Mirror Lake 2 The Journey to Save the Magic

Chapter 18 Tropical Storm

Ethan's POV

Dang that storm is coming closer! We sped out of the swamp as fast as we could and found the owner of the boat. We paid the man way more than the boat cost, but we didn’t care. We were just grateful for its use and even more grateful that we didn’t destroy the thing.

Nate’s right! We have busted quite a few vehicles since the start of our mission.

But we didn’t have time to think about that now because I’ve seen that funnel cloud out behind us and it looks like its about to drop down on us.

We hopped into our new little rent-a-car and hightailed it out to the air strip that had my new private jet!

And man am I glad, because I don’t think a helicopter would do right now.

The rain is pelting our windows and I’ve got the wipers on full blast. It’s pounding this poor little tin box on wheels, and I’d feel bad for it if it wasn’t an inanimate object used to transport people. Man, I shoulda got another Jeep! Or at least something with 4 wheel drive!

This thing is skidding all over the road, and the wind is pounding on all sides!

I floor it, but I know if I get in another accident in one day my sister is gonna have my hide! She hasn’t forgiven me yet for my accident a few hours ago… Maybe it just isn’t my lucky day.

Thunder cracks overhead, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d swear I heard a thunderbird out there… But what the heck would one be doing in Florida? They have enough problems with tropical storms, they don’t need a supernatural creature to create more problems!

Green lightning shoots across the road and hits a telephone pole and the wires are blowing around in the wind. It knocked into a tree and the thing just went up in smoke!


“Nate! Is there anything you can do?” The pitch of my voice is like a 10 year old girls! I need to get a hold of myself!

“Nothing now, man! Just drive!” He encouraged me.

I skidded around the burning tree, my hands were gripping the steering wheel so hard my knuckles were white. Not to mention sweaty! My entire body is shaking.

Don’t blame me! I’ve never driven through a storm like this before! And I really don’t plan on doing it again.

Sirens are going off.

I look in my rear view mirror and notice not on but three different twisters touched down, criss crossing through homes and businesses.

And I thought the hydra was nightmare worthy! She has nothing on this!

We finally saw our air strip and we skidded to a stop right before my jet.

We grab our bags and run up the ramp. Our pilot is looking leery of the oncoming storm. He looks up and around, then ushers us to our seats.

“We’ll be taking off momentarily,” he announced after the flight attendant shut the door and helped us secure our seatbelts.

The engines roared to life. We sped through the runway like the devil himself was chasing us.

The jet jerked and bumped, and I held onto my seat for dear life!

Finally we were up in the air!

Hopefully the pilot won’t crash the jet, or Lissa would definitely kill me!

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