Merciless Punks: Enemies to Lovers romance (Dolls and douchebags Book 3)

Chapter 10

Tillie is fucking lucky that I’m a man who can control his anger and has the patience of a saint.

“Are you listening to me, son? As my heir, I expect better from you.” Jin guzzles his bottle of water and hands it off to one of his minions while tightening his Do-Ji uniform before standing in the middle of the mat.

I grind my teeth, breathing hard as I receive a text from Logan that Tillie is not at the house. I’ll deal with it in a second. I throw my phone to the corner of the mat without a second look and approach my father in the middle of the black mat with the dragon symbol of the triad. I stand perfectly straight, waiting for him to begin and try to not worry about Tillie pulling a disappearing act.

I can’t show emotions in front of my father. He likes to destroy anything that holds my interest. I learned at a young age to never show what I’m thinking. Keeping a neutral facial expression hides all my secrets.

The faster I can kick his ass, the faster I can get out of here to go give Tillie a spanking. She’s just begging for it.

God. She really does test my patience but holding back makes it all worth it in the end. Gratification is key.

“I hear you, Sir.” I bow in respect as he does the same back but respect is the last thing I have for this monster.

One of his minions standing off the mat yells out fight in Japanese and I form my body into a relaxed state while making sure my muscles are ready to move. The fight stance requires my feet spread with one foot forward and my elbows bent while my fingers are perfectly straight. Jin yells, striking out fast with his left foot. His hit almost connects with my temple but I duck fast enough that he misses. Swinging my right hand out, the side of my palm connects with the side of his body, right against his ribs.

Jin lets out a whoosh of breath and bounces back on his feet, his eyes narrowed on me with concentration as we circle each other. We go back and forth, moving forward as we try to take down one another. Jabs and kicks continue until sweat is coating my chest but I can’t show that I’m getting tired. I sweep my foot out, bending down low, and aim to hook it around his ankle to bring him down. Jin’s body hits the mat with a thud before he moves quickly out of the way as I try to slam the side of my foot across his neck. He rolls across the mat and ends in a crouch with a smile.

“What have I taught you, Nicholas?” Jin taunts and charges at me, faking a left, high kick but he swings his fist at the same time to connect with my stomach.

A breath leaves my chest with a grunt and I don’t have time to duck out of the way as his other fist connects with my cheek, grazing on the corner of my lips. Down on my knees, Jin stands over me as I pant and stare at his feet without looking up at him.

He grabs my hair, forcing me to glance up, and starts laughing with a shake of his head.

“No mercy, son. There is honor in our culture. We fight karate with respect but you need to learn to play dirty.” Jin makes a tsking noise in the back of his throat and shoves me in disgust as he strides off the mat.

I spit out blood, wiping my arm across my mouth and watching it come away red as it leaves a smear on the white, Do-Ji uniform. I’ve been fighting with Jin since I was a kid right on these mats. He’s been training me but he never wants me to beat him. That would make him look weak and he can’t lead the triad in my peoples’ eyes if his son can beat him. It means I’m stronger. When that day comes, he won’t stare at me like I’m a disgrace. He’ll look at me with fear when I end his life and take over the triad. I can’t wait for that day to come. Soon.

“We have precious cargo coming in two nights and an auction the following weekend. I expect you there and your little pet. She can keep my clients happy before bidding starts.” Jin turns his head to me and I smooth my face into a calm mask before he can see the rage all over my face.

“Of course, Father.” I bow to him and wait until he grunts and leaves the room.

I gnash my teeth together. He can see through my disguise, I can feel it. He knows that I have feelings for my toy. I jog over to my phone with a grimace, moving my jaw back and forth as it starts to swell.

I feel like I’m going to explode, all this pent-up energy just waiting to explode. I always have to hide my true feelings behind a blank expression. Always hiding. Keeping everything deep down inside. My app finally opens to Tillie’s location and I feel my eyes widen at the place she’s at.

My palm is twitching already and I can picture her ass jiggling from each smack of my hand.

Why the hell is she at a strip club in the seediest part of town?!

I barely remember changing or hopping in my car as I raced towards the highway strip and pulled into the parking lot of Girls, Girls, and Girls strip club. I texted the group chat and knew the guys wouldn’t be too far behind me. The moment I stride through the door, my gaze goes right to the stage. The very second I laid eyes on her, I know every fucker in here is going to die for staring at what’s ours.

Is it possible to be furious and enchanted at the same time? Like I want to shout, maybe lock her in a room, but at the same time I want to fuck her into the mattress. She has us all wrapped around her finger and doesn’t even know it. I’m not a good man, never will be. I’ve done shit that can’t be undone and I have no regrets about what I’ve had to do in life to survive the abuse of Jin.

All I want to do when she opens that sassy mouth is shove my cock down her throat again until she shuts up. I love the fire that burns in her eyes and the dark thoughts that flash across her face. The way she glares but clenches her thighs at the same time. I’m very observant and love to watch her emotions flicker from hate to need in a split-second. She’s just as messed up as we are and I like that. I want that. I want her . A woman who can hold her own and give as much as we throw at her. We don’t need a Paris who laps up attention like a fucking poodle. I want a fucking pit bull woman with a bite.

Tillie would tear me into pieces with her teeth if she really wanted to but she doesn’t. When something has been programmed into your life for so long, it’s all you know. You live and breathe it. For us, that’s pleasure and pain. It all goes hand in hand.

“Hey! I’m calling the cops!” a woman behind the bar threatens with a shotgun when she sees me taking off my jacket to throw on the bar top and notices the guns tucked into the front of my pants.

I reach over quickly and snatch it out of her hands while unloading the shot slugs with a flick of my wrist. She’s about to open her mouth until she sees the greens flipping through my hands. I shut her up by throwing a couple G’s on the bar.

“No, you’re not. Give us an hour. That girl is ours.” I nod my head towards the stage and the woman glances around with a gulp and nods her head while collecting the money. She takes one last look at Tillie before she runs towards the back room.

I roam my gaze around the club after she disappears, counting five men that I have to kill tonight but what has me raising a brow in surprise is when my eyes clash with Dom across the strip club.

He’s coming through the back exit with a damn Mk-16 rifle casually hanging from his hand as he surveys the room. His eyes meet mine at the same time and he smirks while gesturing towards the five men crowded around the stage as Tillie twirls around the pole with her eyes closed.

I tilt my head, wondering what his game is but decide it doesn’t hurt to have someone who can help get rid of bodies at the moment. I’ll repeatedly stab him in the gut if he tries anything that would cause harm to Tillie. I give a single nod to him and walk with my hands in my pants pocket as I go to stand behind a fucker looking at our girl.

Yeah. I said it. Our girl. I’m not an idiot. I see the way Dom is watching her. Clear as day, I can tell he wants her as he looks her up and down with dark eyes that burn with desire and possessiveness. Tillie didn’t seem the least bit concerned that he’s been stalking her. I know about that too because I hacked into his phone. It’s almost laughable how easy you can hack into anyone’s phone. Picture after picture of her fills his photo gallery every single day. I’m going to have to talk to Dalton about his security issue. The fuck face even has a picture of her sleeping at the club in Dalton’s bed… with him cuddled right up to her in his sleep. Not sure how he got by everyone that patrols the compound. Gotta admit, even I’m impressed. I should be pissed about this situation but for the life of me, I can’t find it in me to be. Danger seems to follow Tillie wherever she goes, so having another pair of eyes on her won’t hurt. Currently, Dom looks like he’s going to open fire round after round at the salivating men staring at all the skin she’s showing.

I get it, I really do, but her body isn’t for anyone else. Hell, I get mad when another guy breathes in the same room as her. It’s such a strange feeling she causes within me. It’s either strangle her for disobeying me or fuck her stupid until she only screams yes. Since I kind of like having her around, I’ll go with option two.

“Get out.” I keep my voice low, keeping my eyes on the stage so I don’t miss anything Tillie is doing, and pick the guy out of his seat by the collar of his shirt without glancing at him.

“Hey! Who the hell do you thin–” he stutters but shuts up when I look him in the eye and don’t say anything. “Yeah, you got it, man.” He must see the murder in my eyes for looking at what is mine and it fucking pisses me off that I even had to take my eyes off her to tell this fuckwad to get out.

I toss him aside and take his seat, kicking my feet up on the table. It gives me a view right in the center of the stage. Another man stares at me, frozen with a glass halfway to his mouth and I only have to raise a brow before he’s scattering to the exit. Dom cleared out the other section and comes to sit next to me, placing his rifle on the table while getting relaxed. Tillie hasn’t noticed the empty strip club, she seems to be in her own little world. That’s okay. I could watch her dance forever.

“Beautiful,” Dom’s voice comes out a low whisper of awe and completely ruptured, staring at Tillie as she runs her hands down the curve of her breasts to her sexy hips.

I’m not sure if he’s talking to me or himself. I can’t help but agree though.

“That rose has thorns,” I tell him without looking away as Tillie grips the pole and slowly twirls around it.

That color of red on her is alluring and incredibly sexy.

“Are you trying to warn me? I don’t see how that’s a bad thing. I don’t mind bleeding to have something so beautiful and delicate in my hands.” Dom hums in appreciation as she gets to her knees and starts crawling towards the front of the stage.

I feel my pants getting tighter, my cock straining against my zipper, and I know Tey is going to lose his mind when he gets here. I’m going to have to zip tie him up, he’ll take one look at Tillie and want to impregnate her right here and now. He won’t care that he’s pumping her full of his little swimmers in a seedy strip club. Tey… he would be content with knowing little Teys would be planting roots and Tillie would be stuck with him.

“Fuck, man. I can’t take this kind of torture,” Dalton mutters behind me with a groan and sits his ass next to me, cursing as he watches Tillie dance exotically.

I don’t bother responding. I know Logan and Tey arrive at the same time when the barely there sound of the door slamming shut is heard over the music but you can’t hear their approach. You get used to stealing, breaking and entering, killing people… you get real good at being fucking quiet when you want to be.

“Logan, please. I’m begging you,” Tey practically whimpers as Tillie crawls closer to the edge and leans back with her legs spread wide.

Her skin is smooth as caramel but riddled with scars and tattoos that I’d like to nibble on while she’s tied up to my bed and at my mercy. I can understand the desperation Tey is feeling right now. It’s like a forbidden fruit dangling in front of your face, but then again I’ve always taken what I wanted. I would spend hours between her juicy thighs, enjoying the sweet torture of wringing out orgasm after orgasm out of her. Watching her squirt all over, soaking my face until I’m drowning in her. My fingers twitch across my bottom lip, resisting the urge to bring her off the stage and dragging her across my lap until her ass is red and blistering. She happens to look up as dark, delicious thoughts cross my mind and I enjoy the way her eyes widen as she draws in a sharp breath.

It’s like I’m taking away all her oxygen and only releasing her when it suits me. I want to give her life and be able to take it away when I want to.

“Don’t stop on my account. Keep dancing.” I stare into her dark eyes that spark with pain and anger all at once.

Her emotions always cross her face like a rolling film, flicker after flicker of what she’s feeling. Easy to read and making it hard to hide secrets from me. I like uncovering secrets, ones that can hurt a person, and tie them to me until I let them free. I don’t even have to try with her, she’s an open book.

She looks hesitant, refusing to look away from me but comes to a decision when she just aims a glare at me.

“Ah. There’s that spark. Dance for us, mama,” Dom orders from across the table, leaning back with a grin as Tillie whips her gaze over to him with disbelief crossing her face.

“What the fuck?” Logan growls somewhere off to my left, probably just now noticing Dom.

I look at Logan over my shoulder with a small head shake, seeing his lips curled in a snarl like he wants to take a chunk out of Dom with his bare teeth. Can’t say I blame him. It would solve the problem of him trying to take Tillie away from us, but Dom knows things that are coming to light. The hard drive Logan gave me from Franco’s computer was disturbing to say the least and it’s getting harder and harder to decide who to trust.

“Lo, not here.” It’s the only thing I say in a hard voice.

He narrows his eyes at me before glancing up at the ceiling with a muttered curse and shakes off Tey who was holding him back from attacking Dom like a wild animal. Logan turns his gaze to Tillie as she crouches on the stage, looking between all of us warily.

“Finish the song, baby girl. Afterwards, we need to have that talk, okay?” Logan says stiffly, grabbing her chin so she looks at him.

She closes her eyes as if in pain and nods her head before pulling away. I hate that look on her face. It makes my body tighten, having the urge to go find whoever hurt her and kill them. We are the only ones allowed to cause her suffering so at the end of the day, we can change that expression to one of pleasure.

I let out a grunt as Tey sits his tight, muscular ass on my thigh, distracting me, and places his unicorn on the table facing the stage. The sight causes me to smile until I quickly wipe it off my face when I notice Dom glancing at us with his head tilted.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” I say harshly, reaching slowly into my back pocket for my throwing stars.

I’ll end him for fucking judging us. Anything or anyone that wants to hurt Tey, I’ll make them stop breathing. It’s that simple

“You do you, man. Love is love.” Dom salutes me with his fingers and puts his digits in his mouth, whistling loudly in a catcall when Tillie starts flipping her hair while bouncing on the back of her heels.

The position causes Tey to moan and bite his fist before he looks back at me with a heated gaze. I take my hand away from my back pocket and decided to let Dom go from that very close call to death. The stories of his father and him… I think he was right at the rave. Maybe not all is as it seems. There’s more Dom knows but he’s holding his cards close. I can respect that but time is ticking because Tillie already got hurt in our care by Payne and I need to know who else might come for her so I can protect what’s mine. I’ll find the answers eventually with or without his support. It really is all Logan’s call but if he can protect those he cares about, he’ll do it. Case in point when Tillie was staying with Dalton for the week. I may not approve of his actions but I know why he did it. It’s going to backfire for him, maybe all of us when Tillie finds out about Paris.

“Nicholas, can you picture it? I’ve been wanting to paint her in blood, seeing all that skin soaking wet in red. I wonder how she’s going to feel when we take her together. It’s going to be a fucking tight fit having two cocks sliding in that pussy at the same time, but she can take it. I might need to record it, something to jerk off later to on lonely nights.” Tey talks really fast, his gaze not once moving from the stage until he hears me choking on absolutely nothing.

“Jesus, Tey. Not here… but tell me later in the car.” I keep my voice low, not looking at him but I want every filthy whispered word coming out of his mouth until my zipper bursts open from my hard as steel cock.

I could whip it out right now and use it as a weapon if need be. I’m so painfully hard that I can feel the vein pulsing with my heartbeat and the tip of my cock leaking with pre cum.

Tey chuckles darkly and stands up to disappear around the stage somewhere. To do what? I have no clue. You just never know with him.

“It’s about time, Nicky. Stop holding back, brother. It’s going to eat away at you and eventually you’ll have regrets. Screw everyone else. Jin can talk business but he can’t control who you love. If he interferes, we’ll take care of it,” Dalton says in a gravelly voice next to me and pats my shoulder before swearing under his breath and getting out of his seat.

I clear my throat, gripping the wood chair armrests, and try to control my breathing. Fuck. I love them like family, more than blood. He’s right, but being Jin’s son puts everyone close to me in danger. That’s the only reason I agreed with Logan about the Paris situation. It got both our fathers off our backs. The whole thing was done behind Tey and Dalton’s back. I can see this not ending up good for any of us but I still wouldn’t change anything.

“Tey! Get your ass off the stage! Put your goddamn shirt back on,” Dalton shouts from the side of the stage, laughing his ass off as Tey struts down the stage like a runway model without his shirt towards a giggling Tillie.

“Hey, muffin. You look so sexy. I know I promised to fuck you when you’re bleeding but I’m having a hard time not whipping out my cock and giving you all my cum right now. Do you think it will be a boy or girl?!” Tey asks excitedly just as the music ends, making his announcement really loud as the soundtrack dies off.

“Tey!” Tillie places her hands on her thick thighs, her shoulders shaking with her head bowed.

The laughter that comes out of her mouth sounds off, too loud until we all notice at the same time the tears silently tracking down her cheeks when she glances up under the purple lights.

“Who the fuck hurt you? I’ll cut off their hand and make them fuck their cock with the severed limb,” Tey says seriously, his body partially vibrating as he helps her off the floor and envelopes her in his arms.

“I need a drink. I–I can’t do this sober. It’s been a horrible day, more so than usual.” Tillie wipes at her tears, giving Tey a watery smile as she leans up to place a small kiss on his cheek then walks away behind the stage to put her clothes back on.

“What was that about?” Logan demands, his fists clenched and his gaze swinging towards me with a worried expression.

I shake my head. She doesn’t know about Paris. I think we’d see a lot more rage from her if that was the case. Something else, other than us, hurt her today.

“She was fine when I dropped her off at your house. You should know since you were there.” Dalton glares at Logan, folding his big arms over his chest.

“I was until Franco needed me at the station. I had to switch out more drugs. This is getting ridiculous. I was on my way back when you texted that she was at my house, I knew Franco wasn’t there. Diana was home but retired to her room, something about needing to rest.” Logan’s brows are furrowed, his voice angry and just as confused as the rest of us.

“Obviously, something did happen. She usually shrugs things off her shoulders, even after everything we’ve thrown at her. Instead, she comes to this trashy strip club to dance like she needed an escape. She’s crying, for fuck’s sake,” I interrupt them, pondering what could have happened to get her this upset.

“She wants a drink and I’m guessing she doesn’t want to go back to your place, Russo.” Dom gets to his feet, slinging his rifle strap so it rests against his back before turning to Dalton. “And I’m not letting her back in that club of yours until you up your security. Get some fucking cameras. I’ve watched you snuggle her in bed for days and you didn’t even know I was there,” Dom finishes with a disgusted shake of his head before glaring at all of us.

“What?!” Dalton yells in a booming voice, advancing towards Dom with a pissed off expression like he’s going to beat the shit out of him.

Two shows in one night. How did I get so lucky?

“Stop it!” Tillie screams loudly behind us, making us all turn towards her as she stands by the exit with her fists on her hips and, unfortunately, fully dressed.

That glare on her face makes me want to smack her ass all the more. As if he can read my thoughts, Tey glances at me with a wicked smirk. He knows my need for control and I would like nothing better than to have Tillie under my control until she’s begging for me to fuck her sweet pussy.

I love a good beggar. Kneeling with hopeful eyes staring up at me like I’m her God she’s praying to. I’ll answer all her prayers with the tip of my tongue on her skin and my cock buried deep inside of her.

“What the fuck do you suggest, Dom?” Logan sneers, walking towards Tillie and placing his body in front of her until she pushes him from behind and kicks the back of his knee.

Logan’s eyes widen as he stumbles slightly and he glances at Tillie as she walks around him to stand beside him instead of behind him. My lips twitch and her gaze flashes towards mine for a hot second with a smirk before it’s wiped from her face again.

“Can we please stop acting like children and just get along for at least a little while?” Tillie stares at all of us, meeting each of our gazes until she receives a small nod that we agree to behave.

“Baby girl…” Logan tries a different angle with her and I wish him Godspeed.

Never stand in the way of a woman when she sasses you like you’re beneath her. If she walks on water, you get the fuck out of her way before she decides to drown you and walks over your corpse.

“Don’t you baby girl me, Lo. Enough is enough. I’m done with all this bullshit. Either stand beside me or let me walk away. I’ve just had… I’m so tired. It never stops.” She looks away, blinking her eyes rapidly, and takes a deep breath.

“You’re not going anywhere. Don’t you know by now that we will follow you and set the world on fire until you’re back in our grasp? But if you want to leave, then I dare you to try,” Logan challenges with narrowed eyes and steps closer towards her, about to grab her until Dom clears his throat.

“My club is empty until tonight since it’s still early. You can get your drink there, mama. No one is going to rush you,” Dom declares, making it a threat as he swings his rifle around and unclips the safety while staring us all down, daring anyone to argue with him.

I think he would kill us all and take Tillie for himself but if he’s been stalking her then he knows that she may somewhat care for us. She may not trust us completely but there’s something there. If she didn’t want us in some manner, then she wouldn’t have cared that Dalton got stabbed or that Tey’s stuffed animal got decapitated. All of this is new for each of us and we are just kind of winging it as we go. She won’t ever be alone again, I’m here for the long wild ride that is Tillie. We’ve shown her that we aren’t good men, never will be, and have never promised to be… I think she accepts that because she hasn’t gone running for the hills.

“Ok–okay. Tha–that sounds nice,” she stutters at Dom, obviously scared to clear the air between us all. That’s fine because there will be no more secrets. It’s time she let us in to help her. She turns to Logan and grips his jacket sleeve, staring up at him with pleading eyes. “Please? For me? You at least can play nice. It’s time, Lo.”

Logan gazes down at her, his expression twisting in anger until it clears as he runs a hand through his hair.

“Fine. But she rides with me. We’ll follow you,” Logan announces and grabs Tillie’s wrist, heading outside before anyone can argue with him.

I don’t think anyone will. He’s acting like a territorial caveman right now, has been since Franco had his tongue shoved up in Tillie’s cunt. If Logan wasn’t like a brother, I would have already killed his father without blinking but timing is everything. Jin’s days are numbered too. Only a matter of time until I take over the triad and make some changes.

“I’ll ride with you.” Tey’s voice goes deeper, low with seduction and he has a crazed smile stretching across his plump lips as he grabs his unicorn.

I shake my head and follow after him, tapping Dalton’s knuckles before he walks over to his motorcycle. I never know what Tey is going to throw at me. Everything is still new to me, about coming out of this shell I’ve been hiding in the whole time we’ve been friends. I know it’s the same for Tey even though he’s more out there than me. He’s never afraid of anything. It just scares me that one day it’s all going to blow up in my face for loving him and he’ll get hurt. My mood darkens as I start the car and follow out behind Dalton.

“About what I said earlier. Can you picture it, Nicky, or am I the only one feeling something that really isn’t there?” Tey leans his seat back farther and turns his head towards me.

“It’s not that. I feel it all. You. Tillie. I’m just having a hard time. I can’t let anything hurt you guys,” I confess quietly in the silence of the car.

I’m supposed to be the quiet one of our group, lock everything up inside until I’m choking on it, and do anything to keep my family safe.

Tey doesn’t say anything but I can feel his gaze on me as I stare straight ahead while driving. The leather seats creak as he shifts in his seat and his strong grip on my thigh makes me jump a little.

“You trust me?” he asks, his eerie, light blue eyes staring hard into mine when I take a second to glance over at him.

“With my life,” I reply back easily before looking back out the window.

“Good. Don’t take your eyes off the road and just feel okay?” Tey leans over the console and skims his nose along my neck with a deep inhale.

I swallow thickly and give him a small nod as my head leans over to give him more space. My eyes are on the road but it’s almost like I don’t even see it. All my focus is on Tey.

The cold brush of his lip ring glides partially over my collarbone as he sucks softly at my neck before biting down hard enough to bruise my pounding pulse. His fingers squeeze my thigh before letting go and gliding towards the button and zipper of my slacks. My breath quickens and my eyes glance down for a second before he bites my neck harder. My gaze snaps back to the road with a curse, my chest expanding on a deep inhale as I try to relax.

“Enjoy this, Nicholas. This is always for you and only you. I don’t have a need to touch another man. It’s always just going to be the three of us,” he whispers along my neck, his pierced tongue sliding up to my earlobe with a long lick that makes me shudder.

The sound of my zipper lowering is loud to my own ear, and my stomach clenches as his fingertips graze my abs and he unsnaps my pants button. The car jerks before I’m able to straighten the wheel as his long fingers wrap around my hard length, pulling me out. His dark chuckle makes me groan, vibrating on my skin and making me feel hot as he moves his hand slowly up and down my cock. I quickly look over at him when he moves away from my neck and his heated gaze doesn’t waver from mine as he leans his head back on the headrest with a lazy smile.

“You like that?” he asks and I can only nod as I try not to crash the car. “Then you’re going to love this.” He gives that small warning before his hand disappears and is back before I can ask him what he means.

I grunt deeply in my throat and grip the steering wheel even tighter until my knuckles are white. The feeling of his wet hand as he jerks his fist up and down has me peeking down to see his bright red blood smearing down the whole length of my cock. He grins devilishly as I glance up quickly to look at him, seeing him putting his knife away after cutting his palm. The feel of his fingers gripping me tightly, moving faster and faster up and down has me close to the edge in a matter of seconds. My gaze flicks back to the road, trying not to crash as he gives me a hand job.

“I can’t wait to feel my cock sliding through Tillie’s juicy cunt right alongside yours. It’s going to be so tight and wet, she’s going to be screaming our names out in a prayer for more.” Tey moans deeply in his throat with approval as my cock pulses, imagining exactly that.

The feeling of her walls squeezing us at the same time will be pure heaven with Tey’s thick cock sliding smoothly and soaking wet against mine.

“Fuck. Fuck, Tey. Do that again. Squeeze me harder,” I grind out through my teeth with a hiss of intense pleasure as he twists his wrist and squeezes around the tip of my cock.

“Look at that.” Tey’s breathing comes out hard the faster he jerks me off. “My blood, your big cock weeping… you’re close to coming, aren’t you?” He chuckles when I moan in fucking need after taking my eyes off the road to glance back down at my lap.

He’s right. The sight of his blood smeared down my length, covering half of my tattoo, of the dragon’s tail, has the tip of my cock leaking pre cum in white drips that slide down to mix with his blood. My thigh muscles tense and my hips come off the seat as I hiss between my teeth. Ribbons of cum shoot up from my pulsing cock, covering Tey’s hand and my stomach until I’m completely drained. I lean my head back on the headrest, breathing heavily as I try to focus on the road and not kill us.

“You made this mess, now lick it clean.” I gesture towards my lap.

It will be worth the torture when I’m fucking him and Tillie into the mattress.

I don’t look but I hear the sound of the leather seat crinkling as he leans over my lap and I feel his hot breath on my abs before the first sweep of his tongue. He licks me slowly with a pleased hum, teasing me as my stomach clenches each time I feel his tongue piercing. I just came but I’m still so fucking hard. My whole body seizes up, my foot slipping on the gas pedal as he suddenly takes my cock between his plump lips and moves all the way down to the base of my dick. He hums around my cock, his nose skimming along my pelvic bone and making goosebumps spread over my whole body. I grunt as he slides his mouth back up my length at a leisurely pace that almost has me driving us off the road until I straighten the wheel. He cleans the last of my cum off the tip of my cock with one swipe of his tongue before sitting back in his seat with a dark chuckle as I glance down angrily at my hard cock wrapped in his fist once more. I could probably punch through a wall alone with just my dick, that’s how hard it is. It’s red, almost angry looking, and bouncing on my stomach with a slap as he lets go of me.

“Fuck me. That was hot, Nicholas. I’m wondering if I should save all of your cum to shove up our girl’s sweet cunt? Maybe we’ll have little Nicky’s swimmers doing its job and I’ll have her barefoot in the kitchen, or torture room, and pregnant in no time.” My lips twitch with a barely there smile as I catch my breath with a deep inhale. When I stop at a red light, I glance over at him and see him licking the palm of his hand until only two fingers remain coated with my cum and his blood.

He really is twisted inside his head but I wouldn’t have him any other way.

“I’m pretty sure she would kill you if you put a child in her. Now, put my cock away, and don’t think I won’t forget this. If anyone’s in charge here, Tey, it’s me. You’ll have your punishment when you least expect it,” I warn him, already thinking about tying him to the bed with Japanese bondage ropes but shake my head to clear the image away as we pull into a parking lot behind the rest of the guys.

“I’ll hold you to that. I didn’t know Dom owned this club. Lo and I were here about two months ago before we got rid of that evidence at the precinct.” Tey gestures towards the building in front of us and gets out of the car with a smirk as he glances around for Tillie.

You wouldn’t think Diablo was a nightclub during the day with its simple, black brick building and empty parking lot right downtown.

“Peaches. Come here for a second.” Tey crooks his two fingers covered in my cum and we watch Tillie sway her sassy ass towards us.

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