Mated to the Alpha Knight

Chapter 11. Phone Call

*Emrys' POV*

"Your father is very unhappy,” My best friend, Laker, spoke through the phone that I clutched in my hand as I ran a hand through my black locks, praying that my breathtaking mate was still fast asleep upstairs. "I guess James called him, detailing him about your fight,"

Great, so James called my dad last night... Wonderful.

"Fight?" I scoffed, the pen in my hand turning my knuckles white as I held it with too much force, my notes scribbled in red ink scattered upon the kitchen island. "Hardly... We were talking and that prick thinks he rules me or something, James should know -if anything- I have control over him and this pack of ants.”

Being future Alpha Knight sure did have many perks from it's paycheck that could take care of an eight member family alone and comfortably to being known around the palace in Star City, but I had to admit that one of my favourite parts about my job had to be the power. I was not one to throw my job or position in someone's face, but when it came to James, I loved seeing that bastard squirm. He tried to rule me with an iron fist when he took me in as a child, though he failed to realize that job was filled by my psycho father.

Laker laughed loudly. "Speaking of,” He asked as his laughter started to die down. "When are you coming back home, man? I thought once Celeste turned sixteen-"

Home... Pft, I haven't had a home in a long while; the closest thing I had to a home was now asleep in my bed upstairs; Goddess she is more than perfect. Celeste is flawlessly alluring.

"I know, I know... That was the plan but now James doesn't want her to move until she's eighteen, saying that she's too immature now to make a decision like that and fears she'll drop out of school if we move,"

"As if," Laker retorted. "She's like, really smart! I mean have you seen some of her poetry? Ostana showed me some and holy shit, I'm just blown away,"

Smiling as pride of my mate rushed through me, I finally stopped writing in my notes and capped my pen. "She's brilliant, Lake.”

"Wait, does she know anything yet about what's happening?”

"Not a clue,” I huffed and rested my cheek in my hand, eyes searching the kitchen for something, anything that was relatively interesting. Linda's kitchen consists of light pinks and greys, fitting her sort of odd personality; she was one of my favourite people though. Always kind and never afraid to be honest. "She still thinks I'm her brother,”

"Kinky," Laker chuckled; picturing his world class famous smirk, I rolled my eyes. “I bet that makes everything hotter,”

"Hardly, she thinks kissing me is some sin! I mean, you don't even understand, I've waited basically my whole life, protecting her, and loving her, and now she's scared to look at me because she still thinks we're related! Linda thinks I should let everything out in open, which I agree with, but James... I'm ready to kill him,” An involuntary grow! escaped my lips, vibrating through my body, and I clenched my fingers into a fist trying to calm my anger.

"Steady now, Alpha. Your mate would probably hate you if you killed daddy dearest,”

Humming in response, I stood and walked over to the kitchen window; a crow landed on the snow covered grass and cawed loudly. "Future Alpha," I corrected and watched the bird as it hopped around, looking for food.

"Future Alpha Knight," Laker corrected me, a sarcastic yet proud wave to his voice. Laker and I had been friends for, well, ever; so long ago we had met that neither one of us remembered the exact moment we had first seen each other since we were so young. Laker was and still is a loud mouth, getting into drunken fights for no other reason than that of existing, and him being mated to Celeste’s annoying, yet protective friend Ostana was just frosting on the cake. I had already picked them both up from a late midnight stroll through a park nearby, both saying it was too hot for clothes- It's just been a whirlwind.

"How come, in all of my training, I was never prepared to deal with a father? I have horrible experiences with my birth father and my mates father,”

"I know dude," Laker sighed. "Daddy issues are a bitch,”

That they are.

When I returned to the house after letting my wolf out for a while, I rushed to take a shower and change into some sweats before admiring Celeste’s starlight blonde hair cascading down her shoulders that were still covered up by my hoodie, I gently pulled a few strands behind her ear, letting her freckles that reminded me of stars to show beautifully; her lips tweaked upwards slightly at my touch.

It felt more than joyous for her to react positively to my touch, even if it was only in her sleep, but after our little heart to heart the night she first went into heat, Celeste has quickly started to come to terms that I am her mate. Was it odd that she thought I was actually related to her? Goddess yes. Would she overcome it? I'm sure of it...

Celeste is smart, always has been, and now she just needs the right pieces to put the puzzle together - who am I to not help her along the way?

I kissed her soft, porchlen cheek. A soft rosy blush ventured through her cheek like a dance, making my heart skip a beat.

How long have I waited for her to be in my arms? How long would I have to wait for her to accept me?

My face pulled together at the thought - how dare James teach my innocent mate that I am her brother, of all things, and in reality know the truth of me. I should have the King condemn the bastard.

Knowing I could never do that, I wrapped my arm around my mates small waist, enjoying how she involuntarily snuggled into me; her back against my chest. Breathing in her refreshing scent of soft night jasmine and an underlying trace of rose drifted me into a gentle sleep.

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