Midnight Cove

Chapter Faerie Tells

He gave me a guilty smile before confessing, "I am Fatum." Seeing the meaning was lost on me, he clarified, "Also known as the Fates, or Destiny. I am recognized by many names. Lately, the most popular of which seems to be a faerie." He locked eyes with me then and the gravity of the conversation began to sink in. I would have thought him delusional if I hadn't been standing there the height of a Barbie doll.

"You, are Destiny?" Every word out of my mouth dripping with doubt and suspicion but I couldn't stop from reaching a hand towards him.

Although only a few minutes had passed since Cove had kissed me I felt like somehow he wasn't real. I was afraid I was dreaming and would soon wake up on my couch in front of the t.v. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to substantiate everything that was happening around me.

Lightly, I ran my fingertips over his cheekbone. I followed the curvature of his strong jawline, tracing my fingers down his alabaster neck and across the groove of his protruding collarbone. Cove didn't flinch. He just stood there motionless, waiting for me to finish my inspection. Very slowly, making sure not to frighten me, he moved his hand on top of mine and guided my hand towards his hard chest. My right hand glided down his left side coming to rest on top of his muscle. Effortlessly, and with a small amount of pressure he held my hand there. Confused, I looked up questions burning through me, but he continued his downward gaze refusing to meet my eyes. After a couple moments, I realized I could feel his heartbeat.

I was shocked. I averted my gaze from his face to focus on his chest as if I could somehow see straight through his flesh and bone to uncover what lied beneath. He knew what I was looking for; a sign proving that he was real, that this was really happening. He had a heartbeat, I couldn't believe it, but I did. Shock and awe rang through me then, and something more. Something wanton and hungry, a desperate need that quaked within my bones. I couldn't understand this melancholy ache as it threatened to drown me in its depths. I had to bite back the tears that threatened to break free and so I drove it away from my thoughts. The realization of this moment was already more than I could bear, and I could feel it pulling at the frayed edges of my mind. Cove was alive, he was standing there with me, flesh and blood, a real faerie!

The moment I acknowledged it, I knew it was true. I knew because the very fiber of my being was reverberating with the resounding truth; Cove was magick. In complete awe, I tilted my head to look him in the face more fully and saw this time he was watching me; studying my every move, my every reaction. His eyes were calculated, trying to decipher how I felt.

At that moment, looking into Cove's eyes, I was completely enchanted. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but right then I knew I wanted him. The heat between my thighs rose and again I could feel myself pulled into his stare. A beautiful and mythological creature I could not break away from. My breath caught in my throat as I continued bathe in his moonlit face. He had been so gentle and caring, so delicate with me. What terrible grace he must possess? I didn't know what it meant for him to share his secret with me, but I knew he was guarded. I wasn't supposed to know. The frigid look in his eyes sent a shiver down my spine and I wondered if it was caused more by his fear or my own. There's got to be a reason why we don't walk around and see faeries every day.

I knew that my reaction at that moment was pivotal. What I did would either confirm, or disprove any suspicion he might have about me. Mustering up whatever courage I had, I met his stony gaze with a stout resolution of my own, and before I could second guess myself, I kissed him full on the mouth. I threw myself into the kiss with reckless abandon knowing that this moment might have been my only chance to display my hidden desires to the enchanted creature who stood before me, stabbing at my heart with his liquid umber eyes. His surprise lasted but for only a second before he responded.

Cove's lips were demanding. Crushing against mine as he tightly drew my body into his embrace. His urgency rivaled my own sending my blood rushing and my skin afire. I felt the hardened planes of his chest press against me as my pulse raced ahead. Parting my lips with his cool tongue, I was completely at his mercy. When he righted me again I clung to him, gasping for air. He chuckled softly and the sound of his voice was deep and soothing. I tightened my grip; moving my arms from off his biceps to up and around his muscular neck. I snuggled in close, resting my head against him, listening to his heartbeat echo through his chest and the cold chill of his breath against my hair.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head before resting his chin there. "Do you like it better when I'm taller than you?" he asked, a cheeky grin lifting up the corners of his mouth.

"Oh my God, Cove!" I looked up shocked to see him staring down at me and the world again the right size. "We're big again." I turned my head round to check our surroundings, smiling as relief washed over me.

"I really had to focus though. Kissing you the second time was much harder. It's a good thing we didn't get smaller," he arched an eyebrow. "We might have disappeared altogether." There was a look of mock fright on his face, but the idea still worried me.

"Do not fret, my little Bonnie." Cove grabbed my chin to tilt my face towards him as he placed a chaste kiss on my forehead. "I would never let you disappear."

He smiled, but the words were serious and devoid of their usual playfulness. I only nodded and burrowed my face into his chest once more, grateful for his presence. He held me in a tight embrace and it sounded as though something was whispered, but I couldn't be sure. I didn't want to soil the memory with my unnecessary questions and so I let it go.

Standing there with Cove felt surreal. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to do anything. I relished this moment. Such a big part of me was happy, I wondered, could I just stand there for all eternity?

I felt whole inside. When I was with Cove I felt as I had never felt before. It was the feeling of being complete. There was a big part of the puzzle I didn't know was missing and suddenly it was here, filling in all the empty slots. The never ending feeling of being lost in a bottomless pit, a world of bleak loneliness faded from me. Like a desperately needed rain in a vast and lonely desert, Cove's affection was a welcomed lifeline I hadn't realized I had been living without. Half alive, sleepwalking through life the heavens seemed to open me to that which had been buried inside, long forgotten.

My arms wrapped around him, and my lips still swollen from our kiss, I felt renewed and teeming with life. Our bodies warmed, melding together in his loving embrace. It was my own private sanctuary, and once again my heart began to flutter within my chest. The millions of questions I had for my fatum started to bubble inside my brain.

Cove chuckled before releasing me. "Okay," he said.

"Okay, what?" Neither one of us had said anything.

"Okay, ask." Cove inclined his head, indicating for me to proceed with my verbal bombardment while he calmly placed his palms behind his back. I needed no more invitation than that.

"How do you do that? How do you know what I'm thinking? Can you read minds or something?" I was thoroughly intrigued because if he said yes then I would have to edit my thoughts when he was around.

A delightful smile lit up his face as he looked at me. "'Or something' sounds right. I cannot read minds leastways."

I had to ponder that for a minute. He wasn't a mind reader but he did something. "Then how do you react so perfectly all the time?" I wanted to know how he did it. How was he so finely tuned to my needs?

"I react perfectly?" Cove paused, letting my words seep in. "You think so?" His left brow raised in question. He teased me with each response.

I sighed, vexed by his coquettish reply. "Are all faeries this exasperating to talk to, or is it just you?"

"We can go back to kissing if you like?" He beamed a sultry smile that was very hard to ignore but I wasn't going to be thwarted that easily. I can be quite stubborn when I want to be, and even sometimes when I don't.

I turned from him then and sashayed into the shadows. If he was going to tease, then, so was I. In two steps he caught me, grasping me by my wrist he spun me around. Once again I found myself encased in his arms. He leaned in close as if to kiss me, his lips practically on my own when he spoke.

"This is no place for this conversation." Cove's voice was low, he spoke in a hushed whisper. It was the first time I realized he might not be the only faerie outside with us. I thought about glancing at the ground to make sure there weren't other tiny people frolicking in the garden, but I decided against it.

"Okay," I, too, lowered my voice, "Let's go back to my place. We can talk there, can't we?" I didn't know if it was far enough from the garden but it would be warmer inside for sure.

Cove hesitated. "Are you sure?" He sounded cautious, almost worried. Didn't he want to go back to my place? Normally, a guy would jump at the opportunity to get into a single girl's apartment, but Cove was not normal.

"As long as you give me your word that you'll be a gentleman." I was still teasing. I wasn't sure yet what I wanted but I wasn't going to rule anything out either.

Cove didn't take it lightly though. Immediately, he released me taking a few steps back. "Upon my honor, Bonnie, I give you my word as a gentleman. I will not make any advances toward you this night as long as I am in your home." As a show of good faith he offered me his arm and as the night before, I took it without hesitation, allowing him to lead the way back home.


Author's Note:

This chapter seemed a bit short but there was so much happening. I didn't want to overload anyone. The next chapter explains a whole lot so I hope I don't write too much.

Faeries are often more mischievous than fairies. Fairies such as the tooth fairy are often perceived as whimsical and good natured whereas faeries are fair skinned human-like creatures that usually have darker or more sinister persona.

Fatum a Latin word meaning Fate, or "what has been spoken," considering ancients often thought one's destiny was controlled by gods and demigods. The word also means destiny or death.

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