Monster Slayers MC Book 3

Chapter 20-Another Cobra threat?

Rooster’s POV

As soon as everyone was settled in the meeting room and the door was closed, I called everyone to order. “Settle down guys. I’m afraid we’ve got another snake problem lurking. Hopefully we can make it through the holidays in peace but I’m not going to take any chances.

Earlier today, Boxer got a call from his former fight manager asking if he was willing to enter a cage match with a boxer he’s never heard of before for a large amount of money. As many of you heard, it upset Tiana very much and since then, because of some information we turned up about the other fighter, he has changed his mind about doing it.

We did some amateur sleuthing about this other fighter and found out that he’s a Cobra and his manager asked for Boxer by name. The other fighter’s name is Romero Fernandez and he’s had 10 fights this year alone in which he’s killed 2 of his opponents. Apparently he goes into a rage and no one can stop him once he gets going. We’ve talked to Boxer’s manager and he said that the call came out of the blue and that the manager, a man he does not know, asked for Boxer specifically.

Boxer, did Ray say if he asked for you as Boxer or by your legal name?” It had just occurred to me and I looked at Boxer who shrugged and said “Give me a minute and I’ll find out.” Boxer pulled his cell phone out and gave Ray another call.

“Ray, it’s me again. When that manager called and asked for me, what name did he use?” Boxer asked.

“He asked for Boxer.” Ray said, and it apparently had not dawned on him either that the only way he could have known that was if he was part of the biker world because Boxer didn’t use his road name around the fight club.

“Thanks Ray. I’ll talk to you later.” Boxer said and hung up. “He asked for Boxer. Now I know this is MSMC club related because I didn’t use my road name around the fight club. No one there besides Ray knows my road name is Boxer. This has got to have something to do with either our last rescue mission or with Tiana. They must have put two and two together and figured out how we found out about that house.”

Everyone could tell that Boxer was very worried now. His legs began to bounce and he couldn’t seem to sit still.

“I know I’m saying this to the wall but calm down Boxer. We’re going into lock down. No one is going to get to any of our women. Remember, Tiana is not the only one that the Cobra’s have damaged or been the reason we have some of our women.”

“I know. I just don’t like it when I can’t be with her when there is a threat to her life.” Boxer said.

“I know. Well, hopefully everyone has finished their Christmas shopping because I would say there are not going to be any more trips to Dallas or even Wichita Falls for now until we know what the Cobra’s next move is going to be. Boxer, if you hear anything more from Ray, make sure you let me know right away.

For now, I think we are going to make ourselves as ready as possible for any attack. I’m going to leave it up to those of you that have homes off property to stay here or go home but I’d really feel better if you are here. I know the women are going to want one more trip to the store for supplies like toilet paper and diapers so there will be at least 10 men going with them in addition to our largest trucks to make sure we can haul stuff back. I’m really hoping that Dixie will be able to order what we need and get it delivered but I’m not going to hold my breath.”

“So for now, we’re not canceling the Christmas party?” Eagle asked. He had joined us just after the meeting started.

“No! I wouldn’t dream of even suggesting that to the women. Hell, I’ll take on the Cobra’s alone before I would even think about doing something like that. They would skin me alive!” Rooster joked but in reality he was dead serious. The women had been working so hard to get the clubhouse ready for the occasion and there was no way he was going to put a damper on their plans unless there was an actual attack pending. For now, this situation was aimed at one couple in our club but for the women’s safety, their men were going to be extra alert to any dangers that might come at them or the club.

“Now, I know that the women are going to be asking for help doing things but we need to keep our training schedules up and make sure not only our weapons are ready for action but ourselves. I want our best guys teaching our guys who need improvement in all areas. After the holidays are over, I’m going to invite the Monster Ninja’s here to give us some training in martial arts. I really think we could learn alot from them.” I told them. “Does anyone have anything they need to say in church?”

“Are the nurses still coming to the Christmas Party?” Bruiser asked.

“Yes, you horn dog. As far as I know the nurses will be here unless we have to go into lock down.” I told him with a roll of my eyes. Many of the single members were antsy for the chance to meet some new women. “Just remember, they will be guests here, not sweet butts or hang arounds, so mind your manners or they won’t come back.” I grinned at them. “Church dismissed.” I said and banged my gavel. Not surprisingly, Boxer was the first one out of his seat and out the door.

Boxer’s POV

The second I learned that the “mystery manager” that had called Ray had asked for me using my road name, all the red flags jumped in my mind and I felt an urgent need to get to Tiana as fast as I could. I know that when she finds out about this, she’s not going to be letting me out of her sight much, which I don’t mind holding on to her one bit! I just had to pray that it doesn’t trigger her night terrors again. I hate when she has them because she wakes up so scared and it just breaks my heart. Although I have to admit that “comforting” sex is awesome! She’s gained some weight since she got here and now her curves are mouth watering to me.

I run back to the kitchen to find all of the women cooking, dancing to a song on the radio and laughing together and my heart warms as I spot Tiana. She’s got her arms over her head, her eyes are closed and she’s singing along with them and the radio as Roy Orbinson and Emmylou Harrison belt out the song “That lovin’ you feelin’ again” and my dick gets hard from watching her sexy body sway in time with the music.

I quietly step behind her, put my hands on her hips and pull her back against me as I whisper in her ear “I’m feeling that lovin’ you feelin’ again” as I push my hard on against her and we dance together. That song was immediately followed by Chris Stapleton singing Tennessee Whiskey and by then all the husbands had their wives and were dancing around the kitchen and we were all singing along to the music while many of the members stood watching, many of them getting their own hard ons and I knew there were going to be a lot of cold showers going on soon!

“Come back to the room with me?” I whispered in Tiana’s ear and she nodded slightly. We left the kitchen with our arms around each other and when we hit the top of the stairs, I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist when I whispered to her “Hang on baby because I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to wait to be inside of you. Watching you dance like that has made me so fucking hard!”

I ran down the hall with her giggling in my ear but hanging on to my neck and waist as she ground herself against me. I learned that it’s extremely hard to run and dry hump a woman at the same time but I was doing my best and by the time we closed our bedroom door we were both so turned on that I ripped Tiana’s panties off and barely managed to free myself of my jeans and boxers before I was buried deep inside of her while I held her up against the wall. I grabbed two hands full of her now rounded ass and lifted her up and down as she rolled her hips against me, meeting me stroke for stroke as she held onto my shoulders.

“God, I love you so much, Tiana.” I panted against her neck as we continued to lean against the wall. I was still buried deep inside her and could feel her inner muscles flexing as her pussy milked my still hard cock for every drop as I unloaded inside of her.

“I love you more, Tony.” she whispered back breathlessly.

I carried her over to the bed and we finished undressing each other and then made love two more times before we got in the shower where we went for another session against the tiles of the shower wall. We laid in bed for a while afterwards, just talking and I told her that I would not be fighting after all and about what we had found out. She was so happy and if we hadn’t already worn ourselves out, we would have gone for round five but someone knocked on our door and called out “Lunch” and both of our stomachs growled. We got up and redressed and then went downstairs.

All of the women were upset that we might have to go into lock down right at Christmas but understood that it could not be helped. “Well, at least we’ll all be together for Christmas. Let’s just pray we can get through it without an attack.” Dixie said as we all sat down to eat.

After lunch, everyone got back to their normal routines. The men were training while the women either attended to their children or worked on things for Christmas. Dixie, Kaylee and Tiana were in the kitchen working on cookies and treats for the holiday.

Annalisa called her father and told him to come to the club house when he got to town and to not worry about checking into the hotel because they have a much nicer room ready for him at the clubhouse. She didn’t tell him that they were in a partial lock down because she didn’t want him to worry.

I helped Tiana finish wrapping the Christmas presents we had bought for the children and our “gag gift” presents. Everyone had been encouraged to buy at least two small gifts to put on the “prize table”. The women were going to have indoor games for everyone to play since it was too cold to do anything outside.

As dinner time got closer, I became more nervous about proposing tonight. I finally went down to the gym and after changing into some workout shorts, I got on the treadmill and ran until I felt like my heart would burst. It made me realize how out of shape I was when I barely managed to clock 5 miles on the odometer. “Dude, you wouldn’t have lasted one round with Romero.” I told myself as I wiped the sweat off my face with a towel.

I wrapped my hands and began working on the speed bag. It took me a few minutes to get my rhythm going and I cussed myself out for not keeping in better shape. I had always trained and kept in shape before I joined the MSMC but since being here, I had gotten lax about keeping up my boxing skills, even though Boxer was my road name. I felt ashamed of myself.

I was pulling on gloves to work out on the heavy bag when Eagle came into the room. He helped me finish getting them on and asked “You okay, Boxer?”

“Yeah, I’m just kind of upset with myself. I feel like such a fool. I made some big mistakes here that could have not only cost me Tiana but my very life. I’m not stupid, Eagle and I know better than to just jump into something like a cage fight against an opponent I don’t know anything about. But when Ray told me the winning purse was $100,000, all I could think about was buying Tiana the house of her dreams. I mean, I’ve got it in my savings account to do it now but it would leave me almost flat broke and I’m just not willing to do that. I had to struggle as a kid and I spent a lot of nights going to sleep so hungry my stomach hurt. I lived on the streets after my mom died. Hell, I don’t even know my father because he was never around. When I hit high school, the drug dealers and gangs were always bugging me to do things for them but I had seen too many people in my life get dragged down a bad road by getting involved with that shit and I was determined to stay out of it.

I was tall but skinny as a stick. I took some mean beatings until I hit my sophomore year and the gym coach found me bleeding and barely conscious in the parking lot at school after I had refused to run drugs across town for one of the bully’s at school. He took pity on me and started training me on how to fight so that I could defend myself. He got me into weight lifting and on the wrestling team. He even let me sleep in a room over his garage. By the time I hit my senior year, the bullies weren’t messing with me anymore.

I met Ray in the pool hall one night a couple of nights after graduation. I got into a fight when some guy started knocking this chick around and I told him to stop. He took a swing at me and I put him on his ass. Ray was impressed and started booking fights for me and I began street fighting for money to keep myself fed and clothes on my back.

Coach found out and was not happy about it but being a cocky little shit, instead of thanking him for all the help he had given me, I told him to fuck off and hit the road. Ray and I traveled all over the place in his beat up old van, sleeping in the back while we took turns driving to the next match. I was so proud of myself to be able to say that I had never lost a match for over 4 years but I was also ashamed of myself for never thanking the coach for all he had taught me.

Then one night, Ray said that because of my record, no one wanted to take me on anymore so I told Ray that I was going back home from Phoenix. I bought my bike and hit the road. I stopped here in town for gas and food at the diner.

Some jerk was giving Dana a hard time and I stepped up to help her out. Rooster backed me up and after we threw the bum out, he asked me to join him for lunch. I agreed, he explained what the club was all about and asked me if I was interested in prospecting for the club. I told him I had something to do first but I would think about it and be back if I decided I was interested.

I drove all the way home to Philly, made my peace with the coach and put flowers on my mother’s grave. In the four years I had been gone, Philly and my old neighborhood had gotten even worse than it had been before I left so I jumped back on my bike and came back here. I have to admit that hazing as a prospect was really hard for me because it was like going back to high school and being a skinny little kid again but once I earned my patch, I really like it here.

Now I have Tiana in my life and I love her so much that I just want to give her everything I can but I’m terrified of asking her to be my ole’ lady and even more to be my wife. I bought the ring about two weeks after I first met her but every time I’ve tried to propose we either get interrupted or I get all tongue tied and chicken out.

After our yelling match earlier, Dixie told me that she’s got Tiana’s cut and is going to leave it by the Christmas tree for me along with some wine and a blanket and threatened to kick my ass and remove my man parts if I don’t propose to Tiana tonight. You know me, Eagle. I’m not afraid of much but asking that tiny little woman to be mine forever has me shaking in my boots. How do you ask someone to do that? I just know that if she says no, it’s going to rip my heart out and I won’t be able to stay here anymore.” I admitted as he listened without saying a word.

“I know exactly how you feel, dude. Asking Annalisa to be mine had me scared out of my mind, mostly because I was worried about having a PTSD episode and possibly hurting her or Carmella and while I do still worry about it, I decided that it’s not something that will ever go away but it was going to kill me if I didn’t take a chance on having some happiness in my life. I’ve had a couple of dark episodes since they came into my life but having Carmella call me “Dada” makes all the bad go away and brings the sun back into my world then I make love to my wife and my world is right side up again.

I followed Hulk and Rooster’s advice. Annalisa and Carmella were the gold ring and I jumped for it and I’ve been hanging on tight and have no plans of ever letting go. That’s what you need to do. Tiana is your gold ring and you are hers. You need to grab onto that woman and just work to make a life together.

Any chance at happiness we have in this life is worth it and we just have to make the most of it. There’s always going to be arguments and some bad times but so long as you talk and more importantly listen to each other then all of the rest will fall into place.

I will tell you this, playing with the sweet butts and dating is fun but there’s no security there and being married and knowing that the woman you love will be there when you wake up in the mornings, be there to love and support you, to work alongside you during the days and to be there to love at night, is the best feeling in the world. Having them bless you with children just makes it so much better. I love Carmella like she is my own flesh and blood but I’m so excited about my baby that Annalisa is now carrying.” Eagle said.

“But I’m a lot older than Tiana. She’s only 19 and I’m going to be 26 soon.” I said, expressing something that had been bugging me since we had met. “When I first saw her, I thought she couldn’t have been more than 14 and I felt like such a pervert for having thoughts about her that I just couldn’t seem to get her out of my mind. Then she told me she was 19 and while I felt a little more hopeful, I was so afraid of hurting her. She’s so tiny and I’m not huge, like Hulk or Boomer but I’m not a small man either. I’m easily twice her size in body mass, even though she’s started to pick up some weight, she’s still so little.” I said worriedly, getting out all of my concerns.

“I know but believe me, women are a lot stronger and more resilient than we give them credit for. Just think about all the things the women here have had to endure in their lives. Most men would have broken over what Marley, Tiana and Charlie had gone through and even though Kaylee, Nessa and Annalisa didn’t have to suffer like they did, they still went through some rough shit. Hell, even Dixie. She has to put up with Prez!” He said and we both laughed.

“Hell, just being an old lady is hard for them. I see their faces every time we go on a mission. They are always terrified that we might never come back to them, especially when we have to face assholes like the Cobra’s. But they choose to wait for us to come home. They cook and clean for us, bear our children for us and keep us sane, all because they love us. Can you just imagine what child birth must be like? The pain they have to go through would probably kill most of us big “He men”. They may be considered the weaker sex but damn they are strong!” Eagle said.

“But, at the same time, they break easily when you hurt their feelings and heart wounds can take a long time to mend. We men don’t like to admit that we have tender hearts but I’m sure you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do. There have been one or two women that I thought I really cared for but they didn’t feel the same. But what I felt for them is nothing like what I feel for Tiana. She has become my world in the past few months. To lose her now will end me.” I told him.

“Well, then, suck it up, take a shower and come have dinner. Then take Tiana in the living room and propose to her. I expect to be able to toast your engagement tonight!” Eagle said, as he clapped me on the back and then said “Ew, dude. You definitely need a shower. You’re all sweaty.”

I laughed at him and stood up to follow him out of the gym. I ran upstairs and into my third shower of the day. I bathed quickly, redressed and then headed back downstairs. Dinner was almost ready and I offered to help carry things out to the warming trays on the buffet table.

As soon as everyone was called to eat and grace was said, Tiana and I got in line together. Tonight was stroganoff, which everyone loved and soon everyone was gathered around the tables in the dining room, eating and enjoying each other’s company. When dinner was over, Rooster tapped his spoon to his glass and asked that everyone listen up.

“We are going to be in partial lock down until we get this issue with the Cobra’s worked out. No actual threat has been issued but we’re also not going to take any chances, especially with our women and children. If anyone needs anything from the store, let Dixie know and we’ll order things and have them delivered. Everyone is going to be staying on property and guards will be on duty 24/7. I know this sucks, especially right at the holiday but we are still going to have the Christmas party and hopefully we resolve this issue soon.

Also, the sweet butts will be allowed to come around from now until New Years but not until after 8:30 pm, are still not allowed upstairs until after 9 pm and the same rules apply as before. They must be out before sunrise and must conduct themselves like adults, not horny bitches in heat. Remember, Annalisa’s father will be staying here and he doesn’t know much about our lifestyle. Let’s try to show him that we do have some class and not act like a bunch of horny neanderthals.”

Everyone grinned at him and each other but everyone agreed. Only a few muttered, “Well there goes having any fun for us single guys!” But they all took it with good natures.

Everyone carried their dishes into the kitchen and the prospects got to work on cleaning up the dinner mess. Then the members either went to the bar for drinks, to the game room or the library to play cards. The mothers went upstairs to give their children bath’s and to get them ready for bed.

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