MINI STORY: The Greybacks Continue

Chapter 1

“We need to figure this stuff out with Tate. It’s really upsetting Thea.” Theo said as he, Tigris, and Nora took their younger siblings back to the Satin Moon packhouse.

“He’s just acting like a brat.” Tigris huffed, rolling his eyes.

“What are you going to do?” Nora asked.

She was sitting in the passenger seat of the SUV while Theo drove and Tigris sat in the back with Talia and Timbre.

“We should go to the Red River pack and talk to him in person.” Theo said,

“That’ll end well.” Tigris snorted.

Nora turned around and glared at her mate.

“It will be because you’ll be on your best behavior.” She said, “Both of you.” She added, turning her glare on Theo.

“Yes, my love.” Theo laughed while Tigris hung his head like a scolded puppy.

“We’ll call ahead when we get home and schedule a time to visit, that way it doesn’t come as a surprise.” Tigris offered.

“Good.” Nora nodded in approval.

The Greyback children arrived back to their packhouse and piled out of the car. Timbre and Talia, a mere 13- and 7-years-old, ran across the driveway and up the steps of the packhouse, giggling. They dove past their parents, Maizy, Hunter, and Archer, who were waiting by the door for their children to come home.

“I think Taila met her mate today.” Tigris said, earning a very aggressive eye roll from Theo.

“Excuse me?” Archer growled.

“Thea’s new step-son, Logan.” Tigris replied.

“Chill out, Archer.” Maizey laid her hand on her mate’s chest and he immediately simmered, “That’s a good match.” She added.

“Way too soon.” Hunter shook his head, not ready for his second born daughter to already be mated.

“Agreed.” Archer grunted.

“How’s Thea?” Maizey changed the subject, asking about her eldest daughter.

“She got called away to Alpha Sal’s.” Tigris said,

“He’s stepping down and wants help picking a new Alpha.” Archer nodded, having already received a phone call from the Warrior Pack himself.

“Now?” Maizey tsked.

“I bet he goes with her.” Theo said, walking past his parents as he entered the packhouse.

“You think?” Maizey perked up.

“Yeah, he’s obsessed with her.” Theo shrugged.

Tigris followed his brother into the packhouse with Nora on his arm. Their parents followed them inside.

“How did she take the news about Tate?” Hunter asked.

“She’s pissed.” Theo replied matter-of-factly.

“No surprise there.” Hunter said,

“How about Xaiver?” Archer wanted to make sure that the young Alpha wasn’t upset about losing an alliance and taking it out on his daughter.

“He said he didn’t want an alliance with a pack who was against his Luna.” Tigris shrugged.

“That’s because he’s a gentleman.” Nora said teasingly.

“My sons better be gentlemen.” Maizey said, glaring at her eldest boys.

“How are we in trouble with both our mate and our mother?” Theo sighed loudly.

“That’ll be the rest of your lives, boys.” Hunter laughed, slapping Theo on the back.

“What are we going to do about Tate?” Maizey said after the teasing had died down.

“We’re going to go to Red River and remove his head from his ass.” Theo said,

“Theo!” Maizey scolded him.

“What?” He shrugged innocently.

“We’re going to schedule a visit with him and talk it out.” Tigris explained, “We’ll take care of it, Mom.” He promised, kissing his mom on the cheek.

Tigris and Theo went to their joint office and shut the door, preparing to call Tate. They put the phone on speaker and sat it in the center of Theo’s desk.

“Alpha Tate.” Tate answered professionally, even though the caller ID would have shown that it was his brothers calling.

“Tate.” Theo sighed, “We got your letter.”

“And we delivered it to Valor Woods.” Tigris added.

“Thea and Xaiver weren’t pleased and, to be honest, neither were we. I don’t understand why you don’t handle this with them instead of going through our pack.” Theo struggled to keep his voice level.

“That’s my business.” Tate snapped.

Tigris put a hand on Theo’s arm, urging him to chill out.

“We are calling as a courtesy. We are planning a visit to Red River and wanted to see what a good time would be for you.” Tigris said in a diplomatic tone.

Tate released a heavy sigh.

“Is this really necessary?” He asked in an annoyed tone.

“Yes, Tate, it is.” Theo said,

“Fine, come whenever you want.” Tate snapped, sounding like a pouting child.

“Great, we’ll be up tomorrow.” Tigris wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

“Tate!” They heard Quinny’s high pitch voice coming from the other end of the phone, “What are you doing?”

“I’m in a meeting, Quinny.” Tate spoke sharply with his mate.

“I’m bored.” She whined.

Theo and Tigris looked at each other with aggravated expressions. They knew that their mate and future Luna would never speak to them like that let alone whine like a teenage girl.

“I have to go.” Tate said to his brothers.

“We’ll be around tomorrow.” Tigris said again and Tate simply grunted in response before ending the phone call.

“She’s a piece of work.” Theo sighed.

“So is he.” Tigris added.

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