Mates Conquer Everything, Right?

Chapter 28 Planning a plan

Standing up forgetting the pain in my feet, I start to pace.

‘Who does he thinks that he is? He can’t deny our bond!’ I scream.

Igétas rushes to my side and holds me without speaking. ‘Shh,’ calm down sweetheart. We will find a way.’ He says after a couple of minutes. I think that only his smell itself is calming me down.

‘My brother knows that mates need to bond quickly or the wolves go insane. I think that is his strategy for now.’ His voice calms me down. But if I start to think about that ‘’flea ball’’ getting in my way, I just want to confront him.

My heartbeat picks up and Igétas is holding me tightly.

‘Your brother wants you to remain Beta? Does he not want what is best for the Pack?’ I ask confused.

‘My brother wants the same thing every dominant wolf wants and that is power. Like I told you, we decided that he should be Alpha because of his strength years ago. We never had a conversation about stepping down. I think he thought I wouldn’t find my mate.’

Igétas moves us back to the sofa. He sets me down and unties my shoes. He starts rubbing them and gently giving me a massage.

‘O, that is so nice.’ I say and hold back a moan.

‘So, why did your brother think you didn’t find a mate?’ The feeling of his skin to mine makes my skin tingly.

He gives me a sad smile and starts rubbing my left foot. ‘He is in control and gives me tasks I can’t get out of. Most of the time I stay on pack ground. Sometimes I am lucky and go to the store close by. He didn’t invite me to Pack meetings with other Packs close by. Since it was clear my mate wasn’t a Pack member, he…’ I cut him off. ‘He made it impossible for you to find me.’

He nods and his face holds love, so much love. ‘I found you.’

‘Yes, you did. Slamming me to the ground.’ I chuckle and he holds my foot tight.

‘I am so sorry, that was not how our first interaction should have gone.’ His seriousness makes me smile. ‘Don’t worry, it is better now, right?’

He nods, ’Still, it isn’t a nice story to tell people.’ I frown at his statement. ‘Not a nice story? Look at me, Iggy. I am sucked into a fairytale. My partner is a werewolf and I fought with one bad guy. I would say, being tackled to the ground by a mate was the best thing that could have happened to me.’

He opens his mouth and closes it fast. Then opens it again. I thought he would feel sorry for me or say that I have nothing to worry about now. But his face is lighting up and he asks: ‘Iggy?’

‘Eh, yeah,’ I stare at my fingers. ‘I won’t call you that again if you don’t like it.’ He grabs my hands and I stare at his beautiful green eyes.

‘I like it.’ He says and kisses my hands, making the electric nice shocks throw my body.

He is pampering me by massaging my calves, speaking lovely words, and giving me more tea.

‘I can get used to this.’ I hear myself say.

‘Good, because that is the plan.’

‘Speaking about plans.’ I sigh, ‘What now? How to proceed?’

‘Well. First, we need to get your stuff from Joe and move you in the Packhouse.’ I look around at his room. ‘Do you want me to move into your room?’ He looks pained.

‘Don’t take this the wrong way, but we should have different rooms.’

‘Because of Vasil?’ I ask and he chuckles. ‘You think you don’t have problems with containing yourself? Just a couple of minutes ago you wanted to confront Tharros.’ It is like he could read my mind.

I shake my head. ‘You are probably right, I have no idea how I will react. I am a bit messed up.’

‘Don’t say that. It is the mate bond. You are always welcome in my home.’

‘But sleeping in the same space isn’t wise?’ He nods at my question.

‘Where will my room be located?’ I ask and he is rubbing his neck.

‘The Alpha appoints rooms.’ I growl at his statement. ‘So my room will be the farthest away from your room?’ He doesn’t need to answer, I know it is the truth.

‘So moving in is step one. What is the next step?’

‘You are going to call your parents and ask them about your luna-courage.’ He stands up and clears the table. ‘What? They don’t know about werewolves! How should I even bring up the subject?’ I yell to him, not feeling it to rush after him.

He screams back to me: ‘You don’t have to scream I hear you, even if you whisper.’

He returns to me and tills up my legs to make room for him. ‘Just try it okay? We need answers.’ I nod and know he is right. That doesn’t mean I look forward to asking my mother if she cheated on my father or something like that.

‘And step 3?’

‘Well, I know your education is important to you. But how would you feel if you don’t go every day to school?’

I squint my eyes. ’Should that be step 3? Because I don’t know about that. Explain yourself Beta.’ I am crossing my arms and he sighs.

‘Well, it is difficult to protect you off the Pack ground.’

‘I have Ethan and Logan following me.’ He nods. ‘But they are young wolves, if there is a real danger they can’t protect you.’

‘I am close to finishing up. I am not starting to home school myself now.’

I see that he tries to think about something to change my mind. I almost see the wheels turning. I sigh, ‘How about we talk about this later? Maybe you can think of a better way to secure my safety?’

‘Alright, now step 4. We need to have a way in by Tharros. If we don’t know how to tame his crazy ideas, Vasil will go mad. And if he loses control, he can harm you, Violet. Then Tharros have a reason to finally send me away.’

‘Wait, you can kick you out of the Pack?’

He nods. ‘Will he ban you from your own Pack?’

‘I don’t think it comes to that. I will challenge him for the position of Alpha, and I will win.’ He says it with so much confidents I am taking back a little.

‘Okay, but what can be our way in?’

He smiles and points between us. ‘I am yours and you are mine.’ I nod but I don’t know what he is saying.

‘Jolanda, is our way in.’

‘Is that the nice Luna?’ He tells me yes and I see his point.

‘At breakfast we talked about the run and she made him reduce the distance.’

He smiles and his eyes become milky.

Igétas sets my feet on the floor and in a second he is at his door.

‘Emergency meeting, just don’t go anywhere okay?’ He doesn’t move until I agree.

‘Use my phone to call your parents, if you want to that is.’ He is so adorable if he tries to be not to command me. I nod again and he gone.

So Jolanda is our way in to have some grip on the Tharros situation? I need to make her my friend. Still I don’t know you to proceed after step 4. Maybe find some allies? There are still somethings to discuss. But first I need to do something I was dreading to do.

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