Monster Slayers MC Book 7

Chapter 8- Amber & Dawn come to the compound

“Hello?” Papa Joe answered on the second ring.

“Hey, Joe. It’s Rooster. Tell me something. I’ve got a 16 year old girl who was kidnapped with her sister. She managed to escape but the sister didn’t. Three men raped her and while she’s going to be okay, she’s in the hospital for the next few days. The girls lost their mama a few months ago to cancer and their father was killed in a car accident a few years ago. If I bring a girl to stay with you for a couple of days, do you have to report it to the state? They are really nervous about her being put in the foster care system and being separated.” I told him.

“I wish I could say we could just take her without having to report it but it could end up costing us our license and I can’t take a chance on that happening. I’m sorry, Rooster.” Papa Joe said and I could tell he really meant it.

“I understand. Nothing to be sorry for. We can put her and her sister up without getting in any trouble. We just usually bring underage girls to you but I’m sure we can accommodate her. I think the hardest part is going to be keeping the men away from the older girl. She doesn’t seem to be afraid but she’s definitely a looker. Dark red hair and amber colored eyes and a very sweet disposition.

The younger sister has the same hair but the prettiest hazel eyes. Otherwise, if they weren’t different ages and their eye color, they could almost pass for twins. Can’t tell you much more about the older girl cause all I’ve seen of her so far is her face. She was wrapped up in a blanket I gave her before she passed out. However Ivan saw her and said she is, and I quote, “Gorgeous.” I laughed.

“Well, sorry I can’t take her but I do hope things work out. Have you had any chance to think about taking over for us when we retire?” Papa Joe asked.

“I’ve only had a chance to talk to Dixie so far and we both agree that while we can’t take the heartache of doing what you do, I have mentioned it to the executive staff but so far we haven’t had a chance to meet to find out if any of them are interested but as soon as I do, I’ll let you know.” I told him.

“Thanks. We may not have any choice but to give this place up too. Two of the boys came to me last night and have told me they are ready to leave the farm now. That only leaves Bill with two hands to manage our cattle and granted we are by no means a ranch, it does take at least 4 hands to work this place for the cattle we do have and to help us at planting and harvest time. 50 acres is a lot of land to take care of.” Papa Joe said.

“Tell me about it. Well, I’d love to stay on and chat some more but I’ve got to get back to the hospital. Let me know if you need any help. I’ve got a couple of boys that are familiar with horses and cows that I could send to help you out.” I told him as I saw through the window that Kevin and Dawn were coming towards me.

“That would be great. Take care, Rooster and we’ll talk soon.” Papa Joe said.

Kevin is a real gentleman and I was beginning to think that maybe he’s interested in Dawn but then remembered that he’s like that with all of the women. But still, maybe I had better have a talk with him when we get back.

“Ready to go back to the hospital?” I asked Dawn.

“Yes. Mr. Rooster, what about our car? All of our clothes are in there and Amber is going to need something to dress in when she’s ready to go and I would just about kill for a shower and clean clothes. I’ve been in these since yesterday morning and I feel gross.” Dawn asked at the same time a text came through from Wrenches on my phone saying that our tow truck was almost to Coilney and he needed to know where to go.

I called Wrenches and told him to meet us at the Burger Barn and Kevin could lead him to it. Then I turned and told Dawn, “One of our men is coming with our tow truck to pick up your car. How about you guys follow him to pick it up and then all of you come back to the hospital. We can bring up her suitcase for her to pick out what she wants to wear to come home in and you can visit with her for a little while and we can find out how long she’s going to have to stay. Then we’ll all go home together. Okay?”

“Sounds fine to me. I’m sorry to put you through so much trouble and have you running around all over the place for us but I really appreciate all you are doing.” Dawn said.

“It’s not a problem. Just glad we can help. And please, just call me, Rooster. There’s no Mister to it.” I told her.

Just then Wrenches and Ratchet showed up and I told Wrenches what I needed them to do. And then we all loaded up and headed out. They all went to her car while I went back to the hospital.

I rode the elevator up to her floor and walked down the hall just in time to find the doctor leaving her room. “How’s she doing, doctor?”

He turned and smiled at me and said “I’m glad to report that she’s going to be just fine. She has a sprained ankle and she is bruised in her groin from being raped and we’ve given her the morning after pill just to be on the safe side. Both of her wrists are strained from struggling to get out of her bonds. The bleeding is because she started her period either during or right after the rapes but I don’t see any tearing inside so with some rest, she’ll be alright.

Thankfully she didn’t lose any of her teeth but her mouth is going to be sore for a couple of days and I recommend she stick to broth and jello during that time. Thankfully mouth sores usually heal fairly quickly so she should be able to get back to a regular diet in two or three days. Are you here to pick her up?” He said with a very upbeat attitude and was surprised when my eyes got bigger.

“She can go home already?” I asked in surprise.

“I don’t see why not. She doesn’t need blood and she’s not on an IV’s anymore, nor does she really need monitoring by a nurse. I wouldn’t say she should stay alone but she said she would be with her sister and that they both would be staying with friends for a while. I’m sure she will be a lot more comfortable and will be able to get more rest at home than she will be able to get here. Here the nurses are required to check on patients every two hours so resting in here is not ideal. Is her leaving going to be a problem?” He asked.

“No! No, not at all. Will save me having to run back and forth from Jackson to here every day. I’m sure both girls will be glad to be back together in a safe place.” I told him.

“My wife’s sister is good friends with Ms. April at the Burger Barn and she sings your MC’s praises for what you and your club do for these young women. I’m glad to be able to shake your hand, Rooster. Too many people nowadays just don’t care and will turn their backs on people in need. It’s good to know that someone out there is helping these kids when they need it the most.” The doctor said as he stuck out his hand and we shook. I have to admit that receiving that kind of praise made me feel extra proud of what we do.

“Thanks. We try our best. I’m sure her sister, Dawn, is going to be very happy that she can leave with us tonight.” I told him.

“Well, I’d better get on with my rounds. A nurse will be in soon to sign her out and then she’s free to go.” The doctor said and then left to go on to his next patient.

I already knew that Kevin and Dawn would be bringing her suitcase up when they got here so I just knocked on her door to make sure it was okay for me to go inside.

“Come on in.” I heard her call out. She was sitting up in bed and while her face was still swollen and bruised, she looked happy. “The doctor said I can leave as soon as I have a ride and some clothes to wear.” She said happily.

“Yeah, I saw the doctor in the hall. Well, Dawn and Kevin have gone to get your suitcase from your car and two of my guys brought our tow truck to haul your car home with us. As soon as they get here, you can get dressed and then we can leave as soon as the nurse brings the sign out paperwork. Did they give you anything to eat yet? We bought you a cobb salad but the doctor said you should stick to broth and jello until your mouth heals. Hopefully it will only be a day or two.” I told her.

“Yeah, if you can call that broth. The jello was green! YUCK! Green jello should be outlawed. This didn’t even have any taste to it so it was like eating stiff slime!” She smiled. I could tell she was happy to get out of the hospital. I bet she’s had enough of hospitals with her mother’s death so recent.

“I know what you mean and broth never really fills you up. I’m sure Claire can make you something soft to eat until your mouth feels better. Would you like to go and get a shower so that when your clothes come, you can get dressed?” I asked.

“Oh yes! I hate putting clean clothes on if I haven’t had a shower.” She smiled at me again.

“Let me see if I can find a nurse.” I said and stepped out into the hallway. A nurse who had been in here earlier was coming with her paperwork and I asked her “Can you help her into the bathroom and then bring her some crutches?”

“Well, I can help her get in the shower and to the bathroom, but she can’t use crutches because of the damage to her wrists. We’ll be putting her in a wheelchair to take her to her car. Let me get her a shower chair so she doesn’t have to stand up in there.” The nurse said.

“Thank you.” I told her and she turned to go into another room that I assumed was a supply closet because she came out a minute later with a heavy duty plastic chair with holes in the seat. I held the door for her and told Amber “I’m going to go downstairs and wait for Dawn and Kevin. Do you know what you want to wear? I can have Dawn just bring that instead of bringing your whole suitcase up here. Plus I need to call home and tell my wife to get a room ready for you and Dawn.”

“Tell Dawn to bring me a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and clean undies and my purse. I want to brush my hair. Oh, and my toothbrush, please.” Amber said.

“Okay. We’ll be back up soon.” I said as I left the room so that she could get up and to the bathroom, with the help of the nurse. I went back downstairs and found a bench out front while I waited for everyone to show up. I called Dixie and told her I would be coming back with two young women and asked her to get a bedroom ready.

“Just one? I thought you said two women?” Dixie asked.

“Well, do we have two empty rooms right next to each other?” I replied.

“I’m pretty sure we do but if not, would they be okay with being across from each other?” Dixie asked.

“I don’t think it will be a problem. If it is, they might just have to share a room, at least for a while. I found out Amber was training to be a nurse. I wonder if she would be willing to stay and work with us? Has Marley ever said anything about having nightmares after going on a mission to you? Hunter said that she does and I don’t want to put her through it if we don’t have to. Kaylee’s not always available and Millie is not exactly young anymore. We need to get people who can take over if they decide to retire or get sick or for a number of reasons. It’s the one department that we are seriously lacking and in need of help. Sometimes we get more sick or hurt than Doc alone can handle, even with Millie’s help. ”

“No, Marley has never said anything, at least not to me. And I totally agree about needing some help for Doc. He and Millie deserve to be able to take time off, especially since Millie is now retired. Is this girl a registered nurse yet?” Dixie asked.

“I don’t know. She just said she was in nursing school. I guess we need to talk to her more but first I just want us to be all in one place again. I always miss you when I go out of town and I was beginning to think I was going to have to be here overnight. What is Claire making for dinner?” I asked.

“Cheeseburger meatloaf. She wants plenty of extras for leftovers tomorrow. We are doing a Costco run tomorrow. She wants to look over some roast beef and BBQ meat. Are these girls going to need clothes?” Dixie asked.

“No. They have their suitcases. They were in the process of moving from Seymour to Dallas. The older girl was going for a job but I don’t think they are going to hire her looking like she does right now. Besides, her groin is bruised and sore from being raped and she is going to be moving slowly for a while until that heals.” I told her. “Ah, here they come. We should be home in about an hour or so. Depends on how long it takes for her to get checked out of the hospital. Love you!” I said.

“Love you more. Ride safe!” Dixie said and then hung up.

Kevin pulled into a parking space not far from my bike and Wrenches pulled in a row over from them where there weren’t as many cars. I walked down and told Dawn to just bring the clothes her sister had asked for. “She’s being released so she just needs clothes to wear home. When I came downstairs she was getting in the shower.”

“Oh that’s great! Amber and I both hate hospitals. We spent far too much time in one over the past year with my mom. How long does it take to get from here back to your place?” Dawn asked as she went through Amber’s suitcase, pulling out what she needed.

“A little over half an hour.” Kevin told her.

“Great! I can’t wait to get a shower.” Dawn said with a big smile. I watched Kevin looking at her and realized she was feeling something for him. Heck, they aren’t that far apart in ages. Kevin would be turning 18 soon and while I didn’t know how old Dawn was yet, there couldn’t be that many years between them. I knew it didn’t matter anyway because even though he had not said anything to me directly, I knew that there was a girl in town that he had been seeing.

As soon as she had the clothes Amber had requested, she stuffed her toothbrush, which was in a ziploc bag, into her purse and they headed back upstairs. I told Kevin, “I’m going to tell Wrenches and Ratchet what’s going on and I’ll be right behind you.”

“Okay Prez.” Kevin said as he and Dawn walked towards the hospital. I walked down to where Wrenches and Ratchet were parked and told them “You guys might as well go ahead and head back. I thought she was going to have to stay overnight but turns out they are releasing her today. Unload their stuff at the compound but then take the car down to the garage and fix whatever needs fixing. Sure not much to look at is it?” I said as I looked over the car.

“She definitely needs some work and a paint job for sure. But these foreign cars will run forever so long as you take care of them.” Wrenches said.

“Well, let’s hope there’s not too much wrong with her and it will be a simple fix.” I said. “Claire’s making cheeseburger meatloaf for dinner so don’t be late.”

“Oh yeah. That woman sure can cook.” Wrenches said, wiping the imaginary drool off of his mouth.

I laughed and then told them. “Go on. We won’t be far behind you.”

I walked back to the hospital and rode the elevator up to Amber’s floor. I found Kevin standing outside her door as if he was on guard.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“Um, yeah. She’s getting dressed. We didn’t know she was standing in the bathroom naked when we walked in.” Kevin said with bright red cheeks. I couldn’t help it as I broke out laughing.

“Nice?” I asked him when I could finally talk again and he nodded and I swear his cheeks got even redder. “First naked lady?” I asked and even his ears turned red as he nodded slightly.

“Please don’t tell any of the others? I’ll never live it down.” Kevin pleaded.

“Your secret is safe with me. I won’t tell.” I promised him. I knew he had already been taking heat from some of the other boys because I usually called for Kevin’s help before any of the others. I did it because I know I can give him a job to do, then I can depend on him to get it done. If he doesn’t know how to do something, he’s not afraid to ask for advice or help. He’s turning out to be one of our best prospects and as soon as he turns 18, I’m definitely patching him in.

We didn’t have to wait long before the door to Amber’s room opened and the two sisters were standing there. Amber was leaning on her sister’s shoulder for support. “I’m all signed out and ready to go. Let’s blow this joint.” Amber said with a big smile.

“As much as I wish we could, hospital’s insist you are taken downstairs in a wheelchair. Kevin, go find a nurse and a wheelchair.” I told them.

Kevin took off down the hall and within a couple of minutes came back pushing a wheelchair with a nurse walking alongside him.

“All ready to go?” The nurse asked.

“Yes, ma’am. Here’s the paperwork.” Amber said, holding out the paperwork the previous nurse had given her. She sat down in the wheelchair and together we all walked down the hall to the elevator.

“We’ll have to stop at the cashier’s and you can make arrangements for the payment.” The nurse said.

I noticed that Amber and Dawn looked at each other and suddenly their good mood left. I told them “They are rescues of the MSMC. I’ll take care of the payment. Kevin, go bring the vehicle up to the front door. We’ll be out in a minute.”

“Thank you, Rooster. I’ll pay you back. I promise. It may take me a while, but I will.” Amber said.

“No you won’t. We always take care of the bill. None of our rescue’s pay for their hospital bills.” I told her.

A few minutes later, we were all checked out of the hospital. They would mail me the bill once they had all the charges figured out. We helped Amber into the SUV and Dawn got in beside her. Kevin got in the driver’s seat and I climbed into the passenger side to catch a ride down to my bike. Five minutes later we were on the road home.

Dixie’s POV

After lunch, Marley and I took Jenny and Nancy and all of their kids up to our place. After about 20 minutes of wandering around the house, both women decided that they would prefer to stay up here because the kids would feel safer until they got to know that the men were not going to hurt them. Only Penny seemed unaffected when the men were around but then she’s so little that she hadn’t been exposed to it as much as Bucky had been. Gerald had never hit her but he had Bucky.

Loud noises seemed to upset all of the children so it was going to be easier on them to be up here. “You should bring them down to the clubhouse sometimes so that none of you become introverts but I think you’ll all rest better up here until you get used to the busy activity and noises of the clubhouse.” I told them as we sat around the kitchen counter drinking coffee while the kids watched cartoons on TV.

Nancy looked out the large window that looked towards the back of Doc’s house. “Who’s house is that?” Nancy asked.

“That’s Doc and Millie’s house. They also have their own apartment in the clubhouse for when we go into lock down but most of the time they live up here. They like their peace and quiet. They are also newlyweds so it gives them the privacy they both want.”

“I can’t say I blame them. When I first moved to Dallas, I was hoping to be able to find my own apartment but the prices of rent are so high in the city that I didn’t have a choice but to share with another girl. Thankfully I managed to find a girl that I could live with. We worked different shifts sometimes and she wasn’t a party girl. We had our own rooms and respected each other’s space so it was working out well.

I hated when I told her I’d lost my job and was coming home. She wasn’t really happy about it but there wasn’t much I could do about it. She was lucky to get another girl to help her with the rent and stuff a couple of weeks after I left. I left a bad situation in Dallas thinking I was coming home for a fresh start but this is definitely not what I expected to happen.” She said, trying to hold back her tears.

Hearing that her stepfather had killed her mother had been so hard but it had been even harder trying to explain it to her brother and sister. They had clung to each other and cried for hours and had bad dreams for several nights in a row. Thankfully, as time passed, the bad dreams seemed to be easing up and Nancy had thought about taking her brother and sister home to their house but without a job she had no way of feeding her brother and sister and no way to keep the lights on, so for now, they were going to stay with the MSMC.

“Well, things are what they are and we’re here to help you in any way we can. For now, let’s go down and get your stuff gathered up. You can stay at the clubhouse tonight and we’ll have the prospects move your stuff up in the morning. For now, I need to get back to the clubhouse. Rooster is bringing home two new girls that they rescued this morning and they should be back soon, if they are not already back.” I told them.

We all loaded back up into the SUV’s and drove back to the clubhouse. Just as I was lifting Sammy out of his carseat, Rooster and Kevin pulled up with the two young women. One of them slowly climbed out of the SUV and stayed close to Kevin. Rooster yelled at a prospect and said “Bring a wheelchair.”

I walked over to Rooster and he bent down and kissed me and then turned to introduce me to Amber.

“Dixie, this is Amber O’Brien. She’s got a badly sprained ankle and her wrists have some pulled muscles. Amber, this is my wife, Dixie and my son, Samuel.” Rooster introduced us.

“Welcome to the MSMC, Amber. I didn’t know you couldn’t walk or I would have prepared a room on the ground floor, except none of our rooms downstairs are bedrooms except for Doc’s apartment. But we’ll have a wheelchair upstairs and one downstairs for you to use as well as a prospect to push you around.” I told her.

“Thanks. How old is your son? He’s adorable.” Amber asked.

“Almost a 18 months old now. He’s getting to be a heavy little cuss too.” I said as Sammy leaned out of my arms towards his daddy.

“Come here, big boy. You are putting too much pressure on your mama’s back.” Rooster said.

Just then, Kevin and Dawn came around the front end of the SUV and Rooster again made introductions. “Dixie, this is Amber’s younger sister, Dawn. Dawn, this is my wife, Dixie and my son Samuel.”

“Very nice to meet you, ma’am.” Dawn said and Dixie laughed.

“Just Dixie is fine. You are going to make me feel old if you keep up the ma’am stuff. And it’s very nice to meet you too. Come on, let’s go inside.” Dixie said just as the prospect came out with the wheelchair.

Between Kevin and the prospect that Kevin introduced as Peter, they got Amber into the wheelchair and into the clubhouse.

Both Amber and Dawn were very impressed by the interior of the clubhouse and while Rooster carried Sammy into the family living room for me, I waited until he and the prospects had left the room before I introduced them to the other ole’ ladies.

“Head’s up ladies. This is Amber and Dawn O’Brien. They were rescued this morning but I don’t know what happened yet. Girls, these are the wives and girlfriends of brothers of the MSMC. This is Marley, Connie, Annalisa, Nessa, Tiana, Charlie, Jullian and Cheryl. Kaylee is at work at the hospital and Mindy is in the kitchen with Claire. Millie is in the clinic with Doc.

Did I forget anyone?” I asked, looking at Connie, who said “Jenny and Nancy”.

“At least you know the women’s faces but telling you who they belong to is not going to make much of an impression since you don’t know who they are. We have two other new rescue’s but their children are still skittish so they stay in their rooms mostly. They’ve both only been here for a little while. You’ll meet everyone over time.

Nancy and Jenny went up and looked at our house and have decided that they want to move up there at least until the kids feel more safe and lose their fears of being around the men. We’re going to move them up there tomorrow morning.” I told everyone.

“I swear, I have got to get these rules printed out so that I don’t have to repeat them everytime. Connie, please book some time for me to get together with you and get that taken care of, please.

Anyway, girls. There are a few rules that you must follow in order to be able to stay here with us. The first and most important rule is that you never, ever discuss anything you might see or hear around the clubhouse with anyone. If you have questions about something, you come to one of us or Rooster or one of the executive staff.

The staff at the moment consist of my husband, Rooster is the president. Marley’s husband is Hunter and he’s the vice president. Kaylee’s husband, Boomer, is the Sergeant of Arms. Nessa’s husband, Hulk, is the Enforcer. Annalisa’s husband, Eagle, is our weapon’s expert. Claire’s husband, Circuit, is our technical operations expert. Tiana’s husband, Boxer, is our Road Captain.

Anyway, talking about club business or happenings to anyone outside of the club is considered treason and a betrayal and can get you killed so never repeat anything you overhear or see. If something happens that you are not cool with, just walk away.

Next is until Rooster introduces you around, which will happen tonight either before, during or just after dinner, you are not to be wandering around the house alone. None of the men here will hurt you but we do have a bar downstairs and when men get to drinking, they tend to think more with the little head between their legs instead of the space containers on their shoulders. They will never force you to do anything but they will do their best to convince you to do what they want. Dawn, I understand that you are under age? Exactly how old are you?” I asked.

“I’m 17 and a senior. I’ll be 18 in April.” Dawn replied.

“How old are you, Amber?” I asked.

“I’m 24.” Amber answered.

“Well, as I was saying. No wandering around alone. If you need to go downstairs, you can call down for a prospect to escort you, especially you, Amber, since you are not able to get around on your own. We’ll have a wheelchair upstairs for you to use and another downstairs but the stairs themselves are going to be a challenge until your ankle is better.

Rooster allows what we call sweet butts to come in after 8:30 pm. These uh hum (clearing my throat) women are here to entertain the men for mutual physical pleasure, if you get my drift?” I said and both of them nodded. “Some of them are real bitches and very jealous of the men they are with on a regular basis. They have delusional hopes of becoming one of us, an ole’ lady. But that will never happen because the men won’t choose a life partner from a woman who has slept with all of his club brothers.

When a biker chooses a wife, he asks her to be his ole’ lady. It’s a lifetime commitment and not one that you can walk away from. It’s harder and more dangerous to divorce a biker than it is to get a regular divorce. But until you get a man, telling you all this is not going to mean much. Any questions?” I asked.

“Not about your rules and I don’t mean to be rude but is there any chance we can see where we’re going to be staying? Neither one of us slept last night and I only managed an hour-long nap today. Dawn hasn’t slept at all. She would really like a shower and a change of clothes and I want to sleep for a little while. My pain medication they gave me this morning is wearing off and I’m really starting to hurt.” Amber said.

“Of course. I’m sorry. I should have asked. Let me get a couple of prospects down here to help you up the stairs. I’ll be right back.” I said and left the living room. I found Peter and Calvin sweeping the leaves off of the patio and called them to come help Amber and Dawn upstairs.

All three of us walked down to the living room and Dawn stood up as I directed Peter to push the wheelchair. We all walked to the bottom of the stairs and Amber was surprised and let out a small squeal when Peter picked her up like she didn’t weigh anything.

“Hey! I’m too heavy for you to carry and climb stairs.” Amber started to object.

“Nah! You don’t weigh hardly anything. I’m used to carrying a lot more than what you weigh. Just hold still or I might lose my balance if you wiggle around.” He smiled at her.

Calvin folded the wheelchair and carried it up, taking the steps two at a time so that he would be there ahead of Peter. He opened it and held it steady as Peter gently sat her down in it.

“Calvin, make sure there’s another wheelchair near the bottom of the stairs so we don’t have to worry about having one on each level for her while she’s unable to walk on her own.” I told him.

Dawn and I walked behind Amber and Peter as he pushed her down the hall to the rooms we had assigned them.

“Wow, you can’t tell it from the outside but this place is huge. How many rooms are there?” Dawn asked as we continued to walk down the long hallway.

“We have 80 bedrooms on two floors. This level is mostly members who have women or have more seniority. Prospects and lower ranking members live on the 3rd floor. Most of the executive staff live in the hallway to the front of the building. This wing overlooks the back of the property. We didn’t think the plans through well enough when we rebuilt after a fire about a year ago.

Some of the rooms don’t have windows but some of the members like it like that. Right now most of the center rooms are not really used as bedrooms. We have a games room, a movie room, there’s a smaller library up here than the one downstairs but both of them rarely get used. Most of these guys are not big fans of reading books. They rather watch TV. We’re also changing one room into a laundry room so that we don’t have to haul clothes up and down the stairs. I’m also trying to convince Rooster to invest in an elevator. I’ve told him that the next time Hulk gets drunk or hurt, I’m going to make him carry him upstairs by himself. Maybe then he will reconsider.”

“That would convince me!” Peter piped up his agreement.

“Who is Hulk?” Dawn asked.

“He’s our enforcer. He’s 6’8” tall and about 4’ across. His thighs are bigger than your shoulders and his arms are bigger than your waist and mine put together. He’s Nessa’s husband. Nessa is the tallest woman here and she still looks tiny standing next to him. Hell, I barely make it up to his belly button. She’s 5’8” and she just barely makes it to his pecs. Hulk is a terrifying man only because of his size. He’s actually quite handsome and one of the nicest men you ever want to meet. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him lose control and I don’t want to.” I told her honestly.

We finally reached their rooms. I had managed to find two rooms right next to each other close to the end of the hall. Both were done in shades of gray, one lighter than the other. Dawn said she wanted the darker gray room and Amber was glad to let her have it. Dawn said she would stay and help her sister get unpacked and to bed for a nap so we left them alone to get settled in, after warning them to keep their doors locked, especially when they weren’t in there or were going to be asleep.

“None of the guys will come in and try to hurt you but the sweet butts are allowed in tonight and some of them can be real bitches. Just make it a habit to keep your doors locked.” I told them before we left them alone.

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