MINI STORY: The Fae Queen

Chapter 2

“Onyx! What are you doing? The estate dinner is starting any minute!” The castle’s cook, Robert, yelled at his head waiter.

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Onyx grumbled, dropping the ladle and moving away from the stew that was bubbling on the stove.

“I swear, I wonder where your head’s at half the time.” Robert shook his head.

“What can I say? The smell of my father’s cooking distracts me.” Onyx shot his dad his signature smile and Robert huffed,

“Get your apron on.” He said,

Onyx strapped on his white apron and followed the rest of the staff out the door to the kitchen. His hands were empty, but his mind was controlling at least half a dozen of the trays flying around the dining room. He carefully settled the trays down on the huge wooden table and turned to leave when a scent caught his attention.

He froze and whipped around. The entire room seemed to slow down until there was no one left but her.

Onyx had served dozens of these stuffy estate dinners, seen the king and his niece, the fae princess, a million times over the years serving on the kitchen staff. His father’s been the castle’s chief since before he was born. His mother died in childbirth, and so he was raised by the nannies and an overworked father. Although he was in no way on the same level as the princess, he was raised alongside her.

And yet, here she was, looking like he had never seen her before. Her raven black hair framed her warm, cocoa colored face and her plump lips were painted a bright red. Her eyes were dark like the endless abyss of the ocean and framed by thick, black eyelashes. It was clear that she was in another world entirely, focusing intently on her salad and stabbing at it viciously.

Onyx smirked at her intense expression and he suddenly had this overwhelming urge to make her smile. He thought back to all the memories he had of the princess and realized that none of them included a real, genuine smile. She had the weight of the world on her shoulders and her eyes were so full of some sort of intense emotion that he couldn’t name.

He glanced behind him and saw a vase full of roses. An idea struck him and he focused on a single flower, willing it to rise from the vase and float quietly through the air. It landed on her lap and she jumped, startled, but no one seemed to notice her reaction. It was funny, Onyx thought, that no one was paying attention to her when she was the only one he ever wanted to look at for the rest of his life.

Her head snapped up and her eyes instantly locked with his. He bit back a laugh at her accusing expression. For one single second, her eyes softened and a tiny smile played on those delicious lips. Her scent hit him again, the sweet, floral smell of roses.

“Princess Lili?” Someone broke the spell and she whipped back around towards the table.

Onyx grit his teeth together, resisting the urge to beat the life out of whoever took his mate’s attention away from him. He wasn’t a violent guy by nature, but he certainly was a protective one and this woman had just become his number one priority.

The only issue? He was pretty sure she had no idea he even existed and she wouldn’t, not until she turned 18; something he had done two weeks ago which explained the sudden realization of who, or rather what, the princess was to him.

“What are you doing?” One of the other waiters grabbed his elbow and shoved him back through the kitchen door, “You’re staring.”

“These dinners are getting old.” Lennie, one of the younger waitresses, complained.

“Get used to them, they aren’t going anywhere.” Ford, the waiter who had pulled Onyx away from the dining table, laughed humorlessly.

“It’s just a day for the stuffy diplomats to talk up their egos.” Echo, one of the bakers, scoffed.

“I feel bad for the princess, she always looks so out of place there.” Lennie said,

Please. She’s just as stuffy and boring as the rest of them.” Echo rolled her eyes, immediately setting Onyx’s teeth on edge.

“You don’t know anything about her.” He snapped and Echo’s eyes went wide at his reaction.

“And you do?” She said in a sassy tone.

“I’ve lived here my whole life.” Onyx argued.

“Right, and you’ve never so much as breathed the same air as the royal family.” Echo rolled her eyes.

“Onyx.” Robert’s stern voice cut through their bickering, “The main course is almost ready to be served.”

Onyx grumbled under his breath as he walked up to the stainless steel counter and looked over the assortment of options. Unlike the first course, which was brought out on trays and served to the guest, the main course was already pre-plated on white porcelain china rimmed in gold. Onyx released a heavy sigh before focusing on the plates, watching as they gently rose in the air and moved towards the door.

Lennie and Ford held open the double doors as Onyx guided the plates into the dining hall. He did everything he could to avoid thinking about, looking at, or smelling his mate in order to keep his focus. He successfully delivered each guest their plate and then his gaze automatically found Princess Lili.

Her face was pinched up into a scowl as she argued with a middle aged man. Onyx recognized him as the leader of the West village, Mathis Judge. He was in his fifties and had been leading the West village since he was a teenager. He had long gray hair that was half pulled up into a low hanging bun, hard stone colored eyes, and pointed facial features; currently those features were glaring at Princess Lili.

“You cannot possibly….”

Mathis was arguing about something, Onyx wasn’t sure, but Princess Lili was having none of it. She cut through his harsh tone before he had the chance to finish speaking.

“You don’t dare pretend to understand what I have and have not seen or what I do and do not understand. I am the realm’s future Queen and, as such, I know all that I need to know.” She spoke in a refined tone.

“I mean no offense, of course.” Mathis said in a voice that said he did, in fact, mean offense, “But, your highness has not visited the West village and has not seen with her own eyes the state of things.”

“Perhaps a visit is owed, then, if things are as wonderful as you proclaim. We have certainly been told differently by your people. Complaints have been pouring in for months now.” Princess Lili snapped back.

“Complaints?” Mathis looked taken aback.

“Yes. People not having enough food or water, being worked to the bone for little pay, families living with other proper heating, children not having clothes or access to a good education…..the list goes on.” Princess Lili spoke passionately.

Onyx, who should have retreated to the kitchen by now, was glued to her every word. He had a lot of respect for the royal family, more than most did after the catastrophe that was their previous king, King Bayu’s father. King Solaris gained much support from the realm and accrued many followers, but after his untimely death, faith in the royal family was shaken.

King Bayu has led well but quietly, not nearly as people-forward as his brother. He sent out diplomats instead of visiting villages himself. Then, there was the fact that he never met his mate and never produced any heirs, instead choosing his half-fae, half-werewolf niece as his successor. That broke the trust of many. The realm was hesitant to accept a leader who wasn’t a full fae and who came from a woman that many still saw as a traitor, Lili’s mother, Princess turned Luna, Marigold.

But, Onyx’s father never wavered in his loyalty to the realm. He even served under the dreaded Fae King who was less than honorable. He pledged himself to the throne, whoever may sit upon it, and he instilled the same sense of loyalty in his son.

“I cannot imagine who would say such things.” Mathis huffed.

“It’s settled then, Lord Mathis. Either you do not know your people or you have liars among you, either way, a visit is owed. I will leave it to you and my governor to handle.” Princess Lili spoke with a smile but her eyes revealed her true intentions.

A man stepped forward wearing heavy looking robes that were varying colors of green, orange, and yellow. He had silvery gray hair that’s curly and pulled up into a high bun. His half-moon glasses rested far down on his nose and his cat-like yellow eyes were surrounded by bright orange eyeshadow. He was Princess Lili’s governor, the man who coordinated her schedule, managed her days, and organized her staff; Cornelius Lucas.

Neil, as he was referenced by the royal family, was so old nobody actually knew his true age. Rumor has it, he’s even older than the Fae King was when he was murdered in prison. He served the royal family in a variety of capacities over the centuries, but none, rumor has it, were as important to him as being the governor to Princess Lili.

“I would be happy to arrange this for you, Princess Lili.” Cornelius said in a sing-song voice.

Mathis Judge glared at him.

“Put something on the books for the next few days. The Princess has a birthday celebration to attend in eight days.” King Bayu said with a warm smile.

“Yes, your highness.” Mathis grumbled, clearly not thrilled with the idea.

“Onyx, what are you doing?” Ford hissed, grabbing his arm and yanking him back into the kitchen, “That’s the second time I’ve had to remove you from the dining room. What’s up?”

“Nothing.” Onyx grumbled, ignoring Ford’s curious gaze.

“Well, get it together before nothing gets you fired.” Ford huffed.

Three more courses later, and the dinner was finally coming to an end. The leaders were beginning to leave and the few who were left, were enjoying some after dinner coffee. Onyx carried the teapot out in his hands instead of using his magic, determined to get a closer look at his mate. He walked up beside her, the chairs surrounding Princess Lili now empty, and cleared his throat.

Lili’s eyes fluttered as she looked away from the conversation at the head of the table and up towards the waiter hovering beside her.

“More coffee, your grace?” Onyx asked in a throaty voice, a crooked smile lighting up his face.

Lili blinked rapidly at him, trying to focus on his words instead of his forest green eyes or his delicious grin. The waiter cleared his throat again and Lili shook herself free from her daze.

“Oh, yes please, thank you.” She stammered.

Onyx’s smile widened, pleased with the reaction he was getting from his mate. He carefully filled her cup with the warm liquid.

“My pleasure.” He purposefully leaned closer to her as he pulled away, their faces only inches from each other for a brief second.

Lili blushed and looked away, but not before she heard Onyx’s low chuckle which rose up from deep inside his chest.

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