Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 125 Christopher Ward Slow Day

— Sector Alpha City - Suburban Area —

As the sun gradually descended towards the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the landscape, a humble church stood serenely amidst the suburban scenery. St. Michaela's Church, a modest place of worship in the modern era, exuded an air of peacefulness in the heart of the small neighborhood.

Nestled among the neighboring houses, the church's unassuming presence seamlessly merged with its surroundings. Its brick walls, bathed in the gentle hues of twilight, bore witness to the passage of time and the enduring strength of faith. A neatly manicured garden adorned the front, where delicate flowers swayed gently in the evening breeze, their petals kissed by the fading sunlight.

Approaching the entrance, visitors were greeted by a wide wooden door, adorned with a simple yet dignified cross-shaped knocker. The doorway stood ajar, extending a warm invitation to all who sought solace or a moment of contemplation within. Above the entrance, a small sign proudly proclaimed the church's name, "St. Michaela's," in elegant lettering that shimmered softly in the fading light.

In the concealed depths of St. Michaela's Church, tucked away in its unassuming basement, an ordinary priest would never suspect the existence of a secret room. Here, a man with a single arm occupied the space, surrounded by an eclectic assortment of weapons. 

Blades of all kinds adorned the room, ranging from sleek swords to lethal firearms. With one leg propped up on a wooden footrest, he lounged while fixated on the television mounted on the wall, tuned to an international news channel.

Behind a sturdy wooden counter, a bespectacled young man with black hair and rolled-up sleeves meticulously maintained the blades. Armed with an electric blade sharpener, he skillfully honed the edges while infusing them with blessings and holy water. Each repaired blade was placed neatly on the counter, its luster restored.

"So, Matthew, when do you think you'll be done?" the one-armed man inquired, his gaze shifting from the TV screen to the young priest who had just finished blessing a newly repaired blade.

"To be honest, Father Ward, it would be a lot faster if you just got yourself a whole new set of blades instead of having me fix them," Matthew replied, a hint of playful sarcasm in his voice. He had been tirelessly repairing Christopher Ward's weapons for the past two days, and the task seemed far from over.

"But it's cheaper to have you repair them," the paladin responded with a smirk.

"Well, if you want me to work on them, then you'll have to be patient. I'm just an apprentice sacred weapon smith, and the tools we have here aren't as advanced as those in the Vatican," Matthew retorted, inspecting his handiwork on the freshly repaired blade before setting it aside.

The atmosphere in the hidden room crackled with focused determination. As Matthew diligently worked to restore the paladin's weaponry, the clinks of blades and hushed prayers filled the air. It was a testament to the unwavering faith and commitment of those entrusted with safeguarding the church in this modern age.

Amidst the hum of activity, the room exuded an aura of purpose and dedication. Here, sacred blades were meticulously repaired and sanctified, their role intertwined with the defense of the church and the eradication of supernatural threats that lurked in the shadows.

As the young priest continued his work, the room seemed to reverberate with the blending of tradition and modernity, where ancient weapons met contemporary craftsmanship.

"To be honest, Father Ward, are you absolutely certain that the Magitek Artifact Weapon can withstand the full force of your charged sacred blade? I mean, that move of yours could obliterate an archfiend straight out of hell with a single strike!" Matthew inquired, carefully selecting the next blade to work on and placing it in the nearby forge to heat up for repairs.

"Didn't I show you the evidence? The silver stake and the bullet that pierced through my divine garb, even with the highest 'Divine Fortress' blessing from the Great Cathedral," the Grand Paladin responded, reclining in his chair and taking a sip from the can of root beer sitting beside him. He continued, a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Besides, I put that silver stake to the test last night. That vampire mercenary didn't stand a chance. The moment I drove the stake into his heart, he turned to dust."

The Grand Paladin's jovial demeanor revealed his delight. It was common knowledge among the paladins that when a vampire is staked through the heart with a silver stake blessed with holy enchantments, it takes time for the vampire to be fully sanctified. The older and more powerful the vampire, the greater their resistance to holy weaponry.

"Yes, I understand, Father Ward. But... forgive me, it's still quite unbelievable. If I didn't know your reputation and hadn't seen the evidence with my own eyes, I would think you're simply pulling my leg, and that your injuries were the result of a battle with Satan himself," Matthew remarked, maintaining a lighthearted banter with the Grand Paladin as he skillfully worked on the heated blade, endeavoring to restore it to its former glory.

"That's precisely why I'm asking you, Matthew. Is it possible for us to collaborate with Magitek? His technique in crafting Sacred Artifacts is unrivaled. Even the Sacred Forge Division in the Vatican's Great Cathedral takes at least a month to produce a single blade that can withstand the power of my Charged Sacred Blade.

And yet, his artifact weapons can endure it without a scratch! From what I've seen, Magitek harnesses the power of faith and holds no allegiance to The Hightower, the Path of Knowledge Faction. If he can create some impressive sacred weapons for us, I firmly believe those abominations won't dare to roam the night any longer," the Grand Paladin expressed with enthusiasm, taking a sip from his can of root beer.

"Ha ha, why are you asking me, Father Ward? I'm not a pope, just a nameless apprentice Sacred Weapon Smith working in a small church in this remote country," Matthew replied with a touch of sarcasm as he continued to work on the blade.

"Yes, you may not be a pope, but I've heard that you propose numerous new and revolutionary ideas for the Sacred Forge Division in the Great Cathedral, and the Pope seems to be more inclined to listen to your advice compared to others. I wonder why that is," the Grand Paladin playfully teased, casting a smirk in Matthew's direction.

"Perhaps I'm simply more visually appealing than those old fossils, Father Ward? I often wonder about it myself," Matthew responded without a trace of deceit. However, the Grand Paladin's intuition told him that the young priest was skillfully diverting the question without providing a direct answer.

The Grand Paladin regarded the young priest for a moment before releasing a hearty chuckle.

"Well, young man, have it your way," Christopher said, taking a few satisfying gulps of his favorite root beer before disposing of the can in the nearby recycling bin. He then made his way towards the wooden counter, selecting a few blades that had been meticulously finished and stored within his sacred garb.

As he prepared to leave, Matthew interjected, concern evident in his voice. "Where are you going, Father Ward? You're our esteemed guest here. There's no need for you to patrol the night; we already have our people working on that."

The Grand Paladin paused, his eyes reflecting a sense of restlessness. 

"Nah, it's just so monotonous. After my encounter with that Magitek fellow, nothing seems quite as exhilarating. I simply want to engage in battle with some abominations to pass the time," he explained, his words laced with a mixture of response and complaint. 

Matthew sighed, fully aware of the Grand Paladin's stubbornness and the potential reprimand they could face from the Vatican if his late-night escapades were discovered.

"Sigh... just promise me one thing, Father Ward: exercise moderation. And above all, please refrain from storming into any legal vampire mansions within the city and exterminating their entire clan. We don't want any trouble with the Hightower Golden Scale faction," the young priest pleaded wearily, his voice laden with exhaustion. 

It was crucial for him to specifically emphasize this point to the stubborn Grand Paladin, as the vampire's alliance with the Hightower would undoubtedly cause a multitude of headaches.

"Don't be so serious, young man," the Grand Paladin replied, a mischievous grin tugging at his lips. 

"Or you might find your hairline receding before you reach the age of 40." With that playful remark, he swung open the door and made his exit, leaving the young priest behind with a tired sigh.

Outside, the Grand Paladin embarked on his patrol, opting for the less popular route that traversed territories inhabited by various supernatural beings. The path was fraught with danger, passing haunted houses teeming with ghosts and occupied by lesser demons. Even simple, lesser vampires made occasional visits to the convenience store nearby to buy something. However, as soon as they caught wind of the Grand Paladin's presence, they swiftly scurried away, vanishing from sight.

"Ah, so bored... Where have all those hot-blooded abominations disappeared to? Last night, they kept coming at me relentlessly along this route," the Grand Paladin grumbled, longing for a worthy challenge. His previous night's stroll had alerted many of the illegal supernatural creatures to his presence in the city, prompting them to flee to neighboring cities at the first opportunity.

The Grand Paladin continued his stroll, making his way toward a small church located in a nearby suburb, separate from the church where he resided. Suddenly, his steps halted as he caught sight of a man entering the church—a man destined to inherit the throne of the country.

Recognizing him as Lucian Blackscar, the renowned Hightower demonologist who held a prominent position on his "Purge" list, the Grand Paladin swiftly concealed his presence. If it weren't for Lucian's status as a councilor of the Hightower, the Grand Paladin would have ended his life long ago.contemporary romance

Observing the church before him, the Grand Paladin recognized it as the Sacred Unity Church. However, this particular church fell outside the jurisdiction of the Secret Exterminator Unit, and as such, he lacked the authority to enter. It belonged to an archbishop of a different faction, separate from the Pope he served under.

With a sigh, Christopher decided to push the encounter to the back of his mind and resumed his search for any abominations foolish enough to provoke him.


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