Monster Slayers MC Book 3

Chapter 21-Boxer proposes and receives a big surprise

On her way upstairs to put Sammy to bed, Dixie nodded her head at me and then jerked her head in the direction of the living room, telling me that it was empty and with a wink and a smile she mouthed “Good luck” and then carried Sammy upstairs.

I grabbed Tiana’s hand and whispered, “Come with me. I have something I want to show you.” I led her into the living room and I didn’t turn on the lights as we went in and stopped Tiana from turning them on. The tree lights were enough to see by as I led her

over to the Christmas tree. To one side and slightly behind it, there was a blanket spread out on the floor with lit candles lining the window sill. A champagne bucket with a bottle of wine sticking out of it sat to one side and the box with Tiana’s cut in it was on the corner near the tree.

“Oh, what’s this?” Tiana asked in surprise when she saw it.

“Come sit down. I need to talk to you. To ask you something.” I stumbled and could feel the sweat starting low on my back. I helped her to sit down on the blanket and then followed her down, nervous as hell but I smiled at her as she seemed so happy.

“Do you want some wine?” I asked.

“No, thanks. I’m full from dinner. What’s going on, Tony?” She asked.

“Tiana, the first time I saw you, I can’t really describe what I felt. At first I thought you were just a child and I felt like such a pervert for even thinking about being with you but then I found out that you’re 19 and while I’m 25 years old, I hope you don’t think that’s too old for us to make a life together, do you?” I asked. I knew I was making a mess out of this but hell, I’ve never proposed to a woman before and I’m totally winging this.

“No, I don’t think that is too big of a difference. When I first met you, I thought you were the most handsome man I had ever seen but it was your eyes that captured my attention the most. I looked into them and I just knew you were someone who would never hurt me and that I could trust you. I was scared out of my mind but I think I began to fall in love with you the second you picked me up. I felt so warm and safe in your arms. Every time you hold me, I feel like I’ve finally found a home.” She told me and it gave me the confidence to ask her,

“Tiana, does that mean you will be my ole’ lady?” I asked, hopefully.

“Yes, Tony. I will be proud to be your ole’ lady.” she said.

I thought my heart was going to pound right out of my chest as I pulled out the ring and asked “Will you also be my wife? Marry me, Tiana. Please?”

Big tears immediately filled her eyes as she saw the ring I was holding out to her in the little black velvet box. I was shaking so badly because I had been so worried that she was going to say no but she screamed “YES!” and jumped into my arms, grabbed my face with both hands and slammed her mouth onto mine. We both fell over on my back and lay almost under the Christmas tree as we kissed and held each other.

I rolled over to the side and she held out her hand as I put the ring on her finger then kissed her again before telling her just how happy she had just made me. We made out on the floor for a while and then I remembered her cut.

“Sit up, please. I have something else for you.” I told her. I sat up and I handed her the large box that Dixie had wrapped so nicely and watched Tiana’s face as she opened it and saw what was inside.

“Oh wow! I finally got my cut! And I got a beautiful ring too! AND the best man on the planet to be my husband and the father of my child.” she said and then peaked up at me through her lashes as if watching my reaction but I guess I’m a bit slow because I didn’t pick up on her hint at all. I just sat and watched her with a big dopey smile on my face.

She realized I had missed it and after I helped her put her cut on, she pulled me down in front of her. She kept a hold on my hand as she took a deep breath and said “You are not the only one with surprises to share tonight. I was going to wait until Christmas Eve to tell you but I think now is even better.” She started and I just waited for her to continue. She took another deep breath and I could feel her hand begin to tremble as she said “I know we haven’t really talked about kids yet but how many do you want?”

“As many as the good lord blesses us with.” I said honestly.

“Does how long we wait make a difference?” she asked.

“No. Not at all. I know you might want to wait a while and I’m okay with that but I’m ready whenever you are.” I replied.

“Good because I just found out this morning that I’m pregnant.” Tiana said and I nearly fell over. I felt like someone had stolen my voice for a minute.

When I was finally able to make a sound, I squeaked out “Really?” I asked and could feel the smile on my face growing bigger by the second. When she nodded, I couldn’t really believe it so I asked again. “Really? You are going to bless me with a child? OH Tiana. I thought I was happy when you agreed to be my ole’ lady and my wife but this! This has put me over the moon!” I almost cried as I swept her up in my arms and kissed her with every ounce of the love I felt for her and couldn’t have been any happier when I felt it returned.

After a few minutes, I jumped up and pulled her to her feet. “Come on. I want to make this official and announce it to everyone. Then no one can ever take you away from me because you are mine now, woman!”

“Now and forever baby.” She giggled back at how silly I was acting but I was just so damned happy right now.

We walked past the game room and I opened the door and shouted “Come to the bar, please. I have an announcement to make!”

Guys started following us down the hall and several of them noticed that Tiana was now wearing a cut and someone said “Damn, too slow. Oh well, I’m happy for him.” I think it was Crusher but I couldn’t be sure.

We walked into the bar and I whistled to everyone and waved at the prospect to turn down the music. Once I had everyone’s attention I said “Tiana has not only agreed to be my ole’ lady and my wife, but she’s going to bless me with a child next year. We are pregnant!”

The roar of clapping, whistles and hoots and hollers that went around the room was almost deafening and enough to call the attention of the guys who had been playing cards in the library to come running. Everyone came over to shake my hand and to kiss Tiana on the cheek, welcoming her into the family. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so proud and happy in my life as I did when Rooster asked her “Tiana, just so that this is official. Do you accept Boxer’s claim to be his ole’ lady from now till death do you part?”

“Oh yes! With every ounce of breath I have in my body, I accept.” she replied.

“Then welcome to the family, little sister.” Rooster said and hugged her and kissed her cheek. “When are you due?” He asked.

“I’m not sure yet. I just took the home pregnancy kit this morning and it showed positive but I haven’t been to see a doctor yet. Will I be able to do that while we are on lock down?” Tiana asked.

“Yeah, but Doc should be able to tell you how far along you are and can handle most of the pregnancy while we are on lock down. If not, or if you would feel more comfortable having an OBGYN, we can either get you there or bring them here.” Rooster answered her.

“I would like to know how far along I am. I think I’m only about a month at the most but I’m really not sure.” Tiana said. She had always had irregular periods and to be honest, she couldn’t remember having one since she had become intimate with Boxer.

“Well, I would say go talk to him and set up an exam day and time and then you can go forward after that. Congratulations by the way.” Rooster smiled at her. So far she was the smallest of the women and barely looked old enough to even be pregnant but he could tell how happy she was right now. Me too.

We stayed in the bar for a little while and then made our way down to the clinic. Doc was fiddling with a machine and muttering under his breath but looked up when we came in. “Ah, Tiana! How are you sweetie? Boxer! What’s going on?” He asked.

“Doc, Tiana and I both had surprises for each other tonight. I asked her to be my ole’ lady and my wife and she said yes and then she surprised me by telling me she’s pregnant. We wanted to talk to you about running whatever test she may need to make sure she’s going to be okay, to find out how far along she is and what all we need to do to make sure we have a healthy baby.” I answered.

“Well, I can start the process but to be honest with you, I’m not an OBGYN and you really should get set up with one in town. I can deliver in an emergency but rather leave the rest of it to someone who has specialized in that field. I’m an ER doctor with some surgical skills, not a gynecologist.

I would be guessing at telling you how far along you are until you are farther along. That’s mainly because I don’t have the equipment they have readily available in their offices but if we keep growing the way we have the past year, I’m going to have to talk to Rooster about getting stuff like that. Seems like every time I turn around, another one of the ladies is turning up pregnant.” He grinned at us.

“Any chance you and Millie will try for kids?” I asked, teasing him and Tiana and I burst out laughing at the look on his face.

“Oh, good lord, NO! We are both too damned old to be making babies. I mean I would love to have had children but unfortunately my wife was killed and took our unborn child with her. Please don’t say anything about that to anyone. I never told anyone that Amy was pregnant when she died. I don’t want their sympathy now. That’s what drove me so deep into the bottle the first time. I lost not only the love of my life but my unborn child at the same time. It wasn’t even far enough along for the coroner to be able to tell me what it was yet and I used to often wonder if Amy even knew she was pregnant.

Millie on the other hand has two children and three grandchildren so she’s already beyond her child bearing years and I’m fine with that. I was going to talk to Rooster about going away for a couple of days over the holidays to meet her family but if we are going to be under lock down, it looks like I’m stuck here.” Doc admitted.

“Why don’t you talk to him about it anyway? I can’t remember a time when you’ve ever taken off from here Doc and if anyone deserves a break it’s you. It’s not like you would be gone for an extended period of time and there is a hospital right down the road if someone needs medical attention.

Besides, Kaylee is a nurse, right? Can’t she do emergency care until we can get the help anyone might need?” I asked him and I could tell he was struggling with the desire to go with Millie to see her family and his sense of responsibility to the MC.

“You know what, you are right. It’s not like I’m leaving the country and will be gone for a long time. It’s just a few days and it has been years since I’ve taken time away from here. And Millie is so excited about introducing me to her children. To be quite honest, I’m rather nervous about that part. What if they don’t like me?” Doc said.

“I can’t imagine anyone not liking you Doc and besides, they will take one look at the way you and Millie look at each other and will see how much you both care for each other. I’m sure they will be glad that you have found each other and that now Millie won’t have to spend her golden years alone.” Tiana told him.

“I do hope you are right.” Doc said “So, do you want me to do the preliminary check up or would you rather wait and see the OBGYN in town?”

“I think I’ll wait. I know they are going to want blood work and I’d rather just have to get poked once. I hate needles.” Tiana told him.

“Fine by me.” Doc said. “I think I’ll go have a word with Rooster. You are right. I deserve to have some time off from here.” With that fire lit under his butt, he followed us out of the clinic and he went on to the bar while Tiana and I went up to our room.

Tiana and I stayed up, talking, making plans and making love. We both agreed that we wanted our own place but maybe had better reconsider what we really wanted in a house. We agreed that we wanted something more contemporary in style but not ultra modern like a few places we had looked at. We wanted a yard but not acres and acres of land to worry about. We had focused on the mostly country areas so far because the new subdivisions going towards Wichita Falls were way over our price range and frankly were too close together for our taste.

We also talked about baby names and neither of us could really come up with names we liked. She said she would be happy with naming our son after me if it was a boy and that made me happy, but we never could decide on a girls name. Oh well, we have plenty of time and I’m sure the old ladies will have suggestions too. We made love twice and fell asleep with her curled snuggly against my side. I fell asleep, one very happy man.

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