Monster Slayers MC Book 5

Chapter 2-Another mole in the club!

Dixie’s POV

“How did they find out about you? I mean, you are not a Cobra rescue, why come after you?” Nessa asked.

“Probably because she’s been seen with Boomer but she hasn’t been claimed yet.” I said. I’ve been with the biker community the longest so I know more about why stuff like this happened but even I had to admit that I’m just guessing.

“Well, that changed tonight! Boomer asked me to be his ole’ lady and I accepted.” I said happily.

“Well, congratulations!” All of the ladies said.

“Unfortunately, it doesn’t count until he does it in front of the whole club and she has to accept in front of the whole club. Ladies, I’m going to say something that needs to stay in this room, between just us. Agreed?” I said.

Everyone nodded and Marley said “What’s on your mind, Dix?”

“When Boomer makes the announcement, I want all of you to help me watch EVERYONE in the club, especially the prospects. Watch their facial expressions. Whether or not any of them stand up and leave right after, if they do, alert your man to follow them quietly. I’m not going to say anything to any of the men yet, but I have a sneaking suspicion that we’ve got another mole.

Kaylee, you are the only ole’ lady that has a job away from the clubhouse. The only way they could have known where you work and about what time you get off is if someone is passing them information. They had to have followed you home from work because otherwise, how could they have known where you live or that you would go there tonight? You usually stay here at the clubhouse. I’d bet money they were going to ambush you on the road.” I said and they all agreed with me.

“Annalisa. Marley. I know you two don’t want to hear this but I think you had better plan on moving back in here. Annalisa, for you, at least until your babies are born. Marley, I wouldn’t let Simon play outside the house alone but here at least there are enough eyes on him to keep him safe.” I said and while both women wanted to object, you could tell by the looks on their faces, they both had to agree with my reasoning.

“Also, whether your men like it or not, you guys need to learn how to shoot a gun and how to defend yourselves. You ladies who are pregnant will be excused but as soon as you give birth and have healed, you need to learn too.” I told them.

“I can teach you.” Claire said and everyone turned to look at her with wide eyes. “I survived living with Cobras for almost 18 years because I learned early on how to protect myself. I know how to fight, I just don’t like to. I took classes in boxing and some light martial arts. I can teach you the basics at least.”

“I think that is an excellent idea. We can’t depend on the men to protect us all the time. There are going to be times when we are alone or the guys can’t be right there with us and we should be able to protect not only ourselves but our children.” Marley said.

“I told Eagle that right after we first met and he showed me how to do it but to be honest, I’m not sure if I could aim a gun at a human being and pull the trigger.” Annalisa said.

“If they are going to hurt your family, especially your children, you will be amazed at what you can do.” Marley said in a rather deadpan voice.

Charlie and I looked at each other. We were the only two that had been around when Marley killed the gang leader that had bought her from her brothers years ago.

Just then the door across the hall opened and the men started filing out, going back to the bar but the husbands all came to collect their wives. I nodded at the women and everyone silently agreed that they would go back to the bar to witness Boomer announcing that Kaylee was now his woman.

As soon as everyone was out of Church and were walking back to the bar, I winked at Boomer and raced upstairs to get Kaylee’s cut. I had been holding it for Boomer for months now. I carried it with me to the executive table and set it on the floor next to me.

As soon as everyone was settled in, Boomer let out a loud whistle to get everyone’s attention. He motioned to the prospect running the music to turn it down then said,

“All of you know that Kaylee is my lady but tonight I asked her to be my ole’ lady and she has accepted.” Boomer said with pride and held his hand out to me for the box containing Kaylee’s cut. He ripped the brown paper wrapping off the box and held the box for her to lift the lid off.

Kaylee lifted the lid off and threw it on the floor before reaching in for the cut. She held it up to look at the back and had a huge smile on her face when she saw “Property of Boomer” on the bottom of our logo, then turned it around and saw her name on the front right side. She held it out to Boomer so that he could help her put it on. Rooster stood up and did his duty as President of the club and asked “Kaylee, do you accept Boomer’s claim?”

“I most certainly do. I was beginning to think he was never going to ask.” Kaylee teased and everyone laughed. My eyes flicked from one prospect to another and only one had kind of a sickly look on his face but he saw me watching him and he just stood up straighter and then turned his back on me and took a swig of his beer. I think his name is Bernie but I wasn’t really sure. He hadn’t been here all that long.

Rooster had told me he had just showed up at the front gate a few days ago, dressed in dirty clothes, saying he was homeless and was looking for work, something to eat and a place out of the cold to sleep. Rooster had turned him over to Boomer who got him something to eat, clean clothes, allowed him to take a shower and then put him to work.

Call it women’s intuition or whatever but something about the kid just didn’t sit right with me from day one. He didn’t really mingle with the other prospects and was always watching what was going on in the house.

Even tonight, he was off by himself and watching what was going down in the bar. I looked around at everyone else and all appeared to be normal. When I looked back to where Bernie had been standing, he wasn’t there anymore. I caught sight of the men’s room door closing and whispered to Rooster “Go to the men’s room but be very, very quiet about it. Listen before you enter.”

Rooster didn’t question me but raised his eyebrows then stood up and did as I said. He walked over to the men’s room and stood listening at the door and what he heard made his blood boil. The next thing I know, I heard him slam open the door and yell “You little bastard! I took you in and this is how you repay me?”

Rooster came out of the bathroom holding Bernie by his neck from behind and one arm twisted up behind his back. Bernie looked like he was about to pass out from the pain in his arm. From the angle of his shoulder, you could tell it was dislocated. He basically threw Bernie in the middle of the barroom floor.

Rooster’s POV

I turned and looked at the ladies and said “Ladies, if you will excuse us? We have some club business to take care of. We won’t be long.”

All of the ladies stood up and left the bar.

“Look what we have here boys! Another rat! A snake rat! This little bastard has been leaking information to the Cobras. What I want to know now, rat, is exactly what you have told them and why the hell did they send you in here?” I shouted at Bernie.

“They will kill us if I say anything.” Bernie said, trying to sound brave but you could tell he was scared out of his mind as well as being in a lot of pain from his shoulder.

“You are going to die either way. Tell me what I want to know and at least you will die fast and with a clear conscious. Refuse to talk and we are going to make you suffer A LOT.” I told him.

Bernie looked at Rooster and then around at all the guys in the bar who were now on their feet in a circle around him. He saw the serious looks on their faces and knew his fate was sealed. “If I tell you what you want to know, will you at least save Jullian for me?”

“Who the fuck is Jullian?” I asked.

“She’s my girl. They made me do this or they will make her a “pass around”. They told me to find out about any unclaimed women here and to let them know. They were going to take her in exchange for Jullian. They were going to make her a “pass around” since you took Claire away from them.” Bernie said.

“So you were going to trade my woman for yours?” Boomer yelled at him.

“I’m sorry, Boomer but Jullian is only 17 and is about Tiana’s size. She’ll never survive even one night with those bastards.” Bernie hiccupped as he began to cry. “They don’t know it yet but she’s pregnant with my kid.”

“Damn!” I said. “Where are they holding her?”

“Mac Donald St. in Acer City. They grabbed us one night when we were parked and making out. They told me that if I wanted her back in one piece, I’d better get them information or they would fuck her to death. What was I supposed to do? I’ve loved Jullian since we were in the 9th grade.” Bernie hiccupped.

“How old are you?” I asked.

“17 but I’ll be 18 next month.” Bernie said. “I wasn’t involved with them before this. Hell, I’d never even ridden a bike until they grabbed me and Jullian. I’ve been working hard to keep my grades up so that I can get a ball scholarship for college. I guess that’s pretty much gone now. I’ve missed too much school being here plus you just fucked up my shoulder.”

“Why didn’t you come to me and explain what was going on? We could have helped you.” I asked.

“I didn’t know if I could trust anyone. Hell, I’m not even sure if Jullian is still alive or not. I haven’t talked to her since the day they separated us.” Bernie said.

“How many men are there?” I asked.

“I saw about 15 or 20 when they first grabbed us. They only kept me for 2 days before they made me come here. The men seem to come and go. The main man is a guy called Bull. He said Claire was supposed to go to a guy called Tommy Boy.” Bernie said.

“Circuit, go get Claire.” I said.

Circuit stood up and left the bar. A few minutes later he returned with Claire.

“Claire, who is Tommy Boy?” I asked her and wasn’t surprised when she gasped and grabbed the front of Circuit’s cut, pulling him close and he put his arm around her protectively.

“He’s Bull’s nephew. He’s a sick bastard that likes to hurt women. He likes them young and to be virgins, if he can get them. Ugly son of a bitch too. Big scar on his face and missing most of his teeth from doing too much meth. He had a torch lighter explode in his face and left him with a big burn scar on his face. Why?” Claire told us.

“We found out from Bernie here who Bull was going to give you to.” I said.

“What?” Claire said in disbelief then turned and hid in Circuit’s chest.

“Thanks Claire. Go back and join the ladies please.” I told her.

Claire left the room and I told Circuit, “Bring up Acer City. Bernie here is going to ID the house where we are going to go in the morning. Bernie, your girl is not going to know us so you are coming with us. Lead us to the wrong spot or get us ambushed, you die on the spot. Understand?” I told him.

“Yes, sir! I just want to save Jullian.” Bernie said.

Circuit came back with his laptop and found Mac Donald St. in Acer City and Bernie guided us to the right house. There weren’t many other houses around it, which was good. It kind of reminded me of the house where little Scotty lived.

“There’s not much cover around there, Prez.” Eagle said. “If we go in guns blazing, they are more than likely going to kill her before we can get to her and who knows how many girls they have. We need to get her out of there before we go in.”

“Bernie, how many men are always there at one time?” I asked.

“I’m not sure. If I have to guess, I’d say at least 5 or 6.” Bernie said.

“Does she have to cook for them or do they have someone who cooks?” I asked.

“No, Jullian doesn’t really know how to cook yet, at least that’s what we told them. She’s actually a pretty good cook but nothing fancy, which I like. They either order pizza or go to Larry’s, I think.” Bernie said.

“How many men are there after dark?” Eagle asked.

“Well, the two nights I was there, most of the men came back after dinner and sat around drinking. That’s when I am most afraid for Jullian. They got pretty drunk the first night but Bull made them leave her alone. He kept harping on about how she’s not 18 yet and he didn’t want them messing with “jailbait”. We told them we had only ever kissed but she’s nearly 4 months pregnant now. She’s going to start showing soon. If they figure it out........... I don’t want to even think about what they will do to her.” Bernie said with a shiver.

“Do they post a night guard?” Eagle asked.

“Just one and he sat on the front porch or in the living room watching TV mostly. The rest of them either crashed out or they left. The house has only 3 bedrooms and Bull had the master bedroom and the 2nd and 3rd bedrooms were smaller with only two single beds in it.” Bernie said.

“I would say we need to go tonight. They won’t be expecting us to retaliate so fast after going after Kaylee. They don’t know we know about them yet. We can park away from the house and walk in.” Eagle said, pointing out a road that ran behind the house we were going to that had an open field on the other side. “We can approach from behind this garage and should be able to get pretty close to the back of the house.”

“The room we had when I was there was on this corner. Bull’s room is on the opposite corner and there’s a room right next to ours where the other two men slept. I’m not positive but I think some of the men crashed in that lean to.” Bernie said, pointing to what looked like a carport about 20 or 30 yards from the back of the house.

“What about the garage?” I asked him.

“They had their bikes in there along with a black van. That’s what they were driving when they grabbed us. I don’t know what they did with my dad’s car. Man, he’s going to be pissed if they damage it.” Bernie said and it was obvious he was in pain from his shoulder.

“Prospect, go get Doc.” I yelled at one of the other prospects.

Ronnie was about 17 and had come to us not long after Hacker and the others had gotten patched in. He was a good kid, so far. He took off out of the bar and came back with Doc a few minutes later.

“Doc, can you reset his shoulder, please. I got a little overzealous with him a few minutes ago.” I told Doc, who didn’t say a word but just felt along Bernie’s arm and shoulder and said “This is going to hurt but then it’s going to feel much better. Ready?”

Bernie didn’t even get much of a chance to nod when Doc yanked on his arm and snapped Bernie’s shoulder back into place. I have to give Bernie credit, he didn’t cry or even yell out, just kind of grunted.

“Thanks Doc.” Bernie told him and then Doc helped him to his feet.

“No problem. It’s going to be sore for a week or two and try not to move it too much. Definitely no lifting anything. Come back to the clinic with me and I’ll give you a sling for it and some pain pills.” Doc said.

“OK for the sling, Doc. But he’s going to have to wait on any heavy duty pain pills. We need him awake and aware if he wants to save his lady.” I told Doc.

“Ok but he’s going to have to take something to keep the swelling down, so I’ll just give him some aspirin for now. When you get back, I’ll give you something heavier. Okay?” Doc said.

“Thanks Doc.” Bernie said.

“Bernie, one more question. Can you open the window to her room? If we can approach it quietly enough maybe we can get her out without them even being aware we are there.” Hunter asked.

“No, it’s nailed shut from the outside. I tried the first night we were there to get it open but it wouldn’t budge. Oh, and by the way, my name is not Bernie. It’s Rudy.”

“Well, Rudy. Go with Doc and get the sling for your arm and we are going to decide who goes. I’m not going to take any chances that this is a set up to get us away from the house again.” I told him.

“If they do, I don’t know anything about it. My only concern now is to get to my girl and get her and my baby out of there in one piece. You can do whatever you want to me afterwards. I just need to know she’s going to be okay.” Rudy said.

“Good enough. Now go on. I want to leave here in the next half an hour. Hopefully I’ll be able to get some sleep tonight.” I told him.

Rudy and Doc left the bar and I turned to Boomer and said “I know you want to go but I think you had better stay here with Kaylee. She had a good scare tonight.”

Next I turned to the rest of the brothers and said “Who wants to go for a late night ride to do some snake hunting? These slimy assholes don’t seem to know the meaning of stay out of our territory but they are going to learn tonight. Bull is one of the worst of all the Cobras leaders. I’m hoping that if we put him down, they will finally back off and stay out of our territory.” I said.

Hands went up all around the room. I picked out a dozen men and four prospects who would drive vans to collect bodies. “Hunter, Eagle, Razor, Jailer, Bruiser, Crusher, Cruise, Gunner, Blades, Joker, Quizzer, Squeaker. Get your kevlar, coms and weapons and get ready to ride. Ronnie, Jeff, Ivan and Jess, get two of the vans ready and make sure you have tarps to spread over the floor as well as rope for tying hands and feet.

Get coms from Circuit as well. We need to be able to talk to you and you need to be able to hear us without having to shout. You two with white shirts, change to black. This is a night mission and white will show up too easily. Make sure there is a blanket for the girl too. Oh and a hammer with a claw on the end in case we can pull the nails out of the window and get her out.” I told them. “We ride in half an hour.

The rest of you, I want guards all around the house and a gunner up on the roof with night vision goggles. Keep your eyes open all the way around the house to make sure no one sneaks up on the house.” I said to the rest of the men who would be staying behind. They were the older members of our club and the more experienced ones in how to lock this place down if need be. Plus Boomer and Hulk would be here.

I left the bar and went to my office. I called Carl MacIntosh to ask who the sheriff is in Acer City. He informed me that it was a man named Daniel Mendoza. He told me he would give him a call and let him know we were coming to take care of a snake problem that was setting up camp in his town.

Then I went to see Dixie. She was still in the living room with Kaylee, Claire, Tiana and Nessa. All of the other women had gone to have a few private minutes with their men before they left. As soon as Dixie saw me, she walked over to me and we went up to our room. I wanted to just hold her for a moment and to kiss my son before I left.

“I hate when you have to go on these missions, especially at night.” Dixie said anxiously as I pulled her into my arms and she rested her head on my chest.

“I know, babe. But I’m the one that took him in. I should have had him checked out before I let him stay in the house. From now on, all new prospects stay in the garage loft until they have cleared security checks. We’ve gotten too lax on that and made it too easy for rats to get in here. That puts not only the club but our families in danger and I will never allow anyone to hurt you or Sammy or any of the ladies and children. Don’t worry, baby. This is not going to take long. We should be back before sunrise. Acer City is only about 45 minutes from here.” I told her as I held her close and looked down at my son, who was sleeping so peacefully in his crib.

“He’s getting so big so fast.” I whispered.

“Yeah and he needs his daddy just like I need my man. Please be safe and let me know when you are headed back. You know I won’t sleep until you are home with us, safe and sound again.” Dixie said, pulling on my cut and lifting up on her toes to kiss me.

“I will.” I said and returned her kiss, picking her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. Dixie and I may have been together for over 15 years now but I still loved her as much today as I did back in high school. She just had to wrap those legs around me and I was hard as a rock. I wish I had told the guys we would leave in an hour but I knew that even that wouldn’t be long enough to make love to her like I wanted to.

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