Monster Slayers MC Book 3

Chapter 17-The Snake Bird sings & the MSMC rescues 8

We followed Captain Dickerson down the hall to an interrogation room that had a table and four chairs and a big two way mirror on the wall. “Can we get the cuffs off of him and maybe some coffee?” Hunter asked.

I pulled out the key Captain Dickerson had given me and unlocked the handcuffs and the Captain left the room to get us some coffee brought in. The kid, Hunter and I all sat down at the table and a minute later, a patrol man came in with a tray with coffee, cream and sugar and sat it down on the end of the table without saying a word then left the room, closing the door behind him.

“Now, first of all, what is your name, son?” I asked.

“Robert. Robert Thompson.” He answered.

“How old are you Robert?” Hunter asked.

“19.” Robert replied.

“Who do you work for, Robert?” I asked.

“I’m a prospect for the Cobra’s MC. I’m not really down with all of this but I’m kind of between a rock and a hard place. I kind of got myself in some trouble and Mambo helped me out. He’s the Prez of the chapter of the Cobra’s in Colorado, near Springfield. He told me that if I did this run, I would make enough to repay my debt to him and I would become a patched member. All I was wanting to do was repay my debt and then I was going to walk away from it all.” Robert told us.

“Son, I hate to tell you this, but if you’ve been on one of these runs, they are not going to let you just walk away. You will have seen, heard and now know too much. Even if you do repay your debt to them and try to run away, they will hunt you down and kill you. Your best option now is to help us find the young women you have taken. Do that and I’ll do my best to get you a lighter sentence.

Okay? So how many girls did you guys grab and where are they?” I asked.

“We have collected 8 so far. They are being held in a house between here and Bolton. There are 6 Cobra’s watching them. I can’t tell you exactly what they have been put through but I bet it hasn’t been good. Those guys are some sick bastards.” Robert said. He looked rather pale for a minute as a fine sheen of sweat broke out on his forehead.

“Do you have an address? Can you give us directions?” Hunter asked.

Robert nodded but said, “All I’ve done is drive. I never actually grabbed any of the girls. I don’t know the actual address but the house is set back off the road. We turned off of 287 at a green mailbox that leans pretty badly onto a dirt road about 10 minutes before you get to the Deacon city limits.”

“Let me see if I can get a laptop bought in here so we can see if we can find it and get an address.” I said and opened the door. I stepped outside as Captain Dickerson came out of the room next door where the window side of the mirror was. He had been watching and listening the whole time. He nodded and walked off down the hall. He came back a couple of minutes later and handed me a laptop. I took it back into the room and brought up google maps. I searched for Deacon Texas and then found Hwy 287 and zoomed into street level. I took small jumps until I spotted a green mailbox on the side of the road.

“Is this the mailbox?” I asked Robert.

“Yeah, that looks like it. Can you turn on that dirt road?” He said, pointing at the screen.

“I hope so. Sometimes it won’t let you go down unnamed roads but let’s see.” I said and clicked small jumps and was surprised it let me proceed. About what I think was about 100 yards off the highway, I could just barely make out what looked like a ranch style house with a wrap around porch. It looked abandoned and in desperate need of repairs.

“Is this the place?” I asked him.

“Yeah, that’s it.” He admitted.

“Great! Kid, we are going to leave you here, for your own protection. Don’t worry, Captain Dickerson knows how much help you’ve been and I’ll even testify for you. One question though, what are you going to do if you get off with a slap on the wrists? Do you have somewhere to go?” I said.

“No, not really. I just know I don’t want to go back there, my life wouldn’t be worth shit if I went back there now. Besides, ain’t nobody waiting for me there anyway.” Robert said.

Hunter and I looked at each other but didn’t promise Robert anything right now. I opened the door and found Captain Dickerson waiting for us. “I wouldn’t advise putting him back in with the other one but keep him here until we get done. Do you have someone that you want to accompany us?” I asked him.

“I’ve pulled half my shift that was due to get off who have volunteered to help you. I’ve got 5 patrol cars and 20 men that are ready to go whenever you are. And don’t worry, I’ll just lock him in here.” Captain Dickerson said.

“Do your men know to not get involved with how we handle things? Our primary goal is to get the women out without them being harmed more than they already have been. When we have them, I’ll let Papa Joe of the Rescue Farm to come take the ones that don’t have a place to go or that need therapy to get over this.” I told him.

“Yeah, come on. I’ll introduce you to my men and make sure they know that you are in charge and they are to follow your orders.” Captain Dickerson said.

I stepped back into the room and told Robert “Just sit tight, Robert. We’ll be back soon.” and he nodded back at me with a weak smile. “You did good, son. Stop worrying.”

As we followed Captain Dickerson down to the debriefing room where all shifts started, I texted Doc, Boomer, Crusher, Cruise, and Bruiser to head our way. “Can I ask you to have Marley come and ride with Doc? We may need her calming way to help with the women. I promise, she will not be in any danger.” I asked Hunter. He nodded and pulled out his phone and called his wife.

When we got to the debriefing room, there were 20 men sitting at desks talking among themselves. As soon as Captain Dickerson stepped into the room, they all turned around and it got really quiet.

“Officers, listen up! This is Rooster, the president of the Monster Slayers MC and his vice president, Hunter. For those of you that have never worked with the MSMC before, their purpose is to rescue young women and children who are being neglected, abused or molested. Our hands as officers of the law are often tied as to what we can legally do but theirs are not. If any one in this room right now has an issue with doing what this man tells you to do tonight without question, please leave now.” Captain Dickerson said and then waited. Not one man even moved in his seat.

“Very good. Thank you! Now, Rooster is going to direct you on what is going to happen and what he expects of you. Good luck and come back safe.” He said and then left the room.

I stepped up to his podium and said “As Captain Dickerson said, thank you for helping us. I’ve got more of my MC coming along with our doctor and one of our women who is a former rescue victim to help us with the women. She is Hunter’s wife and the mother of his children. She went through a horrible experience a long time ago and has a way about her that hopefully will calm the women down and make it easier for us to get them out. So that you all know, there are 8 missing women, at least one of them is a Deacon resident. We have found out the location of where they are being held and we are going to go in and rescue them.

Our number one priority is to get the women out safe and hopefully unharmed. The group that has them is an MC known as the Cobra’s. Now these guys are some really sick, twisted, mean bastards. They have already more than likely raped and possibly beaten the women they have kidnapped. From what the prisoner we have in custody down the hall has told us there are going to be at least 8 women being held in the house which is about 5 miles outside of Deacon city limits. Because our bikes are loud, we are going to park down the road and ride in the vans we brought with us up to near the entrance which is marked by a green mailbox that is leaning to one side.”

“I know exactly where that is. I live out that way and pass that mailbox every day on my way to work.” One of the officers said.

“Good. I suggest you be in your lead car. We’ll all park outside and walk in but I ask that four of you stay with your vehicles. The rest of you, turn your radio’s down but not off and if at all possible, put them on silent. Same goes for your cell phones. A sneak attack will only work if we can get close enough to catch them off guard and radio chatter or a cell call from your wife or girlfriend might alert them to our presence before we are ready. We use hand signals on missions like this. Hunter will demonstrate what our most common signals are.”

Hunter stepped forward and demonstrated common signals and all the patrolmen nodded that they understood.

“Wear your kevlar and if you have riot helmets, use them. Bring your riot gear, especially your assault rifles. The Cobra’s will shoot first and don’t care about asking questions. I know you are trained to try to arrest your suspects but these guys will not give up and given a chance they will kill you, even if you are holding a gun on them. This is not murder. This is pest control. They are the scum of the earth and I can guarantee they all have rap sheets as long as your arm. Remember, there are people back here who care about what happens to you so let’s all come back safe.” Rooster said, finishing up. Just then we heard the roar of the bikes as our club members arrived at the station.

“I see what you mean about the noise.” One of the officers said.

“Yeah, we go in like lions, that’s for sure.” Hunter joked with the officer as we left the debriefing room.

The officers went to gather their riot gear while Hunter and I walked outside. I walked up to Hulk while Hunter went to Marley.

“Take the prisoner back inside. I don’t want to have to worry about him while we are taking care of this. And I definitely don’t want to have him in the back of the van once we have the women.” I told Hulk, who nodded and walked over to the van and dragged the loud mouth out. He must have kept mouthing off after Hulk took him outside because someone had split his lip and he was going to have one hell of a shiner soon. Hulk just grinned at me and pushed the man ahead of him towards the precinct lobby.

I waved my hands to my brothers and said “We are going to have the assistance of 20 of Deacon’s finest riding with us today as backup but I’m still in charge. They are following our orders. We have the location of the house where the women are being held and so far as we know there are 8 women inside. We are going to park about a mile away and one prospect will stay with our bikes.

The rest of us will load up in our vans and park outside of the entrance to the road that leads to the house. It’s only about a 100 yard trek from the road to the house. We are going to spread out and surround the place. Supposedly there are only 6 men watching the house and hopefully they will be separate from the women and we can take them out without any of the women getting hurt. Put your coms in. Boomer, did you bring the extra coms?” I asked.

Boomer stepped forward and handed me a small cloth bag full of communication headsets. When the officers came out, I handed one to each one of them. “Put these in your ears. We can hear you and you can talk to us but remember to keep your voices down. We don’t want them hearing us.”

I watched as everyone put the small devices in their ears and I said “System check. Nod your head if you can hear me.” I watched and each officer nodded when I looked at him.

“Good. Let’s mount up and get on the road.” I said and the officers walked over to their vehicles and my brothers started their bikes. The noise was almost deafening as we pulled out of the parking lot. The officer that said he knew where the green mailbox was came on the com when we were about a mile from it.

“We’re almost there. There’s going to be a road off to the right in about another hundred yards where you can pull off and safely leave your bikes out of sight.” he told us.

We found the road he was talking about with no problem and pulled off of the highway. The vans who had been at the back of the line of bikes and cars pulled up and we all loaded inside and then proceeded to the green mailbox. Doc, Marley and one prospect stayed with the bikes and four patrolmen stayed with the patrol cars.

As planned, we parked across the road from the entrance and unloaded. As soon as everyone was parked, we walked across the road. I just pray they are all here and more of them don’t come along and see the cars. We walked through the trees in a line and while we had planned to surround the house, there was no cover on either side.

We could see 3 men sitting on the porch drinking beers and then we heard a loud scream come from somewhere in the back of the house. My blood ran cold at what that sound meant but it really pissed me off when all of the men on the front porch started to laugh and one said “Sounds like someone is having fun!” and they all started to laugh even harder.

“Bastards!” I swore. “Take ’em down!” I didn’t bother to keep my voice down anymore and suddenly the air was filled with the sound of gun fire. All three men’s body’s jumped and twitched as the bullets hit them. Another man appeared in the doorway, gun in hand and he died just like his brothers. The air was filled with smoke and then a voice said “there’s someone running from the back of the house.”

“Can you get a clear shot?” I asked.

“Oh yeah!” The reply came and then more gun fire but this time it was only three shots. Two from our men and one from one of the two men running away.

“Check the house but stay away from the women. Doc, you and Marley come on in.” I said into the com.

Police officers went in first and secured the house, declaring it safe to enter. The lead officer came back out followed by several other officers who looked positively green. I thought “Oh no!” The lead officer came over to me and said “They’ve all been raped. One of them has been badly beaten. They are all huddled in the back bedroom. At first I didn’t much care for how this was going down but now I see why you handle this the way you do. They deserved to die.” He told me.

As Doc’s van pulled up, I walked over to Marley’s door with Hunter and started to tell her what to expect and she tapped the com in her ear and said “I heard. Keep everyone back until I call for them.” She said and got out of the van, took Hunter’s hand and they walked inside. Hunter sent all of the officers out of the house. I listened as Marley found the room where the women were huddled together crying.

Marley’s POV

Hunter and I entered the house and he ordered all of the officer’s to leave and they didn’t question him at all and quietly left the house.

I walked back to the last bedroom on the right and found 8 women, all naked and terrified.

“Babe, go get some of the blankets we brought. They are in Doc’s van.” I told Hunter.

I began softly talking to the women as I inched towards them. “It’s okay. We’re here to help you. No one is going to hurt you anymore. My name is Marley. We’re going to get you out of here and back to your families.”

I heard Hunter coming down the hall and I walked back to the door and stopped him, taking the blankets from him. “Tell Doc to give me a few minutes so that I can get them calmed down first.” I told him.

“Okay babe. We’ll be right here if you need us.” Hunter said and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

I went back into the bedroom and put the stack of blankets down on the bed and unfolded one and approached them with it held open in my hands. “Come on. Let’s cover you up and get you warmed up.” I said to the girl closest to me. She looked to be about 17 or 18 years old. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, one of which looked like she was going to have a shiner in the morning. She slowly stood up and kept stretching to look over my shoulder to make sure no one was going to see her.

“Don’t worry. The men who hurt you are all dead now. The only men on the property right now are my husband and our brothers and the police. It was my husband who brought me the blankets for you. His name is Hunter and he’s the most gentle man I’ve ever known. What’s your name?” I asked the girl who had stood up, as I wrapped a blanket around her and rubbed her arms.

“Shelly. My name is Shelly Turner. That bastard stole my virginity!” She whimpered and began to cry again as she almost fell into my arms. I just held her and let her cry.

Another of the girls stood up. She was shivering and pointed at the pile of blankets on the bed. “Can I have one of those? I’m so cold.” She asked.

“Of course. Come on, girls. Take a blanket and get warm. Do you have any idea what they did with your clothes?” I asked her.

“I think they are in the bathroom. They made me strip and bathe before they................. raped me. I wasn’t a virgin but damn it hurt so bad! Especially by the time the third man crawled on top of me.” She said with disgust.

Hunter must have heard her because a few minutes later, a box full of clothes appeared in the doorway.

“What is your name?” I asked her.

“Stephanie Jackson.” she replied. She was about 19 or 20 years old with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.

One by one, the girls all stood up except for one. She had been badly beaten and was barely conscious.

“Girls, I’m going to have to call in our Doctor or she’s not going to make it. Does anyone know her name?” I asked as I wrapped a blanket around her shoulders and tried to look into her eyes but I wasn’t trained enough to be able to tell anything except that she didn’t seem able to focus her eyes and had a dazed look on her face.

“Her name is Diane. I think she was the first one taken. She was already here when they brought me and Alexa in.” A girl with red hair said. She also looked to be about 19 or 20 years old.

“I put my hand to my ear and said “Doc, I need you in here asap. Bring your bag, please. We’ve got one in bad condition.”

A few seconds later, I heard Doc come hurrying down the hall. “Go slow Doc. The rest of them are still terrified.” I told him through the com and I heard his steps slow from a run to a walk. A second later he appeared in the doorway and all of the girls backed up against the wall except for Stephanie but even she took a step back.

“It’s okay, girls. This is Doc. He’s going to help Diane and will check all of you for injuries that need to be treated right away and then we’ll get you out of here. Okay?” I told them as Doc slowly walked across the room to where Diane was kind of propped up against the wall in the corner.

He started by taking her pulse and then checking her eyes. He felt around her head and said “I’m pretty sure she has a concussion and is in shock. We need to get her to the hospital.” Doc said. He put his hand to his ear and said “Rooster, can you have someone bring me the stretcher out of the back of my van, please. We’ve got one that needs to go to the hospital right away.”

I turned to the rest of the girls and asked “Are any of you hurt? Having any dizziness or feeling any pain anywhere?”

One of the girls who looked to be the oldest of them raised her hand and motioned for me to come over. She stepped away from the others but only by a step or two then whispered in my ear. “Two of those bastards sodomized me twice each and I think something tore inside of me. I’ve been bleeding and I hurt deep inside back there and I feel sick to my stomach.”

“What’s your name?” I asked her.

“Josephine Montero. My friends call me Josey. I came in right after Diane. I kept telling her to not talk back but she wouldn’t listen to me. They’ve had two and three guys on her at once. They beat her up so bad because she scraped her teeth on one of their dicks when he forced it down her throat. He’s damned lucky she didn’t bite it off.” Josey said.

“Well, Josey, it looks like you’ll be going with Diane and Doc to the hospital.” I told her. I walked over and got the box of clothes and told the girls. Find your clothes and get dressed, please.”

They slowly came forward and started claiming their clothes and getting dressed. When Hunter came in pushing the stretcher, all of the girls backed up again.

“Don’t worry, girls. This is my husband, Hunter. He won’t hurt you. We just need his help with Diane.” I explained to them but they still stayed huddled together against the wall except for Josey.

“Damn, why couldn’t some of those guys have looked like him? You scored Marley. Your husband is HOT!” Josey said.

Hunter’s cheeks turned slightly pink and I grinned at him. “Sounds like she’s going to be okay.” I told no one in particular.

“Hunter, please come and help me lift her onto the stretcher. We need to get her to the hospital.” Doc said as he stood up from where Diane was sagging against the wall even more. He was obviously worried about her condition.

“Go help the other girl, I’ve got her.” Hunter picked Diane up and laid her down on the stretcher and I covered her with a blanket. Then he helped push the stretcher out of the room and down the hall. Josey let Doc take her hand and together they followed Hunter and the stretcher down the hall.

“Rooster, clear a path please. Hunter and Doc are coming out with two women.” I said into the com.

Doc’s voice came over the com and said “Marley, I think we should take them all to the hospital to be checked out, especially if they have been sodomized. They could have internal damage that they are just not aware of yet.”

“ Okay doc. Okay girls. Is everyone ready to get out of this hell hole? We’re going to take you all to the hospital to get checked out and make sure you are all okay.” I told the other girls.

Stephanie asked “Can they give us the morning after pill? I for one do not want to end up pregnant from this. I couldn’t handle having a rape baby.”

“Yes, I’m sure they can. It would be a good idea for all of you to take the pill, even if they did wear condoms with you. Condoms are not full proof and can leak.” I told them and all of the girls nodded.

One by one, they clasped hands and I led them outside. Rooster had sent most everyone away and there was just one van left and three patrol cars. The coroner’s wagon was parked off to one side but the bodies of all of the men had already been loaded up and they were about to leave. When some of the officers stepped forward to help the girls, they began to panic and whimper so I waved them away. The van they had brought had seats inside so I loaded all of the women into it and I got behind the wheel myself.

Hunter came over and said. “Follow Doc. We’ll be right behind you.”

There was a patrol car in front of us and one behind. The other car picked up Rooster and Hunter and they caught a ride back to their bikes, where all the other brothers were already waiting for us to go by. Two by two, they pulled out behind us and soon the roar from the bikes was again almost deafening.

Rooster’s POV

Hunter and I talked and agreed that we were going to take Robert on as a prospect and that we would deal with the other Cobra. We explained to Captain Dickerson that just because he would go to jail for the rest of his life, that doesn’t mean their troubles with the Cobra’s would be over and that it could lead to some future retaliation trouble from their main club. “He will have access to other prisoners, mail and even phone calls so he could get the word out and before you know it, Deacon will be crawling with Cobras.” Captain Dickerson thought about it for about a minute then agreed.

“What about the kid?” He asked.

“We’re going to offer to let him be a prospect for our club. We can teach him a trade and he will learn the hard way what a life of crime will get him besides just jail.” I told him.

“What are you going to do about their bikes?” Hunter asked.

“Are you wanting some of them?” Captain Dickerson asked.

“Well, Robert is going to need a bike and unless you have use for them, we can always repurpose them.” Hunter said.

“I tell you what. You take 4 and we’ll keep 4. Will save me money on having to buy bikes for the motor patrol I’m hoping to start up. Would you have someone who could set them up as patrol bikes?” He wanted to know.

“Sure. We can customize them any way you want.” I told him.

“Great! Head over to the morgue and collect the keys for them and call me with a quote on what it will take to customize them and I’ll get the ball rolling.” The captain told us and we all shook hands.

He led us back to where Robert was still sitting in the interrogation room and as soon as we walked in, Robert looked hopeful. “Were the girls alright?” was the first thing he wanted to know and right then I knew we were making a good decision.

“They will be, we hope. All of them had already been raped and two had to be taken to the hospital but the rest of them will be taken home.” I told him.

“So what is going to happen to me now? Am I going to jail?” He asked, nervously.

“Well, Robert, how would you feel about prospecting for the MSMC? We are nothing like the Cobras, in fact we couldn’t be more different. Our club’s focus is on rescuing children and young adults from those that neglect, abuse and molest them and to deal with their abusers accordingly. We are not just an MC. We are a family.” I explained.

“Oh, you have no idea how much I would like that. My folks are dead and until the Cobras made me prospect for them, I was basically homeless. I made the mistake of borrowing money from them, not realizing that I had basically sold them my soul when I couldn’t pay it back. They gave me the option to either prospect for them or they would break both of my arms.” Robert told us.

“What did you borrow the money for?” Hunter asked.

“Some decent clothes and shoes so that I could find a job and I didn’t look like a homeless person when I went for interviews. I bought the clothes and shoes and had enough for a couple of meals and a week at the YMCA so that I had a safe place to sleep and could get a shower. Unfortunately, the employers all wanted someone who had a permanent address and wouldn’t hire me. Not even Walmart. Mambo sent some of his guys to come and get me and that’s when they demanded their money back or told me I had to prospect for them or they would break both of my arms at the elbow. I didn’t have much choice and had no idea what I was getting involved in.” He explained.

“Well, we won’t break anything, unless you betray us, but you will have to work doing some not so nice things and will be a prospect until you prove you are loyal and worthy of being a member of our family. Some of us have wives and children in the house and disrespecting or even trying to harm one of them will be your one way ticket to hell. Do you understand?” I told him.

“I would never harm a child or a woman intentionally. My parents may be dead but they taught me to respect women and my elders and I love kids.” Robert said.

“Good. So we’ve talked to Captain Dickerson and he’s going to allow you to come with us. We’re also taking the man who was with you and dishing out our own brand of justice. Do you have a problem with that?” I asked.

“None whatsoever. Mambo is an asshole and has made my life hell for the past two months. Some payback would be welcome, in fact.” Robert said with a grin.

We smiled at him and I said “Well, come on. Let’s get out of here. Do you have a bike at the house where we got the women?”

“No sir. Another member they called Rattler and I came down on the van. They wouldn’t even let me ride alone because they were afraid I would take off on them and they were right. If they had given me even half a chance, I would have done my own rescue and gone straight to the police station when we picked up the first girl.” Robert said. “Like I said, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.”

Captain Dickerson met up with us outside and told us “The coroner has all of their keys and is sending someone to drop them off. They should be here soon. Is someone coming to pick up Mr. Mouth? He hasn’t shut up since you guys left. I think some of my officers have learned some new swear words from him.” He grinned at us.

“Yeah, we’ll take him off your hands.” I told him then called for Hulk. “Hulk, come pick up the mouth. We’re going to take him back for dinner.” Which earned me a curious look from Captain Dickerson. “You don’t want to know.” I told him.

A minute later, Hulk came through the door and a minute after that, two officers came out with the prisoner. “Load him up and get back to the compound. Take him up to the end of the road. Leave me two prospects and someone to drive one of our vans. We’ve got three bikes to collect but Robert will be able to drive one.” I instructed Hulk who didn’t say anything but just nodded.

“Captain, do you have 3 men to come with us to collect the other three bikes?” I asked.

“Sure. They’ll meet you out front. Was good to see you again Rooster and hopefully the next time I have to call you it will be to set up a time to go do some fishing.” Captain Dickerson said and held out his hand.

“Sounds good. Just let me know.” I smiled at him and then he shook hands with Hunter then we left the station.

Hunter walked over to where Marley was standing and asked her if she wanted to ride back with him and she eagerly agreed.

The three patrol officers rode in our van with Robert and Nate. We headed out to collect the bikes and half an hour later we were all on the road back to our shop. One of the officers said “I hope I get chosen for the motor patrols. It felt good riding that bike but I think I’ll stick to a patrol car in the winter time.”

I told Wrenches what I needed done with the bikes and he said he’d get right on it. I sent Nate to take the officers back to Deacon and the rest of us headed home.

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