MINI STORY: The Greybacks Continue

Chapter 2

Tigris and Theo left early the next morning to make it to the Red River pack which was near Atlanta, Georgia. They were eager to get to the bottom of their brother’s sour mood and figure out why he let Quinny get away with so much. There had to be a reason, more than just her being his mate.

They pulled up in front of the Red River packhouse and were greeted by Tate’s Beta and Gamma, Luca and Wally.

“Alpha Tate is in his office with the Luna.” Beta Luca reported, motioning for the twin Alphas to head inside.

They had left Nora behind under the protection of their Betas and Gammas, Danny, Marx, Tristan, and Raven. They weren’t sure what to expect from this meeting and they didn’t want their Luna anywhere near it.

Theo and Tigris followed the two men through the packhouse. It was a small house which only held the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma families and offices. It had a cozy cottage feeling which was a sharp contrast to the taste they knew Quinny had. They didn’t know much about Quinny’s father, other than the fact that he didn’t have a son to hand down his title to and that he spoiled his daughter rotten. They didn’t hold him in very high regards to have created a monster like Quinny.

Beta Luca knocked on Tate’s office door and then pushed the door open. Tate was sitting behind his desk.

“Come in.” He said without looking up from his laptop.

Tigris and Theo entered the office while Wally and Luca stayed out in the hallway. The door shut behind them, sealing the three brothers inside.

“Go ahead, get on with it.” Tate grumbled, finally looking up at the Alphas.

“Tate, what’s going on?” Theo sighed, his face softening as he looked at his tiered brother.

“This isn’t like you.” Tigris agreed.

“You just don’t know what I look like when I’m not following you two around.” He sneered.

Tigris and Theo exchanged a surprised look.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Theo asked, keeping his voice level.

“You two have always been the golden boys, the future twin Alphas, while I was just the baby brother who followed you around. Now, I’m an Alpha and you don’t know what to do. You don’t like that I have command of my own.” Tate’s eyes were tired but his expression was hard, his mouth turned down in a proud frown.

“That’s not at all true, Tate. We never saw you in that way. You were going to be our Beta.” Theo argued.

“Oh, yes. An Alpha as a Beta, eternally following his big brothers around.” Tate scoffed.

“Is this why you let Quinny treat you the way she does? Just so you can stay on as Alpha of her father’s pack?” Tigris accused Tate.

“This is my pack!” Tate shouted, slamming his fist down on the top of the desk.

“Tate, is this really worth breaking up your family? Hurting Thea?” Tigris shook his head.

“Thea’s made her own choices. She chooses to disrespect my mate and Luna.” Tate growled.

“Your mate disrespects everyone. Thea just doesn’t take it. You have to see that.” Theo narrowed his eyes on Tate, trying to make him see reason.

“Well, Thea’s a Luna on her own right now so I guess she can do whatever she wants.” Tate snapped, “She’s always been the perfect one, anyway.”

“You know what Thea has been through, how can you say that?” Tigris was flabbergasted.

“I mean, look at you two. I broke an alliance with our dear sister’s new pack and you’re both here in her place, handling her problems for her like always.” Tate spit hatefully.

“That’s not why we’re here. Thea and Xaiver can handle the alliance between their pack and yours on their own, they are more than capable. We’re here for you. We’re worried about you, Tate.” Theo tried to sound sympathetic but Tate’s bitter attitude was making it extremely difficult.

“I don’t need your help.” Tate replied defiantly. He sat back down in his chair and waved his hand dismissively, “If that’s all you wanted, then you can leave.”

Tigris was glaring at Tate in astonishment while Theo sighed and shook his head in defeat. He put his hand on Tigris’ arm and pushed him towards the door.

“Let’s go, there’s nothing we can do right now.” Theo said,

“Who are you?” Tigris said, looking at Tate like he was a stranger.

Tate ignored him and the two Alphas left the room. Wally and Luca were still waiting outside the office. They started walking down the hallway, leading Tigris and Theo back towards the front door. But, once they stepped outside of the packhouse, Luca nodded his head towards the woods and Wally motioned for the men to follow. Tigris and Theo looked at each other strangely before following after the Beta and Gamma silently.

Once they were at a safe distance from the packhouse and hidden in the shadows of the forest, Luca and Wally relaxed sightly and began to talk.

“Sorry for all the secrecy but we can’t have Alpha Tate knowing that we spoke to you.” Wally said,

“What is it?” Theo asked.

“You’re here to help the Alpha, right?” Luca asked.

“He’s our brother, of course we are.” Tigris said,

“Good. We want to help him, too. We like Alpha Tate and we think he’s the right choice to run our pack. However, Luna Quinny is a problem.” Luca said,

“What do you mean?” Theo wanted more details.

“She hates the pack and looks down on everyone. She’s not a mother to the children or a friend to the women or a leader to the pack. She never attends any parties, not that we have many anyway since she’s supposed to be the one planning them. She’s hardly ever at the pack.” Wally explained.

“I’ve seen the pack’s financial records. We were flourishing but, since Quinny became Luna, things are dwindling. She spends all of the money. She doesn’t plan any events, using that money for herself instead. Alpha Tate works like a dog to keep the pack a float.” Luca added.

“It’s my job to protect the Luna, but she refuses to let me guard her. She picked her own guards who are, to put it bluntly, more looks than strength, and Alpha Tate approved it. Her four guards are loyal to her and no one else, not even the Alpha. They do whatever she says and keep her secrets.” Wally went on to say.

“What secrets?” Theo wondered.

“At first, I stuck by her side, but once she realized that I was loyal to the Alpha as much as I was loyal to her, she started making plans to get rid of me. I caught her flirting with other men, enticing other wolves to take her out and buy her things, going to dinner and on dates with unmated wolves, things of that nature. I caught her in bed with one of the wolves who are now a part of her guard. I told Alpha Tate but he didn’t believe me. That’s when I was banished from following her.” Wally said,

“You were banished from following after the LUna but retained your title as Gamma?” That didn’t make sense to Tigris.

“Right? I think Alha Tate secretly believed me which is why he didn’t strip my title.” Wally said,

“She’s using him. It’s as simple as that.” Luca said sternly, “Not to get too personal, but they don’t even share a room. I’m not sure what the idea is with an heir, but she’s liable to have a child with a random wolf before our Alpha.”

“She doesn’t respect him.” Wally added.

“That’s painfully obvious.” Tigris grumbled.

“You think Tate knows about her affairs?” The wheels were turning Theo’s mind.

“I think he does but he refuses to admit it to himself.” Luca said,

“That’s probably why he’s so defensive when Thea attacks her. He knows that Thea’s right and that Quinny isn’t fateful to him but he doesn’t want to believe it.” Theo said, nodding slowly.

“Thea?” Luca’s eyes pulled together in question.

“Our sister, an Archer, and the new Luna of the Valor Moon pack.” Tigris explained.

“Oh, shit, she’s his sister?” Wally’s eyes went huge.

“Why?” Theo and Tigris asked.

“Quinny hates the Archers and she says it’s because of Thea. She made it out to sound like she was an old fling of the ALphas or something.” Luca explained.

“Ew, what?” Tigris shuttered at that idea.

“She sounded like a jealous woman scorned.” Wally agreed, nodding his head.

“That’s messed up.” Theo mumbled, feeling slightly nauseated by the idea.

“She’s going to bring the pack to its knees.” Wally said,

“Okay, this is what we’re going to do….” Tigris dove into his plan.

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