Mated to the Alpha Knight

Chapter 9. Touch

Gasping as I sat up in my bed, heat buckled into my body intensely as sweat ran down the side of my head, I tore the blankets off of me quickly; both my breathing and heart racing. Pain thunder- bolted through my body as I peeled open my eyes.

1:19 am.

Fuck, what is wron- "Oww," I seethed, trying to sit up. My light purple blankets pooling around my now sweaty legs, waves of heat like fire rushed through me quickly.

Taking a deep breath in hopes to ease the pain, I stood and walked over to my window -hoping to let the frozen November air in- with my arms hugging my stomach; each foot step seemed heavier than the last. Sorely, I removed one arm from my stomach and reached up to unlatch my window when the pain intensified so harshly, my body collapsed to the floor. Tears started to pool in my eyes as I rested up against my lilac colored wall in the darkness of the night.

"Celeste," Emrys? "Are yo- fuck," He rushed to my side and pulled me into his lap, his touch easing the pain immensely with every spark.

"Rhys?" A small whimper. "What's-" Another deep breath. "What's wrong with me?"

Before he opened his mouth to speak, I knew the answer.

"You're going into heat, even without hearing you fall I sensed it," Picking me up bridal style, he held me against his naked chest and brought me to his room, laying me down softly on his bed. My wolf purred at being immersed into his scent.

A sudden overwhelming emotion took over my body, like someone else drove my brain while I sat in the back, unable to do anything.

Finding myself smirking to Emrys, I brushed my fingertips over his naked and chiseled chest, allowing my nails to slightly scratch him; goosebumps erupted all over his body, the silver in his eyes trying to show -his wolf trying to show-, but he shook his head.

"This is just your wolf acting out," Emrys' voice grew rough and I just hummed in response, my fingertips reaching his sweatpants hemline. Reluctantly, he pushed my hands away, earning a small whine from me -or my wolf-, and took a step back from the bed. "Stay here, I'm going to run some cold water for you,"

As Emrys walked to his connecting, I couldn't help but admire the way the muscles in his tattooed back were so defined; even though his room was only lit by a small lamp that sat upon his desk, I was in awe. He was so breathtaking, even now with his bedhead mess of black hair, tired eyes, and rough voice, nothing could be sexier; he’s my mate and oh my God, I want to be mated.

Sneaking off of his bed, I tiptoed next to him as he sat on the bathtub rim.

"Emrys," I whispered into his ear, the sound of rushing water from the tub filled the room, and he jumped slightly.

"Jesus, Celeste,"

"Emrys," I repeated, my hands touching his shoulders.

"Celeste," Emrys quickly turned around and stood, taking my wrists into his hands, he sighed. Those stormy grey eyes trying to still turn silver, his wolf instincts trying to take a hold of him, but he wouldn't let them; the normal part of myself was glad he knew it was just my wolf, though a small part of me grew sad - did he not want me... Fuck! This whole situation is fucked up.

"You- I-" He sighed deeply, finding my blue eyes and studying them for a moment. "We both don't want to mate, unless we are both willing too.”

"You don't want me?"

"No, no!" Worry flashed through his eyes as he ran a hand through his black hair, a few strands sticking up in its wake. "I do, I want you- Need you so bad, but baby," The name sent shivers through my body as I leaned into his touch; not knowing who it affected more, me or my wolf. "If you are not ready, and this is just your wolf acting out because of the heat, I don't want to take something that you, Celeste, are not willing to give.”

My heart fluttered against the heat.

"So let's just,” Taking a deep breath, Emrys turned back around and shut the water off before meeting my eyes once more. "Let's just get you cooled down,"

I nodded shyly.

Still clad in his sweatpants, Emrys stepped into the water and helped me step into the water as well, then as he sat down, he pulled me against his chest. My back hit his chest with ease as he lowered both of us into the cold water, instantly relief rushed through me, the water seeping through my own clothes; I sat upon his lap in silence. Both of us deep in thought, or maybe we were secretly just reveling in each other's touch, seemed content enough.

"Are you okay?" I broke the long minutes of silence with a whisper, cold water dancing through my fingers. Thoughts of what I had heard earlier crossed my mind, my father and his fight not making sense.

Emrys waited a moment to respond. "Me? I should be asking you that... But yeah, I'm fine," Tiredness, a small lacing of sadness, and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on was thick in his voice. Taking a risk, I leaned back into him, allowing the sparks and dying heat to replace my being; one of his arms slowly, as if he was second guessing himself, wrapped itself around my waist. "I've always hated when you lie," A small smile kissed my lips as I thought back to our childhood, all the pity fights and eye-rolling disputes.

"And I hate your stubbornness,” I could almost feel his smirk.

The rest of the time, we sat in silence and before I got too cold, Emrys helped me out of the tub and handed me one of his hoodies, he allowed me to change in complete loneliness. Since both of us knew my heat would continue, we agreed to sleep in my bed under the condition Emrys would leave before sunrise; it was the best sleep I had gotten in ages.

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