Monster Slayers MC Book 3

Chapter 3-Packing Annalisa out

Eagle’s POV

After Hulk and Nessa left to go pick up her car and paycheck, I walked Annalisa over to her apartment to help her begin packing up her stuff. Her apartment was just like Nessa’s, small but tidy, except for Carmella’s toys scattered on the rug in front of the sofa.

Annalisa laid Carmella down in the playpen and began to change her diaper. I was used to seeing babies having their diapers changed and it didn’t bother me but seeing Annalisa’s bottom sticking up as she bent over the side of the play pen had my dick hard in an instant and I felt a sudden urge to check out her living room. I had to look anywhere but at that luscious ass, just begging me to push up against it.

There weren’t many “decorations” around but there were some beautiful pencil drawings hung on the living room wall. Mostly of Carmella but there was one of Nessa and another of Nessa and Carmella that nearly took my breath away. It looked almost like a black and white photograph.

“Did you do these?” I ask.

“Yes. I love to draw and to paint too but I can’t afford paint supplies anymore so I just do charcoal pencil drawings. Or at least I do when I can afford the supplies. Charcoal pencils can be expensive when you live on my too small tight budget. I can’t wait until Carmella is potty trained so that I don’t have to buy diapers anymore. She’s getting better but she still has accidents and I don’t dare put her down to sleep without a diaper on.” Annalisa said as she straightened up and walked towards me.

“Please excuse the mess. I usually try to pick up before we go out but I didn’t expect to be gone that long. I had just been so worried about Nessa after she didn’t come home last night.” Annalisa said as she sat Carmella down on the rug with her toys.

“No worries. We’ve learned not to walk around in the living room at the clubhouse barefoot. Finding a lego piece or a toy soldier in your bare feet is no fun, especially on hardwood floors. Our vice president and his wife have a boy who is 3 and a new baby girl who is about a month old. We also have a 2 year old little girl that was born to one of our members who still lives in the club house. They are trying to save up the money to find their own place but so far haven’t found the right house for them that they can afford. Our president and his wife have a new baby boy who is also just a little over a month old.

The prez and vp both have their own homes but I think they spend just as much if not more time at the club house so there are always little ones around. I’m sure Carmella will fit right in. In fact, once Simon sees her, he might change his mind about making Crystal his ole’ lady when they grow up.” I laughed at the memory of Simon trying to put his arm around Crystal one night and at how indignant she had become, telling him “No touch!”. She was definitely a little spit fire just like her mom.

“You make it sound more like a big family instead of a MC.” Annalisa said, looking up at me.

“It is in a lot of ways. Granted, before all the kids started being born to our members, it was very much like you see in the movies and some nights it’s still like that but never when the kids are around and awake. We still drink and party but try to keep it more low key now.” I told her.

“How many women live at the clubhouse?” Annalisa asked.

“Well, there are currently 5 old ladies. But some nights there can be at least a dozen or more sweet butts or hang arounds in the house.” I told her.

“What are “sweet butts” and “hang arounds”? I mean I can guess but I want to be sure I’m not wrong.” Annalisa asked.

“Sweet butts are women who come in to “service” unclaimed men in the club. Any man can be with them with no commitment expected. Just for adult pleasure and company. Hang arounds are just women who come to the club bar on a regular basis to drink, dance and have a good time. Not necessarily for adult pleasure unless they want to but not usually.” I say, trying to not be crude.

“So basically they are whores who come to have sex with the men who don’t have regular girlfriends or wives?” Annalisa said plainly.

“Uh, yeah. I was trying to be polite but it seems you understand it pretty well. The only real difference is that sweet butts and hang arounds don’t get paid for it. They are there for their own pleasure as much as they are to pleasure the men. Most of them have false hopes of being claimed as an ole’ lady someday but they are fooling themselves. None of us would ever claim a woman who has slept with all of his brothers.” I tell her.

“And if I go to the club house with you guys, what would my title be?” Annalisa asked.

“You would be called an “untouchable”, at least at first.” I said.

“And what does that mean?” She asked, nervously.

“That means, if another man were to put his hands on you, I would break all of his fingers and probably his nose. Look, Annalisa, I know we just met a few hours ago and this is all coming at you fast and I can’t even guess at what you are feeling right now but I will tell you that from now on, you will be under my protection. No one and I mean no one will dare put his hands on you unless invited, including me. But if or when you decide you want it, then just let me know. I’d really hate to beat the shit out of a brother because he put his hands on you when you had invited it. Okay?” I said.

“What are you going to say or think of me if I say I already know what I want?” Annalisa asks with a sly grin and suddenly the room we are standing in had suddenly had the air sucked out of it. She was only a foot or two away from me and it wouldn’t take but one step to reach her but my feet felt like they were glued to the floor as I looked at her, hoping and praying that I was understanding what she was saying. I looked into her eyes and saw several emotions run through them. Doubt, uncertainty, fear but most of all longing.

She was like me in that way. I wasn’t sure if this was the way to do things. Hell, I had never really had a serious relationship. Was it really something I wanted? With her? Fear that I was going to totally fuck this up and lose what could have been the perfect woman for me. I have been denying, even to myself, that I’ve been longing for that closeness that I had witnessed but never experienced before, of having one woman who was mine and mine alone, who would love me with her whole heart not just her pussy.

Yeah, I was no saint and had slept with my fair share of hang arounds but it was just for the physical release but had not been with one for a long time and I had always been very discreet about it. I don’t even think any of the brothers know I’ve ever been with a hang around.

I’ve never touched any of the sweet butts because it was a turn off to me to know that I would be putting my dick in where almost everyone of my brothers had already been. The hang arounds were a bit more selective than the sweet butts, who would lay down with anyone who showed them attention.

The hang arounds were basically single women who just wanted some male attention for an evening, not necessarily to have sex but just to spend time with them and if it led to that, well it worked out for both of them and it was understood from the beginning that it was to be sex with no strings attached.

Now none of them interested me anymore, even for the physical release. None of them shared my bed overnight and I had always been very careful about making sure to wear protection to keep from being trapped by one claiming I was her baby’s daddy. Or worse, to catch an STD from. But I have to make sure she understands exactly what she’s getting into before I take that step forward to her.

“I would say then that you are a woman who knows her own mind and heart and if you are saying what I hope you are saying, I would be proud to introduce you as my lady.

And before you ask, being introduced as “my lady” would mean you are my girlfriend, for lack of a better term. In order for you to become my “Ole’ lady”, I would have to claim you in front of my president and all the brothers in my club. You have to accept it and then you would receive a cut that says “Property of Eagle” and we would be considered by biker law to be married. That is a lifetime commitment and not one to be taken lightly or in a rush.

Walking away or “divorcing” under biker law means you have to announce it in front of the entire club and I would have to accept it as well as the president of the club. You would burn your cut and leave the club forever. You would lose not only your right to live at the clubhouse but the protection of the club. If that happens no member or their ole’ ladies would be allowed to help you in any way, even Nessa.

Also any children we have together would be my property and would stay with me, so you would have to leave them as well. You could never be with another member of the same club and in fact would be considered an outcast by most every other club around.

Like I said, it’s a lifetime commitment and not one to take lightly. It’s actually more intense than a “marriage by law”. The only real difference is that when you “legally marry” the woman usually changes her last name to her husbands. By biker law, you keep your last name. Some clubs require a woman to get a tattoo of her man’s name somewhere on her body, usually over her heart but ours doesn’t require that, although you can choose to do it on your own if you want.” I try to explain the most basic rules of being a woman in an MC.

“Wow. Sounds rather intense, at least for the woman. What if she catches her man cheating? Or if he becomes abusive to her?” Annalisa asked.

“Well, I guess that’s part of why bikers have earned a reputation for sex and use sweet butts to take care of their physical needs. We rarely, if ever, take a woman as ours if we haven’t had sex with them. Taking a woman for your ole’ lady means you will be happy with her and only her for the rest of your life. That means in bed and out of it. If he cheats then she has every right to leave and while she won’t lose the respect of the club members, she still can’t stay at the house.

If she chooses that path, either one of two things will happen. Either way she leaves the club and goes on her own to make a new life for herself away from the club. Or she becomes a sweet butt. The first option allows her to keep any respect she’s earned but she’s no longer allowed to stay in the house.

To continue to come around the house means she accepts the role of sweet butt and can be taken by any man who wants her any time he wants, in any position he wants. She’s under no one’s protection except if a man gets out of control and tries to beat her for refusing him. Women who choose to be sweet butts are in it for the pleasure of being with a biker and the higher the rank a member is, the more the sweet butts will try to get with him.” I said.

“So, do you have a lot of sweet butts who are after you?” she asks with a sly smile.

“I’m not going to lie to you, Annalisa. I’m no saint and I’ve been with my fair share of hang arounds but I don’t do the sweet butts and even that has been a while and I don’t have a particular favorite. Mostly, I get drunk and they like to touch and rub and I’m a man with physical needs and when drunk, I tend not to use my best judgement and therefore, before we know it, we’re fucking and then if we are in my room, they leave and I go to sleep, alone! I’ve never had a woman sleep in my room overnight.” I say, hoping that I didn’t just kill any chance I might have had with her.

“Okay. I think I understand that part. Do bikers ever do the whole marriage thing? I mean, and I may be wrong in saying that all girls look forward to it, but I know it’s always been a dream of mine to have the man I love propose to me, give me a nice ring and do the whole wedding and honeymoon thing. The biker thing sounds kind of like going to the justice of the peace or playing at getting married just to avoid having to do it the formal way.” Annalisa said.

“Yeah, most of the brothers who have ole’ ladies now have chosen to do it that way and mostly because they want their children raised with their last names legally. I know that’s the way I’ve always thought I would do it too. I think the whole wedding thing, while it can be a pain in the ass to plan and set up, makes for a nice memory to have for when you grow old and gray together. Plus it ends all kinds of legal issues that could pop up.” I told her.

She didn’t say anything for a while as she thought it all over. I was itching to go over and put my arms around her, to kiss her, to tell her that everything was going to be okay and that we would just go at her pace but for some reason, I just couldn’t.

Carmella saved me by getting up and toddling over to Annalisa and saying “Mommy, juice?”

Annalisa picked up her daughter and carried her into the little kitchenette and made her a cup of juice and then set her back in the play pen. She quickly put some of the baby’s toys in with her and put the rest in a small cardboard box off to one side of the living room. Her sofa was actually a futon bed and a small end table with a lamp on it that was the only furniture in the room besides the table with the small TV on it.

“Well, as you can see, I don’t have much to take with me, at least in here. I only took this place because it came furnished. My dishes and pots and pans are thrift store stuff so I don’t have a problem with leaving it all behind. Prefer it actually. I guess I should get to packing our clothes.” She said as she seemed to focus on the floor.

I finally stepped over to her, put my finger under her chin and lifted her face to look at me. “Does that mean you are going to come with us? With me?” I asked as I tried to read her expression and then didn’t realize it but I held my breath as I waited for her to reply.

“Yes. I’ll be honest with you, Eagle. Right now, I’m scared out of my mind that I may be jumping out of the frying pan and right into the fire and taking my daughter with me but I’m more afraid of staying here alone. Nessa has always had my back and has protected me from Dennis more than once. I want so much for what you are saying to be true but I’ve trusted before and gotten burned.

I like what I see in you but I’ve got my daughter and her well being to consider too. All I know for sure right now is that if I don’t go, I’m never going to know what might happen if I go. I would always question if I’d passed up on my one chance at happiness. So yes, Eagle, I’m going to take that chance and go with you. All I ask is please don’t hurt me or my daughter. Don’t make promises you will never keep and never lie to me. If it turns out you decide I’m not the one for you, please, tell me before I give you my heart.” Annalisa said as she straightened her back and looked me right back in the eye.

“Oh, sweet lady, I think those are easy promises to make. From the first moment I saw you, I can’t explain what happened to me but I do know my heart did a complete flip in my chest and the only thought in my mind was “here she is, my woman”. But like I said, we’re going to go at your pace.

If we get back to the compound and you decide the biker life is not for you, then just say the word and I’ll help you get set up anywhere you want. But I’m a biker for life, baby. They are my family and I can’t just walk away from them. I will retire someday but until then, this is my life. I just want you to be a part of my life from here on out.” I told her then wrapped my arms around her and slowly brought her closer to me.

She looked up at me, put her hands on my arms and slid them up over my shoulders as I lowered my head and lightly brushed my lips over hers. Her lips were so soft and as her hands worked their way into the hair on the back of my head, I deepened the kiss as I pulled her even closer. My pants were getting very tight in the front and when she rubbed against me as she shifted her weight to go up on her toes to reach me better, I moaned low in the back of my throat and wished the baby were asleep. I let my hands follow her curves until I reached her butt where I lightly squeezed the perfect round globes of her ass as I pushed myself against her stomach to let her know exactly what she was doing to me.

A slight gasp from her as she opened her mouth enough to allow my tongue inside when I swept it across her lips and she tasted so sweet. Our tongues moved in perfect sync, touching, tasting and loving each other as our hands discovered each other through our clothes. The sound of Carmella’s giggles brought us back to earth and we finally came up for air. I laid my head against her forehead as we breathed deeply. My heart was pounding in my chest and my cock was rock hard with need. It had been too long since I had been with a woman and I wanted this one in the worst way.

“Do you need boxes or anything to put your stuff in?” I asked, trying to think of something to get my mind off of taking her into the bedroom and laying down with her.

“Um, yeah, I probably will. Not so much for my stuff but for Carmella’s. Babies require a lot of stuff. Let me see what I can fit in my suitcase and then we’ll go from there. Okay?” She answered as she pulled back and straightened her shirt, which had ridden up slightly.

She turned, I could tell it was regretfully, and began to walk down the hall. She opened a small door and began to pull out her suitcase. She rolled it into the bedroom and put it up on the bed. There was only one small dresser, a double bed and small bedside table with a lamp and a clock on it. More of her drawings were taped to the walls in here. Some were animals that looked so real, I almost expected them to move or make noise. “Have you ever considered drawing for tattoos? You are really talented.” I told her.

“No. I never considered that. Could I make money doing that?” she asked as she began unloading her dresser. I tried not to stare but she had very few clothes for herself. Most of it was for Carmella. Even her closet didn’t have much more. Mostly winter coats and sweaters and a couple of dresses. Not fancy evening gown kind of dresses but just simple cotton dresses that looked like they were for comfort more than style. I couldn’t believe it when I saw how many pairs of shoes she had. I thought all women loved their shoes but Annalisa had a pair of sandals, a pair of boots that looked like they were only worn in the winter because of the fur lining in the leg part, a pair of fuzzy house slippers in addition to the worn out sneakers that were already on her feet.

She pulled out a rather beat up old diaper bag and filled it with the few things like powder, wipes and other baby items that were on the top of the dresser besides her hairbrush and a comb. She took down all of the pictures she had drawn and tucked them into a pocket on the outside of the suitcase and then got down on her hands and knees and I couldn’t help the moan that escaped me when she leaned down to look under the bed.

She looked up at me and caught me palming myself and laughed, saying “I just wanted to be sure none of Carmella’s things were under the bed.”

“Honey, if you keep bending over in front of me like that I can’t promise that Carmella won’t get her first lesson in the birds and bees! Damn, woman, you make me hard.” I confessed and she laughed again. It was a delightful sound that really wasn’t helping my “condition” but thankfully, a second later a knock sounded at the door.

I limped over and pulled the door open to find Hulk and Nessa standing in the hallway. Hulk looked down and burst out laughing. “Not interrupting, I hope?”

“Five more minutes and you might have been. Are you guys all set to go?” I grinned at him.

“Yep. She’s all gassed up and I’ve checked all of her fluids and the air in her tires. We’ve got Nessa’s stuff in the back and are ready to load up Annalisa and Carmella’s. Even if we don’t leave tonight, their stuff will be ready to go.” Hulk said.

“In this neighborhood? I think we’ll be better off getting a hotel somewhere on the road or they will come out in the morning and everything will be gone. We may get back after dark but I say we go until we at least get closer to home. It’s only 5:30 now and it’s only about 4 hours from here.” I said.

“Ladies, what do you think? Do you want to get out of town now and drive for a couple of hours and then get hotel rooms or just push on until we get there?” Hulk asked.

“Can we stop somewhere for dinner? It’s already been over 3 hours since we ate and I know Carmella is going to be hungry again soon and so will I. The Chinese food was good but it doesn’t stick with you for long enough.” Nessa said.

“Sure. We’ll drive for a couple of hours and I know of a good restaurant along the way where we can stop and get dinner and then we’ll decide if we want to keep going or wait till in the morning. Okay?” I said.

“What more do you have to pack, Annalisa?” Nessa asked.

“My bedroom is done. Just the bathroom, kitchen and the things in here. Did you have any boxes left?” Annalisa asked.

“There’s one more. I used three of the smallest ones but then I don’t have a baby to pack for either.” Nessa replied. Together the women moved into the bathroom while Hulk went over and got the final box they had brought over earlier from the store across the street.

I looked in the box that held Carmella’s toys and there was some room left in there but what she had in her playpen would probably take up most of the space.

Annalisa produced a duffle bag and packed in all of their toiletries. She put some towels and wash towels for Carmella as well as the sheets and some baby blankets from the hall closet to finish off the room in her suitcase.

“Hey, I just thought of something. We need to tell old man Parrish that we are moving out!” Annalisa said.

“Screw him. That SOB only comes around when the rent is due. I’ve had several things in my place that have needed to be fixed since I moved in there and he never does any of it. I’ve had to fix most everything myself. Neither of us has a lease so all we have to do is be out by the end of the month. I ran into Carol downstairs earlier and told her we were leaving. She wished us luck.” Nessa said.

It took the girls less than an hour to finish packing Annalisa and Carmella out and then Hulk and I loaded everything into Nessa’s car. It all fit but there wasn’t an inch of space left. Carmella’s car seat was already in the back of Nessa’s car and Annalisa strapped her in and the baby clapped and kicked her feet, excited for the car ride. The girls climbed into the car and then Hulk and I mounted our bikes. We led them out of the city, stopping for gas for my bike and then we hit the highway.

When we got to Chickasha, I motioned for us to turn off and I led them to the Cotton Patch Restaurant. I had eaten here several times before and the food had been pretty good. It was more of a family friendly place than any of the bar and grill places we usually stopped at as a club so it would be okay for Carmella.

We pulled up outside and dismounted then went to help the ladies out of the car. We all walked inside and got some very strange looks from the people inside but the staff was friendly and seated us right away, bringing a highchair for Carmella.

I excused myself to go to the restroom to wash my hands and then the ladies went together to the bathroom. Why they need to go together is a mystery that most men will never figure out but at least they took Carmella with them along with the diaper bag that Annalisa had brought inside with us.

As soon as the ladies returned the waitress came over and asked what we all wanted to drink and as soon as she left, Hulk took his turn to go wash his hands. By the time he came back, the waitress had come back with our drinks and we all placed our food orders.

We all enjoyed our food but as the sun began to set, Carmella started to get cranky and that was our cue to leave. “Well, do you girls want to continue on or get a hotel?”

“How much farther is it?” Annalisa asked.

“About another two hours. Maybe two and a half.” I told her.

Annalisa and Nessa looked at each other and Nessa said “Do you mind if we get a hotel? Carmella likes to ride but only when she can see outside. She gets motion sickness when she can’t see but feels the movement of the car.”

“Okay by me, especially since I haven’t slept for two days. I could stand a shower and a nice soft bed about now.” Hulk said.

“Fine by me. There’s a Holiday Inn not far from here. Sounds good?” I said.

Everyone agreed and as soon as Carmella was strapped back into her seat, the ladies loaded up and we mounted our bikes again. Within a few minutes we were pulling into the parking lot of the Holiday Inn. I went inside and booked two rooms and ordered a crib to be brought up to the room that Annalisa and I or Nessa and Annalisa would be staying in. I was hoping that she would agree to stay with me but I wasn’t going to push the issue if she felt uncomfortable. Either way, both rooms had double queen size beds in them so everyone should be comfortable, even if it meant Hulk and I were going to go to bed disappointed with our roommates.

I walked back outside and told them. “Okay, we have two doubles, one with a crib. Now we just have to decide who’s sleeping with who?”

Nessa and Annalisa looked at each other and I saw a big grin crease first Nessa’s and then Annalisa’s face. Nessa stepped closer to Hulk and said “I pick him.”

“Looks like you are stuck with me and the baby!” Annalisa smiled at me. The smile that immediately hit my face had all of us laughing.

We pulled the ladies suitcases out of the back of Nessa’s car, then collected our packs off the back of our bikes before we all walked into the hotel lobby and over to the elevators and rode up to the second floor. Our rooms were about half way down the hall and a bellhop was just pushing the crib inside the first room. “Well, I guess this is us!” I said as we followed the bell hop inside. He set it up and I tipped him well and he left with a smile.

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