MINI STORY: The Greybacks Continue

Chapter 7

Five years later….

After visiting the Warrior Pack and welcoming its new Alpha, Queenie, Thea and her family traveled home for a visit. She didn’t bother knocking on the door of the packhouse as she strolled inside. It was her home once, after all. Her children, Logan, Natalie, and Milly, rushed inside in search of their grandparents, aunts, and uncles.

“Auntie Thea!” A tiny voice squealed and then the two year old leaped into Thea’s arms.

“Well, this can’t be little Tia.” Thea gasped dramatically, looking at the curly red head dangling in her arms.

“Future Alpha in the making.” Theo grinned, wrapping his large arms around both his sister and his daughter.

“Damn straight.” Nora said, waddling into the foyer with Tigris at her side.

“Woah, you look ready to pop.” Thea teased, earning a glare from her brothers.

“No, she looks beautiful.” Tigris argued.

“Shut up. I look like a whale,” Nora scoffed, rolling her eyes at her mates, “I’m ready to go any day now with baby number two and three.”

“Congratulations, Nora.” Xaiver walked up behind Thea, gently placing his hand on the small of her back.

“Thanks.” Nora grumbled, not seeming overly thrilled at the moment.

“Are you going to tell us the genders yet?” Thea pressed.

“Not a chance, no matter how hard you beg.” Theo shook his head.

“I’ve been pulling answers out of you two since I was in diapers, I could manage if I really wanted to.” Thea said, placing her hands stubbornly on her hips.

Before Theo or Tigris could reply, someone new entered the room.

“Thea.” Tate’s voice was small as he looked at his sister for the first time in over five years.

Thea’s eyes went wide before she controlled her face and fixed Tate with a glare. She was still pissed at him. Pissed at him for staying with that witch, pissed that he settled for unhappiness, pissed that he never called her, pissed that he’s never seen her children….it was a never ending list.

“Where did those nieces and nephew of mine run off to?” Theo said, looking around and suddenly seeming very concerned with locating the children.

“Nora needs a nap.” Tigris said, plucking Tia from Thea’s arms.

“Don’t you mean Tia needs a nap?” Thea glared at Tigris accusingly.

“Yeah, right, whatever.” Tigris fled from the room with Nora and Tia.

“What? You’re not going to run?” Thea looked at Xaiver from over her shoulder.

“Oh, no, I am. I just wanted to kiss you first.” Xaiver smirked at his mate before kissing her cheek and scurrying away.

“Very subtle.” Thea grumbled to no one in particular.

“Thea.” Tate sighed her name again.

“What do you want Tate? Why are you here? Where’s your mate?” Thea bit.

“Quinny is gone.” Tate said matter-of-factly.

“What?” All of Thea’s anger suddenly vanished.

“We rejected our matebond. She left to live with another man in his pack, not too far away so she can still see Emma and Elijah.” Tate explained.

“You….” Thea started to speak, but she couldn’t form a coherent thought.

“You have always been right, since the beginning. Quinny was no good, no good for me and no good as the Luna. But, I was also right. I needed to produce an heir for Red River with my Goddess given mate. We produced two and now that they’re old enough to be away from their mother, Quinny and I are finished.” Tate said,

“She just left?” Thea was shocked.

“She wanted to leave. She’s always wanted to leave. She never wanted to be Luna, she didn’t even care about the perks it gave her. But, more than wanting to leave, she wanted to please her father. Meeting her mate, having him become Alpha, and producing an heir is what pleased him. Now that he’s satisfied, she’s gone.” Tate was speaking robotically, afraid that he would become too emotional with his sister.

“And you’re here?” Thea still couldn’t wrap her head around it.

“And now I’m here. Mending fences.” He replied.

“You have a lot of fences to mend.” Thea said sarcastically.

“Theo and Tigris don’t hold grudges. They just said I told you so and we’ve all moved on with our lives. Mom just wants grandchildren, Dad just wants me to be a good leader, and Papa ignores it all. Taila and Timbre were too young to ever be mad at me. It’s you, Thea, you’re the one I hurt the most and you’re the fence that I need to mend.” Tate knew better than to try and move closer to his sister, even though he desperately wanted to give her a hug.

Thea let out a heavy sigh.

“You haven’t met my kids. You missed my Luna ceremony. You haven’t said two words to Xaiver.” Thea replied in a cold voice.

“I know.” Tate didn’t even try to make up any excuses, “All I can say is that I’m sorry and that I want things to change now. I want to know them, I want to know your family.”

“I don’t understand why you did it, Tate. I do not understand it. I have a mate and there are many, many things that I would forgive and get over for him. The things Quinny did to you makes the short list of things that I would leave his ass for. Now, you’re telling me that the second her kids aren’t breastfeeding anymore, she’s out. I can’t wrap my brain around any of it.” Thea was rambling.

“I know you can’t understand it, Thea, and I’m not asking you to. I’m asking if you can forgive me and if we can get through this?” Tate stumbled forward and gave Thea his best puppy dog eyes.

Thea grumbled under her breath at his expression, rolling her eyes at his attempt to guilt trip her into forgiveness.

“You’re such an idiot.” Thea scoffed, shaking her head, “And if you were anyone else I would tell you to hit the road.”

“But…..” Tate dared to smirk at his sister.

“But, you’re not anybody else, you’re my idiot brother, and of course I forgive you.” She rolled her eyes again.

Tate cheered and threw his arms around Thea for a bone crushing hug. Thea shrieked and started wrestling out of his grip.

“Let me go, you big idiot!”

In seconds, Xaiver was in the foyer ready for a fight.

“What? What? Is everything okay?” Xaiver looked frantic.

Tate released Thea and turned around to face Xaiver. He held out his hand, grinning,

“Everything is great. I’m Tate Greyback and it’s great to officially meet you.”

Xaiver looked confused as he hesitantly shook Tate’s hand. He looked behind him and towards Thea, raising an eyebrow.

“Nice to meet you, too.” Xaiver replied skeptically.

“Come on, come meet your nieces and nephew.” Thea said, nudging Tate in the back and walking out of the foyer.

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