Merciless Punks: Enemies to Lovers romance (Dolls and douchebags Book 3)

Chapter 11

My hands ache. They feel stiff and tight in spots from wringing them in my lap on the ride over. Logan let me have my peace and his comfortable silence helped knowing that he was right next to me. I’m about to open the flood gates and there’s no going back from that. I don’t even know if I’m ready but no more.

No more secrets. No more lies. No more running.

It’s time to clear everything off my chest and tell my story. Hopefully they won’t look at me differently or tell me to pack my bags once they know everything about me.

I’m damaged goods, I’ll always have a piece of something missing inside me from all the shit life has taken from me. You can’t replace what was taken from me, no matter how much you wish you could.

Logan cuts the engine as we pull into a paved parking lot and breaks the silence when neither of us says anything. “Whatever happens, just know that you’re one of us now. We all have to prove ourselves in blood and I think you’ve done enough of that. You won’t bleed anymore, baby girl. I’ll kill anyone who tries, except Tey.”

“I’ve been bleeding for a long time, Lo. That’s sweet of you but I can handle myself. Let’s just see how you feel after I tell you everything.” My voice is low and raspy, my throat already closing tight.

I quickly climb out of the car, taking a deep breath while turning my face up to the sun. Why is it only when I’m outside, feeling my skin heat and a light breeze caressing my face, that I feel somewhat free?

“Peaches. Come here for a second.” Tey’s throaty voice practically purrs, a dark seduction I’m not immune to.

I glance around and find him a few cars behind, climbing out of Nicky’s car with a satisfied smirk. That smirk of his is dangerous. You can’t tell if he plans on killing you, cutting up your body into little pieces, and tossing them into the ocean to feed the fishes. Or… if he plans on doing dirty, depraved filthy things to your body that has you coming back for more. It really could go either way when he smiles like that.

I’m hoping for the second option as I walk over to his side and he wraps his arm around my shoulders while staring down at me. I could drown in his eyes, so blue that it’s like staring into the clearest part of the sea. But I won’t forget that water is infested with sharks and I’ve caught the eye of the deadliest one.

“Yes?” I bite my lip, inching closer the longer he stares down at me with his head tilted.

I. Am. Drowning.

“Open up for me,” he whispers in a throaty, dark voice and I obey without thinking as he places his fingers into my mouth while holding my gaze.

The first taste surprises me but I’m not unfamiliar with the coppery flavor of blood as my lips close around his index and middle digits. The salty, smooth texture that joins the first has my eyes fluttering closed as I moan around his fingers. I grab his wrist when he starts to pull away and swirl my tongue around him until there’s nothing left to clean off of him. My eyes snap open when I hear a muttered curse in Japanese and glance out of the corner of my eye to see Nicky leaning over the hood of his car with his arms crossed. His gaze latches onto my mouth and I suddenly feel like I have two predators within reaching distance that are dying to take a bite out of me. I slowly back away from Tey, wiping off the remaining flavor spread over my top lip with my thumb and lick the rest off with a small moan of bliss.

“You like that Peaches?” Tey questions as his fingers slide through my hair on the back of my nape.

A shiver cascades down my spine as I lean back into his touch, seeking more. It takes a great effort to keep my eyes open as he continues to play with my hair. The fucker knows it’s every girl’s weakness. I will say it’s pretty comfortable and relaxing that it distracts my mind from what’s to come.

“Delicious.” My voice comes out raspy and deeper than normal.

How do they do that? Flip the switch in me from being freaked out, anxiety riding me high, to making me feel needy with damp panties?

“Hear that, Nicky? She likes the taste of us both mixed together.” He winks at me and starts to steer me towards the door of the club. “He made such a sticky mess in the car and I knew you would help with that pretty mouth of yours. I love seeing my blood smeared across these pouty lips.”

Before I can respond, my head is being turned by fingers grasping my jaw. Nicky’s lips descend on mine in a rush that makes me dizzy. A good kind of dizziness that has your world spinning and you can only focus on one thing until everything just stops.

Hungry. Demanding. Feral.

That’s how I would explain Nicky’s lips devouring mine. Almost punishing but he takes his time moving his lips against mine, like he’s sucking my soul out with each glide of his tongue sweeping into my mouth.

Just as quickly as it came, he stops just as fast and walks away like he didn’t just rock my world with the heat of his sculpted lips.

“Sweetheart, I need you to do me a favor.” Tey squeezes my shoulders and steers me through the club door. “I need you to prepare that sweet pussy for us because when the time comes we are going to stretch you so wide… at the same time.”

My mouth goes dry. That sounds painful but my imagination is running wild and I like the thought of feeling both of them moving inside me, stretching me past my limit until it hurts. It’s sick but I need to feel the pain to the point that my eyes water. I never wanted it before but since meeting the guys I know I’ll be closer to heaven than I’ve ever been, my body dripping with pleasure. Needing the space, I step away from Tey as the door slams shut behind us and I take that moment to glance around Diablo.

Dalton lets out a low whistle and heads towards the long, gleaming, black bar across the dance floor. Suddenly bright lights flicker on from crystals hanging from the ceiling like curtains. My jaw practically drops open at how classy and sophisticated Dom’s club is. I was kind of expecting a hole in the wall by the appearance from outside. The inside has three levels when I glance up, with red velvet couches on each level, and balconies looking down on the glowing dance floor.

“I didn’t know you owned Diablo.” Logan leans on the bar next to Dalton, his honey eyes tracking Dom as he goes behind the bar.

“I know you didn’t. The great Logan Russo wouldn’t dare set foot in my club if he would have known. I’ve watched you on my cameras a few times.” Dom raises a brow at Lo as if he’s daring him to start talking shit and sends a wink at me as he lines up shot glasses while pulling out a bottle of tequila.

“Little bitch, come over here and take a shot with us.” Dalton grabs the loops of my jeans and pulls me under his arm while Dom holds out a glass to me.

The guys follow my example as Dom pours each of them a shot like a pro. Tey hops onto the counter as I raise my glass to my mouth and pulls his knife out to twirl between his fingers without reaching for a drink. He notices me staring and answers my unspoken question with a shrug.

“Been through too many foster homes with alcoholics.” He watches me as I start to put the glass down and reaches around Nicky to place his fingers under my shot, making me throw it back in one swallow.

My throat fucking burns but I grew up on this shit around the compound and it goes down smoothly.

“Remind me to never challenge you in a drinking game,” Dalton mutters in awe as he watches me, his voice gravelly as he slams his own shot glass down.

“Burns like a bitch but keeps the demons away.” Dom salutes us and tosses his back like it’s water.

“I’ve been drinking since I was twelve years old. You have to get tolerance starting at a young age when you live with a bunch of criminals.” I laugh hollowly, sliding my glass to Dom for another.

The guys stay quiet, watching me shoot back two more shots before Dom nods his head for us to follow him. He starts climbing the stairs and Tey scoops me up, surprising me as he sprints up the steps after Dom.

We walk into a big office that overlooks the club down below with floor-to-ceiling, tinted windows. Tey spots the long sectional and sits down with me in his lap, turning me so I can lean my back against his chest. Dom walks towards his desk and leans back in his chair, watching me with his dark gaze that sees everything. Logan shuts the door and crosses his arms as he glances around, stopping on Dom with a glare, almost like he can’t help himself. Nicky sits on one side of Tey, crossing his ankle over his leg as Dalton sits on the other side of me on the couch and kicks his boots up onto the coffee table.

“Right. Okay. We are doing this,” I say, a warm buzz spreading through my body from the alcohol and making me sink further against Tey’s.

“How about you start with why the hell you were dancing naked for other men?” Logan asks in a tight voice, his chest expanding as he takes a deep breath like he’s trying to calm himself.

“I wasn’t naked completely. I just wanted… No, that’s not it. I needed to dance. You won’t understand.” I look away from Logan, glancing at the windows just as music starts thumping downstairs and strobe lights flash from each corner of the club.

“Then make us understand, Angel.” Tey squeezes me around my waist, his voice quiet like he’s almost scared that I’m going to shut down.

I just might.

“You guys understand what it’s like growing up around powerful men. Men that get off on power and aren’t afraid to use that against their own sons. But you don’t know what it’s like being a girl in a man’s world.” My throat goes dry and I avoid their gazes until Nicky speaks up next to me.

“I know more than you think. My father treats my sister like she is dysfunctional, a waste of space. Don’t think the masks we wear every day mean we don’t have our own battles going on behind closed doors. You know what Jin deals with in the human flesh trade.” Nicky lets me in, and when I finally have the courage to glance over at him, I see past the sharp edges of his beautiful face. Everything is raw, bared out in the open for me to see. His mask of cool indifference is gone, but only for enough time for me to see how much hurt and fury he’s hiding before his eyes harden, shutting me out once again. He hates this life too.

“I think I’m just starting to get that,” I tell him, reaching over to slide my index finger down his smooth jawline.

“Tillie… I need you to tell me why. My every waking moment is filled with you and the dreams I have of you in the kitchen with Payne. Everything he said… was it true?” Dalton stares down at the club as it starts to fill up and his reflection in the mirror is one of rage, as if all his muscles are made of marble.

“Yes. I–I don’t want you to look at me like I’m weak or pity me. This is my life and I’ve lived it every day, still waking up and getting out of bed. If you can’t handle my past and what’s happened, say it now.” I clench my fists in my lap, hating the thought of anyone looking at me like I need to be sheltered, locked away because I’ve seen too much bad to last a lifetime.

“The moment I saw the fire spark in your eyes, standing up to Logan without a hint of fear… I knew I’d have to make you my Queen. Not someone to stand behind me, head bowed, but a woman that bathes in the blood of her enemies with a smile while standing by my side. That’s you, mama.” Dom stares at me with admiration in his gaze, his words hitting me deeply.

That’s how he really sees me.


Capable of killing anyone who hurts me.

I think I sink further into the trap Dom lured me into like a spider does for its prey at his words. I’m not trying to escape though. I want to stay tangled up in his webs.

“Smooth, you fucker,” Dalton deadpans but a smirk plays on his lips.

Maybe I can bring all these guys together… I could be the glue and finally have a real family.

“You know what you look like to us, Tillie?” Logan actually uses my name, telling me he wants my attention.

“What?” I try to hide the shakiness in my voice, meeting his gaze head-on.

Whatever he says, I can take it.


That simple word. One small fucking word has my bottom lip trembling until I bite it to stop the sob that wants to climb up my throat.

“None of that. It’s too tempting.” Nicky releases my lip with his thumb while Tey places his head on my shoulder with a content sigh.

I’m surrounded by men that are dark, scary, and can snap a man’s neck without a second thought but fuck if they can’t make me melt with just a few words and looks.

They shake me right to my very core. I’ll take every harsh word, kneel under a command but when I stand back up… I’m really treated like a queen.

I meet Dom’s gaze, so knowing and dark. He gives me a small nod, telling me with the gesture that it’s going to be okay.

“The day Rig disappeared was like losing a piece of myself and I didn’t know how much of that was true until today. I think I always knew deep down… He protected me from the world as much as he could in our situation. Turns out he’s actually my dad.” I laugh at that last part, a tear dripping down my cheek until I quickly wipe it away.

“Diana?” Logan states, not looking away as I nod my head to confirm his suspicion. “Say the word, baby girl, and she disappears.”

“No. I–I can’t blame her for wanting to get away from the club, starting over. I can wish for different things, a relationship with her but I just can’t. I wouldn’t wish the life I’ve lived on my worst enemy.” I take a deep breath, looking down as Nicky places his hand over my clenched fists.

“I’ll keep looking for him, Tillie. We will get answers to where Rig disappeared to,” Nicky promises and I believe him. He won’t stop until he gets all the information.

It’s just the kind of guy he is, knowledge is power for him. It’s who he is and how he works, digging up all the secrets of others.

“I’m scared of where that’s going to lead me. It’s all going to come back to the one person I can never run from,” I admit to myself, knowing in my gut that the person who stars in my nightmares had something to do with Rig leaving.

“Who?” Dom asks calmly but the small twitch of his left eye gives him away… he’s boiling under that thick skin of his.

“He’s a member of the Demon Jokers. I’ve been his obsession since the moment Payne took him under his wing. I just didn’t see how much of a psychopath he was until it was too late.” I feel my chest tighten, realizing this is it, and I’m not backing down from sharing my secrets.

The guys don’t move or speak, probably seeing I need a second to gather myself. I take a deep breath before speaking once more. No more hiding.

“The day I turned sixteen Payne tortured me in the basement of the club. It wasn’t anything new. Looking back on it, Rig really was protecting me but I think Payne finally realized I was never his kid. The moment Rig wasn’t around, Payne started teaching me a lesson on obedience. Those were times that I wished I could run away. Every hit, every time he cut me… It wasn’t until he called the club members into the room that I screamed for death. Each male in that room watched me grow up and they were the ones that took my last bit of innocence away.” My voice comes out empty, numb as I gaze at the guys but not really seeing them.

I hear ragged breathing and look at Dalton across the office to see his chest heaving like he just ran a marathon. His eyes are red as they water and he blinks harshly, shaking his head rapidly while rubbing at his chest.

“I was raped on the cold floor in the basement by each club member of Payne’s inner circle. They also saved the worst of them for last.” I sink further into Tey’s rigid body, almost wanting to crawl in his skin and hide while feeling suddenly so tired.

“The scars?” Logan rasps out, pushing away from the door and falling to his knees by my feet as his hand hovers over the jagged lines on my flesh, the raised bumps each telling a story of my suffering.

“Those were all part of Payne’s torture sessions.” I feel the initial on my shoulder like a burn, asking for attention.

“What’s this mean?” Tey asks, tracing the bump of the letter C through my shirt.

“A reminder,” I say, holding on tight to Nicky’s hand and drawing courage from him when he squeezes back.

“For what?” Dom suddenly stands up, his chair knocking over as he leans his hands across the desk.

“Ownership.” I inhale sharply as Tey tightens his grip around my waist, almost to the point of pain and Dalton lets out an outraged shout.

I watch as he paces like a wild animal before punching the glass window. His knuckles split open and leave smears of blood behind on the glass.

“Let me up,” I choke out, tapping Tey’s forearm and slowly climbing to my feet as he reluctantly lets me go while I step around Logan as he stays kneeling in place without saying a word.

I walk over on quiet feet to Dalton and hesitantly place my hand on his back. His body shudders at my touch and he stops hitting the glass, dropping his head against the window with his shoulders hunched.

“I thought he was just trying to taunt me. Bound and gagged, feeling helpless. I’ll never forgive myself, Tillie, for not being able to do anything as Payne touched you,” Dalton whispers, almost like he’s confessing his sins to a priest.

“There isn’t anything to forgive. I lived through it and am still standing.” I’ve never spoken truer words, I’m a survivor.

“We need a name, baby girl.” Logan’s voice drifts over to me, so much anger in the quiet way he demands.

“It doesn’t matter anymore.” I shake my head and jump as I’m suddenly spun around by my arms, looking up at a very pissed off Logan.

I didn’t even hear him move.

“Doesn’t matter?” he questions, his eyes flickering back and forth between mine, as if he’s looking for something.

“I was raped, Logan. I’m already damaged. There’s nothing you can do about it.” I shrug under his tight hold and watch as he looks over his shoulder with a nod.

“On your knees.” Logan’s voice changes, going deeper with a sharp command.

“Wh–what?” I stutter, not knowing what game he is playing.

“You heard him.” Tey appears at his side, twirling his knife between his fingers.

I glance over my shoulder up at Dalton, expecting him to stick up for me but all I get is a blank expression in return.

“Don’t make him repeat himself, Tillie. You won’t like the outcome,” Nicky casually says, sliding into place by Logan’s other side.

The day in the garage comes back to me, it’s where I knew I’d never have the physical strength to fight them back. I still have my sanity and my own mind at least. I thought Dom would step in at some point to stop this but when I glance over at him he’s back in his chair and watching like a king on his throne.

Seeing every single one of them dead serious I slowly sink to my knees while glaring with my head tilted all the way back so I can see them as they circle around me like kings standing over their subjects.

Fingers glide along my nape before sinking into my hair and sliding up while pulling until my head is bent back.

“What do you feel at this very moment?’ Nicky asks as he strokes a finger down my cheek, caressing my jaw until his thumb stops at the indent of the middle of my lips.

What do I feel right this second?



… Alive.

I don’t want to think of the past, living in it constantly, of what I had to go through to survive. I want this moment, right now, with desire coursing through me, making me feel light-headed and knowing only these five, cruel men can make my heart race at a wild speed that’s almost unhealthy.

‘Everything,’ I reply back, feeling the plush carpet cushioning my knees and my chest expanding with each deep breath.

‘Do you know what I see from this height?’ Tey leans down, his hand snapping forward and closing around my throat with the right amount of pressure to make me feel like I’m floating but grounded at the same time.

‘Power,’ Dalton answers for him, the hand in my hair pulling harder, making my eyes practically roll to the back of my head with intense pleasure.

‘You see, Tillie, it’s not those who force someone onto their knees with all the power. It’s the person who kneels down, plots their deaths, and still rise to keep fighting. You have us wrapped around your fingers and don’t even realize it.’ Logan’s voice is soft yet deep, holding my attention so that every word out of his beautiful mouth holds my absolute attention.

‘The question is, mama, do you want this? What you see is what you get.’ Dom’s Hispanic accent seeps through his words, soaking into my skin like a warm bath.

Blinking once, I gaze at the men surrounding me, dominating and turning me into a submissive that I would happily do anything for them. I thought I would always despise letting a man control me. But here I am. On my knees, begging practically for their touch. I’m beginning to realize the difference between ownership Cruz demanded without leaving me a choice. I want to be there, I want to be their property. Treat me like a woman, make me beg in the bedroom, and take care of me after. I was treated like an outsider in the beginning, the first moment I met Logan he mistrusted me but eventually saw the real me, past all the scars and tattoos. These guys cracked me wide up and have slowly been picking up the pieces to right a wrong they caused. I’m going to keep them, that’s my decision.

My property.

“Yes,” I answer in a breathy tone.

Tey adds more pressure on my throat before leaning forward to place his nose against my neck, inhaling loudly and letting out a moan. Dalton pets my hair, stroking his fingers through the curls and making me purr. Feels so fucking good. Nicky presses his thumb harder against my lips, making me realize he’s been feeling my lips for any lies that might slip through and finds them lacking.

I’m a hundred percent in, there isn’t any turning back.

“Good girl. Say it,” Logan suddenly demands in a voice like dark chocolate, staring down at my upturned face with a raised eyebrow.

“Your slut,” I rasp, leaning into their touches, almost desperate for attention.

I can feel how pleased the guys are, the room tense with our pent-up desire and it’s about to snap any second. I need this, it’s a better feeling than dancing. I’d rather be trapped in their grasp, saturated in pleasure, and be protected in strong arms that won’t let anything harm me.

Maybe I’ve always been cut out for this life.

If they’re the bad guys then I’ll just have to become very, very bad in return.

“My Queen,” Dom practically purrs with that slight accent of his, causing goosebumps to cover every inch of my skin.

“My old lady.” Dalton grips my hair and tugs on the curls, bringing my head flush against his strong thighs.

“My beautiful, psycho killer.” I would laugh at Tey for the cute nickname but his voice sounds affectionate and happy while slightly unhinged.

Wouldn’t have him any other way.

“Ours.” Nicky, so quiet but his voice so deep that it vibrates in my ear with the truth.

This is it. Honest and open finally between each other. I’m not looked at with disgust but desire so hot that anyone looking at us would be caught on fire.

“I’m yours, my body and soul, and you’re all mine.” Heat curls in my stomach at the tension thick in the air, and a small shudder runs through my body that I can almost taste their dark desires.

“You trust us?” Nicky asks, undoing his tie around his neck while never looking away from me.

“Not one bit,” I say cheekily, feeling light and fucking free.

“That’s our girl.” Logan reaches for my hand and puts it over the hard length straining his pants, squeezing his fist around our clasped fingers until I can feel every single hard inch of his cock. “No one else can do this for me. Have me coming back for more, needing their touch so badly that I feel like I’m going crazy. I need you, Tillie.”

I swear he just cracked my chest wide open and pulled my pulsing heart out into the palm of his hands.

“Real smooth, Romeo. Who knew you were a fucking poet?” Tey says to Logan before gazing back at me with a smirk, his tongue licking over his bottom lip as he stares at me. “No peeking, Peaches. Let us worship you.”

I should be scared but fuck if my pussy doesn’t flutter at his words.

The silk tie Nicky untied from his neck is placed over my eyes, blocking my view. Everything is heightened now. All I can hear is my own breathing, and my skin tingles with awareness. A hand slides down my arm, making me jump at the contact.

“So sensitive,” Nicky whispers, the heat of his words against my earlobe before he moves away.

I’m suddenly lifted into strong arms, cradled in a hold with one hand palming my ass and the other under my shoulders. My lips twitch knowing that Dalton is carrying me. No one has big biceps like him, I could cuddle into those bad boys forever.

He places me on my feet, not saying anything as he steps away so quietly I can’t place where he went. A pair of smooth, plump lips glide over the pounding pulse of my neck, making me tilt my head back on a moan. Open-mouthed kisses are placed on the other side of my neck and I have to reach out to hold onto the edge of the desk as my ass makes contact with the surface of the hardwood as my knees wobble.

My lips part, moans spilling out as I feel every little touch. My nipples pebble almost painfully as a big hand grips my left breast, massaging me and pinching my nipples into hard pebbles. I let out a whimper and bite my bottom lip, trying to hold in the needy sound.

“Don’t hold back those beautiful noises. Shirt off, baby girl,” Logan growls out in front of me and I lift my arms up as my shirt is pulled over my head.

Just when I’m about to lower my arms back down, I’m stopped when one of them wraps around both of my wrists in one palm from behind as calloused hands return to my breasts gripping and tugging at my sensitive nipples.

“Lower her over my desk,” Dom’s sexy voice is thick with lust and deep, the grip on my wrist squeezing lightly.

“Don’t fucking order me around,” Logan grinds out as I’m lifted into the air again and placed in the middle of Dom’s desk.

There’s a gentle tug on my wrist and I lower back until my whole upper body is draped over his desk and I’m on display.

“Fuck you too, Russo,” Dom replies back in rapid Spanish and I can’t help the grin that comes over my face at the light banter between them.

They sound like two kids fighting over a toy.

“You find something funny, baby girl?” Logan asks with a smile in his voice.

My grin melts off my lips as the mouths that followed me down on the desk move away and the hand switching back and forth between my breasts is missing too. I’m full-on frowning now, the bliss I was feeling being taken away too suddenly has my body feeling like a hot fuse about to explode.

“What happened to being worshiped?” I sass back and take a deep breath to calm my racing heart.

“Damn. That mouth is sure to get you into trouble, Killer,” Tey mutters with a chuckle.

“Maybe I want to get into trouble.” I’m trying really hard to not pout, needing someone to fucking touch me already.

My pussy is dripping wet, soaking through my panties and I’m dying to be claimed.

“How about we give these luscious lips something else to do besides being a mouthy brat?” Dalton suggests, his voice gravelly and hot.

Oh fuck.

“Lift your ass for me,” Nicky’s tone is deliciously authoritative and dark, It’s always the quiet ones that like ass play.

My breathing is too loud but I swear every time they speak… I feel their voices travel straight to my pussy and it makes me shiver in desire. I follow his directions as his fingers flick my jeans open and drag them slowly down my legs. I’m scooted back on the desk until my head is leaning over the edge, making me slightly dizzy as the blood rushes to my head.

“I look at you and still can’t believe you’re real. Absolutely perfect.” Dom’s Spanish is flawless and beautiful coming from his mouth.

I feel like a flower blooming under his words, spreading my legs under their watchful gazes. I want to be devoured by them.

Fingers slide up my outer thighs and grasp my panties, taking their time dragging them down my legs. I can feel my juices coat my inner thighs and slide down until it’s leaving a puddle under me on Dom’s desk.

No one says a word but the sudden trails of lips on my thighs have my back arching and me panting when I realize I have two mouths trailing up my legs on both sides, heading right for my greedy pussy. My bound hands are freed as I shift around and I lower them from above my head until two sets of hands pin my hands flat down on either side of the desk so I can’t move.

“Try not to move, mama, open wide and relax your throat,” Dom warns before the velvety head of his cock glides across my bottom lip and I open my mouth without hesitation.

I’ve never been a fan of sucking off a guy but these guys make me feel like I’m dying, starving for their cum to coat my throat.

The angle is different. For some reason I can feel him more, his cock taking up my whole mouth and stretching my jaw until it aches. He slides down my throat, massaging my exposed neck with his fingers and feeling his cock block my airway. He can probably see his cock slipping down, moving in and out at an unhurried pace.

“That’s a good fucking girl,” Dom praises me with a growl, holding still as I breathe through my nose at the upside down angle.

Saliva and tears run down my cheeks as I gag around him, my hands flexing to grasp something as I breathe through my nose. A bite on my left inner thigh causes me to jerk at the sting before he lathers his tongue smoothly over the throbbing pain as if to take away the pain. I can’t stop moving restlessly as the mouth on my right thigh licks past the spot I need him the most and he continues to leave nipping bites on my hip bone with a dark chuckle. The cold, metal ball on his tongue tells me it’s Tey teasing me, and the only other man who has enough self-control to torture me until I’m ready to combust has to be Nicky.

Both men on either side of my thighs hold me wide open, leaving open-mouth kisses and their hot breath hovering right over my dripping hole. I double my efforts on sucking Dom deeper, humming in pleasure as he groans and clasps his fingers around my neck to feel him moving inside. Fingers lightly part my lower lips, and I can feel them staring at my pussy, seeing the dripping mess pooling, how on edge I am to feel their tongues right on my clit.

“Shame I didn’t save your cum to shove up in this pretty, pink pussy,” Tey mumbles, sounding distracted but I couldn’t focus even if I tried.

Both tongues attack my pussy at the same time, lapping like starving men on a mission to destroy me. I’m a sloppy mess, hearing the wet slurping that goes in perfect sync each time I choke on Dom. My head pounds, limbs shaking but I don’t ask them to stop.

I can feel Tey and Nicky sliding the flat of their tongues on either side of my pussy lips, heading towards my entrance with long, teasing strokes. My mind runs wild. I can picture them clearly, mouths moving together, touching. The thought of them making out, eating my pussy at the same time heightens my pleasure that my legs start to shake violently.

“Someone likes that. Keep doing that. She’s going to come.” Dalton’s husky voice sounds from my right, and I’m unbelievably sopping wet knowing he’s watching my body be destroyed in the best way.

I almost feel bad about putting him on a sex ban but at this second I don’t give a shit. Lights dance behind my mask, and Dom is as deep as he can go down my throat, making it difficult to breathe. Without warning two fingers slip inside my pussy and hook right on my G-spot with a gentle rub on my walls as Tey’s tongue piercing flickers in rapid succession over my clit before sucking.

Pressure so intense balls up in my stomach as colorful stars burst across my closed eyes, my whole body going taut as I start to come. I moan loudly around Dom, and he quickly slips out of my mouth just as I scream in pleasure. Wetness gushes from between my legs and gathers under me on the desk, making it slippery as I tremble in place.

“Fucking hell. I love it when she squirts,” Tey groans out before lapping at the juices still leaking out of my pussy, and humming in pleasure as I fill his mouth.

“You’re perfect, mama,” Dom pants from above me, massaging my neck and shoulders as he no doubt watches the show.

The feeling of teeth piercing my inner thigh hard enough that I can feel blood gliding towards my hip bone causes me to whimper just as he licks the spot tenderly. I know Nicky probably left another scar on my leg but I’m not mad about it. I’m surprised it wasn’t Tey with his obsession with blood, then again he said he’ll wait until I’m bleeding… the kinky fucker. My periods are so irregular from my birth control that it might be a while before he gets his wish.

The silk tie unwinds and is pulled off, leaving me blinking rapidly up at Dom’s dark eyes staring down at me with admiration. Arms wrapping around under my ass and pulling me closer to the desk edge has me looking down my body to see Logan standing between my spread legs with a glare aimed at Dom.

“I’m not sharing her with you at the same time. You can just fuck off.” Logan’s eyes narrow, the light honey color darkening with his anger as he has a stare off with Dom.

“Over my dead body. Homie, you’re in my territory. So how about you fuck off?” Dom replies back, pissed off.

I hold my breath, hating that there’s this gap of hatred between them that stems back to their childhood of violence that they had nothing to do with but that’s not going to change overnight. It’s actually a miracle one of them hasn’t pulled a gun on the other yet.

Faster than I can blink, Dom is pointing a Glock at Logan. Well, there goes that thought. Everyone tenses and the air changes with static electricity just before a storm hits. I’m not letting this one good thing in my life slip through my fingers. I’ll go to the extreme to make sure they don’t murder each other.

I eye both of them, noticing not one of them is glancing at me except Tey who is sinking back into the couch with a smirk before winking at me. Dalton and Nicky follow Tey’s example, joining him to watch the shitshow unfold. Guess it’s in my hands to fix this.

I shoot up quickly into a sitting position and grasp Logan’s thick cock to shut him up while I’m getting off on the control I have over him.

“I’ll fucking kill you before you can pull that trigge—” I cut off any reply he was about to say to Dom as I line him up with my pussy and before he can stop me, I inch his big, thick cock inside me.

A sigh of bliss escapes my parted lips as I sink onto him with a roll of my hips. I love how he can’t contain his groan of pleasure, his big hands grasping my hips. I lay flat on my back as he pumps into me, arching my back while reaching behind me for Dom’s wrist. He lets me guide his hand, watching Logan’s cock sliding in and out of me as if mesmerized. I point his gun towards my head at my temple and shift until my head is hanging over the edge of the desk again.

Swirling my tongue around Dom’s cock, he inches back and stares at me as if he’s trying to figure me out. The click of the safety coming off his gun makes my heart race but it doesn’t stop the words spilling out of my mouth.

“More. Please,” I beg, wrapping my legs around Logan’s hips until I’m pressing the heels of my feet against his lower back to urge him to go faster.

Dom watches with that predatory gaze of his, not missing a thing and he lovingly strokes the edge of his gun down my face as my vision becomes fuzzy with the feeling of pleasure running through my veins. I reach for him, grabbing the front of his pants with a whimper of need and letting out a sigh as he steps forward without denying me what I crave. My mouth stretches, already aching around his girth but that doesn’t stop me from sliding my tongue down his cock as I swallow him to the back of my throat.

“Someone just kill me, please. This is the worst torture, my balls are so blue.” Dalton moans like he’s dying, making me feel bad but this is about me for once.

My chest heaves, feeling like the life is being choked out of me by Dom’s cock as I gag around him before remembering to breathe through my nose. Logan grasps my hips, lifting until my ass is off the desk and back arched. The new angle makes my pussy clench tighter around him, fluttering as an orgasm comes closer and closer. I just need a push to fall over straight into euphoria.

“You need more don’t you, baby girl?” Logan states, his voice threatening. “Time for your punishment.”

I can’t respond, but hum around Dom as he roughly fucks my mouth, picking up speed. But I for sure feel the punishment Logan decides to use on me as he wraps an arm behind my lower back and rubs his other hand over my aching pussy, squeezing the flesh between his fingers before his touch disappears. The first slap has me whimpering, surprised that he literally just smacked my pussy, right over my clit.

“Oh fuck yeah. Punish her!” Tey cheers him on by the couch, clapping as Logan slaps me again and again.

I could tell myself that I don’t like what he’s doing, how it hurts, but my body would betray my lies. His cock slides in and out faster, matching Dom’s rough pace to my mouth and there’s no mistaking the wet sounds coming from me how much I love this. Gagging, drool slipping from my mouth, and the wet smack Logan lands on my pussy each time echoes around the room.

Dom wraps his fingers under my jaw, pulling my head farther back and completely cutting off my oxygen. His gun digs into the side of my head harder, making it more real that a loaded gun is pointing right at me. It could go off any second.

That thought and Logan sending one more hard smack over my clit with the flat of his palm has my body convulsing on the table. The orgasm destroys me. I gasp for air, feeling like I’m faint but also floating in ecstasy. My hips can’t stop jerking in his grasp as he pulls out of me to watch me squirt again before he’s ramming back inside my pussy once more. I vaguely hear him as I float down from that intense orgasm. He lets out a sharp hiss between his teeth as rope after rope of cum coats my insides.

“Swallow it all down, mama,” Dom grunts out, warning me just as he slides into the back of my throat one more time.

I can feel his cock pulse on my tongue, his salty, musky cum shooting down my throat until I swallow every last drop greedily. He pulls out of my mouth, his chest heaving as he helps me sit up. My jaw and shoulder hurt from the rough angle of hanging upside down, and an ache pulses with my heartbeat on my pussy where I can see how red it is from Logan smacking me.

“Dance half naked in front of men who are not us again, and your punishment will be much worse,” Logan says darkly as he gently moves my sweaty hair off my forehead as I sit there panting for breath.

“Maybe… Maybe I should piss you off more, dearest stepbrother,” I rasp out, my throat sore but in a good way.

“I’m sure I’ll have plenty of time in the near future to schedule you in for another punishment, spoiled stepsister,” Logan teases, a dimple forming in his cheek that hardly ever makes an appearance but makes me melt all the same.

I love it when he smiles. He looks more carefree and not like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.

“Don’t worry. I still have to deliver my punishment,” Nicky says quietly and I turn my head towards him, gulping as I see the dark promise in his glittering, dark green eyes.

“We need a name, Tillie,” Dom mutters from behind me, pulling my arms up as he slips my shirt over my head before placing a sweet kiss on my temple where he held his gun.

“Cruz.” I heave a breath, feeling a weight settle in my stomach as I push Logan back a step, and grab my pants off the floor once I slip off the desk on wobbly legs.

Cum leaks down my thighs, soaking into my skin and it takes everything inside of me to not spread it on my body to drive the guys nuts. I focus on the sticky mess coating me instead of looking into anyone’s eyes. I pull my pants up, stalling as the zipper echoes in the room, and almost jump out of my skin when a finger gently lifts my head by the jaw.

“He’s a dead man. I swear he won’t ever hurt you again.” Tey stares down into my face, murder blazing in his gaze as he makes me fall harder for him with just that promise alone.

“Let’s go get some more tequila, get a little drunk, and regret it in the morning just before we have to head to school.” Dalton grabs my hand, lifting it to kiss my palm with a slight smile curling his lips.

I really read him wrong the first time we met. The rough biker with a teacher sucking him off was all for show. So hard around the edges but deep inside he’s just a gentle giant looking for cuddles and of course pussy but still.

“I’m not ready to go back to the house yet so let’s go get our drunk on.” I meet Logan’s gaze as his fingers slide lovingly through my hair, untangling the wild, sex strands, nodding his head in agreement.

You know what? Fuck Diana and Franco. Everyone else can go to hell too. It’s just me and my guys against the world.

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