MINI STORY: The Fae Queen

Chapter 3

Lili could not have been more relieved when the diplomats left and the dinner was finished. She was even more irritated and restless than usual. She blamed the presence of Mathis Judge and his son, Viktor; two of her least favorite people on earth. She was already kicking herself for setting up a visit but she knew it was necessary. Without a doubt, she believed the complaints of the West village people over the Judges and she needed to see if for herself.

“Remind me again why Mathis is the leader of the West?” Lili scoffed as her and Uncle Bayu left the dining room.

“You know how it works, Lili,” Bayu sighed, “It’s passed down through the family unless the majority of the people protest.”

“Seems to me like they are protesting now.” She grumbled.

“No formal calls for abdication have been presented to us so there’s nothing that can be done.” Bayu looked at his niece from the corner of his eye, “Which means you can’t cause a scene during your visit.”

Lili looked around the hallway, avoiding eye contact with her uncle.

“I know that.” She mumbled unconvincingly.

Bayu chuckled,

“Knowing and refraining from action are two very different things. Especially for you.” He said in an accusing tone.

“It is a fact finding mission. That’s all.” Lili shrugged.

“In either case, Neil will be accompanying you.” Bayu said and Lili let out an exaggerated sigh.


“You need to watch yourself around Viktor. I don’t like the way he looks at you.” Bayu’s voice grew serious and they paused at the bottom of the staircase.

“Like I’m something to eat? Yes, I’ve noticed.” Lili’s face scrunched up in disgust, “Don’t worry, Uncle, I can handle myself.”

“Honestly, that’s what I’m worried about.” Bayu sighed but there was amusement in his eyes.

Lili laughed at his expression and then said goodnight before ascending the stairs back up to her room.


Five days later, Lili was preparing for her trip to the West village. It was only a few hours away and she planned to be back home by midnight; there was no way she was spending the night at that place. Besides, in three days time would be her birthday celebration and she couldn’t afford to miss that.

Uncle Bayu was keen on making her 18th birthday a big to-do, something that neither he nor his siblings got from their father. Lili’s parents and her twin older siblings would be coming all the way from the Silver Moon pack in Washington to attend. Of course, everyone was hoping that Lili would find her mate at the party with a guest list longer than the realm’s constitution.

Lili, on the other hand, wasn’t as set on the idea. She was a strong, independent woman who wasn’t in the mood for an egotistical moran to start telling her what to do. She was the crowned princess, the future queen, and she would be damned if she let some peasant come into her life and start bossing her around. She was pretty sure she would end up rejecting her mate and going mateless like her uncle. In fact, she was positive that was her parents biggest fear and the main reason they were coming to the party.

“Lili! Are you almost ready?” Gertie scoffed, crossing her arms as she tapped her foot in the doorway of the bathroom.

Lili rolled her eyes. Only Gertie would ever be able to get away speaking to her that way.

She finished up getting ready and blew past Gertie, quite the old woman’s annoyance.

“Moving a little slow today, Gertie.” She teased.

Gertie huffed and disappeared in a blink of the eye. Lili scurried down the winding staircase and met Neil, Gertie, two of her guards, and Uncle Bayu at the front door.

“Fain and Mellow will be your personal guards for the day. I already sent a detail ahead to secure your route.” Uncle Bayu said, pointing out the man and woman who were adorned in fae armor.

“I’ll be fine, Uncle.” Lili said, kissing Bayu on the cheek before disappearing out the front door.

Bayu was less worried about his niece’s safety and more concerned with the safety of Mathis and Viktor Judge.

Three hours later, and the realm’s luxury SUV pulled up in front of the gates of the West village. There were two guards who bowed and immediately opened the gate when they saw the royal insignia on the door of the black car. It was a bumpy, twisting ride up to the governor’s mansion, or at least that’s what the Judge’s called their home. Lili thought that they should have spent their money on road repairs instead of on a four story home made of stone that housed four people.

Viktor and Mathis were waiting on the front steps with several staff members to greet the royal caravan. Neil exited the car first and opened up the door for Lili. He offered the princess his hand and she stepped out of the car, stretching out her legs from the long ride. Mellow and Fain were at her side in an instant, seeming to appear out of nowhere. Their golden armor glistened in the sun, the light catching off of their swords and the crown’s symbol that was stamped proudly on their chest plates.

“Your grace.” Mathis and Viktor bowed, but Lili didn’t miss the look of displeasure on their faces, “I hope your trip was tolerable.” Mathis added.

“It was well enough, thank you.” Lili said,

“We have prepared a breakfast feast for you this morning.” Mathis said, but Lili was quick to shake her head.

“I ate before I left the palace, thank you. I would like to jump right into my inquiries so I may be back home before the day is done.” She announced, folding her hands behind her and walking right past the Judges and into their home.

“Of course, my lady.” Mathis grumbled, “I have prepared for Viktor to accompany you on a tour of the village.”

Lili bit her tongue and swallowed back a very un-ladylike sigh as she narrowed her eyes on Viktor. He had greasy hair and a weasley face; not to mention the way his eyes scanned her body. She truly hated everything about him.

“Lovely.” She faked a smile.

“We can get started, if you’d like?” Viktor held his elbow out for her.

“I would like.” THe sooner she could get this over with, the sooner she could leave this terrible place.

She reluctantly took Viktor’s elbow and allowed him to escort her out the back of the mansion. The governor’s mansion was a massive stone building that towered over the rest of the village, the people living in its shadow. The West village was arranged just like the other villages and towns Lili had been to. Houses, cottages, and cabins scattered all around winding sidewalks and streets with a “city center” that held a merchant’s alley of sorts.

Except, the West village did not have manicured yards, blooming flowers, or the sound of children laughing. Instead, the once sweet smelling grass was brown and dying, the flowers were nonexistent with ugly weeds in their place, and everyone walked around the cracked sidewalks with their eyes casted down.

“A bit gloomy.” Lili mumbled, mostly to herself.

“Well, it is winter. The grounds are much more lively when the weather warms up.” Viktor said,

That was a lie. There were no seasons inside the fae realm, not really. It was nearly always sunny and in the 60s; there was hardly any rain or unsavory weather. It was a glistening, sweet smelling, pleasant realm that contrasted the werewolf realm quite drastically. They got exactly two days of snow in the “winter” and three days of rain in the “spring” to help things grow. It was a perfect system for the perfect realm.

“Do you think I’m a fool, Viktor?” Lili scoffed, looking at him in annoyance.

“Of course not, my lady.” Viktor pretended to look surprised, “Why would you think such a thing?”

“Because flowers bloom year round as do the grasses. It does not take much to maintain manicured grounds.” She stated plainly, “And your people do not seem very happy.”

“My apologies, your grace. The groundskeepers seem to be lacking and I assure you that our people’s unfriendliness will be addressed.” Viktor said,

Lili stopped walking so she could look at Viktor head on. Mellow and Fain maintained a good distance from them, keeping a steady eye on their princess, while Neil stayed beside her, as was his place.

“I do not blame your people, Viktor, and neither should you. A leadership is only as strong as their people and your people are not strong. They are not happy nor are their needs met. They do not have what they need to be successful and, therefore, your leadership is a failure. Your mansion is the only thing in pristine shape around here, everything else is crumbling and in need of repairs.” Lili spoke with authority.

She had already seen enough to know that the complaints of the people of the West were truthful. Her people were in need and, as she said to Viktor, that made her a failure. Lili didn’t like to fail.

“Neil,” She turned towards her advisor, having left Viktor speechless, “We have a need to extend our trip a day or two so I can oversee the preparations. The people are in a worse state than I thought. Send for advisors to assist with the landscaping and repairs.” She ordered.

“The King….” Neil started to say but Lili waved her hand,

“Will support my decisions, you know this. We will still be home in time for the celebration.” She swiftly dismissed any and all of Neil’s concerns.

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