Midnight Cove

Chapter Secrets in the Garden

Standing in that one room coffee shop was hard to do. Normally, I liked my job. It wasn't where I wanted to end up in life by any means, but for a nineteen-year-old, it was a pretty good job. Today however, I felt like my blood was full of bees; just a buzz rolling through my body.

Often, I work alone. There just isn't enough room when the boss is working too. The simple fact is, something will get spilled and chaos then ensues. The place isn't much for space and the key sales tactic is speed because it is a drive-thru. People want their lattes and espressos, and they want them fast. I am the best, faster than my boss, Jenna. She gave me a promotion on my eighteenth birthday; it came with a five dollar an hour raise and a key. I am responsible for opening and closing shop.

There's another Kwik Fix coffee shop she opened, on the other side of town. It opened about four months ago, and she spends primarily all of her time there. By the time ten-thirty hit, I figured the traffic had died down enough for me to close up early. I wanted to make it back to my place in time to have a shower and get ready before Cove arrived.

Once home, I kicked off my shoes by the door. I hated wearing shoes. I preferred bare feet or at most sandals because the open air gave my toes the freedom to wiggle. I went into the kitchen and slapped together a turkey sandwich. I hadn't eaten yet today, and my stomach began demanding food. I didn't bother getting down a plate, I just wrapped my lunch in a paper towel and headed to the bedroom.

With one hand I held my sandwich, trying to garble down bites while I clumsily tried to strip clothes off with the other. Finally stripped bare, I shoved the remainder of the sandwich in my mouth before I entered the steaming hot shower. The warm water felt good and helped to relax out all the anxiety in my muscles. After scrubbing down with my more expensive smelling soaps, I stepped out to towel off.

I wanted to make sure I was as alluring as possible. If Cove truly thought I was too beautiful to stay away from, I was going to take full advantage of that. I rubbed my favorite lotion all over before adding a spritz of my matching perfume. I added a little mascara and some lipstick. I never liked the feel of powder on my skin; it was too heavy. I did have bronzer but, I had spent most of the summer working and the time I had spent in the sun wasn't enough. I wasn't as tan as usual and I decided to skip it altogether. I glanced at the clock and realized that I didn't have any time left. I tied my hair up in a high bun on my head like a ballerina and went outside to see if he'd shown up yet.

I waited in the sunshine for an hour before finally giving up and going back inside. The clock read a quarter past twelve and I sighed. Beginning to feel dispirited, I went to sit on the couch and flipped on the t.v. I only had basic cable and an old boxy tube television. It wasn't great to look at, but I wasn't a big fan of t.v. anyhow and it was free so, I couldn't complain. I had picked it up curbside from one of the neighbor's houses. The white sign taped to the front of the screen had read "small, old but free!" That pretty much summed it up. Eventually, I clicked it off, annoyed with the programming, and just stared out the windows.

At some point, I had fallen asleep. I woke up with a headache from my hair in the tight bun. I took the pins out and let my still wet hair fall to my waist. A look out the window told me it was dusk. The sunset had already faded and the first of the evening stars were coming out.

Disappointed in myself for getting my hopes up, I decided to go out and walk through the garden. I wandered about, noticing the change between the daylight buds closing and the night blooming flowers beginning to open. I wished I had asked for Cove's number. I could've called to reprimand him for standing me up. Again, another first for me that was both humbling and humiliating. Instead of being angry, I was really hurt that I had been snubbed.

I looked up and realized where I was. Without thinking, I had placed myself directly in front of the stone bench where we had met the other night. I crossed my arms over my chest and pitied myself. I couldn't understand why I was moping over a guy I had just met, but as illogical as it was, I couldn't help myself. There was something about him. It wasn't just that he was unbelievably gorgeous, it was the way he moved with a sinful grace and the way he spoke. It was the way he made me feel when he looked at me. I thought of his the way his eyes shone brightly and rained with playfulness as he looked at me from under the stairwell earlier today. A stubborn tear rolled down my cheek, and quickly I lifted my hand to brush it away. He had a beautiful voice and thinking back to its deep velvety texture was enough to incite tears, never mind the fact that everything inside me wanted to scream out for him, wanted to touch him. Cove.

As I hung my head, defeated, two strong arms wrapped around my torso. My body went rigid. I knew it was Cove. I didn't have to turn around. I could sense him at the very core of my being. Just as the night before, the feeling of being drawn towards him was immense and with his muscular limbs enveloping my small frame the pull intensified a hundredfold. I gave in, I couldn't stay mad at him. Relaxing into the safety and comfort of his embrace, I leaned back into his chest, relishing his scent, and allowing my body heat to penetrate his cold skin.

You're late," I said.

"It couldn't be helped," his voice betrayed him, he was holding back. I couldn't imagine what he wasn't telling me, or maybe I just didn't want to.

"I didn't think you were coming," I said, my voice still laced with the hurt and shame I felt but a moment ago.

Cove released me, and slowly turned me round to face him. He peered down at me, but I refused to lift my gaze. I didn't want him to see how vulnerable I could be. He wasn't having it, I heard an irritated groan slip from his mouth. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my face to meet his. I turned my eyes away and stared at the yellow and white blossoms hanging about us.

"Won't you look at me, Bonnie?" he pleaded. With such melancholy notes in his voice, I couldn't help but check to see if he was sad.

As soon as I looked at him, I melted. His dark brown eyes bore into mine as though he was looking straight into my soul. He seemed to respond to my heart's every need. Every time I thought I had lost him he would reappear, always warm and strong and light-hearted. He was everything I needed. He was everything I was not.

Cove never looked more seductive than at that moment. A half-glazed look in his eyes, and his smile appeared slow and sinful on his face. Before I could ask him why, or breathe a word, his lips were on mine. The kiss, like his lips, was soft and full. I clasped my hands around the back of his neck and pressed myself against him. He reciprocated my need and a soft grunt escaped his lips. With a matched desire, he placed his large, cold hands on my back, and drew me into his embrace.

When he pulled back to end the kiss, I felt the blush rising but didn't shy away from it. After a kiss like that, I didn't want to look at anything but Cove. It was the best kiss of my life. My heart beat erratically inside my chest desperately trying to break free. I tried to get my bearings for I wanted to see if his reaction was as irrational as mine. A satisfied smile was evident on his face, showing off his dazzling white teeth. I couldn't help but beam over what had just happened. Then suddenly, his joyous mood dissipated and worry creased his brow. I felt unnerved; the idea that anything could cause a powerhouse like Cove to feel worried seemed impossible. I glanced around, and what I saw then caused a shudder to rise from deep within me. I couldn't believe my eyes. Am I dreaming?

I was still standing in the garden next to the bench, but everything was now immense. I couldn't hide the bewilderment on my face. The two foot high stone bench was now, more like two stories high. I was still standing there, looking at the same garden, but from a height of what must have been a mere six inches off the ground. As I took in my surroundings, panic began to invade my chest and my breath seized in my throat.

"Shh, it's okay Bonnie, it's okay," Cove was trying to soothe me.

"It's okay?" I repeated. I practically spat the words, "We're shrunk!" at him. Was he ludicrous? Look where we were.

"What are we going to do Cove? Why is this happening?" Fear gripped me. My breath became quick and shallow and began to hitch in my throat. I had to stifle a sob from escaping. Now, was not the time to lose it. If there was going to be a time, it would have to be later. Right now, we needed to figure out how we were going to fix this.

"Bonnie," Cove spoke my name in earnest.

"What, Cove?" My voice came out high and thin. I was irritated with him.

He wasn't nearly upset enough, and he wasn't helping figure out a solution either. My mind was racing. A mile a minute, my thoughts plunged forward, and it was hard to focus on any one thing. I could only think of all the possible threats, like what if a spider came along and tried to eat us? Or a rat, or something?

"Bonnie," he said again, more sternly this time.

I looked at him then, and it began to dawn on me. Cove knew! He knew why we were like this. He knew what was happening.

"Cove?" With caution, I spoke his name.

I couldn't decide whether I wanted to take a step towards him, or if I should take a step away. He just watched me, that same worried expression on his face. He didn't make a move. Guessing at the reason for his hesitation, I supposed that he didn't want me to feel threatened. I remembered back to the promise he'd made that morning.

"You aren't going to hurt me, are you Cove?" I knew I spoke the truth because the moment I said it a small smile formed on his lips, but it was not without effort.

"No, Bonnie. I am not."

I took a breath and stepped forward. Only inches from him, I placed my hands on my hips and peered into his face.

"Okay," I said, "Then what's going on?" I squinted at him, scrutinizing his every action.

He blew out a breath and shrugged. "I was distracted." He said it with such nonchalance. There was no way I was going to let him off the hook that easily.

"Huh-uh," I shook my head, "You're going to have to do better than that. I'm six inches tall!" I swept my arms above my head in a grand gesture, emphasizing my minuscule height.

"Yeah, but so am I."

With everything else going on I failed to notice we were standing eye level across from each other. I stand only a few inches over 5 feet, Cove should've been relatively about a foot taller than me. My mouth popped open with recognition of that fact, and Cove's smile grew warm again at my reaction.

"I wasn't paying attention." He shrugged, "It isn't something I give a considerable amount of thought towards, but when I kissed you, I lost all focus." A devious grin formed. "Really, this is your fault. You should not be such a distraction."

"My fault?" I was incredulous at such a statement. "What isn't something you have to think about?" I said, still not quite sure what he was talking about.

"My form. I was holding onto you when I reverted to this height so, you did too."

He said 'reverted,' confirming that my burning suspicions were now an undeniable fact. Hoping to finally comprehend all of the mystery surrounding Cove, I asked, "What are you?"

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