Mia's Path

Chapter Running

I tried to answer him, saying it was okay and I was just tired and needed to sleep, but my lips felt numb. My eyes locked with his and I hoped I could transmit the calm I was feeling, because I could see he was panicking right now, and his lips were moving frantically but I couldn’t seem to register what he was saying.

I finally closed my eyes and let the night take me to a dreamless sleep.


When I woke up this morning, I thought it would be just a normal day. I would go about my routine: train, eat, train, study, train, eat and go to bed. Boy, was I wrong. I even had a fight with Max, my best friend. I called him names that I shouldn’t, I was so furious that I lost my temper. I couldn’t even remember why I was furious. If I’d known it would be my last moments with him, I would have done every single thing differently. I would have said how much I loved him and wished him to be happy, to just let go of me and follow his dreams. I did not deserve him in any way. But those words would forever be stuck in my throat.

I was running as fast as I could. I think I’ve never been that fast before, but I have been training a lot, thanks to Max. And, well, now I had the motivation and muscles to do it. I could still see that they were following me, they wouldn’t stop. Max had only bought me a few minutes ahead. I had already failed once; I couldn’t protect my only true friend. And it seemed I wouldn’t be able to protect myself, again. I still had my dear blades with me, so there’s hope yet.

How had they found me?

Were they sent by him?

But most importantly: how did they know I was alive?

Why would someone do something like that? Why kill innocent people in the process? Just to get rid of me? How soulless you’d have to be to do that? I could still hear the laughter and music turning to screams and crashing noises. If hell existed, I had a preview of what it was like. To know that our whole community of refugees were killed because of me was a guilt I would forever burden.

Max’s face came to mind. Not his usual smiley self. No. His face the moment he told me to run. We had fought them, but they kept coming. His beautiful green eyes were scared shitless. His soft blond hair was sticky with blood, all his face was covered in it. I saw the struggle on his face. He wouldn’t run with me. He was buying me time. I barely registered my screams and sobs mixed in a horrible sound.

Heavy. I felt heavy and weak at that moment. I couldn’t save him or anyone for that matter. I had been useless. It didn’t matter how much I had trained before. How much I could do. It simply was not enough. I was not enough, and I would never be enough. And because of it I had no one right now. Well, I guess that’s not true. I had him doing unforgivable things to try and kill me.

My legs hurt, my back and stomach burned like it was on fire. I knew I was about to lose it. I was losing speed way faster than I thought it would happen. Again, not enough. God, how useless could I be? I needed to keep going. I needed to survive. I had to think about Max, if I died now his death would be for nothing. That couldn’t happen. I wouldn’t allow it.

I felt my pace getting slower and my lungs couldn’t take it anymore, so I started coughing the blood out. I was drowning on my own blood. It was no use; I could feel the life wanting to leave my body. I stopped, trying to catch some oxygen, breathing was hard. My vision was getting blurry with unshed tears, but I still heard it.


I looked ahead and sighed. I was in a small clearing and that was not a good advantage point to be at right now. I knew what was coming for me.

Crick crack crock crick

I didn’t have to look around to know I was surrounded. How many wolves, I couldn’t say, it had been a small army running after me. A warning bark sounded. That was it. I was going to die now, but I sure as hell would take as many as I could get with me. For Max! I thought. With a deep breath, well, as deep as I could without coughing, I steadied my racing heart just like I did so many times before. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion after that.

Two wolves came running at me from both sides. I jumped over to the side of the right wolf, ignoring the aching in my thighs and drawing out my blades and slashing at his hind leg. Upon landing I saw that I was able to sever his Achilles tendon. Nice. It wasn’t exactly fatal like in the myth, but it made sure he wouldn’t jump at me again, at least not for a few days. Moving as quickly as before I ran to his head and sank my knife in his jugular. Now he’s dead.

The other wolf collided with the bloody corpse and stumbled over. Perfect. It gave me the time to take a few steps and jump at his back. Oh, he was furious with that, I could feel his growling. Guess he didn’t appreciate to be ridden like a horse, at least against his will. No worries, wolfy, the ride will be short-lived. And with that thought I crossed my arms beneath his throat. Pushing my arms back with as much strength as I still had, it was one wolf less to ruin the world.

My left leg was pushed hard, and I felt the blood pouring through my jeans. Sun of a bitch, I loved those jeans! They were actually the only ones I had. With my other leg I kicked his snout with all my might. The wolf cried and let go of me. I didn’t waste time; I threw my knife at his skull. A lot more to go.

I got up and walked to remove my knife from the dead fleabag. The other wolves seemed to be watching me carefully. Good. Now I had a sinister smile on my face. To be honest I might have looked like a maniac. All the anger and frustration from earlier I was letting out now.

Another wolf tried his luck and jumped at me. He bit my right arm and with the force of his jump I ended up on my back on the ground. With a crazy laugh I said, “Is this all you’ve got?” and with that I stabbed his neck and head fast and repeatedly, until he stopped moving.

“Not dead yet. Keep coming, mutts.”

I shoved the dead wolf out of me and stood up. At this point I was feeling out of breath and my strength was starting to fade due to blood loss. For a second my vision blurred again, giving me less time to react to the new attack. I heard the creature coming from my right and I threw both of my knives in that direction in hopes that I at least could take another one with me.

I fell to my knees. I heard more growls and barks, even some bites happening. Were they fighting each other to see who would give me the final blow? There was no more fight in me. I could feel the tears running down my face. Idiots, I thought, laughing that I would die while they fought each other to kill me. I tried, Max. I am coming. Guess at least now I was going to be with my Max again. His smile appeared in my head, and I smiled too. A pained whimper sounded somewhere near me and with that the darkness took over me.



Gods, my body felt so heavy. I couldn’t move, but I knew that wasn’t a bad thing since if I moved something I would probably cry out in pain. Wait, pain? Was I still alive to be able to feel pain? I guess I was. What happened to the wolves? Did I succeed in killing them? It couldn’t be, there were so many at the camp. I was sure that I killed at least four of them, who killed the rest? I couldn’t remember.



Was I hospitalized? That annoying sound was in sync with my heartbeat. Maybe someone had found me before I bled to death? Maybe my Max… No, that couldn’t be him, that I was sure of. I saw him die. Then who? One of the wolves? Why? Whoever saved me must want something from me, right? I mean, I was sure I would die even if I hadn’t fought with those wolves. Was that the wolf that fought the others?

Then it dawned on me the wolf didn’t want to kill me; he must want to use me? The damn wolf! It wouldn’t let me die, I just wanted to die and be done with it. Being enslaved, tortured or used would be much worse. And I was in pretty bad shape, couldn’t resist even if I tried to. It didn’t make any sense whatsoever. If it was sent to kill me, it must have known that he would now kill it. Was it possible the stupid wolf didn’t know about my “special” abilities? At least according to him.

Beep beep beep beep.

“She’s crashing! We need that blood bag now!” someone shouted, and I felt the darkness taking over me again. Oh well, I guess they couldn’t keep me alive after all. Too bad, not. I knew I was beyond saving. I was doomed before I was even aware of it. I was done for the moment my mom and dad died.

So, when the cold feeling of unconsciousness came again, I just embraced and thanked it as it took all the pain away.

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