Mia's Path

Chapter Only human


“WHAT?” I screamed at my brother through the phone. “Who the fuck is she?”

“We don’t know who she is, D. She came out of nowhere half dead already followed by a lot of wolves; I think they were rogues. We tried to contain the situation and somehow, she managed to kill four of them before we got to her. One of our soldiers even peed himself and couldn’t do anything aside from shaking. She looked like a crazy killer. Well, I guess she was one…” my brother rambled on. I was fuming now. A soldier got afraid of ONE FUCKING WOMAN? What kind of warrior was he? And she had brought an army of wolves to MY TERRITORY?

“What are you not telling me, K?” I snarled.

“She had moonsilver blades on her.” Kyle sighed.


WHAT THE FUCK? How did she manage to kill so many wolves? How did she have moonsilver blades in her possession? For Goddess’s sake. If she killed that many wolves being ‘half dead’, imagine what she could do in her full health? I had to go back. NOW. I was pacing in my room. I have never left my pack since I became alpha, and the first time I do someone shows up bringing a bunch of strange wolves and possibly starts a war. No, it was unacceptable.

“Are you listening to me, D?” Kyle huffed on the line. I was clearly not listening. I had lost myself in disbelief and thoughts.

“What, Kyle?” I growled irritated to be caught in my distraction. But could he blame me? I was far away and just received the news that my pack was unprotected. Damn it!

“I said that we searched the area, and we didn’t find anyone else. I am almost certain that she was alone. We don’t know why she was on our land or why she was already bleeding and being chased. But what really worries me is that she managed to cross our border without getting noticed. We just found her because Tom heard her coughing and smelled blood, so we followed him to the scene.”

“Wait! Are you telling me that you couldn’t smell her before she got close enough to be heard COUGHING?” I was trying my best to contain my wolf and not destroy the room I was in. How the fuck did she got in our lands undetected? Our pack is not that large but it’s big enough to have a good patrol. We should have caught her scent right away.


“Yes, Kyle?”

“There’s more.”

“What now?” I spat the words with more venom than I intended. Kyle was not the one to blame, after all. I was the one that left the pack unprotected. I was selfish and for what? For a chance to find my mate? I haven’t found her for eight years of search, so why did I think that this trip could solve this problem? Just to have my men and friends be hurt in a possible rogue attack. I mean, it wasn’t even that. It was her fault, she brought them to my pack. Fuck. Fuck me.

“She’s human.” Kyle whispered.

“Are you saying she isn’t even a wolf or another supernatural creature? She is a damn human. For the Goddess’s sake, where the hell did she come from?” I was now stunned. A human? A pathetic and weak human had killed four rabid wolves, possibly rogues. What the fuck! That was the only thing I could think of right now. What the fuck!

Now I was beyond pissed. How come that all happened on my trip?

“Well, to be honest she was damn good. Actually, she was amazing. She moved so fast and at the same time so gracefully. She knew what she was doing and exactly what she was fighting against. She knew where to hit and how to maximize damage. When I came at her I thought she would give up, she was losing too much blood already. But instead, she threw her knife and hit me in my chest. I thought she would kill me too! I guess she was already too weak, though. Also, her knives are made of moonsilver, which makes me think that she is not an oblivious human after all.”

I wasn’t listening anymore. My head was spinning with too many thoughts. How had a human managed to do that much damage? How could she be fast enough to fight that well against shifters? Why was she on my land? Did she plan that? Why was she bleeding already? How come they couldn’t smell her earlier? Or the rogues for that matter. Were there more like her? Should I prepare for ‘retaliation’ from some unknown party?

What. The. Fuck.

Without saying anything I just ended the call. Maybe she wasn’t a human after all. I know the vampires keep away from our lands, but they can hide pretty well. Witches could hide their scent, that was true. But at the same time, it didn’t make sense for a witch to be that skillful with knives, right? Druids were peaceful creatures, killing was not an option for them. Maybe she was a dark druid! Maybe she had fallen to the dark side of the druidic magic and now was thirsty for blood?

Yeah, right, Drake. I was going crazy trying to understand what had happened and who the fuck was that woman. I couldn’t contain Silver, my wolf, anymore and frankly I didn’t want to. I needed to clear my head and try to calm down. So, I got out of the house and shifted. I needed to run and maybe kill something.

I ran as fast as my muscles let me. I could hear the thunder and smell the rain. A big storm was coming, and it was coming fast. That soured my plans. I knew that flying would not be an option anymore. Maybe I could rent a car? The next town was far, but I could make it in maybe one hour running. I doubted that there would be a rental car service open at this time. Fuck.

It wasn’t long till I started feeling the cold drops on my fur. I admit I kind of liked it. At least something cold would help with the fire of rage covering my body. Right now, my options were very much limited. I couldn’t leave this damn pack. I was stuck here for another night at least. No! Fuck the storm! Fuck the distance! I would run back to my pack if I needed to.

I suddenly stopped in my tracks and the force of it made me stumble, almost falling on own my face. WHAT THE FUCK! She IS human? Not a “she WAS human”. Did Kyle say it wrong, or did he do a stupid thing? Goddess, it was latter, and I just knew it. Damn it, Kyle! Why are you so stupid sometimes?!

Now there wasn’t a single thing left to do other than run back to my pack. If she was as good as he told me, she would kill the pack when she wakes up. Fuck, Kyle!

I loved my brother very much and he was a very good beta, but he was also very stupid sometimes. He was not only putting himself in danger, but all the pack. Why had he opted to help the human instead of killing her when he had the chance? If she had caused the problems he reported to me, then killing her was just protocol. Of course, I wasn’t that lucky about having a beta and brother that would think rationally.

Knowing Kyle, he felt pity. It wouldn’t be the first time he did something on impulse, and I was sure it wouldn’t be last. I just needed to get to Blue Moon fast and resolve this situation.

My own way.

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