Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 126 Greed Source Of Power

— Meanwhile - Daniel's Secret Base —

Upon hearing Mr. Sun's plea, Daniel swiftly granted him refuge in his secret base for protection. The sight of the hidden facility left Mr. Sun profoundly shocked, as he had never fathomed the extent of Daniel's power. Consequently, Daniel assembled a team to safeguard and oversee Mr. Sun, ensuring he refrained from entering restricted areas while granting him freedom to roam the rest of the base.

In Daniel's residence atop the highest condominium in the residential district, he sat across from Greed, who was still engrossed in typing fervently within her notebook, placed on the same table. They needed to discuss their business collaboration.

Daniel patiently waited for more than 15 minutes until Greed finished typing, letting out a sigh before flipping her notebook over to reveal the prepared presentation for him to see.

"This is the business model and forecast I've prepared today based on the information you provided and the recent data gathered within Tessia Kingdom," Greed explained, sliding the presentation towards Daniel. The presentation was filled with numerous graphs and forecasts, all indicating that he would encounter significant expenses related to bribery when starting his business.

Daniel understood the implications all too well. Tessia Kingdom operated as a blend of a junta and an absolute monarchy, masking itself with a façade of democracy. Power primarily rested in the hands of military figures closely connected to the royal family.

These parasites always demand a share from companies that decide to do business here, particularly from large companies with high potential, such as energy, resource management, or heavy industry companies. If you refuse to pay or give them the cut they desire, they will find numerous issues with your company and hinder your successful establishment.

That's why Daniel sought direct approval from the authority figure who could grant his company legal status without going through the standard procedures. However, even with legal status, the government's screening process still required a substantial amount of money to move forward, as bribery had unfortunately become a necessary step to ensure the smooth progress of the business.

It was an open secret known to all businessmen in this hypocritical country, which pretended to embody justice but acted in the opposite manner.

One might question why they bothered masquerading as a democracy instead of openly embracing a junta or absolute monarchy. The answer lies with the USA. Democracy and capitalism originated there, and despite setbacks like the American Civil War, the US economy grew like a rocket, making it the wealthiest country in the world, surpassing nations with more natural resources and larger populations, such as The Confederacy or The Qing Empire.

As a result, many businessmen and investors recognized the benefits of a stable political environment like that of the USA for company growth. This led smaller countries with fewer resources and heritage to attempt to imitate the achievements of the USA, even going so far as to hold sham elections to select their leaders, just like their counterparts in The Confederacy.

"Alright, I'm well aware of the bribe money I need to prepare to grease those greedy palms. I was born and raised here, remember?" Daniel replied in a relaxed tone. He had shed his naivety over the years and no longer harbored trust in the government system. His innocence had evaporated, especially in the first few days after his resurrection when he fought to regain his wealth.

"Indeed, having that mindset is crucial if you want to do business here. I just wanted to ensure that we're on the same page," Greed affirmed matter-of-factly, moving on to the next slide. The slide introduced a business model that she believed held great prospects for Daniel.

"Now, onto the next point. I advise you to..." Greed began explaining how Daniel should shape his company's image, how to establish an effective brand, and how he should communicate with the Curtained World, emphasizing that if they desired quality artifacts, they should purchase them from his company.

Ultimately, his company would be positioned as an energy corporation excelling in selling affordable and clean energy to the grid, while also conducting research on cutting-edge technologies for the future. This was essential in preparing evidence to demonstrate to the world that his artifacts were the result of highly advanced science and technology.

The discussion continued until 1 AM, with both of them engaging in a detailed conversation. As Greed packed her belongings, preparing to retire for the night, Daniel suddenly posed a question.

"Greed, why are you assisting me like this? I sense that there's more to it than simply helping a typical business partner. Are you trying to..." Daniel trailed off, hesitating to voice the thought that had crossed his mind, fearing it might make him appear narcissistic.

"It's as you suspect, Daniel. I'm trying to gain more favor in your eyes," Greed replied with a smile, meeting Daniel's gaze confidently. There was no trace of shyness or embarrassment in her expression. A faint golden light shimmered deep within her eyes, hinting at the emergence of her "Aspect of Sins" that overshadowed her usual girlish demeanor, particularly when it came to matters of love.

Upon hearing Greed's candid response, Daniel was taken aback. He hadn't anticipated such directness from her. However, he also noticed the golden hue within her irises, a sign that her "Aspect of Sins" was beginning to exert its influence, emboldening her beyond her usual self.

Greed gracefully rose from her seat, perching herself on the edge of the table. With a seductive smile, she leaned in closer to Daniel, her posture lowered as her hand gently caressed his cheek. As he remained stunned by her sudden change in behavior, she planted a slow and tender kiss on his lower lip. Her golden irises shone with a captivating brilliance as she locked eyes with him.

"I am Greed. When I witness something magnificent, I desire to possess it. That... is my nature. While I don't mind sharing what I own with my people, the essence is that I must be the owner. And you, Lord Magitek, are the most magnificent man I have ever encountered. I doubt another man of your caliber will appear in my life again. Do you comprehend?" Greed spoke in a seductive tone, deliberately revealing her neckline and a glimpse of her alluring bosom beneath her shirt.

"So... you merely wish to possess? To collect what intrigues you, as if amassing a collection?" Daniel inquired, a hint of coldness and disdain flickering in his eyes.contemporary romance

"Ah... your eyes are perceptive indeed. I sense disdain within them. Tell me, Lord Magitek... what is love? If you claim it to be a fluttering and childish sensation within this biological vessel, it is nothing more than a chemical reaction confined to a single body. I can easily make this body love you with all its heart, Lord Magitek," Greed replied, her voice tinged with a touch of disdain, while her golden irises intensified their glow.

Suddenly, a blush appeared on Greed's face, and her eyes grew even more seductive and yearning as they locked onto Daniel's gaze. She then tugged down her shirt, causing a button to break free, exposing her pink bosom peaks.

"Haaa... you see? It's effortless. This body yearns for you. It craves your seed," Greed stated, her hair gradually transitioning from auburn to a lustrous golden hue.


In an instant, Daniel's large-caliber handgun materialized in his hand, its barrel aimed at Greed's chin. His finger remained clear of the trigger, and the safety catch was still engaged.

"You're not Greed... who the hell are you?" Daniel's gaze grew colder as he contemplated how to aid Greed, whose body had been seized by an unknown force.

Upon hearing Daniel's question, Greed released her grip on his cheek and burst into boisterous laughter.

"HA HA HA HA HA HA A—--h HA HA HA HA!" Her laughter echoed through the room, even rousing Koyuki and Sylvana from their sleep. Michaela, who had been resting near the master bedroom, swiftly emerged in her true form. Clad in her silver armor and adorned with three pairs of angelic wings, she positioned herself outside the master room, safeguarding Koyuki.

"I AM GREED! I am the embodiment of her power, the wellspring from which this feeble woman draws her strength! What am I if not Greed? Huh? Lord Magitek?" Greed... no, the entity that had seized control of Greed's body declared boldly, unfazed by the gun in Daniel's hand. Its voice began to distort, reflecting its sinister nature.

Daniel remained silent in response, disengaging the gun's safety as he delved into his mindscape, searching for any cards that could resolve this predicament.

While Daniel pondered the best course of action to aid Greed, whose body had been overtaken, a melodious voice resonated through the living room.

"Mammon, it is truly you..." Greed, or rather Mammon, within her body swiftly turned towards the source of the voice.

"Michaela... How can you be here? Shouldn't you remain in Heaven?" Mammon clenched its teeth, observing the archangel descending from the second floor under Koyuki's instruction, sensing the demonic aura below.

"Vacate Miss Greed's body, or I shall exercise my authority to banish you from this realm, and you are well aware of the dire consequences it holds for your soul," Michaela warned the demon with an icy tone.

Mammon, the demon of greed, heard the admonition and glanced aside, considering the option of using Daniel as a hostage. However, it quickly realized the futility of provoking Michaela any further. Yet, if Michaela refused to permit their escape, what course of action should they pursue?


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