MINI STORY: The Greybacks Continue

Chapter 8

Logan and Talia, who were now 7 and 12, were sitting next to each other in the living room, looking at something on Talia’s I-pad. Milly , who had just turned five, was playing on the floor with Tia. Natalie, who was ten, was sitting in between 18-year-old Timbre and his new mate, Gertrud; Timbre looked less than amused, which only amused Gertrud even more. A set of black hair, green eyed toddlers sat on their grandpas’ laps.

“Logan, Milly, Natty, I want you to meet your Uncle Tate.” Thea declared.

Everyone looked up with expressions that ranged from shock to thrilled, Maizey Greyback even had tears in her eyes as she looked at her children. The kids barely spared him a wave, but it wasn’t about them. It was about the steps Tate and Thea made today towards mending their family.

“And I want you to meet Emma and Elijah.” Tate motioned towards the babies on Archer and Hunter Greyback’s laps.

“Tate, they have your eyes.” Thea choked back the tears as she admired her new niece and nephew.

“When are you two going to have some of those?” Xaiver mocked Timbre and Gertrud, earning a threatening glare from his two father-in-laws.

“They can take their good ol’ time, thank you.” Hunter said sternly.

“Oh, I think I could use some more grandbabies.” Mayzie smiled.

“Well, that wish is about to come true.” The tone of Nora’s voice caught everyone’s attention.

There was water seeping through her dress and she was clutching her stomach, her face as white as a ghost.

“It’s baby time?” Theo asked.

“It’s baby time.” Nora confirmed.

Tigris scooped Nora up in his arms and was out of the room in two seconds flat. Theo was quick to follow. Mayze squealed and followed after them, prepared to fight her way into the delivery room if necessary.

“More Greybacks are coming.” Xaiver chuckled, wrapping his arms around Thea from behind, “Just what the world needs.”

Thea jabbed her elbow in his gut, but he didn’t so much as flinch. Instead, he kissed his mate’s cheek and chuckled.

“Love you, too.” He teased her.

“One day those two will be making new Greybacks, just you wait.” Tate said, nodding towards Logan and Talia.

“Uh, those will be Valors, thank you very much.” Xaiver injected.

“No, they’ll be Greybacks. They’ll always be Greybacks.” Archer said in a no-joke voice.

Xaiver gulped and nodded, his face a little ghostly.

“Papa.” Thea shook her head at her dads with an amused expression.

“Besides, it’s too soon for that. Way too soon.” Hunter argued.

“Will Elijah and Emma be the next Alphas of Red River?” Thea asked Tate, changing the subject.

When Theo and Tigris found out their first child was going to be a daughter, they knew that it wouldn’t change anything. Their first born would be the next Alpha of Satin Moon, no matter what their gender was. Nora was afraid for her daughter to have all that pressure. The pressure of leading two packs, the pressure of being the first female Alpha of Satin Moon, the pressure of being a female Alpha at all. But, her daughter was a Greyback and strength ran in her blood.

Now, there was much to be considered on whether she would be the single Alpha of both packs or if she would name another Alpha for one of the packs. No one knew what the future held, but the twins and Nora took one look at that baby and knew exactly what her name would be.

Logan couldn’t say Thea’s name when they first met, and so he called her Tia; the nickname stuck. The twin Alphas wanted to honor everything that their sister has done and inspire their daughter with her strength. Thus, she was named Tia.

Now, Tate was facing the same choice. Does he name a Female Alpha because Emma came out first, does he stick with tradition and only name Elijah as Alpha, or does he do what his parents did and name them both as joint Alphas? To Tate, the choice was clear.

“They’ll both be the Alphas. It worked for Valor Moon and I know it’ll work for Red River. Elijah and Emma both deserve the chance to lead, if they want.” Tate said,

Thea cleared her throat and everyone looked at her. She was rocking back and forth on her heels, biting on her bottom lip.

“Well, you clearly have something to say.” Tate sighed.

“I was just wondering what Quinny thought about that? Or her father?” Thea mumbled.

“She doesn’t care and her father doesn’t get an opinion anymore.” Tate replied coolly.

Thea just nodded in response.

“I think naming them joint Alphas is a good move. Like you said, it was the perfect choice for the boys.” Hunter said, tip toeing around the issue.

“Thank you, Dad.” Tate said, raising an eyebrow at Thea like he was challenging her to argue some more.

Thea pressed her lips together and decided to say nothing.

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