Monster Slayers MC Book 3

Chapter 2-Eagle meets Annalisa & Carmella

We ate our breakfast and made a quick stop at a store for her jeans then we were on our way. Two and a half hours later, she directed us to her apartment house and my heart fell. The place was a dump, to put it nicely. She lived on the second floor of a three story old house that had been divided into apartments and her apartment was tiny inside but tidy.

“Would you mind emptying the fridge for me and taking out the trash? I’m going to give anything worth eating to the girl across the hall. She’s got a kid and really struggles to make it one week to the next. She’s a good person but her ex dumped her as soon as he found out she was pregnant. Her parents basically won’t have anything to do with her because they said “I told you he was no good but you wouldn’t listen to us so now you are on your own”. Assholes!”

She walked into her bedroom and started packing her clothes in her suitcases while Eagle and I emptied her kitchen. A few minutes later, a knock came at the door and Eagle answered it. Now, Eagle is not a big talker to begin with but I’ve never seen him totally speechless before. When I looked around the corner, I saw a pretty woman with olive colored skin, jet black hair that was pulled back in a braid and big brown doe eyes with a small child that looked like a miniature copy of her on her hip.

“Um, is Nessa here?” She said softly.

Eagle nodded and stepped back but didn’t say a word, just kept staring at her. “Nessa?” she called out a little louder but kept her eyes on Eagle.

“Oh hey Annalisa. I was going to come over and talk to you. How’s my sweetpea?” Nessa said, coming in and kissing the baby’s cheek who immediately held her arms out to Nessa. Nessa took the baby and turned around to introduce us.

“Annalisa, I’d like for you to meet my boyfriend, Hulk and his friend, Eagle. Guys, this is my best friend and neighbor, Annalisa and her daughter, Carmella. Annalisa, I hate that I have to tell you this but I’m moving away from here.”

“Hey, while you ladies talk, Eagle and I will go take out the trash and see if we can find some boxes for the rest of the stuff in the kitchen. Okay?” I said, trying to keep from laughing at the look on Eagle’s face. He hadn’t stopped staring at the beautiful young woman since he had opened the door to her.

“Sure. The store across the street might have some or there might be some stacked up by the dumpster down stairs.” Nessa said, looking back and forth between them.

“Cool. We’ll be right back.” I said as I handed Eagle a bag of trash and then pulled on his sleeve. Finally he seemed to snap out of it and followed me out of the apartment.

As we walked back down the stairs, Eagle finally spoke up. “Did you see her? She’s beautiful!” He said in amazement, like he couldn’t believe it.

“Hahaha! Of course I saw her. And you didn’t want to come to Tulsa with me!” I teased him.

“Now I never want to leave!” Eagle suddenly had a big smile on his face.

“Well, we don’t have to leave today. We could stay overnight and give you a chance to get to know her. From what little Nessa told me, she’s really struggling to make it on her own here. Her ex dumped her when she found out she was pregnant and parents disowned her when she went with him and now refuse to help her. Maybe she will agree to come with us?”

“Wow! I’m not sure about this. I mean, she is gorgeous and I would definitely like to get to know her better but to take on a woman and her kid after one meeting. Wow! That’s a lot to take in. I need to think about this.” Eagle said.

“Hey, I’ll tell you the same thing Rooster told me “For most people, the gold ring only comes around once in a lifetime. You gotta take a chance, grab hold and hang on when it comes your way. Don’t overthink it, just grab your chance and if things don’t work out well, it’s not like you are claiming her right away. You can always just help her out until she’s able to get on her feet. Any place in our town is going to be better than this dump!” I told him.

We threw away Nessa’s trash and then walked across the street for boxes. We found four that should be enough to hold whatever it was she needed them for and headed back to her apartment. We opened the outer door and immediately heard yelling that sounded like Nessa and a man and the sound of a baby crying.

“Dennis, you jackass! Get off of her.” Nessa screamed. “You’re going to kill her. Stop!”

We took off running up the stairs, taking them two and three at a time. When we got to Nessa’s door we saw her trying to pull on a man’s shirt from behind while he straddled Annalisa on the floor. He was slapping her with one hand and had a hold on her hair with the other. Carmella was crouched against the wall crying. Nessa’s face was red on one side, evidence that the man had hit her and I saw red!

I grabbed the man by the hair and yanked him off of Annalisa and punched him in the face. The next thing I know, Eagle grabs the man away from me and begins to beat the hell out of him. I could tell Eagle was losing control and I had to grab his arm to keep him from killing the guy.

“Not in front of the kid, Eagle.” I told him and he finally stopped. The man’s face was almost unrecognizable. I’m not sure if it was me or Eagle who had broken his nose but his lip was split in two different places and I think his cheek bone was broken.

Nessa picked up Carmella and then helped Annalisa into the bathroom to wash their faces and to calm them both down.

We took Dennis out of the apartment but didn’t let him leave. Eagle stayed with him while I went to check on the women. I knocked on the bathroom door and called out to her. “Nessa? Are you guys alright?”

She opened the door, “Where’s Dennis?” she asked, trying to look around me.

“Outside in the hall. What the hell happened? Who is that joker?” I asked.

“His name is Dennis Staton. He’s Annalisa’s ex boyfriend and Carmella’s father.” Nessa said, then Annalisa added.

“Social services is going after him for child support and because he refuses to pay me directly, they are going to garnish his paycheck. He must have gotten the notice either today or yesterday and he’s pissed because he refuses to pay me any child support because he didn’t bother to tell me he didn’t want kids until after I was pregnant. I tried to explain that it’s not me going after him but the state. I can’t work and pay someone to watch my daughter so I had no choice but to file for state aid.

He wants me to lie and tell them he’s not the father of my child and I refused so he was going to beat me into submission, just like he used to do when we were together. God, I just want him to leave us the hell alone. I don’t want anything from him but he won’t believe me.” Annalisa cried. Her face was all red and her lip was split from where he had been hitting her as well as bruises that were starting to show on her neck and arms.

“We’ll take care of this. Just get packed. Tell Annalisa she can go with us. Eagle, well................... he’ll take care of her.” I told Nessa.

“We’re going to need more than my car then, I think.” Nessa said.

“One problem at a time. Just get everything packed up and we’ll go from there. Okay?” I told her then kissed her forehead.

I left her to deal with Annalisa and returned to find Eagle pacing in front of Dennis who was leaning against the wall, barely conscious.

“Dude, it seems to me like these are your choices here. Pay her what you owe her and leave her the hell alone or die, right here, right now.” I told Dennis.

His eyes were already badly swollen but he managed to see the seriousness on my face. “I don’t have that kind of money on me. Hell, I don’t even have that much in the bank.” He said and saw Eagle go for the gun he had in the back of his waistband. “But I can get it if you give me a week or two. I promise. I won’t bother her again.” Dennis pleaded.

“How much do you owe her?” I asked.

“The state wants $50 a month and the kid is 18 months old now so about $900. I’ve only got $200 on me now but that’s all I have left of my last paycheck.” Dennis said.

“Give her that and come up with the rest by the end of this week or what we’ve done to your face already will seem like a walk in the park. Understand?” Eagle said, holding him by the throat up against the wall. “If the state is going after you, they are the ones you need to pay, not her. She’s not after you for anything. She just wants you to go away and I can make that happen if you don’t follow through. Understand?”

Dennis nodded and gasped as Eagle let go of him and he dropped to his knees. Eagle held out his hand for the money and as soon as Dennis emptied his wallet, Eagle stepped back and said “Now get your ass out of here before I change my mind.”

Dennis took off down the stairs like the building was on fire and Eagle and I returned to Nessa’s apartment. We found the women sitting together on the sofa. “Did he hit you too?” I asked.

“Not intentionally. I caught a backswing trying to get him off of her. Is he gone?” Nessa asked.

“Yeah, he won’t be bothering her again.” I told her.

Eagle stepped forward and handed Annalisa the two hundred dollars and she looked up at him and asked “What is this for?”

“That’s all he had on him. I told him to make sure he takes care of his obligation with the state or I will find him again.” Eagle said.

I could tell he looked kind of uncomfortable talking in front of us so I said, “Nessa, can Carmella and I help you finish packing?” I looked at her, hoping she would understand and thankfully she did.

“Come on baby girl. You can come and help me. I’m going on a trip!” Nessa said. She picked up the little girl, gave Annalisa’s hand a squeeze and told her “You won’t be sorry, I promise.” and then we walked back to her bedroom.

Eagle’s POV

Annalisa looked at me like I had two heads or something and I tried to smile at her but just looking at her beautiful face made me feel like someone had punched me in the stomach and I was having a hard time getting a full breath. I am going to strangle Hulk for leaving me alone with her right now but in a way, I guess I should be grateful that she is the only one who is going to see me possibly make a fool of myself.

What do I say to this gorgeous woman that I want to wrap my arms around, to hold her close, to protect her from all of the evils of this world that might ever try to harm her or her beautiful little daughter?

“I, um, I know you don’t know me....... Um, but I just want to help you and your daughter. I’m sorry I got here too late to keep him from getting to you today but I just want to keep you safe and him away from you so that he can’t ever hurt you again.” I finally managed to get out and watched her face for her reaction, which understandably was leery but as she searched my face, then stared into my eyes, she finally nodded her head.

“Okay. What does that mean exactly?” She finally said in a small voice.

“Well, do you have a job here?” I asked her.

“No. I can’t work and pay for a babysitter so I have to take aid from the state. That’s why he was so mad. The state is trying to make him pay for child support for what they give me.” Annalisa said, with a blush to her cheeks.

“Do you have any family here?” I asked.

“No, I’m not originally from Tulsa. I moved here to be with Dennis from Chicago. My family disowned me when I left with him. They told me he was no good but he made me believe he loved me and would take care of me. He never told me he didn’t want kids.” Annalisa said and I saw big tears fill her eyes.

“So you have nothing holding you here?” I asked, hopefully.

“No. I’ve only been able to make it here because of Nessa. She helps me with food and sometimes money for diapers and stuff for Carmella. She’s been more like a sister than just a friend.” Annalisa said. “I’m scared now. If she leaves, I’m going to be all alone!” She began to cry in earnest and I couldn’t help myself. I leaned forward on my knees and wrapped my arms around her.

“It’s okay, Annalisa. I’ve got you, don’t worry.” I whispered to her as I rocked back and forth, rubbing her back. She felt so........fragile but strong at the same time.

“I don’t understand, Eagle. What’s going to happen?” Annalisa asked, pulling back to look at me.

“Look, I’m probably going to make a mess out of trying to explain this but here goes. I belong to the Monster Slayers MC out of Texas. We rescue and help mostly kids but sometimes young women, like Nessa and you, out of bad situations. We find them the help they need to have a better life.

Nessa is going to come with us because, well, I think I’d better let her explain what is going on with her and Hulk but the long and short of it is, we want you to come with us too. I want you to come stay with us at the clubhouse and we’ll see how things work out. Okay?” I told her. I wanted so much to tell her that she has already touched my heart but hell, I just met her less than an hour ago.

I’ve never believed in love at first sight, even though I’ve witnessed it time and again with my club brothers. I just never thought it would happen to me! But she is so damned gorgeous and I want to make her mine already but I have so many of my own issues to deal with.

This past couple of days has shown me that my PTSD, that I thought I finally had under control, is not gone. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Can I take on a woman AND her child? Take care of them? Love them like they deserve to be loved? Do I deserve it? The only question I could really answer for myself was my final one, do I want it? YES!! YES!! YES!! With every fiber of my being, I want to make Annalisa mine!

Annalisa watched me and I could tell her mind was racing a mile a minute as she thought over what I had said and weighing her options. I knew that she needed time to think this through, maybe talk to Nessa. Maybe she could explain it better than the mess I was making of this.

“I tell you what. It’s almost lunch time. Why don’t I get Hulk to come with me to go get us all some lunch and give you and Nessa a chance to talk? Maybe she can help you understand better than the mess I’m obviously making of this.” I told her as I sat back on the foot stool I saw next to where I had been kneeling. My knees definitely couldn’t take this position much longer for sure.

“Yeah, maybe I should. This is a big decision and the last time I made a snap decision, well you can see how that worked out.” Annalisa grinned at me, showing a dimple in her cheek that almost caused me to moan and I felt my little man start to react. I quickly stood up and walked the couple of steps to the short hallway and called out to Hulk.

“Hulk!” I called out.

A second later, Hulk and baby Carmella’s heads appeared around the edge of the door. The little girl had a tight grip on Hulk’s neck with a huge smile on her face and so did he. “Hey, let’s go get some lunch for everyone and give the girls a chance to talk? I’m not doing a very good job of explaining this.” I told him.

“Okay. Give me a second.” He said and ducked back in the bedroom.

I wasn’t sure what to do so I asked Annalisa “What would you like to eat?”

“I’m not picky. There’s a decent Mexican place one block west of here and a good Chinese place a little farther down that same road, unless you just want burgers or pizza.” She said shyly.

“Which would you prefer?” I smiled at her.

“Me, personally, I like Chinese noodles and honey chicken and beef broccoli but like I said, I’m not picky and will consider any take out a treat.” She said and that dimple made another appearance.

“Sounds good to me.” I said as I headed for the door before I made a fool out of myself or scared the hell out of her. If Hulk didn’t come out of that bedroom soon, I was going to go by myself.

Hulk came down the hall and together we left to go buy food.

Nessa’s POV

As soon as the men left to go buy lunch, I carried Carmella out to the kitchen, found her extra sippy cup in my cupboard and filled it with the last of my apple juice. I turned on the TV and put on her favorite cartoon channel while Annalisa and I sat and talked.

“So? What do you think of Eagle?” I asked her.

“Other than he’s drop dead gorgeous, has eyes and a smile that instantly made my panties soaking wet and voice that makes me want to get so very naughty with him! Well, he seems like a nice enough guy.” Annalisa said. And I couldn’t help but laugh. Now here was my best friend!

Annalisa was shy and quiet around everyone but me. She and I had been through too much together to have any secrets between each other. Hell, I nearly had to deliver Carmella when Annalisa had gone into early labor after one of Dennis’s phone calls threatening her about putting his name on the birth certificate. He wanted no part of Carmella or any responsibility to her.

“So what did Eagle tell you?” I asked.

“He just told me what the Monster Slayer MC does and asked me if I would like to go with you to live there. Are you going to leave and go with Hulk? Where did you meet him? Where have you been for the last two days?” Annalisa asked, beginning to get upset.

“Just calm down and let me explain. Yesterday, man I can’t believe it all happened just yesterday. Anyway I worked until almost 3 pm and was walking to my car when this black van pulled up next to me. Two guys jumped out, grabbed me and threw me inside the van. There were 8 other women there, all tied up and looked terrified. Some of them had been beaten up pretty badly and others just looked terrified out of their minds.

Anyway, they drove us down to just outside of Durant. One of the assholes in the front kept looking at me like I was prime rib or something and said that someone named “Daemon” was going to love me, that he liked light blonde women. Both of them were totally disgusting!

When they stopped, we were at this farm way out in the woods somewhere and they started to unload us into this big old barn that was full of more women. There were men standing around with their dicks hanging out and some of the women were crying and I can’t be sure but I think one was being raped in one of the stalls.

Suddenly there was all this gun fire and guys dropping like flies. All of the women ran to the back of the barn and just hid as best we could until the gun fire stopped. Then these bikers came in, all dressed like SWAT or something and loaded us back into vans and took us to a park where they had set up camp. They gave us blankets and food and something to drink and let us all calm down. The cops came and took everyone’s names and some of the girls left to go back to their families if they had them or to the hospital if they needed medical attention.

I was sitting and thinking about what to do next when I looked up and saw Hulk, then he saw me and we couldn’t take our eyes off of each other. I swear, Annalisa, love at first sight is real! I knew the second he spoke to me that he has my heart but the best thing of it all is that he says he feels the same and loves me right back!

We stayed up all night talking. He explained what living in an MC is about and I told him about me and you and he said he was going to come and help me get my stuff and that I could move in with him. Hell, you know how much I hate it here. My only regret would have been having to leave you and Carmella.

Anyway, apparently it’s a rule that the MC has is that no member rides alone when they are away from their home territory so he asked Eagle to come with us.

I swear that when Eagle saw you, it was like watching what had happened between me and Hulk happening all over again. So, again, the question is, what do you think of Eagle?” I asked her.

“Hell, girl, I don’t know what to think. I just met the man an hour ago! All I really know is that he sure can beat the hell out of Dennis in addition to the things I’ve already mentioned. He said he wants us to come with him, that he will take care of us until we can get on our feet but no declaration of undying love, that’s for sure.

I’m afraid to make another snap decision, especially one like this about a man I don’t even know! You know what happened the last time I did that! I ended up with the most beautiful baby girl that I can barely take care of but would give my own life for without even thinking twice about it. I’m afraid to trust again, Nessa! What if I do this and end up in an even worse situation?” Annalisa said as she stood up and started to pace, wringing her hands together.

“Annalisa! You are going to hurt my feelings here if you keep going on like that. You know I would never lead you to do anything that might put you and my goddaughter in danger. You two are the only family I have. I don’t know Eagle at all but from what Hulk has told me about the men of this MC, they are men of honor when it comes to women and children. They will not hurt us and even if things don’t work out for you two to be life mates, moving there is definitely going to be better than living in this rat hole!

Come on, girl. Take this chance! Reach out and grab the golden ring! Come with us. We’ll be okay so long as we stick together!” I told her, grabbing her hand and pulling her back down onto the sofa and wrapping an arm around her shoulders in a comforting hug.

“You’re right. Anything is going to be better than being left behind in this rat hole. Here Dennis can find me and with you and them gone, he might come back and hurt me or worse. If I go with you, at least we’ll be together. We are taking your car, right?” Annalisa asked.

“Yeah. At least I hope it will make it that far.” I grinned at her and then with one more squeeze to her shoulders, I stood up to answer the door.

The men had brought back two large bags of Chinese food and drinks and even stuff for Carmella to eat and drink.

We sat around the table and enjoyed the food they had brought and we all got to know each other better. Eagle wasn’t a very talkative person but he seemed enamored with Annalisa and even interacted with Carmella, who took an instant liking to him. When she was finished eating, Annalisa took her into the bathroom and cleaned her up and changed her clothes and then let her go to clean up in the bathroom. Carmella came waddling down the hall and when she got close to Eagle, she held out her arms and said “Up!” with “give me” fingers. Eagle picked her up and she instantly put her head on his shoulder, her thumb in her mouth. He rubbed her back and she was asleep before Annalisa came out of the bathroom.

“Oh goodness. Well, it seems like she likes and trusts both of you. She’s usually very shy around strangers, especially men. But then her experience with men hasn’t been very good.” Annalisa said and I could tell she was thinking “like mine”. “Let me have her and I’ll go put her down.” Annalisa said but Eagle held out his hand and then stood up. “Just tell me where you want her and I’ll carry her.” He said and I saw Hulk smile.

“Wow! The tough ex-marine has found his family. Who would have ever thought!” Hulk whispered to me as we watched Annalisa and Eagle walk down the short hallway to my bedroom. Carmella often napped in the middle of my bed so it was no big deal.

“So, has she decided yet?” Hulk asked me.

“I think so. I know she’s more afraid to stay here than she is to go with us. Here she’s an open target for Dennis to get to once he figures out I’ve left and you guys aren’t around to keep him in line. She says she’s very attracted to Eagle but after what she’s been through, she has a pretty high wall built up around her heart when it comes to men and feelings. She’s had a hard life when it comes to men. Her mother was kind of abusive and very domineering and controlling, her brother is a total asswipe who bullied her for years. Then Dennis treated her like shit once he got her away from her family.” I told him.

“Well, the men of our MC will only protect her, never hurt her.” Hulk said but I could tell there was something he was not saying and I started to ask when Eagle and Annalisa came back down the hall.

We sat around and talked a little while more and finally a glance at the clock told us that it was getting kind of late to head out tonight. “It’s a good four and a half hour drive if not longer from here to home. We should just wait until tomorrow but in the meantime, don’t you need to go and turn in your uniform and pick up your paycheck and your car?” Hulk asked me.

“Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that. We’re going to have to have a way to carry all of our stuff. I just hope we can make it all fit in there.” I said.

Carmella chose to wake up about then and came toddling out of the bedroom. She crawled into Annalisa’s lap and it was determined that she needed a diaper change. Annalisa said “Can you get me a package of diapers, please? I’ve got like two more left and this one she has on now was the last one she had here.” She pulled out the money she had gotten from Dennis and held it out to me but Hulk told her to keep it, that he would get it for her and she told him thanks and put the money back in her pocket.

“Sure. Why don’t you go and start getting packed up and we’ll be back in about an hour or so.” I told her.

We all exited my apartment and Annalisa went across the hall to hers, followed by Eagle while Hulk and I went down the stairs to his bike.

We drove over to the diner where I had been working for the past four years and Hulk parked next to my car. “Is this yours?” He asked. I had bought my emerald green 1994 Toyota Camry Wagon for $500 down and had paid $150 a month for a year before I paid it off when I left home. It took every bit of my babysitting money that I had saved up through high school but it was worth every penny in my eyes. “Emi” got me to and from every lousy job I’ve ever had and had moved me from one place to another until I had moved into the apartment I currently lived in, three years ago.

“Yeah, she may not look like much but she’s always gotten me where I need to go so long as I pray hard enough before I leave.” I teased. “I’m kidding. She may have a few dings and rust spots but she runs pretty good and I make sure to keep an eye on her fluid levels and try to get her oil changed at least once a year.”

“We’ll get you something better once we get home. Hopefully she’ll make it that far. Do you really think we’ll be able to get all of yours, Annalisa’s and Carmella’s stuff in here?”

“Yeah. I’ve only got the two suitcases and maybe a box of stuff to go and I doubt if Annalisa has much more than me. Now little Carmella is another story. They don’t have a crib but the playpen will take up some room!” I told him.

“So long as she has what she needs in the way of clothing and food supplies, I’m sure we can come up with whatever furniture will be needed. The MC sometimes has to house children at least overnight but it’s been a long time since we’ve done that. However, several club members’ wives have recently had kids so I’m sure we can make due with what they have until we can get her what she needs.” Hulk reassured me as we walked towards the diner.

I led the way and Frank, my boss, saw me come in the door and greeted me with his usual smartass sarcasm. “Well, well, well. So you finally decided to show up? You could have come in earlier. I’ve got things to take care of today too, ya know. I had to juggle the schedule all around just to cover your shift. Well? What do you have to say, Miss Priss?”

“She doesn’t have to say a damned thing and if you don’t watch your mouth, soon you won’t be able to say anything again. She’s come to turn in your rags and pick up her check! Now move your ass and go get it!” Hulk said, not even giving me a chance to speak but I couldn’t stop the huge smile that spread across my face.

Frank started to bluster and I could tell he wanted to say something back but Hulk flexed his muscles as he crossed his arms over his chest and Frank quickly turned around and practically ran for his office. He was back five minutes later with my paycheck in a trembling hand and wisely kept his mouth shut as Hulk and I turned and left the diner.

I held back my laughter until we were back in the parking lot and then I jumped into Hulk’s arms and kissed him full on the mouth. “That was great! Thank you!” I laughed.

“Hahaha! I thought he was going to piss himself.” Hulk laughed. “How long have you been working here?”

“Four long years! Frank is always a smart ass but at least we get to keep our own tips and don’t have to share. A lot of places nowadays make you split your tips with the bus boys and kitchen staff just so they don’t have to pay them higher wages.”

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