Monster Slayers MC Book 3

Chapter 18-Thanksgiving

Rooster’s POV

All of the women were checked over at the hospital and except for Josey and Diane, were taken home to their families. Josey was checked and had to have surgery on her rectum to repair the tears she had gotten from being brutally sodomized by the Cobra’s. She was going to have to spend a couple of weeks in the hospital recovering.

Diane did have a severe concussion but eventually recovered almost all of her memories, even the ones of the past two weeks. She woke up and was terrified of everything but thankfully, Josey was still in the hospital and was able to comfort her and along with a local therapist, they were able to bring her back around.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Dixie has been pushing everyone to help decorate the clubhouse and I have to admit, it does look nice inside but I can just imagine the mess it’s going to be to clean up. She had the prospects collect real leaves from in the woods and had scattered them all over the place. She had almost emptied the grocers box of pumpkins and had the feed store deliver I don’t even know how many bales of straw to make decorations with and there was even a scarecrow man and woman sitting on a bale of straw on the front porch with old cuts on.

The men had been training like mad the past two weeks, I think mostly to get out of Dixie’s decorating assignments but she threatened to stop cooking for them if they didn’t get their jobs done. But the upside to the training was that the prospects were really getting good at some of the things we were preparing them for. Steven, whom I had been the most stumped to find a road name for, seemed to be becoming Circuit’s shadow and Circuit had reported to me that he was actually pretty good at hacking and learned fast.

The women have been cooking for days, making all kinds of treats. The caterers will be dropping off our holiday meal tomorrow at 1 pm and Annalisa’s father was going to be joining us and she was so excited. He was going to be staying with them for 4 whole days and she seemed so happy. Carmella had even learned to say “Papa” but I don’t think she knows who she’s talking about yet.

All of the ladies had decided that they HAD TO HAVE new dresses and had spent a whole day in Dallas shopping. I was dreading the bill from that excursion. They also insisted that everyone clean up their cuts and boots and were ordered to wear their newest jeans and button down shirts, instead of just t-shirts tomorrow.

I just hope that nothing goes wrong but something was bugging me, like I had forgotten to do something important but just couldn’t figure out what it was. I went through my list of “things to do” and I had checked off all of them.

The lawyers had arranged for Eagle to adopt Carmella and they had signed the papers but we were still waiting for the notarized copies to come back from the court.

The week after we had gotten back from Deacon was Scotty Nelson’s funeral. Eagle had found out where his mother was buried, had his death certificate corrected and the whole club drove down for the funeral. We gave him a biker’s burial parade and carried him to the burial site in one of our vans. Eagle, Boomer, Hunter and I were the pallbearers for his tiny little coffin. The minister that conducted the burial said really nice things about Scotty, I think the lady that had lived next door had a lot to do with that. We all threw flowers on top of his tiny little casket and I don’t think there was a totally dry eye in the whole cemetery. The house was very solemn that night.

Several members are making noise about letting the sweet butts come around more than just on the weekends and all of the old ladies agreed so long as they stayed in the bar and not come around until after the children are asleep. Granted the only child that is old enough to be aware of who is around and is really around all the time is Crystal but they agreed to make sure that any sweet butt that was caught upstairs before 8 pm would be banned from the house for 60 days and more than one offense would get them banned for good and the member she was going to entertain would have to pay a fine.

Cruise and Charlie were still looking for a house but have not really had much luck. Everything they could afford was too far away from the club house and everything close by was too expensive so they are still living in the club house.

Tiana was still very nervous about coming around when all of the men were inside but she was slowly getting better, so long as Boxer was within touching distance. They were also still looking for a house with no luck so far.

I walk out to the bar and grab a beer and then walk over to the executive table. I was kind of lost in my own thoughts and didn’t even realize that Boomer was already sitting there. I jumped a bit when he said “What’s up Prez?”

“Damn! I didn’t even see you sitting there.” I said.

“Hahahaha! You have got to be kidding me. I’m probably the second largest man in the club, after Hulk, and you didn’t see me?” He laughed at me.

“I guess I’m just lost in my own thoughts. I’ve had the strangest feeling the last couple of days and it’s been getting stronger and stronger every day. I keep getting a feeling of dread, like I forgot to do something really important and I just can’t remember what it is.” I said.

“Well, it’s not time for Dixie’s birthday yet and your anniversary is not for months so at least she’s taken care of. Sammy is only 4 months old so it can’t be that you’ve forgotten your son’s birthday.” Boomer said.

“No, those were the first things I checked. It’s just bugging the hell out of me. I keep feeling like a shoe is about to drop and it’s going to land on my head and be full of cement.” I said.

“Stop thinking about it and then it will come to you. It’s like looking for your lost phone. Stop looking for it and it will turn up right under your nose.” Boomer said.

“Maybe you are right. So, have we decided on a road name for Steven yet? Circuit seems to want him as his apprentice. Says he’s pretty good at hacking.” I asked Boomer.

“Man, you really are blocked. You’re usually so good at this. For Steven, how about Hacker?” Boomer said and it was like a light bulb going off over my head. I grinned at him and said “Perfect.”

So Steven is “Hacker”. Ethan is “Joker”. Gary is “Driver”. Justin is “Quizzer”. Juan is “Blades”. Nate is “Tracker”. Rodney is “Brushes” and Willy is “Razor”. Good now I can order their cuts and we’ll have them before Christmas. Oh hell, that’s right. I’ve got to start looking for something for Dixie for Christmas! Any ideas?” I looked at Boomer with I’m sure a pitiful face.

“You are on your own there unless you can tell me what to buy for Kaylee!” Boomer said, sounding slightly depressed. “Hell, I had a hard enough time finding her something for her birthday in September. I finally got her the diamond earrings and she seemed to be happy with them.”

“Well, women love jewelry and perfume and you can never go wrong with sexy clothes. At least that’s what has always worked for Dixie before.” I told him.

“You know one of these days you are going to rebuy her something you’ve already bought for her. Damn for as many years as you two have been married, she must have a whole drawer full of sexy underwear.” Boomer said.

“Nope. I keep ripping them!” I grinned at him and he busted out laughing.

“When was the last time you took Kaylee out on a date?” I asked him and he stopped laughing and got a far away look on his face.

“Hell, come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever really taken Kaylee on a real date. We’ve just gone to the diner or we eat here.” Boomer admitted with a shameful look on his face. “How about you? When was the last time you took Dixie out for a night on the town?” He asked.

“I think it was the night Sammy was conceived and he’s over 4 months old now.” I admitted.

“I think we had both better think of something really nice for them for Christmas.” Boomer said and I couldn’t agree more.

“I know I can’t wait until all the kids are old enough to have an outside babysitter every once in a while so that we can have a night out with all of us together again. It’s been a really long time since we all went to Bernie’s and got shit faced. Are we getting old, Boomer?”

“NOT ME! I’ve still got my dance moves.” He said as Kaylee came over to our table. He stood up and grabbed her and started dancing her around the room. Soon, all of the wives came and pulled us out of our chairs and the club was rocking! We danced until we were all out of breath and sweating. It was the best time I can remember us having in a long time. When Sammy’s baby monitor went off letting us know he was awake. Dixie and I went upstairs. Dixie was still breastfeeding at night, mostly to empty her breasts before bed and I loved watching her nurse my son. I felt so proud and complete.

The next morning was Thanksgiving day and everyone just had cereal or bagels for breakfast. Nobody wanted to eat big since we would be having a big lunch today. Dixie had us set up the dining room tables with white table cloth’s and felt place mats that the women had made shaped like big Oak leaves in orange, brown and gold. The ladies decorated the tables with leaves from outside and pumpkin spice, apple cider and cinnamon bun candles. The whole downstairs smelled so good that everyone’s stomach’s were growling by the time the caterer showed up.

Annalisa’s father had arrived in town last night and they all showed up at the clubhouse at noon and we had also invited Millie. She and Doc had been seeing a lot of each other since Kaylee had been in the hospital.

Before everyone got in line to make their plates of food, I called everyone to order. “We should give thanks today. This year we have been so blessed. Everyone, please take the hand of the person next to you and bow your heads.” When I saw that everyone had joined hands, I bent my head and said

“Dear Lord, on this day of thanksgiving we want to say an extra special thank you for all you have blessed us with this past year. Many of our members have found their life partners, some of us have been blessed with children. We’ve been blessed not to have lost a single man in our club and in fact have added several new members. We thank you for this food that is about to nourish our bodies and for letting us all be together to enjoy it. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.” I said and was followed by everyone saying Amen.

Then Doc raised his hand and said “I know everyone is hungry and you want to get your food but before you do, I have an announcement to make. Millie has agreed to be my wife and I ask that you welcome her to our family.”

Squeals of delight went up from the ladies, especially Kaylee who ran over to hug Millie and many of the men lined up to shake Doc’s hand and congratulate him, and I was one of the first in line.

“It’s about damned time, old man!” I teased him. “I hope you two will be very happy together and of course we welcome Millie.” I told her as I bent over and kissed her on the cheek.

3rd person POV

Everyone got in line and filled their plates, some even went back for seconds. No one wanted to do anything once they had had their fill of dinner and since turkey always makes everyone sleepy, it was a very relaxing afternoon. The kids had the holiday specials on TV in the living room, where the women had all gathered with Millie and they talked about wedding plans.

Since they had both been married before, neither of them wanted a big fuss made and while Dixie was very disappointed that she wasn’t going to be able to host another big wedding, she finally conceded. “You will let us host the reception I hope? You can invite all of your friends from the hospital and we’ll do it up right. Maybe even a few matches made in heaven will be made between our men and the single nurses?” Dixie hinted.

“I’ll talk to Dave about it. Just please promise me you won’t get too fancy, Dixie. We just really want to keep it simple.” Millie said.

Annalisa started to stand up to go to the bathroom and suddenly she felt very dizzy and nearly fell over. She sat down rather quickly and Millie looked at her quizzically, “Annalisa, are you alright, dear?”

“Yeah, I just stood up too fast, I think. It’s been happening a lot lately.” Annalisa said, with her hand to her head, then bent over and put her head between her knees but slowly came back up with her hand on her mouth saying “That might not have been such a good idea.” She jumped up and wobble/ran to the bathroom, where she threw up everything she had eaten that day.

“Damn! What a waste of good food.” she muttered as she grabbed some toilet paper and wiped her mouth. She opened the stall door to find Dixie and Nessa standing outside the door with a pregnancy kit in each of their hands. The look on her face was comical as the high possibility dawned on her.

“No. It can’t be! I’m on the shot!” Annalisa objected.

“When was the last time you had the shot?” Nessa asked her.

“Ummmm. Oh, God! I was supposed to get it last month and I totally forgot about it with everything that’s been going on.” She said and snatched the tests out of their hands and went back into the stall. Two minutes later, she stepped back out of the stall holding the sticks in her hands. “I thought I was going to have to go drink something first because I threw up everything I’ve eaten and drank today. It says it takes three minutes.” She said, nervously.

Dixie looked at her watch and they all stood around waiting for three minutes to pass. When Dixie finally called time, Annalisa said “You guys look. I’m scared. Eagle and I haven’t talked about having anymore kids yet. I thought we were going to wait at least another year.”

“Are you kidding me? Eagle is going to be thrilled!” Nessa said, in comfort. Dixie and Nessa turned the tests over and there were plus signs on both of the sticks. “Well, ready or not, congratulations girl! You’re pregnant!” Nessa squealed, then reached out to grab Annalisa’s arm because she looked like she was going to pass out.

Dixie grabbed some paper towels and wet them then wiped Annalisa’s face while Nessa patted her wrist until Annalisa said she was fine now.

“Go outside and sit on the patio for some fresh air. I’ll send Eagle out there and you can break the news! I’ll bet you a hundred bucks he’s going to be over the moon happy about this.” Dixie told her.

“Easy money for you. Don’t worry Annalisa. I just know Eagle’s going to be happy but how about you?” Nessa asked, worried about her friend.

“Of course, I’m happy. I want to have as many children with Eagle as the good lord will bless us with but our relationship is still so new. I just know I love him with all of my heart and never want to lose him.” Annalisa told them.

“Annalisa Walker! You know Eagle loves you with his entire being. There isn’t anything in this world that he wouldn’t do for you and Carmella. I thought him adopting Carmella would make you realize that. Now go on out on the patio before I kick your butt to knock some sense into your head.” Nessa told her. “And don’t worry about Carmella tonight. We’ll watch her for you.”

“Okay. I know you guys are right and thank you! I love you both. Do me a favor and don’t say anything to anyone. I don’t want Eagle to think I told all of the ladies before I tell him.” Annalisa said and hugged them both.

They all left the bathroom and Annalisa walked right on through the living room and out to the patio, followed closely by Nessa except that Nessa detoured and walked over to Eagle who was sitting and watching the game with the rest of the men. She bent over and whispered in his ear “Annalisa needs to talk to you on the patio. She’s out there waiting for you.”

“Is she okay?” he asked as he jumped out of his chair. Nessa nodded and smiled at him and then curled up on Hulk’s lap.

“What’s going on?” Hulk asked.

“Wait. I’m sure you are going to find out here in a minute.” Nessa smiled at him and wondered if Hulk wanted kids. They haven’t really talked about it much. She knew she wanted at least one or two kids but like Annalisa, she wanted to wait a while longer, to give her and Hulk more time together.

As she figured, it didn’t take long for a loud “YAHOO!” to come from the patio! Then Eagle came in carrying Annalisa and yelled “My woman is going to bless me with a child! Oh this is truly a day to be thankful!”

Everyone rushed over to congratulate them and Eagle had to put her down but held her close to him so that he could shake hands with his brothers and his father in law had a big smile on his face as he congratulated them both.

This was definitely a Thanksgiving that would be remembered for a long time.

The weekend was quiet and everyone enjoyed the company of Annalisa’s father. He had everyone in stitches with his great sense of humor. He seemed as sorry to go as Annalisa was to have him leave on Sunday afternoon but he had a lot to deal with back home.

For the next few weeks, the house seemed to be mostly focused on getting the house ready for Christmas and Dixie and the other ladies went all out decorating every room in the house for the holiday. Packages were being delivered almost daily and a couple of days the UPS man almost emptied his truck on our doorstep.

For several days in a row, Eagle and Hulk disappeared for several hours and wouldn’t tell anyone where they were going or why. Several days later, Eagle would show up at the house with Carmella and asked one of the women to watch her while he took Annalisa to town and they stayed gone for most of the day. Everyone was very curious but all they would say is that they were working on something to do with Christmas and we would all have to wait until Christmas morning to find out what it was.

The weather had turned really cold since Thanksgiving and the weatherman said there was a high possibility that we could have snow soon but so far all we had seen were very cold rainy days.

Thankfully the club has not had any more rescue calls so far and while he always dreaded it, Rooster couldn’t help but be apprehensive about that situation changing at a moment’s notice. Holidays could often be very stressful for some people and unfortunately they often handled it violently.

Samuel was 5 months old now and stayed awake longer plus he was able to roll from his tummy to his back and back to tummy now. He could sit up better but still needed to be supported or he would fall over. But everyone could tell he was going to be a real personality when he got older. He had the most expressive face and made some of the funniest faces.

Faith was just behind him in progress but was learning fast. She was a lot smaller than Samuel and delicate compared to Samuel who was more robust like his father.

As the holiday’s got closer, Simon especially was becoming more and more excited for Santa’s arrival. Crystal and Carmella were still too young to really understand what was going on but all of the children were eager to get their hands on the brightly colored wrapping paper and were intrigued by the colorful decorations and were enjoying the many Christmas specials on TV.

Maybe it was because she was working so much but no one seemed to notice that something seemed to be bothering Kaylee and she tried her best not to let on that anything was out of the ordinary.

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