Monster Slayers MC Book 5

Chapter 3-Rescuing Jullian

I kissed my son goodbye and as Dixie and I returned to the main living room, my phone rang and it was Carl MacIntosh.

“I talked to Sheriff Mendoza and he said he will welcome your help. Apparently the Cobras have been causing trouble there for a couple of weeks now. Acer City only has a dozen officers to cover day and night shifts and the Cobras have been running them crazy, fighting with locals, harassing women at the only two restaurants in town and at the grocery store, not to mention just scaring the piss out of women walking down the street.

There’s one guy whose face is all scarred up that Daniel said he doesn’t think he has all of his mental facilities. Acts crazy, sticking his tongue out at women and making strange noises while he grabs his crotch. Where are these guys coming from and why, Rooster?”

“The one with the scarred face sounds like Tommy Boy. He’s Bull’s nephew. Bull is the prez for the North West chapter of the Cobras and both of them are sick perverted bastards here after my sister, Claire. They tried coming after Boomer’s ole’ lady, Kaylee, earlier tonight but we took care of that.

We found out about this group being in Acer City because they snuck a mole in here on us. Come to find out the kid’s girlfriend is being held hostage by them and she’s pregnant so we are going to go get her tonight. Just tell Daniel to stay out of our way. We’ll remove the bodies so he doesn’t have to deal with it.” I told him.

“I’ll let him know. Be safe. I look forward to meeting your sister. I didn’t even know you had a sister.” Carl said.

“Yeah, she’s Joyce’s daughter from a marriage after King. We just found each other a little while ago. Come by and meet her one day.” I said before I hung up.

I reentered the bar to find everyone waiting for me. Circuit was passing out coms and testing them to be sure they all worked. He handed me one and tested it. “Be safe, Prez.” He said in my ear.

“Always. Take care of Claire. Tell her we are going to take out Tommy Boy and Bull for her.” I told him.

Ten minutes later, we were all on the road, headed for Acer City. Forty five minutes later, we hit the road behind MacDonald St. right off the highway leading into town. We decided to park about 50 yards down the road on the edge of the open field and got in the vans. We drove down to where we saw the fence we had seen online and I told the prospects to stop and let us out.

“Park here and wait for us. Keep your lights off. There’s a turn right up there that goes right by the house. It’s your only other escape so turn these vans around and be ready to go as soon as we get back. Make sure to unlock the back doors but don’t open them until we let you know we are coming. No excess talking and keep your voices down. Voices carry over open areas like this. Make sure your guns are ready and you have easy access.” I directed the prospects before we took off across the “back yard”.

It was a lot farther to the house than it had looked online so thank goodness it was dark. There was only a sliver of the moon for light, so we were very thankful for the night goggles that we were all wearing. If the weather was warmer, I would have been seriously worried about snakes, the kind that bite and are venomous, which this weed filled area would be a perfect type of environment for them.

After checking that there was no one in the lean too in the yard, Rudy led us up to the window where he thought Jullian was being held and found her sitting on the side of the bed. The door was closed and she was reading a book when he peeped in the window.

She almost screamed but he put his finger to his lips and she looked over her shoulder and seemed to listen for a moment before she moved. That’s when we realized that they had tied her leg to the bed and she only had about a three foot reach. She must have tried to run.

We motioned for her to sit down and act like she was still reading as we found the nails holding the window closed. Thankfully they were not pounded in all the way but they made some noise coming out.

We ducked when the bedroom door suddenly flew open and Bull was standing there yelling at Jullian. “What the hell are you doing in here? What was that noise?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m just reading. I didn’t hear anything.” Jullian said. She has spunk, I’ll give her that. I thought to myself and watched as Rudy smiled but at the same time had a worried look on his face.

We heard Bull walk over to the window and his shadow appeared on the ground below the window as he looked outside. Thankfully we had all flattened ourselves against the wall and he couldn’t see us unless he opened the window and stuck his head out. I almost wished he would but he seemed confident that the window was still nailed shut.

We heard him stomp out of the room and slam the door behind himself. We waited a minute or two until we heard him yelling at some of the guys in the living room to put on a sports show and not the nonsense they had been watching.

I noticed Eagle put his silencer on the end of his pistol and several of the men followed. As quietly as possible, we eased the window up and then Rudy said “I need a knife for her to cut herself loose.”

I handed him my pocket knife and told him, “Tell her to be careful. This is really sharp.” He nodded and took the knife and then, with Crusher’s help, he hoisted the top half of his body into the window opening.

I heard Jullian whisper “Oh Rudy. I’ve been so worried about you.”

“I’ve been worried about you too but come on, we have to hurry. Be careful, this is really sharp. Cut yourself loose and let’s get out of here.” Rudy whispered back.

I heard her open my knife and then a few seconds later, I heard her close it again and saw her pass it back to Rudy, who was now standing on the ground again watching through the opening. A second later, the top half of a very pretty girl with blonde hair and big blue eyes appeared in the window. Rudy started to reach up and grab her but his shoulder was hurt so he looked at me. Crusher reached out and grabbed her around her rib cage and began to pull her through the window.

Suddenly her bedroom door slammed open again and someone yelled “Hey, she’s climbing through the window. Someone is here!”

I stood up and stuck my gun in through the opening and opened fire as Crusher pulled Jullian through and they nearly fell on the ground. Crusher and Hunter grabbed Rudy and Jullian by the arms and Hunter told Rudy, “Get her back to the vans. Run and don’t look back.” He told them and they took off through the back yard towards where the vans were parked.

Less than a minute later, men poured out the front and the back of the house and we shot them as they came out. Five minutes later, there had been 8 men inside, now there were 8 bodies in and out of the house. Bull was among the dead but not Tommy Boy.

I pushed the button on my com to be able to talk to everyone.

“Eagle, find a place on the roof. Gunner, go with him. We’re going to take care of all of these snakes tonight. The rest of you, find places to hide. There are only 8 men here. Rudy told us that there were 20 of them in town. Let’s wait and see who comes back and finish this once and for all.”

“Rudy. Are you guys safely in the van?” I asked.

“Yes sir. Thank you so much for saving Jullian. Will she be allowed to stay at the clubhouse?” Rudy asked.

“Doesn’t she have a home to go to?” I asked.

“She doesn’t want to go back there. Her mom is a drug addict and beats on her. She had run away the night before we got caught by the Cobras. We were going to run away as soon as school was over. In the meantime, we were going to stay in my Uncle’s camper.” Rudy admitted.

“We’ll talk more when we get back to the compound.” I said, thinking to myself “What else is this kid going to come up with?”

“Prospect on the second van, bring it down the side road. We need to load up these bodies.” I said into the com.

A few minutes later, the second van pulled up next to the house and we all quickly loaded up the bodies and then told him, “Go turn around and go back and wait with the other van.”

“Aye Prez.” The two prospects replied and then loaded back into the van. They turned around and we watched as they drove back down the road.

We only had to wait for about half an hour then Eagle came across the com and said, “We’ve got some bikes coming from the north. Looks to be 8 more of them. They’ll be here in about 2 minutes.” Eagle advised.

“Take cover everyone. Be ready. Use your silencers so we don’t disturb the neighbors. Let’s try to keep one of them alive so we can find out how many more to expect. I don’t want to be sitting out here all night.” I told everyone.

We all found hiding places out of sight as the bikes pulled up. We had left the TV and lights on in the house but I noticed the new arrivals seemed hesitant when they first arrived as they looked around.

“Something is not right. Where’s the outside guard?” One of them said. That must have been the first man to go down after I shot Bull. He must have been sitting out on the porch when we came up.

Just then I heard Hunter say “On his way to hell and you are about to join him.” Then I heard several muted shots as guns started firing and before they even had time to pull their weapons, there were 7 more dead snakes in the front yard.

“This one is still with us.........for the moment.” Hunter said in the com.

I walked to the front of the house and found Hunter standing over a man who had been shot in the stomach and from the color of the blood leaving his body, it looked like it had hit his kidney because the blood was dark red, almost black. His face was scarred and I knew this must be Tommy Boy.

“So, Tommy Boy, right?” I asked and he nodded.

“Who the hell are you?” Tommy Boy asked.

“I’m Claire’s brother, Rooster.” I told him with a grin as I watched his eyes get as big as his scar would allow. He really was one ugly son of a bitch. “How many more of you snakes are here in Acer City?” I asked him.

“There were nineteen of us. The eight with me, eight with my Uncle Bull and three men we sent to Jackson. Claire was supposed to be mine. Is she okay?” Tommy Boy asked and then began to cough up blood. He wasn’t going to last much longer.

“Yeah, she’s good. Found her soulmate in our tech person. He’s a good man.” I told him.

“That’s good. I know she didn’t like me because of my scars but I really did care for her. Tell her I said “goodbye”, please.” Tommy Boy said and then began to cough even harder and finally he was gone. I put my finger on the side of his neck and there was no pulse.

“Load ’em up and let’s go home.” I told everyone. “Prospects, bring the vans up here.”

Quizzer and Joker came over to me and asked “Hey Prez, what about their bikes? They’ve got some nice rides here. Shame to just trash them all. I wouldn’t mind having one of them.” Quizzer asked.

“Good idea, kid. Would sure save the MSMC a whole bunch of money on having to buy new bikes all of the time and maybe we could even sell a few of them to make some money. Park as many as you can in the garage and we’ll come back for them tomorrow.”

Just then the two vans we had brought with us pulled up and I walked over to the one with Rudy and Jullian inside. “Come on out and let’s talk. We’re going to need this van for bodies.” I said and saw them look at each other.

They slowly slid out of the van and I led them inside the house where there was some light so that we could see each other better and Jullian wouldn’t have to see the bodies being loaded up.

We stepped inside and it was pretty much what I had expected. Furniture that was worn out and looked like it had been found on the side of the road. There were empty beer bottles and take out containers all over the place and it smelled really bad in here.

“Whew! They sure as hell weren’t into housekeeping, were they?” I said as I leaned up against the kitchen counter. Now that I could see her better, I looked Jullian over. Rudy had been right. She was about the same size as Tiana but she had pretty blonde hair, big bright blue eyes and nice lips in a heart shaped face. She wasn’t overly well endowed in the bust but ample and had a nice round ass. She looked like the typical cheerleader. She was dressed in dirty blue jeans that had the knees ripped out, a pink girly top and a pair of beat up old generic sneakers that probably came from Walmart. She clung to Rudy like her life depended on it and he kept her securely by his side.

“Well, introduce us, Rudy.” I told him.

“Oh right. Prez, this is my girlfriend, Jullian. Baby, this is Rooster. He’s the Prez for the Monster Slayers MC.” Rudy said.

I put out my hand and she tentatively put her small little hand in mine and I could feel her shaking. “Very nice to meet you, Jullian.” I told her.

“Nice to meet you too, Mr. Prez or do I call you Mr. Rooster?” Jullian said softly. She has a very sweet voice. “I’ve been hearing a lot about you from the men who were holding me. They were not nice men and they were planning some very bad things for you and someone named Claire. Is that your woman?” She asked.

“No. Claire is my younger sister. We had the same mother but different fathers. She was raised by the Cobras because our mother married one of them after she cheated and left my father. But enough about me. I need to know about you and what do I do with you two? Do you have any family you can go to?” I asked.

“No, sir. My parents were in a car accident when I was little and my dad died. My mom was hurt really badly and she got hooked on pain pills and when the doctor refused to supply her anymore, she turned to street drugs. She’s hooked on meth now and has a bad temper when she can’t get her fix. I can’t go back there. I’m afraid she’s going to hit me in the stomach and make me lose my baby.” Jullian said, trying to be brave but her voice still shook.

“Rudy, do you have any family that would let you guys stay with them?” I asked.

“No sir. It’s just me and my brother and my dad. My mom died of cancer when I was about 4 years old. My dad is a drunk and my brother is a punk. He’s actually tried to hit on Jullian several times and she’s afraid to be around him. He’s bigger than me, built kind of like Boxer and is a bully. He’s been knocking me around since I was about 5 years old. That’s why we were running away and staying in my uncle’s camper. It’s parked on the back of his property and no one usually bothers us but we have to take showers at school because the camper has to be hooked up to power to make the hot water work.” Rudy explained.

“Where is your uncle? Does he know you’ve been staying there?” I asked.

“He’s in the army and is overseas. I wrote to him but I never heard back but I don’t think it will be a problem except if we stay here, the law is going to make us go into the foster care system since we are still underage.” Rudy said, worriedly. “They might separate us and not allow us to see each other anymore.”

I could tell that last statement upset Jullian as she curled into Rudy’s chest and held on tight. He kissed the top of her head and whispered to her that he wasn’t going to let that happen and then turned to look at me. “I know I fucked up with the MSMC but I didn’t have much choice. I will do anything for her.” Rudy said, not asking for help but it was plain that they both needed it. I don’t think Papa Joe will take them in and allow them to be together so that option was not even a consideration. The only thing I could think of was to let them come back with us.

“Rudy, I’m going to have to punish you for your betrayal of the club but I will warn you, both of you. Another betrayal will cost you your life. Do you understand me?” I looked at them both in the face and saw the look of relief cross Rudy’s face.

“Thanks, Prez. I’ll make sure you never regret this.” Rudy said as he hugged and kissed Jullian on her temple.

“Sir, I hate to ask but I’ve been in these same clothes since we got taken. They only allowed me one shower and I had to put back on the same things. I feel gross. Can we stop by the camper and let me get some other clothes to wear? I don’t have much but I would love to get out of these.” Jullian asked.

“Yeah, there are some things there that I wouldn’t mind getting back too. It’s on the other side of town but even that is not far.” Rudy said.

“Sure. Rudy, you can ride a bike right?” I asked.

“I’ve only ever driven one once and that was during the day. I don’t want to have to try it with Jullian on the back just yet.” Rudy said.

“Well, then you are going to have to ride with the bodies. Rudy, you drive one of the vans and then the prospects can bring back one of the bikes. I’ll send Crusher and Bruiser with you to cover you while you collect your things. Make sure the tarps are covering the bodies and if you get pulled over, let Crusher do the talking.” I told them.

We all went back outside and I told Crusher and Bruiser to follow Rudy and Jullian back to their place to allow them to collect their belongings. The two prospects, Ronnie and Jeff, were so excited that they were high fiving each other. They flipped a coin to see which one of them would be able to ride one of the bikes and Jeff won. He raced around the bikes, looking them over. He chose a really nice one and started it up with a big smile on his face.

I told Crusher, “Take them to get their stuff and meet us back here. We’re going to secure these bikes and come back for them tomorrow. We can make some money off of these or have them as backups.”

“Sure, Prez. We’ll be back asap.” Crusher said as Rudy got behind the wheel to take Jullian back to get their belongings. We secured the bikes in the barn and twisted some wire in the handles to keep the doors shut. Then we all hiked back to get our bikes.

About five minutes after we returned with our bikes, Crusher and the rest of them came back. We all got back on the road and were home by 1 am. I took Rudy and Jullian back to the compound, so that she could get a bath and something to eat while the boys fed the wolves. There were going to be a lot of full wolves tonight and probably for the next few nights.

The boys collected the keys for all of the bikes and over $12,000 in cash between all 16 men. Bull had had the largest amount on him, coming in at $6500.

True to her word, Dixie was still up when we got back and came downstairs with Sammy on her shoulder. “Hi baby. What are you doing still up?” I asked even though I already knew the answer.

“Well, I was watching a movie but then your son got up hungry so I fed him and was just about to put him down when I heard you pull up. So, how did it go?” Dixie asked.

“Easy as pie. We got Bull and Tommy Boy as well as 14 others. Tommy Boy may have looked scary as all get out but the way he spoke about Claire, you could tell he cared about her. Said to tell her Goodbye.” I told her.

Just then Rudy and Jullian came inside and Jullian looked scared as she hung onto Rudy’s arm. Dixie passed me Sammy and went to greet her.

“Hi! You must be Jullian? I’m Rooster’s wife, Dixie.” Dixie said, introducing herself.

“Hi and yes, ma’am. Very nice to meet you.” Jullian said politely.

“Are you hungry, Jullian?” Dixie asked.

“Yes, ma’am. They barely fed me while I was there and right now I could eat half a cow by myself.” Jullian said.

Dixie laughed and said “Come on. I can fix that. Rudy, we got the room next to Crusher and Connie ready for you.”

“Go on, babe. I’ll go put this up in our room and be right back.” Rudy told her and gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head.

Jullian followed Dixie but kept watching to see where Rudy went with a longing look in her eyes.

“Dix, I’m going to put Sammy down and get a shower and hit the hay. I’m beat.” I told her, knowing she would want some “girl time” to get to know Jullian alone.

Jullian’s POV

I was in awe when we pulled up to the large clubhouse. Surprised to see that it was massive. Three stories tall and it had to be almost the length of a football field wide. When Rudy led me inside, I was amazed because it looked like a normal house inside. There was a large sitting area on one side and what looked like a huge dining room area on the other that led off into what I was soon to learn looked like a restaurant size kitchen.

All of the countertops were either granite or stainless steel. Multiple ovens and 3 massive refrigerators, two extra large sinks, with two dishwashers between them and a grill next to an 8 burner stove. A big island in the middle had a smaller “prep” sink and it was immaculately clean. Even the floor shined in the bright lights she turned on when we entered.

“We had goulash for dinner and I’ve got leftovers I could warm up or I’ve got stuff for sandwiches. Which will it be?” Dixie asked.

“The goulash sounds good if it’s not too much trouble. I haven’t had anything but burgers and pizza since they grabbed us. I’m sick of both of them. Do you by chance have any milk? I’ve been craving milk like mad the past few days.” I said.

“Sure. So, tell me what happened?” Dixie asked.

“Rudy and I were in his dad’s car, making out when these bikers came into the parking lot. They yanked us out of the car and started pushing Rudy around. One of them kept trying to fondle me until the one they called Bull asked how old we were.

When we told him we are 17, Bull made the guy stop, saying they don’t mess with “jailbait”. Then the one called Tommy Boy started to argue with him, saying that I had already had my cherry popped by Rudy so that made me fair game.

Rudy lied to them and told Bull that all we had ever done was kiss. I was so terrified that they were going to realize that I’m pregnant. I knew that if I was with them long enough, they were going to realize that I did not have my cycle and then the secret would be out of the bag and I would have more than likely have been raped by all of them. The first night, Rudy warned me to pretend to have it soon so that they would leave me alone.

Then the next day, they told Rudy what they wanted him to do. He started to tell them no but they knocked him around a bit and then threatened to hurt me if he didn’t so he finally agreed. When they took him away, I’ve never been so terrified in my whole life. I was sure they were going to rape me but Bull made them leave me alone.

The crazy one, Tommy Boy, was really scary. He kept trying to touch me and was always outside of the bathroom, waiting for me to come out, when I had to pee or poop. They only let me take one shower the whole time I was there and even then I had to put back on the same dirty clothes because I didn’t have anything to change into. If I’d had more clothes, I swear I would have thrown these away.

Anyway, I tried to get away one time, when they were all out front talking by sneaking out the back but someone saw me and caught me before I could get over the fence out back. After that, they kept my leg tied to the bedpost. At least there were some books in the room on a small shelf by the bed. I must have read more this past week than I did all the way through high school but there was nothing else to do and it kept my mind off of how hungry I was.

When Rudy’s face popped up in the window tonight, I nearly screamed in surprise and relief that he was still alive. Bull almost caught them trying to get the nails out of the window but they finally got it open and one of the men pulled me out and another man told us to run back to the vans. Rudy grabbed my arm and we took off across the back yard.

We were waiting for them to come back for over 20 minutes when suddenly somebody told the guy driving the vans to come back to the house.

Rooster talked to us, asking if we had anywhere to go and we explained that my mom is a meth head that beats on me, so I don’t want to go back there. Rudy’s dad is an alcoholic and his brother is a bully so he doesn’t want to go home either. We had run away and were staying in his Uncle’s camper on the back of his property. Rooster let us take one van full of dead bodies to go get our stuff and then we drove back here.” I finished with a shutter at the thought of having to ride all of that time with all of those dead bodies.

Dixie sat a big bowl of goulash in front of me, poured me a big glass of milk and pushed a loaf of bread my way and I dug in. I was so hungry! While I ate, Dixie explained to me what the club was all about and how all of the women, except for her and someone named Connie, were women who had been rescued from bad situations and claimed by different men in the club.

“It’s more like a big family than a bikers motorcycle club like you see in the movies. Yeah, we follow their laws and some of their practices but in reality, the men here are more than just club members, they are brothers and we women are like sisters. The men here will never harm you. Until you are of age, you are untouchable. If Rudy can prove himself to be loyal to the club, he will be made a patched member. Then he will have to claim you and you have to accept being his ole’ lady. By biker law, that means you are his wife.

You can choose to do the whole wedding thing if you want but as far as we are concerned, because you are carrying his child, you are his wife and no one will ever even approach you. If, after you give birth, he doesn’t claim you, then any other interested member can but you still have to accept it. If another member tries to claim you, then Rudy either has to step up and fight to claim you or back off and you either accept the other members claim or you become a sweet butt.

She went on to explain what a sweet butt was and other rules of living in a motorcycle club. I listened attentively as I ate and didn’t ask any questions but I think that was more because I was about half asleep by the time I finally gave up eating. I had finished more than half the large bowl of food she had made for me.

Finally I said “Dixie, I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m very, very tired. I don’t know how much of this I will retain anymore. It’s a lot of information to take in and after 2 am.” I said honestly.

Just then Rudy came into the kitchen. I could tell he had had a shower because his hair was still wet. “Rudy, would you like to finish off Jullian’s food? She did put a dent in it but she’s too tired to finish. I’ll show her where your room is so that she can get a shower and then I’m going to bed.” Dixie said.

“Sure. I’ll be up in a few. I’m hungry too.” he said as he pulled the bowl towards himself. He gave me a hug and then I followed her upstairs. She led me down to the room Rudy and I would share and let me in. I was amazed at not only how large the room was but by how nicely it was decorated.

Dixie told me “the bathroom is over there and there should be everything you need in there or in the linen cabinet which is behind the bathroom door. Tomorrow or the next day, we’ll take you shopping for some new clothes. It looks like Rudy left a shirt out for you to sleep in.” She told me, pointing to a t-shirt laying on the end of the bed. I think she was rather surprised when I grabbed her in a firm hug.

“Thank you, Dixie. I’ve spent the better part of the past two weeks, scared out of my mind. In less than an hour, you’ve made me feel safe and welcome and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.” I said.

“We’ve all had our own trials in life so we understand what you’ve been through. Just remember the number one most important rule of being here is that you never discuss anything that you overhear or see. Club business and happenings are to stay here, never talk to anyone about it or us to anyone outside of the club members. Now, go get your shower, put on some clean jammies and get to bed. Tomorrow I’ll introduce you to the other ole’ ladies, who will become your sisters someday if you decide to stay.”

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