Mated to the Alpha Knight

Chapter 15. Closer

Emrys was right.

Ostana and Laker were quite busy as they had been for hours now; a small alarm clock glowed its blue numbers harshly into the overall dark room, 1:01. Sighing, I turned onto my side and tried to drown out the sounds that came from two floors up, my thoughts drifting back to what they now seemed to long for all the time - Emrys. It made sense he is not my brother, thank Goddess above, but that still left such a mystery to me; who is he? Where is he from? Why did he grow up with me? And the one question that seemed to bother me the most, why did my parents lie to me?

Plus it didn't help that my body was starting to feel like it was catching on fire again... Stupid werewolf heat.

As the couple started another round, and since I stupidly agreed to watch the horror movie from earlier, sleep was desolate even though my eyes were heavy and mind clouded. Taking my phone, turning on the flashlight, and tiptoeing down the hall I knocked softly against the white door.

Not a minute more, Emrys opened up the door with a sleepy smile. “Couldn't sleep?”

Rolling my eyes and shaking my head no, he allowed me to enter and I pointed to the desk with a small lamp on after turning off my phone's light. “You neither,”

“Nope,” He popped the “p’ and shut the door behind me, my mind instantly relaxing with him near me. “Aren't you glad you didn’t take a room on the third or fourth floor,” Emrys chuckled as I sat down on his bed, his eyes watching me closely as I moved his untouched dark grey covers over my bare legs, and rested my chin in my palm.

“Very glad... At this point, I'm ready to sleep outside next to the hobo's,”

"Well, I can't have my mate catching a cold,” Emrys chuckled as he sat down next to me on the bed, his scent blessing my nose, and his nearness chasing away both the heat and thoughts of the horror movie. Smiling, I looked to his pink lips and noticed just how soft they looked; a small scar etched above his lip seemed new. “Kiss me,” A whisper.

Leaning in, allowing time to dance between us shortly, I touched my lips to his and shivers fell down my spine as those addicting sparks crossed over my body; why did I ever push this - Him away? How could I now?

Emrys slid his tongue over my lips, asking for entrance, which I could never deny him and as he deepened the kiss, Emrys gently pushed me back against the pillows; his strong body hovering over mine, one hand holding himself up while his other cupped my chin. Every corner of my mouth was explored by his slow moving tongue and I found myself locking my arms around his neck, pulling him closer and begging for him to make the kiss deeper and deeper; a small moan involuntary left my mouth only to be silenced by his. Emrys’ hand that cupped my chin gripped my waist not a second more after I moaned, and with a small whine of protest from me, he pulled away only to remove his shirt and his hands clasping on to my hips with a grip.

“Tell me when to stop,” Emrys’ voice grew huskier with each word as he kissed me deeply again before moving his lips to my jaw and down my throat; our breathing heavy. Weaving my fingers through his hair and closing my eyes, my hips bucked upwards as Emrys found the sweet spot on my neck - the spot where his mark would be left. “Celeste,”

A warning - if we don't stop here, we may not stop.

“Please,” I whispered and bucked my hips upwards again, this time letting myself graze his already tented sweatpants; my fingers pulling on his soft hair as he sucked on the sweet spot. One of his hands trailed up from my hips, diving below his hoodie I wore, and up the hand slide before his fingers brushed over the bottom of my breast. Emrys lifted his head up as I opened my eyes, my body growing hot not from heat but from lust; I knew he could smell my lust, any mate could smell their own mates lust - his a deeper scent of rain.

"We don't have too if you don't want to,” He left his fingers to brush my breast as I smiled uptowards him, loving how the silver in his eyes appeared when he wanted me.

I kissed him in an answer, tired of the games and hating how I had pushed him away. Emrys hand took the opportunity to cup my breast, kneading it with great care as his other hand still latched onto my hip, so to return the favor, I let my hands start to pull at his sweatpant hemline. Emrys obliged and ripped them off, discarding them somewhere on the floor before looking at my -his- hoodie; biting my lip, I started to take it off.

Never had I been this vulnerable in front of any boy, Jackson included. Yet here I was, now almost completely naked just to have my mate drink my body in like I was water to his thousand year drought; shyly I tried to cover my breasts, knowing one was not as even to the other, when Emrys stopped me.

“Don’t,” That rough, raw voice could've made me moan on my own. “Don’t ever hide yourself, Celeste,” Those stormy silver eyes met mine, an emotion I never knew the name of but always felt glimmered, and I reached up to kiss him; my arms linking around his neck again. “You're so goddamn beautiful,” Heat rose to my already red cheeks when he spoke, his lips attacking my neck and he lowered his boxer covered self down, rubbing against my covered front.

Rocking my hips up and matching his movements, my eyes could've rolled back into my head as the amount of pleasure skyrocketed, sparks covering my entire being. A small whinny moan escaped my lips as his member brushed up a specific spot, and it didn't help when Emrys tore -literally tore- away my underwear and threw them to the ground as a primal like growl emitted from him.

"When I-" He was breathless as he let his covered member rock back and forth, pleasure emitting so intensely I almost could not even understand the words, my hands gripped his hair from their place atop his neck. “Mark you,”

"Emrys,” I moaned, breathing becoming heavier and heavier, movements faster and faster. My toes curled.

“Everyone is this damn city will hear you scream my name,” Emrys promised as he took one his hands and clutched the beds headboard, sending me and him over the edge at the same time with last, final stroke; my own body becoming a pool beneath him, my legs spazzing out, and as Emrys flopped down next to me with only our heavy breathing filling the room, I smiled.

No matter what, Emrys will always be my mate.

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