Mirror Lake 2 The Journey to Save the Magic

Chapter 19 The Forest Dome

Nate's POV

We touched down on an airstrip in the highlands of Maine. We were surrounded by lush forests and chilly air. Even from here we could smell the ocean surrounding us. We were a couple hours away from the Atlantic, but the wind brought the salt right to us.

We took out our packs and looked at my compass. It was heading North, so we picked a trail and followed.

It was nice to hear the birds and other animals milling around the woods. It somehow felt less ominous when there were other living beings roaming around.

“How are you doing, Ethan?” I asked.

It seemed like he needed to talk, so I gave him an opening.

“Uh, I feel like I was shoved in a washing machine and put on spin dry, then spat out! Man, my whole world is just off its axis today!” Ethan joked.

“I know how you feel! We’ve been in multiple accidents, had shadow demons try to kill us, crazy minions attack us, and now storms are after us! Not to mention, I’m worried all of this is putting stress on your sister!” I responded.

“Lissa is tough. She will be fine! Then she will beat my butt black and blue for getting you into an accident!” He chuckled.

I smiled at that. That did sound like something Melissa would do. She can be all attitude sometimes, but she is all mine!

Man, I missed her like crazy!

“What are you thinking?” He asked.

“Just that I miss your sister and I can’t wait for this last dome to be over with so we can finally go home and get some rest! I miss our bed,” I groaned.

“That is one thing the folks didn’t miss out on was our beds! It’s like sleeping on a cloud!” Ethan said wistfully.

I couldn’t agree more. And as long as my arms were around my girl while I was sleeping, I wouldn’t mind staying on the cloud for a week!

“I just thought of something… We haven’t found your family yet… Maybe they are here?” He suggested hopefully.

“I would love nothing better than that to be true! I miss them.”

Suddenly a figure popped out of a portal floating in the air.

“Matt. How nice of you to join us,” I mocked.

Matt is a demon, almost to Jack’s level. He was not who I wanted to see.

Matt smirked as if he knew what I was thinking.

“Nate, man. Long time no see! And Ethan! Looking good my prince,” Matt jeered.

“Yeah, dude. Same to you,” Ethan replied with a shoulder shrug, like it was no big deal.

I would have laughed at Ethan, because he knew how to get under this guy's skin, but now was not the time for jokes.

I flung my arms forward and wrapped my lightning around Matt.

Matt growled. Black mist gathered in his hands as he struggled in my binds. Shadow figures appeared next to him and he sent them after me.

Ethan brought his arm down in an arch and sliced through the first figure with his flaming sword. He spun around to slice through the shadow that was sneaking up behind him.

While Matt was focused on his shadow figures I brought my own sword forth and ran it through his gut.

Matt fell to his knees and I released my lightning binds.

Blood was dripping from his mouth as he choked to death. In a vain effort to heal himself, he put his hands on his wound caused by my blade. He looked up at me and seethed.

I didn’t have time for this.

I grabbed the chain around his neck and pulled. It snapped off instantly.

“It’s time all you demons go back to where you came from!” Ethan grumbled.

He was sweating and had black ooze covering his body from the shadow beings. He had a few scratches, and a bruised jaw, but he would be okay soon.

“Yeah, like he said. Got to hell, Matt!”

And with that I turned around and searched for the dome. It was a little harder in here because it was more camouflage than the others had been. But we found it.

“Would you like to do the honors?” I asked Ethan.

Ethan smiled at me and took the key.

He walked up to the purple mushrooms and slid the key right in.

At the click, the trees shook and leaves fell in rainbow colors. Sun cut through the thick foliage and shone down on the dome.

It was the first dome I’d seen to actually explode! With its force, it pushed back the trees and the animals went scattering through the forest.

Wood sprites and forest elves appeared before us. They bowed to us and we bowed back. They were followed by gnomes tromping through the bushes. Little pixies buzzed around our heads in different colors like fireflies.

A few wood nymphs came up to us and kissed us on our cheeks. Ethan blushed badly, and I knew it didn’t mean anything to him. His heart was only for Becky.

The tree spirits were the last to appear. They sang with the trees and the wind. It was beautiful.

And now we were finished.

We could finally go home.

I looked over at Ethan.

“You ready?” I asked.

“I have never been more ready for anything in my life!” He cheered.

I chuckled, because I completely agreed with him.

“Then let's go see our girls!”

And we started to hike back to our jet.

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