said.

“Yeah, I bet right now, I’d still be in that barn trying to keep those guys off of me with that pitchfork. I’m just thankful that you managed to get away from them without getting too hurt. I mean, getting raped by the three of them was awful and very painful but I don’t even want to think about what it would have been like for you.” I told her. I wasn’t a virgin when they raped me but I had never been forced to have sex before so it had been painful as well as terrifying.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to and I don’t want to make you relive it, but what was it like?” Dawn asked, barely able to look at me.

“Scary for sure. They had my hands tied so I couldn’t fight back and then they just ripped my shirt off and cut my bra off with a knife. I tried kicking them when they pulled off my jeans and panties. I begged them not to do it but they just laughed at me and one held my arms over my head while the other one climbed on top of me. None of them were what you would call “well endowed” but it still hurt like mad because they went in dry. The first one, that guy Bert, didn’t cum inside of me but the other two did. I had the doctor give me the morning after pill so that I won’t get pregnant because of this.

Bert was going to go again but I was bleeding by then. What I didn’t realize was I had started my period and with them doing that to me, just made me bleed even more. I think it scared them. I was already crying and when they let go of me, I played the pain thing up even more and they left me alone. They shoved me into that stall and locked the barn so I couldn’t get out and believe me I tried.

I heard the truck start up and I figured they were going to look for you and I just prayed you had managed to get somewhere safe and that help would be coming soon. I found a saddle blanket and wrapped it around myself and then I found the pitchfork. There wasn’t anything I could do about the blood running down my legs and I hoped it would keep them from raping me again if they came back before help arrived.

I was too afraid to sleep and I just sat listening for any sounds when I heard them come back. I heard them joking about “getting some morning pussy after breakfast” and then I heard the motorbikes. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my life. I thought they had brought friends back to ..... (I had to take a deep breath as I fought back the tears I could feel building up) well, I think you can imagine what I was expecting to happen next.

I was shocked when those two guys came to the stall door and just looked at me and then backed away. I could tell they were a lot younger than the other guys and definitely dressed differently.

Then Rooster came and started talking to me. He gave me a blanket and a bottle of water, which he had to open for me because my wrists were so sore I couldn’t do it by myself. I tried to answer his questions and he told me you were alright and he was going to take me to you. I think that’s when I got overwhelmed and passed out because I don’t remember anything else until I woke up in the hospital.” I told her.

“Well, after they pulled you out of the truck, one of them started to grab my legs but I kicked him in the crotch and he folded up so I just jumped and ran for all I was worth. I got a good head start on him and just kept running like you told me. I hid every time I heard that truck coming and then kept walking towards town. It took me almost all night to walk there because I kept having to hide every time I heard a car or truck coming.

Everything was still closed but I was hiding behind what I assumed was a restaurant when Ms. April at the Burger Barn found me hiding by their back door. She took me inside and said that she had come in early to do some paperwork. She could barely make out what I was trying to tell her because I was crying so hard in relief that I had found someone to help us. She finally understood that I needed help to get you away from the guys who had kidnapped us and she called Rooster. He showed up about half an hour later and asked me some questions and then told me to wait there and they would be back. The rest you already know.” Dawn told me, then asked “So what are we going to do now?”

“I don’t know for sure. I can pretty much forget about that job in Dallas. If I’m not there by Monday, they’ll give it to the other person. She said the person I would be replacing will be leaving Friday and I would need the time to train with them before they leave. There is no way I’ll be healed in time to be there by then. I really should call and let them know what happened and why I can’t be there.” I told her.

“If you tell them we got kidnapped and you got assaulted, do you think they would give you extra time?” Dawn asked hopefully.

“I don’t know but I kind of doubt it. I guess I can try it and we’ll just have to see. If they can’t give me more time after I tell them what happened, then I don’t think they are someone I want to work with anyway. Pass me my purse, please.” I told her, trying to sound more confident than I felt right now.

I pulled out my cell phone and thankfully it was still about half charged. I called the woman who had offered me the position and told her what had happened and asked if there was any chance they could give me more time.

“I’m sorry for what happened to you and I’m sorry to say that unfortunately I can’t do that. The person that is leaving has very definitely responsibilities here and she’s really the only one who can explain and train you on the duties she does for us. She’s leaving the country when she leaves us so she wouldn’t even be available for guidance calls once she’s gone. I’m sorry Amber but I need someone as soon as possible.” She said.

“I understand and I do hope that if the other person doesn’t work out, you will call me back. Hopefully I’ll be healed up by then if you do. Right now, I can’t see out of one eye, both of my wrists have strained muscles and ligaments and one of my ankles is badly sprained. I’m weak as a kitten and have to use a wheelchair to get around and the doctor told me I will probably take a month or more before I’m back on my feet and able to use my hands again.” I told her.

“I’m so sorry you had to go through that and I hope you get better soon. Good luck to you Amber and thanks for calling me and letting me know.” She said before we hung up.

“Like I thought, they can’t wait until I’m healed and able to start.” I told Dawn.

“I’m sure things are going to work out. We just have to have faith. In the meantime, I’m dying for a shower and some clean clothes. You lay down and rest. Dixie said they would let us know when it’s dinner time. Love you, sis!” Dawn said and with a quick hug, she helped me get on the bed and covered up. My hands are so weak that I could barely even pull the covers over myself. She left my room and went to her own next door.

I lay in bed trying to come up with some kind of alternative plan but I’m so tired that it wasn’t long before I fell asleep.

Dawn’s POV

I left Amber’s room, taking her key with me so that I can get back in when I need to. She can’t even walk to get to the door right now and her hands are so weak I doubt if she could even use the key. I know that she’s really stressed out about what we are going to do next. I just hope she manages to get some sleep.

I doubt if I will be able to sleep just yet but I’m almost desperate to get a shower and some clean clothes. I’ve been in these clothes since yesterday morning when we left Seymore just after breakfast. I had spent a whole night running through the overgrowth and into tumbleweeds. I had fallen down several times, tripping over stuff I couldn’t see in the dark.

When I had finally made it to the small town, I had scrapes and cuts all over my hands, arms and face. Thankfully I had long jeans on but I had ripped both knees and they were scraped and bleeding too. The only thing I had thought of all night was that I needed to find help to rescue Amber so even though I was tired and hungry, I kept going. You would have thought that the mile and a half was close but when you are walking around in total darkness and afraid to walk along the road too closely, it seems to take forever.

As soon as I was in my room, I found a change of clothes in my suitcase which had been brought up by one of the guys that Dixie had called a prospect. It was sitting on a nice bench seat at the foot of the bed. I carried my clothes to the luxury bathroom and was wowed by how rich and elegant it looked.

I found fresh towels hanging on a bar next to the massive shower and some really good strawberry-smelling soap, shampoo and conditioner sitting on the built-in bench inside. I turned on the water to let it warm while I stripped out of my torn and filthy clothes.

“Damn. I really liked those jeans but I bet you the blood will never come out.” I said to myself as I threw them next to the trash can. The water in the shower was finally ready and I stepped under the strong spray and groaned in relief as it hit my back. It felt so good as I let it massage my neck and shoulders before I wet my hair and poured some of the shampoo into the palm of my hand. I washed my hair, applied some conditioner and then washed my body before I washed the conditioner out. Hopefully I will be able to get the tangles out of my hair. I really feels like a matted mess.

I regretfully climbed out of the shower and dried off. I squeezed the water out of my hair, brushed my teeth and then set to work on getting the tangles out. It took some time but I finally managed to get a comb through my long locks. In the 5th grade, a bully stuck a big wad of bubble gum in my hair and no matter what we did we couldn’t get it all out so I had to cut my hair to just above my shoulders.

After it was cut, it got really curly and I hated it. I looked like little orphan Annie for a long time until it grew out again. Now it almost touches my butt and is just kind of wavy. The most I will allow now is a slight trim to keep the split ends off. The freckles that had plagued most of my face in childhood had faded to just a few on the bridge of my nose and lightly across my cheeks.

I looked at myself in the large mirror and saw a few scratches on my cheeks, across my forehead and down my neck from the overgrowth I had run through last night. None of them were very deep and should heal in about a week, according to the nurse who had applied the antibiotic cream on them this morning. I found a tube of that in the first aid kit I found in the vanity drawer and applied some to the cuts again.

I pulled a big comfy shirt over my head and entered the bedroom. I had planned on unpacking my suitcase but I was thoroughly exhausted and wanted nothing more at the moment than a nap. I crawled into the huge bed, pulled the soft comforter up to my waist and I think I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

Rooster’s POV

After we got home, Dixie took over with Amber and Dawn. I walked down to the clinic to talk to Doc.

“Hey Doc! Hey Ratchet. What happened to you?” I asked.

“Ah, my hand was covered with grease when I was trying to get a bolt unstuck and my hand slipped off the wrench I was using. Just cut my knuckles a bit but Wrenches made me come have Doc check them.” Ratchet said with a wince as Doc poured Hydrogen Peroxide over his split knuckles.

“Ouch. You must have hit something pretty hard. That looks painful.” I said as I watched Doc take care of his hand.

“Yeah, I did but I got the bolt open.” Ratchet said.

“Well, Ratchet, this middle knuckle is going to require a couple of stitches to close the wound and then I’m going to put butterfly stitches on the other knuckles and put you in a hand brace to keep you from flexing your fingers into a fist. Making a fist will pull on the stitches and will rip the skin and wound open. This middle finger, the cut goes almost to the bone.” Doc said as he picked up a hypodermic needle and numbed Ratchet’s hand.

I watched as he put a couple of stitches in Ratchet’s hand, applied the butterfly stitches on the other knuckles and then put his hand in a brace that would keep his fingers in a good position to heal, wrapping it with an ace bandage and gave him some rubber gloves so that he would be able to bathe. “One of these days, you guys will learn to wear gloves to protect your hands.” Doc teased him before Ratchet left.

“So what can I do for you, Prez?” Doc asked as he cleaned up the mess he had made.

“Our rescue this morning says she was going to nursing school before she had to stop to help their mother who passed from cancer a couple of months ago. I’d like for you to meet her, hopefully at dinner tonight. Maybe you could talk with her about maybe joining you to help out around here? You and Millie need to be able to take time off and I know you sometimes get overloaded back here.”

“Well, I won’t say I wouldn’t appreciate some help back here to give me more time with my new bride but can the MC afford another medical person?” Doc asked.

“Well, I’m sure we can make it work out. Dixie and I know we need to expand in a lot of area’s but we don’t want to neglect this very important area and we definitely don’t want you to feel stressed out or feeling overwhelmed. When we went to rescue the two women we brought home with us today, I wished we had a woman with us because she was skittish at first. Having someone with medical training with us would be a big help in cases like that. I don’t know enough to be able to interview her about a position with us so I was hoping you could interview her to find out what skills and experience she has had.” I explained.

“You said she was in nursing school? Do you know how long she was in school or if she has any hospital experience? How old is she?” Doc asked.

“I don’t know any of that. We just got her home and I haven’t had any chance to really talk to her in private yet. If I have to guess her age, I would say early twenties. Her sister is about 16, I think. She was very concerned about a position she had lined up in Dallas but I got the feeling that it’s going to disappear if she can’t be there by Monday, which is not going to happen because she won’t be healed up by then. Anyway, she’s going to need to be monitored and perhaps some physical therapy on her hands so if you could check in on her and maybe talk to her?” I told him.

“Sure. I can do that. What room is she in?” Doc asked.

“That you’ll have to ask Dixie about. All I know is they are in the units facing the back of the house but I’m not sure which ones. Both girls were exhausted because they didn’t sleep last night so Dixie took them up to bathe and get a nap before dinner.” I told him.

Just then Millie came into the clinic. “Hey Rooster. How are you? Not sick or hurt I hope?” She asked.

“Nope. Not me. How about you?” I asked.

“Was just home getting some laundry done. What in the world is Claire making for dinner? Something smelled really good when I was walking back here.” Millie asked.

“I have no clue. I just got home with two new rescue girls but I’m going to find out. I’m hoping that means you’ll join us for dinner?” I asked.

“You can count on us. I need to hit the grocery store soon. Our supplies are running low. I was just checking my cupboards when I was doing laundry. Isn’t Dixie planning a trip to town tomorrow?” Millie asked.

“Yep. They are going to Costco’s and who knows where else.” I said with a chuckle.

“Well, maybe I’ll tag along with them. Buying in bulk means fewer trips to the store.” Millie said.

“Okay. Well, I’d better get back to work. So much to do and it’s just me! See you two at dinner.” I left knowing that Doc would talk to his wife about what I had told him and I hoped they would be glad for the help. While I did want to give them the time to spend time with each other, I was really wanting a trained and qualified person, preferably a woman, to go with us on rescue missions like we had gone on today. Someone who could approach a female or a child and not seem as scary as we tend to be by our sheer size alone.

I walked back down to my office, again realizing what a mistake we had made in making these hallways so damn long. I checked my email and thankfully the only message I had was from Shirken who said they could come next week and should be able to stay for at least a week. I replied to him that we would be glad to see them and to give me a head’s up on what day they planned to arrive and we would have rooms ready for however many men he was bringing with him.

With that information, I went looking for Dixie first and found her talking to Claire and Mindy in the kitchen. She was feeding Sammy some toddler food while she chatted with them.

“Nancy and Jenny both said they want to move up to our house and we’re planning on taking them up there in the morning.” Dixie was saying.

“Well, who wouldn’t want to live up there. You have a beautiful house.” Claire said.

“Yeah, we put a lot of work into that place but we seem to spend more time down here than we do up there and it’s such a shame to let it just sit empty. They both understand that it’s a temporary situation until the kids lose some of their fears.

The 3 older kids are still very afraid of the men and I know Jenny and Nancy are both stressed out about having to stay cooped up in their rooms all the time because the kids are afraid to let them out of their sight for very long. This way they can have more of a home set up with a yard.

Although as cold as it’s been, they won’t be outside much and hopefully they will lose their fear soon and can come down and play in the yard with the other children on warm days.” Dixie said.

“Oh hey, big brother. Are you looking for a snack? Dinner is going to be ready soon.” Claire said.

“Nope. Actually looking for my wife. Dix, I just got an email from Shirken. They are going to be here next week and will be staying for a week. Do we have 5 empty rooms on our level left?” I asked as I bent over to kiss the top of her head and then my son’s.

“Well, our side is almost full but there’s room on the side that faces the backyard, and there’s room on both sides if they want rooms without windows. We really didn’t think that through when we rebuilt this place. Nobody wants the windowless rooms except for guys like Spades and Howler. Joker only took a windowless room because the guys were getting him back for all the pranks he was pulling on them by coming in through his window in the old place.” Dixie answered with a big grin. We and the executive staff were probably the only members in the club that didn’t have pranks pulled on them by Joker.

It had been Dixie who had come up with a great “get back” idea that some of the boys had pulled on Joker. Some of the boys that had been getting “joked” on a lot got him falling down drunk one night then they dyed his hair brite pink. His screams when he woke up the next morning and saw his hair woke up half the house. He’s still to this day, trying to find out who did it but at least he’s cut down on the jokes and only goes after the prospects now as part of their hazing.

“Wait. Christmas is next week! They are coming for Christmas? Don’t they have families?” Dixie asked.

“Well, Shirken doesn’t have an ole’ lady, that I know for sure. I don’t know who is coming with him but I assume they are also single. He said there were 4 guys coming with him. I didn’t even think to ask if they had women coming with them. Maybe I had better check back with him and find out if he’s sure about the dates and exactly how many people are coming.” I told her.

“Well, find out and let us know. We are trying to make out the holiday meal plans and I have to let the caterers know an accurate headcount. Tell them if they are going to be here for the holiday about the name pull thing.” Dixie said.

“Will do. Now, does anyone know where Cheryl is?” I asked.

“Probably in her workshop. But knock before you go in. She’s been working on something she doesn’t want anyone to know about.” Dixie said.

“Okay.” I said before I left the kitchen. I climbed the stairs and walked down to the last door on the “singles” hallway where Cheryl’s workshop was located. It was right above the clinic. We’d had to put down extra padding on the floor to keep the vibration levels down when her machines were being used otherwise it sounded like a jackhammer was being used up here to anyone in the clinic and Doc and Millie had complained about it.

I knocked on the door and it took her a minute to answer the door and when she did, she only opened it enough for me to see her and not what was in the room.

“Hey Prez. What can I do for you?” Cheryl asked.

“What are you hiding in there?” I grinned at her.

“A surprise and no, you can’t see.” She grinned back at me.

“Okay. Well, I need to know if you can put “Dash” on Kevin’s cut. His birthday is in a couple of days and I’m going to patch him in for his birthday.” I told her.

“Hang on! Crusher told me what you guys had decided for his road name so it’s all ready.” She said and closed the door in my face. A minute later she came back with the box holding Kevin’s cut. “Here ya go!” She said as she handed me the box.

“Thanks, Cheryl. I’m really liking this. I’ll let you know when I come up with road names for the others.” I told her.

“Their cuts are ready except for their road names, so just let me know when you decide.” She said.

“Will do.” I told her and then left her to go back to work. I carried Kevin’s cut down to my office and put it under my desk.

I opened my email again and saw a new message from Shirken that said they would be here next Tuesday and there would be him and four of his men. I decided that instead of emailing back and forth, I would just call him. I looked up his number in my contacts and hit the call button.

“Hello?” he answered almost right away.

“Shirken. It’s Rooster. First of all I want to say that you are more than welcome to come but Dixie told me to make sure you realize a week from Saturday is Christmas, right?” I asked.

“Yes. I know. The four men who are coming with me don’t have families to go to, nor do I. The rest of my men are going to their families or the families of their ole’ ladies so it would just be the 5 of us here by ourselves. Being alone for the holiday’s is depressing but watching them sitting around crying in their Sake is an even worse way to spend the holiday.” I could hear the humor in his voice as he said that.

“Man, I haven’t drank Sake in a very long time and never will again. I’ve never drank anything that kicked my ass as bad as that stuff did the time I came to visit you. I had a hangover for two days after that. Well, like I said, you are more than welcome to come.

Dixie also needs to know if you want rooms with windows or not? She also told me to let you know that we do a name pull for gifts. Most of the guys do booze or gag gifts. I think last year they must have bought out every blow up sex doll in Dallas!” I said with a light chuckle to my voice.

“Rooms without windows are fine if that is what is most available. We shall bring appropriate gifts for the occasion. The men coming with me are Katana, Yin, Obake and Naifu.” Shirken said.

“Okay, you are going to have to spell those names for me.” I said since I had no idea how to spell the names.

Shirken laughed and told me he would send it to me via email. I told him we looked forward to seeing them and then we hung up. While I was waiting for his email to come through, I unlocked the drawer on my desk that I kept private stuff in and took out the box that contained Dixie’s Christmas present. I had gotten her a really pretty locket and had a picture of me and Sammy put inside. I had a big stuffed “Biker Bear” for Sammy and Cheryl had made him a cut for me. I knew he wouldn’t be able to wear it for long but I couldn’t wait to put it on him. I had bought a ID charm bracelet for Claire that said “Baby Sister” on the “ID” part and had bought a little baby bootie charm with her birthstone for it. I had seen Cheryl wearing one similar to it and had noticed that Claire admired it one night.

Dixie was having the meal catered again, thank goodness, so all of the women could get out of the kitchen and just enjoy the holiday. Dixie had also invited Manuel and everyone at his house to join us.

All of the women had spent the last week decorating the house for the holiday and we had three Christmas trees this year. One in the family living room, one in the main living room and one in the bar.

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